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Under His Cover-nook

Page 12

by Lyric James

  Once he took one fortifying sip, he crossed the room and picked up the package, sliding his finger under the seal. When he saw what was inside, his heart seized in his chest. It was a picture of Maya, smiling up at him, her high school graduation picture, with a blood red ring drawn around her neck. How the hell had they gotten the photo?

  He balled the envelope up so tight in his fist, his hand began to hurt.

  The need to throw his cup of coffee across the room swept through him so fast, it made him shudder. Who in the hell was doing this? Why were they threatening Maya? She was innocent. It wasn’t her fault, but for some reason she was unwittingly a part of someone’s sick game. To accomplish what, he still didn’t know. And he hated not knowing.

  It took some effort to ease his grip on the envelope, smooth it out and put it back on the table. Once Jade saw it, he knew she’d want it and would want to get it examined, just as she’d done with the others. But it had probably been through so many hands by now it would make finding the originator nearly impossible. However, he knew her well enough to know she’d still go through the process of getting it checked for fingerprints. She never forgot the small details. It was one of the things he admired about her.

  Without thinking, he found his cell phone under yesterday’s newspaper and scrolled through the numbers until he found the one he wanted. Before he hit send, he moved to close Jade’s bedroom door.

  When the ringing stopped and the other end was answered, he said, “It’s me. I need your expertise.”

  In the shower, Jade hummed to herself and couldn’t help but remember her trip to the butterfly garden. No man had ever done something so special for her. Yes, she’d received flowers, cards, and had gone on memorable dates to dinners and movies. But what Rhys had done was unique. It showed her he paid attention to who she was inside. He’d made her feel special. And what she found so amazing was that he’d done it for the sheer purpose of making her happy. It held no intrinsic value to him whatsoever, other than seeing her go all geek over a bunch of butterflies. When he’d sent her on ahead upstairs earlier the previous day, he’d obviously found out about this place and made some type of arrangement to have a special tour set up just for them, just for her.

  In the past, all she’d ever seen was what Rhys appeared to be on the outside, what the media said about him and portrayed him to be: a player who went through women like salt out of a shaker. But a player wouldn’t do this. A player thought only about himself. Sure, he probably expected her to fall into his arms with gratefulness afterward, but in truth, it was she who dropped her dress after the luncheon. She was the one who said they should come back to the hotel and put the Do Not Disturb sign on the door. She’d made all the overtures this weekend. Not him. If he were truly a player, it wouldn’t have happened that way. It would have been something romantic, but simpler. A player wouldn’t have given her a reason to leave the room. It would have been all about him impressing her, not about her happiness. A player would not have known she adored butterflies. He wouldn’t have paid that much attention.

  What she found so amazing was that she had him all wrong. From the moment he took her to that board meeting about the kids who needed the money for the community center, she knew he was different. No, she hadn’t been with him all that long, but certain kinds of good deeds seemed to be an ingrained part of his makeup. It was who he was.

  Jade breathed in the scent of the fragrant soap as she thought more about what was happening to Rhys. The letters. She still couldn’t figure out what it was all about. More than anything, she wished it wasn’t happening to him. There were so many unanswered questions in the tons of information she’d already gathered on the case. Of course, there was still the business connection. She was now certain she’d find her suspect there. It had to be someone in or around his office.

  She shuddered at the thought that someone he worked with every day was responsible for this, but until each and every person in that building was cleared of suspicion, she would do everything within her power to not only protect Rhys, but make sure nothing happened to his daughter. She contemplated contacting Karyn to see if they could put someone on her to watch her. Considering her age, she was probably somewhere in college. Who would attempt to hurt someone on a campus full of witnesses? College students did party though and some of the good times they had happened off campus. She’d have to ask Rhys where she was and as soon as she a got a few minutes away from Rhys, she’d call Karyn and make some arrangements. However, she wouldn’t tell Rhys. She didn’t want to worry him more than he already was.

  When she turned off the water and flung the shower curtain open, Rhys was standing in the doorway with a bath towel in his hand.

  “I thought you were going to use up all the hot water in the state.”

  Jade grinned at him, stepped out and took the offered towel. “I had to ease all those aching muscles you contorted last night.”

  For a moment, she would have sworn irritation glinted in his charcoal gray eyes, but it was gone just as quickly. His lips, so delectably soft and sensual, however, did thin.

  She frowned but began the task of drying herself. “Is everything okay? I heard you got a package. Was it bad news?”

  “No,” he said sharply and her gaze swung up to his. “At least not something I can’t handle.”

  Before she could ask him what it was, someone knocked on the door.

  “That should be breakfast,” he said brusquely and swung away to go and answer it.

  A sliver of unease rose within her, but she stamped it back down as she watched him stalk away. He was in a bad mood. Maybe something went wrong with the funding for his community center or one of the other projects he was working on. He probably didn’t want to tell her because he didn’t want to spoil the good time they were having together.

  An easy, natural companionship had sprung up between them after she let her guard down and as they’d spent the rest of the weekend together. In fact, he had far surpassed her expectations. She had grudgingly agreed to come with him only because Karyn had insisted she needed to stick by his side. She never thought in a million years she would come to care for him and admire him, to desire the crush of his full mouth on hers at every waking moment.

  Their…relationship…had progressed further in their very short time together than she could have ever guessed. He still refused to tell her the story behind his daughter, but they had learned to work together despite that, for a common cause of finding out who was threatening him. They had become lovers first, albeit because of a one-night stand. Now, they had eased into a friendship, a friendship she still refused to believe would grow beyond this case ending. Whether they fell over the edge into a true couple, well, she’d have to wait and see.

  Jade hurriedly dressed before the breakfast Rhys ordered got cold. She decided hair and make-up could wait until after she’d eaten. When she walked into the living area, he was standing at the window, gazing out into a clear, beautiful morning. Desire twisted fiercely in her stomach, skated along her skin and throbbed in the part of her already sensitized to his touch. Would it always be like this? Dizzy with the thought, she came up behind him and slid her arms around his waist. He stiffened then relaxed under her embrace. Her gaze swung to the table, and she noticed he hadn’t touched his plate. “You’re letting your food get cold, Rhys.”

  But right now, after seeing him standing there, so delectably handsome and sexy, other more interesting hungers roared to the surface. However, when she would have carried her hungry forays for his body, to his chest, his stomach and much lower, he stopped her and moved out of her arms. Disappointment sank inside her heart. Again, she dismissed it and went to the table.

  “Our flight leaves at a little after eleven. Are you packed and ready to go?”

  Jade dug into her eggs then sipped the orange juice. “Yes, for the most part. I just need to get the stuff I left in the bathroom.”

  An uncomfortable silence stretched between them, and she
wasn’t sure what to make of it, especially after the wonderful day and night they’d had. Her gaze slid to the white envelope partially hanging out of his briefcase. “Do you want to tell me what’s in the envelope that’s made you so grumpy?”

  His gaze flew up to her face before he said, “No. It’s nothing. Just some…business stuff I need to handle back home. Don’t worry about it.” With considerable effort, she noticed, he smiled at her. It didn’t reach the depths of his eyes. A small crease on the bridge of his nose formed when he was upset about something and it was there right now.

  Something was wrong, and he didn’t want to share it with her. Maybe he didn’t want her to know; maybe he wanted to spare her the last few hours of their trip together. Either way, she didn’t like it, but she’d let it go. For now.

  When they were downstairs, preparing to check out, he told her, “Why don’t you go ahead to the car.”

  She looked at him questioningly but agreed. “Okay.” She went up on tiptoe about to kiss him when he looked over her head and turned away.

  Jade deflated like a balloon. Head low, she walked toward the exit and out the automatic doors, but was momentarily stunned when she saw bright flashes of light. When her head swung up, surprise widened her eyes. Several men with cameras stood by.

  So this was it.

  “Ms. Conner, did you enjoy your weekend with the lieutenant governor?”

  “How do you like being the newest ‘it’ girl?”

  “Do you think you can make the lieutenant governor see wedding bells, Ms. Conner?”

  The questions ping-ponged from left to right, and she started to give an angry retort but held back, deciding against it. Rhys didn’t want them seen together, didn’t want anyone to take a picture of them together. That was why he was so uptight earlier, the reason he sent her on ahead of him. He knew the press would be here, and he didn’t want them seen together.

  Well, fine.

  Jade put her head down and shoved through the photographers or reporters or whatever the hell they were and scrambled into the limo before she thought twice about not saying anything and gave them all a piece of her mind. She wouldn’t give them the satisfaction. She would not be a sound bite on the entertainment news. Besides, they were only doing their jobs. Rhys on the other hand…well, that was a different matter altogether. When she got done with him, his ears would bleed.

  Rhys moved past the paparazzi at a speed he didn’t know he had. Any other time, he’d stop for a picture or two, maybe even a little conversation, but he was nowhere in the mood to be nice or cordial. Usually, if he gave them a little something, what they said about him in the paper the next day or in the entertainment news would be mild.

  Today, he just didn’t have the stomach for it, and he didn’t want to put Jade through it either. He was trying to show her he wasn’t that person anymore. The one who craved the attention of the news media. That he was ready to settle down with one woman. However, it seemed like too much was being heaped on him all at once. The weekend had started out so wonderful with Jade, but he’d been forced to seek protection for Maya, something he hoped he wouldn’t have to do. After receiving this last photo, he really didn’t see a choice.

  He slid into the car. “The vultures.”

  “If you didn’t want to…”

  His cell phone vibrated at his hip, so he held a finger up to Jade. “Hold that thought.” The caller ID told him it was Cade.

  “Cunningham.” Rhys listened.

  “Rhys, there’s been an accident.”

  “What happened?”

  “A car tried to run her down, but she’s okay. She may have broken her leg but they don’t know for sure yet. She’s in the ambulance now.”

  He leaned back against the seat, relieved. “What hospital are they taking her to?”

  “Washington Regional.”

  “Call me back as soon as you know something. Tell them you’re her brother, her cousin, her bodyguard, I don’t care. Don’t leave her side if you don’t have to. I’m on my way.”

  He encircled the phone with a tight fist and drew his knuckles toward his mouth, biting down. Jade pulled his hand away.

  “Jesus, Rhys what is it? What?”

  Pain radiated from his chest and his limbs shook. Rhys didn’t know his body was capable of anything at that moment. Sure, he’d lost his father, but this was different. Maya was only a baby, a child. His heart ached. Helplessness wrenched through him. It was his job to protect Maya but there was nothing he could do. He’d thought he was being proactive by hiring Jade and just this morning, getting Cade to watch over her, but it had all been for nothing. He’d run out of time.

  “It’s Maya. She was victim of a hit and run.”

  Jade took his hand in between hers. “Oh, Rhys. I’m so sorry. Is she okay? She’s not…”

  He stared down at their linked fingers. Again, just like at the aquarium, he almost couldn’t tell where his stopped and hers began, the connection between them was so powerful. He was so cold inside and the warmth of her touch almost soothed him. Almost. He shook his head. “No. She’s on her way to the hospital now. It only happened about few minutes ago. That was my friend, Cade. I’d sent him to watch over her.”

  “You didn’t tell me.”

  He reached inside his inner pocket and gave her the envelope he’d received earlier that morning. When she opened it, she gasped and dropped her hand to her lap. “You didn’t want to worry me.”

  Rhys covered her hand with his, relieved she understood and told her what he’d done.

  “But I could have helped. It’s what you hired me for. You should have said something.”

  A heavy sigh escaped as his stomach twisted in knots. “I know. It was a knee-jerk reaction. It would have taken you time to get someone there to protect her. Cade is already there on another case. I knew he could get to her quick, but even then, I was still too late.” He snatched the envelope away from her and tossed it across the interior of the car to the other seat. “They probably timed the delivery, knew they were going to go for her this morning before I had time to do anything, to warn her.”

  “Probably,” Jade said in a quiet voice.

  When the car pulled up to the curb in front of their departure entrance, he took her hands in his. “Look. I have to get there. I need to call her mother. Can you find a flight and get back to Memphis by yourself?”

  “I’ll come with you.”

  “No.” Rhys wanted to tell her so badly the truth about Maya’s birth, but he wanted to reassure himself that Maya was okay, talk to her first, ask her mother. It was the one thing they’d promised each other years ago. They wouldn’t tell anyone the truth about Maya unless they both agreed to it.

  He hadn’t ever broken that promise. Even though his love for Jade ran deep, he couldn’t tell her just yet. He knew once he talked to Maya and her mother about it and they understood his plans and his future with Jade, they’d readily agree. But he wanted to get their permission first.

  He sat with her, forehead to forehead, and she stiffened under his touch. She was angry, but he didn’t have time to deal with it right now. “As soon as I find out something I’ll call you.”

  Jade pulled back, her lips thin. Why didn’t he want her there with him? “Sure. It’ll give me a chance to comb through the background files one of my partners should have ready for me by now. Hopefully by the time you find out something about Maya, I’ll have figured out who’s responsible for this.”

  The driver opened the door, and they both slid out. He hugged her to him, then they retreated inside the airport and checked in. Because he was leaving from a private chartered flight, they parted ways at the security check point.

  “I promise I’ll call you as soon as I know something,” he said.

  “And I’ll have news for you when you do.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  It had been two days and Rhys still hadn’t contacted her. She had to force herself not to pick up her cell phone to see if
she had a missed call or message. Why hadn’t he called? Were Maya’s injuries worse than predicted? Or, was she not important enough to know? She shook the feelings away and spread the files out on the large conference room table in his office. With a set jaw, she methodically scanned each file. The answer was here somewhere. She knew it. After they’d departed ways at the airport so he could fly to Fayetteville to see Maya, Jade had called Nicole to make sure her files were ready. As soon as she landed, she’d swung by Private Jane Inc. and picked up the first set of background checks her co-worker had run.

  This morning, she’d picked up the last set. It would take her hours to comb through them all, but for Rhys and Maya she’d do it. Even if she was upset with him for not telling her about the note to begin with, even if he was ashamed to be photographed with her. What was going on with them personally didn’t matter right now. Only Maya.

  How had it gotten so dangerous this quickly? In one week it had gone from letters and threats to a hit and run. God, Jade hoped Maya was okay. She could only watch as blood drained out of Rhys’ face, and the horror of what happened sank in.

  Now, it was up to her to figure out who in the hell was doing this. Her hands flat on the table, she stood over the desk and scanned the thirty or so files and decided to put them in order of who had the most power down to who had the least. In her experience, it was always usually some powerful bigwig who resorted to such measures to get what they wanted. She just needed to figure out what it was and why. Surely hurting Rhys by killing Maya accomplished nothing, unless it was merely revenge. But if it was just that, why not try to kill Rhys instead? Why torture him with these letters first? Why bring an innocent child into it who no one even knew about?

  Whoever it was could have easily blackmailed Rhys to keep silent or even tried to kidnap Maya. But obviously, it wasn’t about the money. They could have asked for that in piles weeks ago and Rhys would have paid it and wouldn’t have had to resort to hiring Private Jane Inc. to figure out who it was.


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