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Here Comes Trouble [Trouble, Tennessee Prequel] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 8

by Natalie Acres

  “Markie?” Allister held up his hand. “Just because you showed up tonight at the OK Corral with your shotgun doesn’t mean you’re a badass outlaw now.”

  “He’s right,” Derek said, turning up his cup. “You didn’t fire it and you didn’t throw the first punch.”

  “Well if all it takes for a little respect around here is a shot fired, then I don’t want any of you boys getting all jumpy on me when I show up at a shootout and aim my weapon at the target.”

  Draegan shook his head and Allister counted to ten, hoping he wouldn’t say something he’d later regret. Besides, he needed to find out more about this blonde and her cute car. Maybe if he could locate her, Draegan wouldn’t do something stupid like ask to join them in Ellie’s room.

  “What do you know about this blonde, Nicholas?” Allister asked.

  “She’s one of Craig Stillwell’s exes. Rumor has it, he’s the money behind Denny Marshall’s dope operation. She’s tried to leave him and he won’t let her out of his sight. She was pregnant recently and nobody knows what happened, but whatever it was, it must’ve been bad. Stays doped up on tranquilizers and from what I saw tonight, that’s probably not by choice.”

  “What did you see?” Draegan clenched his fists. Like Allister, Draegan despised men who kept their women in check by doping practices.

  “She didn’t look like she’d come here by choice, but it appeared to work out in her favor for about a second. Once the fighting started, she wandered off. Hales should have the surveillance footage. She tried to get in our back gates. Craig caught up to her and made her get in the car before any of us saw her.”

  “Damn it.” Draegan looked tortured then. “We need to find out what he’s doing to her.”

  “We have a rule,” Allister reminded him. “They come here of their own free will.”

  “Yes, I see that,” Draegan said, swinging his gaze to Derek. “And sometimes, they have a little birdie in their ear giving them step by step directions on how to get here.”

  Derek laughed. “Busted.”

  “About that—” Allister crossed his arms over his chest. “What kind of friend talks to his buddies’ woman and doesn’t tell them about it?”

  Ryan put his arms around Derek’s and Allister’s shoulders. “I guess the same kind of friend who sneaks off to said woman’s room and fucks her without anyone else knowing about it. Wouldn’t you agree, Bradley?”

  They turned to look at Bradley, who was watching Draegan from a distance. “I don’t get him. I mean, five hours ago, he was talking to us about talking to you about sharing Ellie.”

  Allister balked at that. “Ellie’s bed is crowded. I thought all of you knew.”

  “You ain’t tellin’ me anything I don’t already know,” Derek said. “One McCall in my woman’s bed is one McCall too many.”

  “You think so, huh?”

  “Yep.” He thumbed the others. “Ask them.”

  “I’d better not. From what I hear, one snake in the grass worming his way into a woman’s heart by hissing sweet nothings in her ear is one snake too many.”

  “Point taken.” Derek turned up his beer and finished it off. He tossed his cup and then grabbed his crotch. “Fellas, this snake is gonna go worm his way in between a mighty fine pair of legs.”

  “I could’ve lived my life without hearing and seeing that,” Bradley said.

  “If you’re in Ellie’s bed, you’ll be seeing more than that,” Allister pointed out.

  “He’s right, so feel free to back away from temptation at any given time,” Derek said.

  “I’m comfortable where I am, boys,” Bradley said, smiling like a recent virgin who’d just lost his first seed. “And as long as Ellie stays here, I’m not going anywhere.”

  Chapter Nine

  Ellie returned from dinner and tossed her keys on her dresser. She’d met a few people at the café and one of the younger women, Serena, seemed really nice. She’d even invited her over for a movie later tonight, but Ellie had declined.

  She had her reasons—four of them to be exact.

  Whatever apprehension she’d felt in the past now seemed like a wasted breath or a passing thought. Trouble was where she belonged.

  Glancing at her bedside clock, she decided she probably had time to walk down to the vending machines. Allister had provided quick details about the property earlier that morning. Trouble was laid out like a country club or a summer camp and she’d yet to tour the entire place, but locating a vending machine didn’t seem like a major undertaking.

  She opened the door and was immediately swept off her feet. “And just where do you think you’re going?” Allister caught her around the waist, scooped her into his arms, and carried her back inside. Ryan and Derek followed him to the sitting area and Bradley hung back long enough to close and lock the door.

  “Either you guys are happy to see me or you’re carrying around some mighty big guns in your blue jeans tonight.”

  “You heard?” Bradley asked, seemingly concerned.

  “Trouble is definitely a small town. The rumors around here fly through the mill.” She grinned. “Especially when Markie is around making sure everyone hears about the latest.” She walked over to Derek and touched his swollen cheek. “Thank you.”

  “For what?” He grabbed her forearm with one hand while cupping her swollen cheek as well.

  “You defended me.” She turned to Allister. “You all did.”

  She kissed the center of Derek’s palm and was warmed all the way to her soul when he mouthed, “I love you.”

  “I love you, too,” she whispered, noticing how quiet the room had become. She turned to the others, gazing thoughtfully at each one of her handsome lovers. How could she have been so stupid? Why had she chosen Denny when these men had wanted to love and support her? “I love each of you.”

  They returned the sentiments as soon as she said the words. No one made light of the exchange or balked at the confession. Not only were they willing to extend their love, but apparently they felt her love as much as she felt theirs. Their damp eyes told the likely tale. Their loving expressions made her a believer.

  She was indeed well loved.

  After a quiet moment, Bradley said, “Enough seriousness for one night.” He passed around canned beer to the men and offered one to her as well. “We’ve ridded ourselves of a little trouble and now it’s time to toast the woman of the hour.”

  “I’ll drink to that,” she said, accepting the alcoholic beverage and smiling at her men.

  “To playing by the rules,” Derek said, lifting his can.

  Ellie raised hers as well but immediately put it down. “Wait a minute. What rules?”

  “Ours.” He winked.

  “You can’t be serious.”

  “Did he stutter? Did he ask, Ellie?” Allister moistened his lips and dipped his gaze to her breasts as if he were a hungry predator instead of a horny man.

  “Don’t give her a reason to bolt. We’re just starting the party,” Bradley reminded them.

  “You really expect me to do what I’m told and follow rules just because four men with large egos tell me so?”

  “Strip.” Derek never cracked a smile. In fact, he set aside his beer when he said it. “And don’t look at Allister. I didn’t ask him and I didn’t say please.” He wrapped his muscular arms around her middle and pushed up on her breasts, rubbing his forearms against her aroused nipples.

  “Hold your arms up,” Bradley said, stepping in front of her and releasing the top buttons on her shirt.

  “All things considered, don’t you think we should talk about this?”

  “I don’t,” Bradley replied, pecking her lips before he moved aside. “But I’m just one vote.”

  “How’s this for an answer?” Derek gave her a twirl and faced her. He stripped her shirt away from her body and released a masculine growl. “Now that’s what I’m talking about.”

  She gasped, but she wasn’t surprised. If anything, she was tur
ned on, hot. As soon as his hands had gone to her collar, she’d known her favorite blouse was a thing of the past.

  “Do you have something against clothes?” Ryan asked, plucking the shirt from the floor.

  “I have something against Ellie wearing them and hiding these.” With a flick from his fingers, he unclasped the front of her bra, catching her breasts in his hands when the support was no longer there.

  “Do it,” she whispered, her voice thick with insatiable lust.

  Bradley stepped behind her and gripped her left hip, holding her steady while Derek teased her, working his tongue from one nipple to the next.

  Bradley drove his arm down her slacks and pushed his hand inside her panties. “So wet and warm.”

  Her pussy throbbed and she longed to feel his fingers dipping and dancing, thrusting inside her slick channel with a rhythmic beat.

  Her pussy tightened around his fingers and she bowed her back, loving the hot mouth circling her nipple and the searing gazes she caught from Ryan and Allister, too.

  Bradley pumped his fingers inside her, fucking her manually as he mashed his cock against her ass. “Talk to me, Ellie.”

  She could barely breathe, let alone speak. “Do it. Please. Make me come, Bradley. Make me scream.”

  “Oh he’ll make you scream, baby,” Allister said. “But none of us are in any hurry tonight.”

  Derek grabbed hold of her waist then and slammed her lower body against his. He sucked and pulled at her sensitive nipples, making her moan and cry out with bliss and pain, a mix of so many forbidden pleasures.

  She rocked against Bradley, rubbing her ass all over his cock. She was dying to feel the hard flex of his dick pressing between her cheeks as he sought out and found her pulsing hole.

  “Keep that up, sugar, and I’m playing around back before they ever come at ya from the front.”

  “Promises, promises,” she crooned.

  Derek peered over her shoulder and nodded at Bradley.

  “I knew you or Allister would go first tonight.”

  “Is that what you want, Ellie?” His throaty voice sounded as sexy as sin and as tempting as forbidden fruit.

  “I want all of you inside me, stroking me, loving me.”

  “Not me,” Allister said. “I want to watch. I want to remember everything about this moment.”

  She couldn’t help but notice the tight corded veins in Allister’s neck. It was killing him to share her, killing him to know that there was no way any of them would ever let her go or any way she would consider it. At the same time, she knew he loved it. He craved seeing her with his friends, watching her as she took one and then another and then one more.

  “You gonna step aside too, Ryan?” Derek deviled him.

  “Seniority and all that.” Ryan unhooked his belt, released his zipper, and parted the front of his boxers. He tugged his cock free and stroked, watching as Derek shucked her slacks and went to the floor with them.

  “You might as well get comfortable down there,” Allister said, chuckling.

  Derek trailed her leg with kisses before backing up. Ryan pushed the small desk forward, shooting her a suggestive wink.

  “You okay, baby?” Bradley kissed her back. “Tell me.” He pushed his hand between her thighs and twirled his fingers around her opening. “Talk to me, Ellie. Are you nervous, scared, or just plain excited?”

  “Yes, excited,” she whimpered, massaging his rigid length with her bottom.

  “Where do you want me to take you?” Bradley pushed his hand under her cunt and thrust his fingers in and out, twirling them deeper and then withdrawing long enough to swirl them around her opening.

  “Right there. Oh God. Yes. Right there.” She blinked back the pleasure riding in for her, determined to enjoy the touching, the intimate caresses. She wanted this to last and last.

  “Here? You want him right here?” Derek kissed her mound and tongued her clit. “You have to tell us what you want, vixen.”

  Her mouth watered and she leaned over the desk, eager to taste Ryan’s excitement. She longed to feel him sliding across her tongue, grinding against her throat.

  Ryan rubbed his cockhead across her lips and she rose to her elbows, stretching out in front of Bradley as she ran her fingers up and down Ryan’s shaft.

  “I want…” Her gaze hopped from Allister to Derek and back to Allister again. “I want an assembly line.”

  “You do?” Allister laughed. “You mean a train?”

  “Maybe,” she purred, shaking her hips. “Is that so bad?”

  Bradley smacked her ass and the resounding pop left her with a multitude of sensations rushing up and down her spine. “You like being spanked?”

  “Yes,” she whispered, her voice quivering. “I like the burn, the way it makes my pussy hot.”

  “Dear God.” Ryan gulped. “Did she say pussy?”

  “Ryan, spank me and tell me ladies don’t talk like tramps.” Her pussy clenched, tightened around the nothingness as she considered the forthcoming loving.

  “One smack to the buttocks and I may not move aside,” Ryan warned her.

  A solid lick and she might beg him to stay.

  Derek spread her legs and tweaked her nipple while spearing his tongue between her intimate lips. As awkward as the positioning must’ve been, he still managed to unhook his belt and slide down his jeans.

  One loud slap came down across her bottom and Derek moved out of the way, seemingly surprised to find Bradley with his arm high in the air. Soon the real smacking sounds commenced as body slapped against body.

  Bradley hadn’t wasted one moment of time. He grabbed her hips and slammed his cock inside her, driving her against his groin one minute and pushing her forward the next.

  Two men stood by with their jaws dropped while Ryan reaped the real rewards. Ellie went at his cock as if she’d waited for the right inspiration, and maybe she had.

  Bradley, love his soft-spoken little heart, had inspired her. Where he lacked in vocal expression, he more than made up for in hard-pounding delivery. As her tongue struck Ryan’s tip, Bradley thrust deeper, and Derek inched closer.

  Ellie turned her gaze to the man who’d given her everything. Allister had loved her enough to set her free and loved her enough to wait on her. He’d even loved her enough to share her. Perhaps he’d known all along the real reasons he’d later stand by his decisions.

  One man couldn’t satisfy one woman for the rest of her life, not when he had so many important obligations. Too many people were counting on him. Too many families were looking to Allister and the others to save them.

  As three lovers took her as one, she mouthed the words to her truest hero. “I love you, Allister.”

  “I know. But I’ll always love you more.”



  Natalie Acres is a bestselling award-winning author writing exclusively for Siren Publishing. She enjoys writing western contemporaries as well as action-packed romantic thrillers.

  The parents of two grown children, with an emphasis on grown, Natalie and her husband are the proud grandparents of a beautiful granddoll and spend as much time as they can doting on her with love and attention.

  When Natalie isn’t writing, she’s typically found at a football game, music festival, or book event. For more information, visit or follow Natalie on Twitter at

  For all titles by Natalie Acres, please visit

  Siren Publishing, Inc.



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