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A Lesson in Passion

Page 20

by Jennifer Connors

  Ian finally spoke. His voice, barely above a whisper, was full of contempt, “Broderick, ya willnae ever call my wife a whore again.” Ian turned abruptly and called for his horse. “Alec, ya will join me to speak to the lairds.”

  The MacDonald laird and his MacGregor counterpart came over to see what had happened. Ian explained what his wife had done and told them they could join him. All four men mounted their horses and rode to the center of the field. Ian and the others did not see any reason to remove their weapons and this was not lost on Sinclair and MacBain.

  “My wife says ya want to talk to me. Well, now is yar only chance,” Ian sounded bored.

  The Sinclair laird, a man named Bram, took the opportunity to plead his case. He explained that his father had convinced them of some long forgotten McKenna treachery. Bram gave the details his father had told the clan and how he had whipped them into a frenzy of revenge.

  Bram and the clan were told they only meant to steal Aileana, and return her for a hefty ransom. It was his father who sold her to the lowlanders. Bram admitted that he knew of it right after the fact, but did not inform the McKenna of where she was, saving them time in finding her.

  At this information, Alec's cheek twitched, as if he were biting back his anger. Bram knew that this would probably mean his own death, even told them that, but he would not let his clan suffer for his stupidity or his father's madness. At that, Bram turned to the MacBain laird and said, “I release ya and yar clan. I willnae have ya fight on our behalf.”

  The MacBain laird turned on his horse and rode off, summoning his clan to follow. The Sinclairs, seeing their own allies leaving, looked scared. Then, surprising everyone, Bram got off his horse and told Ian that he would happily give his life for the lives of his clan.

  Ian remained silent during Bram's explanation. Taking a deep breath, and thinking he had one big apology to give Ginny, he looked down at the Sinclair. “I believe you have been honest with me. I canna decide yar fate. I leave that to my brother, since it was his wife who suffered. I willnae let my clan, or my allies, fight ya.” Then, turning to the MacDonald and the MacGregor, he said, “I release ya as well. Go home and take care. I thank ya for yar service.” And without another word, the two lairds left and took their men with them. At the sight, the McKennas didn't look scared, they look surprised.

  Alec dismounted and came to stand in front of Bram. Anger, regret, pure unadulterated hate all stirred up his bloodlust. This man had allowed his beautiful wife to suffer weeks of pain and humiliation, just to hide the fact that his father had gone mad. He lashed out so quickly that even Ian was shocked. Bram went flying and landed on his back.

  The Sinclair clan ran forward, prepared to defend their laird. This caused the McKennas to run across the field to defend their laird. Before either side could reach the other, the Sinclair ran towards his clan with his hands up to stop them. Bram realized that it might be too late.

  * * *

  Ginny retreated to the same room she had shared with Ian. Without lighting a candle, she entered the dark room and laid down on the straw mattress. She pulled the blanket up to her chin, rolled into the fetal position and laid there, not thinking. As it often does, the mind begins to ask questions, subjects that tend to be too painful to otherwise consider. Does he still love me? Is he fighting them, right now, killing innocent people over the madness of one man? Will he really leave me here? Did I fall in love with him?

  Ginny began to think about her life so far, the men she'd dated and dismissed. She didn't regret dumping them or being dumped by them, rather that she hadn't found one man who could turn her knees weak and make her giddy in expectation. That is, until now. The cruel hard truth was that after so many years of the dating game, she finally found someone she thought she could spend the rest of her life with, in a body not her own and a time so unfamiliar.

  Now what? Should she go out there, confront Ian and let him know that she had no intention of letting him leave her? Did she have those kind of choices? Over the past months, Ginny was forced to confront that there were certain limitations for women in this time period. Some things she could overcome, but some were insurmountable. It wasn't like she was asking to perform brain surgery on the space shuttle, she only wanted to be able to travel to her new home without getting lost or accosted. There was so much to learn, but isn't that what a lifetime with someone was for?

  Ginny let herself slip away. Lacking in food and sleep, her body had had enough. Not to mention the emotional roller coaster she'd been on for days. She would know soon enough what Ian had decided to do. God knew that she was not brave enough to face it yet. So, she let herself slip away into the void of sleep. Her troubles could wait until later.

  * Chapter 26 *

  The Sinclairs were in a frenzy, but were cut short when they saw that the McKennas had stopped their approach. Ian simply held up his hand and the soldiers stopped and waited for orders. Bram turned to see what had changed and was amazed at the discipline of the McKennas. Seizing his opportunity, Bram screamed to his men, “Nay, ya willnae fight them. I take responsibility for my father's actions. Ya willnae pay for his sins, only I can do that.”

  A Sinclair soldier, presumably the first in command, yelled back, “What if they kill ya? Who will lead our clan?”

  Bram looked forlorn, but spoke assuredly, like a true leader. “Ya will take my place, Ewan. The clan will survive. Ya will keep the Sinclairs strong.” The laird began to turn around, to go back and take his punishment for his indifference. Suddenly, he ran to his commander and spoke in his ear.

  Ian watched the laird with great interest, especially when he turned and pointed to the abbey. It looked as if Bram were trying to elicit an agreement from the commander. The commander looked confused, then tentatively agreed to whatever the the laird was asking. When satisfied, Bram turned and walked back to Alec, to receive whatever punishment Alec deemed necessary.

  After hearing the exchange, Alec's anger dissipated. He stared at the Sinclair laird, knowing he couldn't just beat on him while he refused to defend himself. Where was the honor in that? Hearing him take full responsibility had also taken the wind from Alec's sails. But part of him still nagged... what about Aileana? What about justice for what she had endured for weeks, because of this man?

  “Ya will fight me. Ya willnae just stand there and take it. If I dinna think ya trying, I will kill ya outright. Aye?” Alec needed to do something for Aileana, but couldn't kill a defenseless man.

  “Aye,” Bram replied, understanding.

  Alec took off his sword. He had no intention of making this an unfair fight. Both men began to circle around each other, eyeing one another closely to see if the other would make the first move. Ian had the horses removed and stood a fair distance from the fighting men. He would not interfere, only watch his brother's back in case one of the Sinclairs decided to get involved.

  The first punch came from Alec, but Bram was prepared and dodged it easily. A smile came across Alec's face. It had been a test, to see if the other man would truly defend himself or continue to allow himself to be beaten. The dance continued, with neither man making a move, simply assessing each other's strengths and weaknesses.

  Finally, Bram ran toward Alec, catching him in the middle and knocking him to the ground. Alec rolled him over and was on his feet in seconds. Bram was still getting up when Alec kicked him off his feet again. Rolling quickly to the side, Bram gained his feet. No sooner did he stand again, Alec was there with a vicious punch to the jaw. Before he could connect the fist to Bram's face, Bram was able to turn slightly, catching the worst of the back of his neck.

  Since Alec wasn't able to make full contact, it gave Bram time to turn on his heel and bring his elbow into Alec's chest. With the wind knocked out of him, Alec went down for a moment, but was up again quickly, a little more leery of the other man's abilities.

  And so it went, each man getting in his punches, each man hitting the ground. Alec's right eye was swollen and Bram
's left cheek was bleeding. Both men suffered several bruises, cuts and possible broken ribs. When finally, Alec rammed Bram into the ground, neither man got up for several minutes.

  Ian walked over to the men, as did the Sinclair commander. Alec finally got up, limping slightly and looking much worse for the wear. Without getting off the ground, Bram looked up, not quite able to focus and asked, “Are we done?”

  “Aye, we are done. I dinna expect to ever see ya again. Aye?”

  “Aye,” was all Bram said, eliciting the help of his commander with getting off the ground.

  As the commander began to half walk, half carry the laird away, Ian spoke. “What promise did ya ask of your commander before the fight?”

  Bram turned slowly, wincing at the pain. He wasn't sure he wanted to tell the McKenna, since it meant he might get beaten on some more. However, it seemed that Bram needed information as well, to determine if he needed to keep his promise to the McKenna's wife.

  “I told yar wife she could come and live with the Sinclairs if ya wouldnae take her back.” Bram kept his eyes on Ian, noting the stiffening of his shoulders and hard line of his jaw. “Should I collect her now, or will it no' be necessary?”

  Ian's eyes turned to angry slits as he answered the Sinclair's question in his most menacing voice, “It will no' be necessary. And ya shouldnae ever speak to my wife again. Aye?”

  “Aye. I am glad ya came to yar senses. She is a brave lass, and quite bonny at that. Ya would be a fool to let her go,” Bram said. The commander continued on, helping the laird onto his horse. The Sinclairs slowly left the field, returning to their lives.

  Alec stood on his own until the Sinclair laird was out of sight. Then he leaned heavily on his brother, trying not to vomit. Without a word, Ian helped Alec mount his horse. Then he mounted his own horse and rode with Alec back to the abbey. He wanted Ginny to look over his brother before he rode back to McKenna land.

  He gave orders to his men, keeping five with him for the journey back, and sending the rest home. Broderick, who was clearly still angry with Ginny, was told to go home and bring his new bride with him.

  “What will ya do with her?” he asked, knowing full well that his Laird was likely to look past this huge transgression.

  Pulling his commander aside, he said, “I will take her home.”

  Lowering his head, Broderick only nodded and turned to leave.

  “What would ya have me do, Broderick. Banish her?”

  “Aye. My wife stood by me. She understood what needed to be done. What will yar wife do next time? Will she betray ya again?” Broderick's face was red with rage. If given the chance, he knew he would do Ginny harm. What she did, in his estimation, was unforgivable, and she deserved nothing less.

  “She did what she did to save us. She risked her own life to keep us from battle. She found out the reason behind the revenge and made the only person responsible pay, instead of asking those who were innocent, or their families, to pay. She is no' like us, Broderick...” at that, Broderick snorted his agreement, but Ian continued. “Nay, she is no' like us. She is better. She understands more, she has seen more, and she wants to do good.”

  “I dinna think I can live with her.”

  Ian was incredulous. Lose his commander and best friend? Impossible. He had to find a way to make it work, because Ginny would be coming home with him.

  “Get yar wife home and make her safe. I will be home tomorrow and we will talk then. Dinna do anything rash, dear friend. Please.”

  Broderick heard the desperation in his Laird's voice. “I will see ya soon, then.”

  “Aye.” And with that, Ian turned toward the abbey with his brother in tow.

  * Chapter 27 *

  Ian opened the wrought iron gate and half carried his brother into the great hall of the abbey. Brother Douglas was there, along with a few other monks, who had prepared to assist the injured. When the monk saw only Alec, he looked confused. “Only one?” he asked.

  “Aye, there wasnae a battle, Brother. Where is my wife?”

  “Yar wife? I havenae seen her since she asked for a horse.”

  Ian gently laid Alec down by the hearth and walked over to the monk. Trying not to look too intimidating, he spoke in a hushed tone, “Did ya know what she had planned to do?”

  “Nay. I came out just as she was riding across the field. Brave one, that lass. It seems she prevented a great deal of bloodshed.”

  “Aye. She may think I dinna mean to take her home.”

  “Why would she think that?” the monk asked, knowing full well that she would be viewed as a traitor and either banished or killed. Brother Douglas didn't believe that Ian would kill her, but being banished would result in the same thing. Without the kindness of strangers, it would not be long before any lass was dead or wishing she were.

  “The Sinclair laird has offered her refuge. I told him it wouldnae be necessary. I will take my wife home with me,” Ian had a way of saying things that left no room for argument.

  But like his wife, the monk would not take the hint. “I will only release her to ya if I am sure ya willnae harm her.”

  Ian came to stand in front of the monk. His frame was a good foot taller than the monk, but Brother Douglas didn't back down. “Ya dare threaten me?”

  “Aye. I know what she did and how most Highlanders would mistake it as treason. I willnae let her go if I think yar only going to punish her for it.”

  That caused Ian to stop in his tracks. The thought of anyone, especially himself, causing his wife harm was unbearable. He remembered how he felt, watching her ride across that field, especially after she wouldn't stand by him. Even then, he would not have harmed her. The only emotion was the tearing of his heart at the thought of never being with her again.

  “Brother Douglas, ya have my word as a Highlander, as Laird and as a McKenna. I willnae ever harm my wife or make her pay for this action. She saved many lives today, maybe my own. My clan... our clan owes her a debt, not punishment.”

  With a sigh of relief, the elderly monk said, “Ya may want to check the room ya had last night. She dinna come in here and there are few other places she would go, save the chapel.”

  Ian strode from the room, his long legs carrying him quickly as he searched for his wife. He walked quietly down the hallway, not wanting to scare her away. As he approached the door to their room, he noticed it was slightly ajar. Opening the big wooden door, peering inside, he saw her immediately. His wife was laying on the pallet, curled in a ball, fast asleep.

  Stepping inside quietly, not wanting her to wake, he stared at his beautiful wife for a moment. Her hair was still braided and wrapped around her neck. He saw smudges of dirt on her face, marring her porcelain complexion. Staring at her face, he noticed how long her lashes were, framing her eyes. Her lips were full and pouty and slightly open as she slept. Her nose, cute and pert, perfectly centered in her heart shaped face. And of course, she shivered slightly. His wife was, once again, cold.

  His heart leapt, thinking that this woman was now forever tied to him, would give him sons to carry on his clan and would warm his bed as long as he lived. What had he done to deserve this? Feeling ridiculous at such fancy, he lit a candle and closed the door to the cell. After removing his clothing, he climbed under the blanket and began to seduce his wife.

  * * *

  Ginny dreamt of walking through a snowstorm, blinded by the white. She was frantically searching for something, not being able to see where she was going. Suddenly, she found herself in the eye of the storm. Sunshine, brilliant and yellow, rained down and warmed her body. She stood in a beautiful field of wildflowers, touching the blooms as she walked.

  She smiled and sighed, awakening to his touch. Ginny suddenly realized that she was no longer alone. That someone was beside her, caressing her face, shoulders and back. Without opening her eyes, she knew it was Ian. She could tell by his scent and by the strength of his hands. Turning her face up to his, she opened her mouth and allowed him to
invade her.

  There was a distinct chill in the room, but it was soon banished by his warm body, wrapped around hers. Ginny used her hands to explore his chest. Running her hands down his body, she realized that he was already naked. “Doesn't seem fair.. you being naked and me not,” she said in a raspy voice, caused by sleep and passion.

  “Nay, wife, it doesnae. I shall amend that immediately.”

  His hands slowly lifted her tunic over her head, leaving her only in her chemise. Before Ian could remove it as well, Ginny stood up. Slowly, seductively, she removed her shoes, her hose, and finally, her chemise by lifting it over her head. Ginny was rewarded with a look of awe on her husband's face.

  Ian sounded almost tortured when he said, “Och, Ginny. Yar so beautiful. Come back to me, lass. I canna take much more.”

  Ginny considered asking him what had changed his mind, but didn't want to ruin the moment. She wanted this lovemaking to last, especially if it was to be the last. So she walked to him, lowering herself so she was on top of him, straddling his middle. She could feel his erection rubbing her intimately. In response, she grinded her hips slowly, back and forth, until Ian's face contorted from both pleasure and pain.

  His hands reached up and palmed both breasts. Cupping her breast, Ian used his thumbs to rub her nipples, getting them to grow hard. Ginny closed her eyes to the perfection. Reaching down and grabbing his cock, she slowly raised it to her opening, rubbing herself, using him like a toy.

  “Please, Ginny. Now, my love.”

  Suddenly Ginny remembered that he told her he loved her. Before lowering herself on the head of his penis, she looked him in the eye and said, “Ian, now you belong to me. Aye?”

  Confusion was written in his perfect features, but then a smile formed on his lips. “Aye. I belong to ya now. Forever.” The last word was gruff, mostly from his need for release. With his proclamation, Ginny lowered herself until he was fully inside her. Ian sat up so he could kiss his wife fully. His mouth conquering her, letting her know they belonged to each other.


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