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The Grass Could Be Greener

Page 12

by Constance Masters

  Jamie watched Joe’s face for his reaction, but if she was expecting fireworks she was wrong.

  “How do you feel about that?” he asked.

  “I want to do it. It wouldn’t take up much time, really. I could do it in the evening, don’t you think?”

  “Why are you asking him?” Jamie said before she could stop herself. “If you really want to do it, go ahead.”

  “I wasn’t actually asking permission,” Sarah said. “I was asking what he thought.”

  “Is there a difference?”

  “Yes, there’s a difference,” Sarah said. “When you’re married, you care what the other person thinks. We have four children who will be affected by this. Joe will be affected by this. He may have to pick up the slack sometimes,” Sarah said, deciding to leave the rest to Jeremy. “Anyway, the other thing I learned...although I don’t believe that you need to be your children’s friend, I think you can benefit from just playing with them. I really enjoyed playing with Sophie and Poppy that first week. I can’t wait to go home and play tea parties with Hanny. I spend a lot of time with my kids teaching them and showing them how to do things, but I don’t have time to have a lot of fun. I’m going to make time for more that.”

  “Well, I guess it’s time to go home.” Joe stood and reached across the table to shake Jeremy’s hand as the two women hugged. “We should all catch up some time,” he said.

  “I’d like that,” Jeremy said.

  “Your little girls are lovely, Jamie,” Sarah said.

  “Thank you,” Jamie beamed. “Your kids are all very special. I hope we can see each other some time. I’d love to see them again.”

  “That’d be real nice. I bet we could be friends,” Sarah said. “May even be work colleagues, be it by email.”

  “Oh, yeah.”

  “In the mean time,” Sarah said, “relax and enjoy your family. They won’t break.”

  “Thanks,” Jamie said. “It was nice to see how the other half lives.”


  Caroline opened the door when the taxi pulled up and the girls ran out to meet their parents.

  “Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! Sophie yelled as she wrapped herself around her mommy’s legs. “I missed you.”

  “I missed you, too, Sophie. So much.” She picked her daughter up and kissed her cheek and then bent to pick up her baby.

  “Look?” she said lifting her dress to reveal her big girl panties. “I’s a big girl.”

  “Mommy, I can read!” Sophie said grabbing her cheeks in both hands and turning her face towards her. “Real words!”

  “Wow,” Jamie said looking at Jeremy. “Where are my babies?”

  “They were ready,” he said.

  “Aren’t you happy, Mommy?”

  “Yes, Honey. I’m happy.”

  “You don’t look happy.”

  “I am,” Jamie tried to convince the little girl. It was hard though. She felt cheated. She’d left two little baby princesses and came back to two little girls. One who didn’t wear diapers and one who knew how to read.

  “You know what, girls? Daddy has something he needs to show Mommy in the garage. A surprise. Why don’t you go inside with Caroline and have a snack and we’ll be in a little while.

  When the front door closed behind her family, Jamie blinked. “You have a surprise for me?”

  “Several actually, but the first one you’re going to get is in the garage,” Jeremy said sternly.

  Jamie’s eyes widened. “I’m not going in there with you.”

  “Oh yes you are. Your daughters were excited to tell you what they’d managed to achieve and all you could see was what had been taken from you.”

  “Another mother taught my child how to read and took away my baby’s diapers!” she hissed.

  “We’re not talking about this out here.” Jeremy grabbed her hand and started to tow her to the garage.

  She yanked her hand back and stuck it behind her back like an errant five–year–old trying to get out of trouble. “I’m not going in there.”

  Jeremy narrowed his eyes. “Yes, you are.” Making a split second decision he bent and tossed her over his shoulder and marched towards the garage.

  “Put me down!” Jamie kicked her legs wildly and slapped his back repeatedly, stopping only when Jeremy landed a hard smack to her thin linen trousers.

  “Ow!” she squealed, but it did quiet her some. He had actually smacked her. She didn’t really think he would.

  Jeremy clicked the button to shut the garage door, not putting Jamie down until he was sure she wouldn’t be able to run. He opened a folding chair and pointed. “Sit.”

  “No,” Jamie said stubbornly. That woman had not only taught her children new things by the look. Well there was no way she was going to do everything that Jeremy said just because he was a man.

  “You’re acting like a child.”

  “So what?” she said folding her arms. “I am my own person and if I want to act like a child, then I will.”

  “Very mature.”

  “What do you expect? You freeze me out for days at a time and then when you suddenly decide you want to talk to me, you throw me over your shoulder like a Neanderthal and expect me to pass you the club.”

  “You wouldn’t walk in here of your own accord. Believe it or not, I wanted to talk to you. I wanted you to talk to me. Isn’t that ironic? You’re the one telling me I don’t talk and yet you’re the one who wants to throw a tantrum instead of telling me what’s wrong.”

  “It was a shock.”

  “You’ve had every opportunity to teach Sophie to read. There was nothing stopping you from potty training Poppy. You wouldn’t even let Caroline do it. What did you want?”

  “I don’t know!” Jamie cried. “I just... I guess I want them to stay little for ever.”

  “That’s not feasible.”

  “I know.”

  “What else?”


  “Yes, there is, Jamie, and I want to hear you say it. To admit it.”

  “All right! I was upset because Sarah was a better mother than me. My girls were happier to be with her than they were with me.”

  “I don’t know what you were seeing, but what I saw was two little girls that were excited to see their Mommy and show her what they could do. They liked Sarah that’s true but they love you. They fall over themselves trying to get your attention because they want to be with you.”

  “I know,” Jamie said sadly. “What you said before about being the strong person did you mean it?”


  “What did you have in mind?”

  “I want you to work from home some of the time.”

  “Okay, I guess, but I don’t know if I can look after the kids full time and do my job.”

  “I know. Caroline doesn’t want to give up the job full time. She just wants to cut back her hours. I was thinking she could come three hours every day. Anything you don’t finish in that time, you can finish after I get home.”

  “Okay. Is Caroline happy with that?”

  “Yes. She also thinks it’d be hard on the girls if she just up and left, she’s been a part of their lives for so long.”

  “That’s true.”

  “I know I’ve been botching things too and that’s going to change. I used to think that silence was the way to show you I wasn’t happy with your behaviour. That won’t ever happen again. So now I’m going to start the way I mean to go on.

  Before Jamie knew what was happening, Jeremy was sitting in her place and she was draped over his knee. “Stop, Jeremy, you can’t do this.”

  His hand bounced off her wriggling bottom with several satisfying whacks. “You will not carry on like a child when things make you feel out of control. You can’t make decisions that affect all of us,” he said, smacking her on each cheek several times in a row. “Not without talking to me first.”

  “I don’t want you telling my wife that she isn’t a good mother.” His hand slipp
ed underneath and undid the clasp on her pants.

  “No, not the pants!” she yelled as the cool air rushed across her warm cheeks.

  His hand came down with short sharp smacks on each slightly pink quivering cheek, punctuating each word. “No more running your own race. You. Will. Listen.”

  “Okay... I’m sorry,” she said as he spanked her lower cheeks. “I’m sorry for everything, just stop. Please!”

  Jeremy stopped and helped her to stand between his legs, trying to ignore the aching erection that had sprung to life under his wife’s warm body.

  “Shh, we’re going to be okay,” he managed to croak.

  Part of her felt like she should slap him, but she found herself crawling into his lap. When his arms wrapped around her, she snuggled into his shoulder soaking up the comfort that she’d needed for so long. Her bottom hurt like hell when it made contact with his hard thigh but she didn’t care. In his arms was the only place she wanted to be.


  After Caroline had gone home, they’d had dinner and put their girls to bed.

  “I have a surprise for you,” Jeremy said happily. He grabbed her hand.

  “I don’t know that I’m up for anymore surprises today. The last one left its mark.”

  “This one is one that I worked on while you were away. I wanted it to be special.”

  “Okay, then. That sounds like a better kind of surprise.”

  When they got to the top of the stairs, Jeremy covered her eyes and led her to the guest room.

  “Keep your eyes shut,” he said, as he opened the door. “Okay, open.”

  Her eyes scanned the room that she’d previously come to hate and she clapped her hands in excitement.

  “Oh, Jeremy! It’s just beautiful!”

  The walls were a lovely shade of dusky pink with drapes that let in plenty of light. There was a lovely dark cherry desk with a matching bookshelf that had all her books and photos of Poppy and Sophie in ornate silver frames. There were more frames on the walls that held pages of her work. Every article she’d ever written had been framed and placed thoughtfully on the walls. “Where did you get all this stuff?” she asked.

  “From my scrapbook,” he said. “I’m very proud of you, you know. I always have been.”

  “You’re a great husband.” Tears filled her eyes. “I wish I’d been a better wife.”

  “Hey. What did I tell you about putting down my wife?”

  “I forgot.”


  “This is a great desk. I always dreamed of having a desk like this in my own office.” She ran her fingers along the smooth wood lovingly. “You know. I don’t remember exactly what you said about not putting myself down.” She stood on her tiptoes and bent over.


  “Maybe I need just a tiny reminder.”

  “Really?” Jeremy’s cock jumped to eager attention, glad that his wife had put on a nightshirt as soon as Caroline had left. He lifted the thin material and tucked it underneath her middle so his target was bare.

  “Not too hard...”

  “I don’t think naughty girls like you get to say how hard they’re going to get spanked.” He rubbed each cheek and then brought his hand down smartly, first on one cheek and then on the other. “Such a bad naughty girl.”

  “Ooh,” Jamie groaned as he stopped to rub out the sting.

  “I think you like this,” he said with a chuckle.

  “No, it hurts.”

  He tapped the inside of her thighs. “Open, let me see.” A sharp smack on each thigh and she opened, revealing her pink lady parts shining with her telltale arousal. Now it was Jeremy’s turn to groan as he slipped a finger deep inside her. “So wet.” He swirled his finger around, smiling as she pressed towards him.

  “Touch me,” she begged.

  “Where?” he teased, dipping and swirling and touching her everywhere but where she wanted. “Here?”

  “Please,” she begged, rocking her hips and rolling herself around to try to catch his finger.

  “I know... here.”

  She almost melted into his hand when he finally pressed his finger on the object of her desperation.

  “Yes, yes,” she said in rapture as he flicked, pinched and circled. When he stopped, she was bereft for split second until she felt him poised behind her. She could feel him hot and hard, pressed at her dripping entrance. Her breath caught in her throat and she clung to the desk, as he slammed deep inside her.


  “So, would you say it was worth it?” Joe asked.

  “I think so,” she said, snuggling into her husband’s arms. “The hardest thing was sleeping alone and I missed the kids. Do you think they gained anything from all this?”

  “Of course they did. Some of them will have to be unlearned, of course,” he chuckled.

  “Uh–huh. I don’t like that Barbie doll. I’ll take Hannah and let her choose another doll in its place.”

  “It was sweet of her to give them as much as she did. I mean, I know it came from the show and not out of her pocket, but I think she wanted the best for the kids.”

  “I guess. She needs to learn not to throw money at everything as a solution, though.”

  “Yes, she does and thanks to you, she has a husband now that’s ready to take on that roll.”

  “Thanks. I aim to please.”

  “Good. Then lay that bottom over my lap, I haven’t seen nearly enough of it yet. I’ve been having withdrawals since you left.”


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  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine




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