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The Irish Getaway: A Kennedy Boys Optional Short Novel (The Kennedy Boys)

Page 10

by Siobhan Davis

  “Not necessary,” Kal cuts in. “Kev is on his way. He snuck out and borrowed one of the cars.”

  We get out, and Kade thanks the man, sending him on his way.

  “Okay,” Kade says, assuming command. “Ky and I will go to the house. You two wait here for Kev.”

  Kal and Faye both start protesting at once. Kade silences them with a black look. “I don’t give a fuck what you want. I don’t like this. Don’t like it at all.” He looks anxious and wound up tight. All I can see for miles are green fields and trees. No one is coming to help out here.

  “I don’t like it either which is why it’s not safe to separate,” Faye argues. “We’re not hanging around out here in the dark while you two go up to that house on your own. There’s safety in numbers.”

  “She has a point,” Kal says.

  I rub a tense spot between my brows as I stare into my girlfriend’s face. “I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

  “And I don’t want anything to happen to you,” she counters.

  “I can take care of myself.” Oh boy, that was so the wrong thing to say.

  She sends me one of her special death glares, and I almost chuckle. It’s been some time since I’ve been on the receiving end of one of those. Planting her hands on her hips, she narrows her eyes and tosses her hair over her shoulder. “I know how to take care of myself. Have you forgotten how I—”

  I clamp my hand over her mouth. “I don’t need to be reminded of the two times you almost died, thank you very much.”

  She huffs, stepping away from me with fury radiating in her eyes. “That’s my sister and my cousin up there.” She points at the house in the distance. “And if you don’t let us come, we’ll just follow you.”

  Kal salutes her, and Kade is reluctantly smirking. “Fine. Let them come.” He turns and starts walking. “We don’t have time to debate this.”

  I walk quickly to Faye’s side, lacing my fingers in hers. Thankfully, she doesn’t let the argument linger, squeezing my hand firmly in hers. We are quiet as we walk on muddy, uneven ground toward the house. Faye stumbles a little in her heels, but I keep a steady grip on her. Faint sounds of music greet us as we draw nearer. Lights are on in two of the rooms downstairs, but the rest of the house is in complete darkness. Kent’s laugh rings out, trickling through the open window. Several other voices join in the laughter, and some of my tension lifts. Maybe we’re big-dealing this without reason.

  Kade raises a hand when we reach the corner of the house. “Let me scout it out,” he whispers, holding up a hand.

  He creeps stealthily along the wall toward the larger of the open windows. Streams of light cast shadows on the muddy ground outside. Kade stops at the edge of the window, straightening up with his back flat to the wall. Faye’s grip on my hand tightens. Kade whips his head around, taking a quick peek into the room. More laughter rings out, as Kade sneaks back to us.

  “There’s six guys and Whitney and Kent,” he whispers. “They’re sitting in a circle on the floor, drinking and chatting. It looks chill but you can’t always tell with guys like that. I think we should just knock on the door, go in for a bit, then make our excuses, and leave.”

  I nod in agreement. “Text Kev,” I tell Kal. “Let him know the plan.”

  We follow Kade past the window to the front door. We’ve already been spotted, and the door opens the instant we reach it. A tall, skinny guy with red hair and the makings of a beard grins at us. “Changed your mind, fellas?” His toothy grin turns lecherous when he spots Faye. “Hey, gorgeous.” He winks, opening the door wide. “Our door is always open for the likes of you.”

  “Thanks,” she says, offering him a fake smile. “Does that invitation extend to my boyfriend too?”

  The grin slips off his face as he finally takes notice of me. It takes colossal effort to appear pleasant when I want to smash my fist in his lewd face. “Guess so,” he mutters, stepping aside.

  Faye walks confidently into the house, and I’ve got to admire her lady balls. Kade and Kal nod at the guy as they walk in.

  Kent looks up, with what looks suspiciously like relief on his face, when we step into the living room. I think the little shit has bitten off more than he can chew on this occasion. Apart from a couch and a small coffee table, there is no furniture in the room. Nail guns, tubs of paint, paintbrushes, tape, and other decorating paraphernalia are scattered on top of the newly varnished hardwood floors.

  A stocky dude with shocking white-blond hair gets up, eyeing us warily. “Who the fuck are ye?”

  The other four guys don’t budge from their positions on the ground as they pass a joint between them. One of the men is lying flat on his back, staring at the ceiling with a glazed look on his face. The other three look sharp enough, watching proceedings with an intensity that concerns me.

  “Hey man,” Kal says, sauntering forward. “We met you back in the club, remember?”

  The guy’s pupils are dilated and unfocused as he takes us all in. You could cut the tension with a knife. Whitney is perched on the edge of the couch, a look of abject terror on her face. Faye walks to her side, dropping down beside her and circling her arm around her back. Whitney’s shoulders relax a little.

  “You know each other?” the same guy asks, pointing a stubby finger at the girls.

  “We’re sisters,” Faye explains, eyeballing him head-on.

  He rubs a hand over his flabby belly, and his eyes light up. “Is that so?” His gaze bounces between them. “You don’t look alike.”

  “We have different mothers,” Faye confirms, starting to look a little uncomfortable. This guy exudes dangerous vibes, and she’s picking up on that.

  Kent scrambles to his feet, angling his body so his back is to the guys. “You didn’t need to come pick us up, but thanks, man.” He slaps Kade on the back. “Save me calling a taxi. Signal’s not the best out here.”

  The weird blond dude steps forward, slapping Kent forcefully on the back. “You’re not leaving so soon, my man. We haven’t shown you any of our legendary Irish hospitality.”

  Yeah, I’d rather not hang around to discover what that’s about.

  The red-haired skinny dude sits down on the edge of the sofa, and Whitney almost jumps out of her skin. I watch Faye discreetly squeeze her side in warning.

  “Thanks, but we’re leaving,” I tell him, crossing my arms over my chest.

  The blond guy cocks his head to the side, walking toward me. He puts his face all up in mine. “You’ll leave when I say ye’ll leave.”

  “Don’t touch me!” Whitney shrieks, and I turn around. The red-haired guy has his hand on her bare thigh.

  Faye reaches over, grabbing his hand and thrusting it away. “You heard my sister. Keep your paws to yourself.”

  “You’re feisty.” He grins. In this light, I can make out the brown nicotine stains on his teeth, and it turns my stomach as he leans around Whitney, putting his face all up in Faye’s. Kade shoots me a warning look. I know Faye can look after herself, but it kills me to stand here and say nothing, do nothing. “I like my women feisty.” Reaching out, he grabs a fistful of her hair, tugging her toward him. His gaze wanders down the front of her dress, and I’m done.

  Yanking his hand out of her hair, I push him back forcefully. “Get your fucking hands off her!” I snap. He loses balance, tumbling off the couch.

  Three of the guys get up off the floor, and I sense them moving into place behind me.

  “Now that wasn’t very nice, and here we are just trying to be hospitable.” The blond dude plants himself in front of me. His breath is pungent as it blows across my face.

  “We appreciate that,” Kade says, stepping in between us. “Maybe another time. We’ve got to get going.”

  The guy turns his attention toward Kade. “You deaf or something?”

  Kade locks eyes with me, and I nod
. Reaching out, I take Faye’s hand, urging her up. Whitney stands with her, clinging to her side, quaking and on the verge of tears.

  “Mikey,” he bellows over his shoulder. “Fix our guests a snack. We can’t send them on their way empty-handed.”

  Mikey heads into the next room without a word, as the blond dude returns his focus to the girls. “What’s an Irish girl doing with a bunch of yanks anyway?”

  The redhead hops up, flexing his fists as he glowers at me.

  “It’s a long story.” Faye attempts a laugh, but I can tell it’s forced. Her earlier confidence is fading as realization dawns, but she needn’t worry—I’m not going to let anything happen to her again. I still feel huge guilt over what went down at the diner and the cabin, and keeping her safe is my number one priority now.

  “I have all the time in the world,” he replies, unashamedly assessing her body from head to toe. I want to pummel his face into next week, but I control the urge. One false move and this situation detonates.

  “Ronan!” Mikey pops his head out of the next room, slanting a look at the blond asshole. “I can’t find the bread knife.”

  Ronan wets his lips. “Well, isn’t that strange.” He pins a suspicious look on Kent. “You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you?”

  Kent shakes his head, looking innocent and clueless. “No idea, bro.”

  Ronan turns around, twirling a lock of Whitney’s hair around his finger. “What about you, baby?”

  She gulps, vehemently shaking her head.

  “Well, I guess there’s no cheese sandwiches tonight.” Ronan winks at Faye. “Unless you’re into meat. Plenty of meat ones to go around.” He grabs his crotch, watching her face for a reaction.

  Faye visibly pales. “Not if you were the last man on Earth.”

  Bile travels up my throat. I send a subtle communication to Kade with my eyes, and he nods tersely. We’ll have to fight our way out of here no matter what. I’d rather get this shit show over and done with. There are four of us to four of them, and I like our chances. The dude passed out on the floor doesn’t count nor does the redhead; I’d squash him with one punch.

  Ronan laughs. “Philip is right. You’re feisty.” His eyes narrow in on Whitney. “But personally, I prefer the more innocent, virginal types. Although, judging by the way you were grinding against the yank on the dance floor, I’d say you know what you’re doing. What about it, hot stuff, you want a ride on my dick?” Licking his lips, he thrusts his crotch forward, and a tiny sob leaks out of Whitney’s mouth.

  I gesture to Kade and Kal, but before we can make a move, Faye swings into action. Shoving Whitney behind her, she glares at Ronan, eying him disdainfully from head to toe. “Listen here, shit for brains.” She prods him in the chest. “You don’t get to speak to my sister like that. You don’t get to threaten my boyfriend. We’re leaving and you’re not going to do a thing about it.”

  Ronan throws back his head, laughing. “Is that right?” He laughs again, and Faye’s nostrils flare. Out of the corner of my eye, I see two of the guys moving toward the nail guns. Kal and Kent move in closer to us. “Keep going, baby,” he teases. “This is turning me on.”

  Faye looks down, grimacing at the discernible bulge in his jeans, before jutting her chin up. “You’re a creep, and you deserve this.” Super fast, she brings her knee up, jamming it into his crotch. He buckles, emitting a painful roar as his knees give way. Faye brings the heel of her stilettos down on his foot, and he roars again.

  The two guys race toward the nail guns as I yell. “Out! Now!”

  Kent grabs Whitney, and I take Faye’s arm, shoving her toward the door. The redhead rushes toward us, and Kade punches him in the face. He crumples to the floor, instantly unconscious.

  Kent pulls the door open, yanking Whitney’s shoes off and lifting her up into his arms. Before I can attempt the same, Faye has whipped her heels off, and she takes off running in her bare feet.

  “Run!” Kade screams, barreling out the door behind Kal. Lights flash up ahead as a car approaches, and I’m praying to God that’s Kev.

  “Duck!” Kade roars, and I grab onto Faye before throwing us onto the ground. Mud splatters our faces, as nails whizz over our heads. Kent and Whitney are on the ground in front of us. Kent is protecting her with his body, and she’s sobbing uncontrollably. Grunts and slaps echo from behind, and I cautiously glance over my shoulder. Kal and Kade are throwing punches at the two guys, trying to wrestle the nail guns away from them. “Get the girls out of here!” Kade throws out.

  Kent and I move almost simultaneously, helping the girls to their feet. Kent carries a sobbing Whitney in his arms as I take Faye’s hand and we run toward the approaching headlights.

  The SUV comes to a halt, and Kev opens the door, frowning when he sees the state of us. “Where are the others?”

  “We’re here,” Kade shouts from somewhere behind us.

  I help Faye into the backseat while Kent does the same, locking the seatbelt around Whitney. Her sobs have transformed to sniffles. When her eyes roll back in her head, I realize she’s smashed. As soon as Kade and Kal are in the car, Kev floors the engine, reversing back down the path with skillful speed.

  “What happened back there?” I ask.

  “We got the upper hand, grabbed the nail guns, and threw them into a field on our way to the car,” Kade replies.

  “Fucking hell. That was cutting it close.” Kal swings his head in Kent’s direction. “What the fuck were you thinking, you idiot!?”

  “I had it under control.” Kent huffs, feigning indifference. He trails his hand up and down Whitney’s arm in a soothing gesture.

  “Like fuck you did.” My eyes narrow to slits. “Of all the stupid shit you’ve pulled, that takes the cake. That blond asshole was a crazy fucker. He could’ve hurt Whitney.”

  A crazy ass grin appears on Kent’s face as he reaches a hand behind him. “And I would have cut his fucking throat if he dared lay a hand on her,” he admits, brandishing a long kitchen knife. “We weren’t unprotected.”

  I slam a hand into my palm. “You stole their knife?! Of course, you did.” I shake my head, muttering under my breath. God only knows what would’ve happened if he’d produced that back at the house.

  Kal splutters. “I don’t know who is crazier, you or those assholes. Damn, Kent.”

  Kent grins like he’s just gotten a pat on the back.

  “Do not encourage that shit, Kal,” I hiss.

  “Stop the car!” Whitney shrieks. “I’m going to be sick.”

  Kade and Kev exchange looks for the first time in days. Kev brings the car to a juddering halt. “Make it snappy, Whitney. We’re not far enough away yet for my comfort.”

  Kent helps Whitney out of the car, but she pushes him aside. “I want Faye.”

  Faye climbs out of the car and goes to her sister. Holding her hair back, she keeps an arm around Whitney’s back as she empties her stomach. Kent and I keep watch, our eyes fixated on the road we’ve just traveled, watching for any sign that we’ve been followed, but all I can see is eerie darkness. The longer we’re out here, the more anxious I become. “We need to leave, girls.” I step closer. “Are you okay for a bit, Whitney? At least until we hit the main road?” I’ll feel safer when we reach civilization.

  She nods. “I’m okay.”

  Faye helps her back into the car, sitting beside her. Whitney rests her head on her shoulder and closes her eyes. Kent gets in beside me, and no one speaks as Kev drives us back to the house.

  Chapter Twelve


  Whitney is unnaturally quiet the entire journey back to the house. She clings to my side like a limpet, and I’m worried about her. This is not Whitney’s usual MO. The original plan was for her to return to our grandparents’ house, but I can’t let her go there in the state she’s in. Besides smelling of v
omit and alcohol, she’s also covered in mud, and her face is blotchy from crying.

  Kev confirmed our dad is still back at the house with Alex and James which surprised me. Apparently, he dropped the twins back at his house and came back for drinks with a few of his friends. Still, at this late hour, I thought they would be long gone.

  I’m trying to figure out how I can sneak Whitney into the house and clean her up without Adam noticing when Kev swings into our driveway.

  “What the actual fuck?” Kal exclaims, sitting bolt upright in his seat. I sit up straighter, stretching my neck as I peer out the front window. My eyes almost bug out of my head at the sight of my dad and my uncle throwing punches at one another out in front of the house while Alex looks on from the doorway.


  As if this night couldn’t get any worse.

  For flip’s sake, they’re acting like rowdy teenagers. And James has the nerve to criticize his sons for the crap they get into?

  “Kent!” I hiss, leaning across the back seat. “Take Whitney up to my room and find something in my wardrobe for her to change into. We’ll get out first, and when they’re distracted, duck around the side of the house and go in the back entrance. I’ll meet you up there in a few.”

  “’Kay. I’ll look after her.”

  I snort, because he’s done such an outstanding job so far tonight. He narrows his eyes but wisely bites his tongue.

  Ky climbs out of the car the instant Kev brings it to a standstill. I jump out after him. Alex is beseeching the men to stop, hovering in front of the door, clasping and unclasping her hands, her eyes all panicky and pissed. She breathes a sigh of relief when she spots us approaching. “Oh, thank God. Kaden, please fix this. They’re not listening to me.”

  I walk over to Alex’s side, looping my arm through hers. “How did this happen?” She takes a step back, looking me up and down. I’m covered in mud and I know I’m a right state. “Don’t even ask.”

  She scans her boys as I watch Kent sneak Whitney around the side of the house unnoticed. Alex shakes her head but lets it go. “Honestly, I’m not surprised. It’s clearly in their genes.” She flings her hands in the air, pinning James with an incredulous look.


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