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Temptation by Fire

Page 12

by Tiffany Allee

Because really, what red-blooded man walked away from what was clearly an open offer of sex? I mean, seriously, who did that?


  Damn Ava and her fucking moxie. Setting up a meeting with a demon on her own. Coming on to me—hell, it had taken everything I had to walk away from what she was offering. I couldn’t deal with hunting demons, protecting Ava, and wanting her so bad I shook. Taking off seemed to be my new MO, but I’d had to get the hell away from her. From her luscious body. Her warm and open mouth. Her bright eyes, wide with intensity and intelligence and…hell, I didn’t even know what else it was I saw in her eyes. Something I didn’t really understand.

  I managed exactly one lap around the building, distracting myself by looking for signs that demons might have followed us here. But there were none. I hadn’t even told Franklin which safe house we were using. Of course, the man could probably find us easily enough if he wanted to. But I needed this to be me and Ava for now.

  The steady sound of the shower greeted me when I got back to the room. And it ran for a good five minutes before I’d calmed down enough to talk to her.

  When I heard the water being turned off, I banged on the bathroom door, not quite mad enough to open it without permission. I was pissed, both at her for her risk-taking and myself for not being able to keep control around her, but there were still boundaries I wouldn’t cross.

  And maybe it was time to tell her why I had those boundaries. Tell her what it was that had turned me into a man who had so much demon blood inside him I teetered on the razor edge of good and evil.

  “What?” she said, opening the door and peering out at me, towel clutched to her breast.

  “I love you in a good towel, sweetheart.”

  “What do you want, Karson?”

  “Do you know what you’re risking?” I leaned against the doorframe and tried to keep my mind from wandering to how easy it would be to get her out of that towel.

  “Of course I do. But what makes me so different from you? You risk your life every day.”

  “I—” I swallowed the rock in my throat and stared at her pink toenails. “I can’t lose you like that.” Wide eyes greeted mine when I looked back up. “Do you think I just fell into this, Ava?”

  “Demon hunting, you mean.” Her face took on a serious cast.

  “Yeah, demon hunting.”

  “I figured you weren’t born into it or anything.”

  I shook my head and dropped my gaze to the floor. Some things were too painful to tell while connected by sight. “Years ago, I lost everyone I ever cared about. Everyone I ever loved. All in one fell swoop to a hungry demon. My parents. My little sister.”

  “Oh, Karson—”

  “It was fucking random—is it wrong that almost makes it worse? A demon who called himself Malus killed them. He was on the run. A local Venator cell was after his head and had managed, with a lot of help, to injure him. Demon asshole needed to recharge. My family was in his path.”

  I had to tell her the rest of it now, or I’d never finish. It felt like the knowledge would drown me if I didn’t get it all out. “I found them. I walked into our home and saw the blood and…they were mauled. Like an animal had—” I couldn’t breathe. Ava simply waited as I worked to regain control. “That fucker just walked out like nothing was wrong. I passed him on my way in. Thought his suit looked familiar, but it wasn’t until later I realized it was one of my dad’s.”

  She made a choking noise, but I didn’t look at her. Couldn’t look, or I wouldn’t finish. “We passed on the sidewalk, and I thought he was some salesman or a religious guy looking for converts. He smiled at me, all fucking polite. Probably tickled the hell out of him, knowing what I was going to walk into. I will hunt that demon until the day I die, Ava.”

  “I can’t imagine—”

  “I don’t want your pity.”

  A haggard breath escaped her. “I don’t pity you. How could I? I just…I’m sorry.”

  “It’s why I can’t keep kissing you, no matter how much I want you. Because you deserve a hell of a lot better than a man who can’t ever have a real life with you.”

  “You want to keep kissing me?”

  “I want to do a lot more than that.”

  Silence fell over us for a moment. I went to take a step back, but Ava reached out and took my hand in hers. Keeping her gaze on our joined hands, she spoke.

  “I watched my cousin die in a vision when I was a child. Saw him burning in a car wreck. I couldn’t save him, Karson. My family ignored my warnings, no matter how loudly I screamed. I never seem to be able to save the people in my visions. And my family hated me for it—that I’d warned them didn’t matter. They called me unnatural. I heard my aunt tell my mother that I was of the devil—and my mom didn’t argue with her. Not easy for a twelve-year-old to take.” Her eyes went blank, as emotionless as I imagined mine were when I was avoiding painful memories.

  “And even after I learned to be more subtle with my warnings, to hide them in the form of advice, it never worked out right. I was a know-it-all for telling a friend at school not to date a certain boy. I was a tattletale after my only high school boyfriend got caught cheating on a test I warned him not to cheat on.” Her voice caught. “It just never works out right. No matter how hard I try.” She laughed, a choked half sob. “Of course, it figures that the only time I make a difference is to save a demon. And people wonder why I call it a curse.”

  Her eyes met mine, and the understanding there almost broke me.

  “I can’t imagine what you’ve gone through, Karson. And I won’t pretend I can even begin to wrap my mind around how that would feel. I would never ask you to give up your hunt for me.”

  Emotions rolled over me—so fast and hard I couldn’t quite grasp them. My old familiar pain, and new pain for her. They built under my skin, threatening to burst free if I didn’t find an outlet.

  I pushed the bathroom door open the rest of the way. Ava let out a soft squeak, but I pulled her into my arms and kissed her. Brutally, I punished her with my mouth. I needed an outlet for my emotion. No. Not just an outlet. I needed her.

  Only a moment of hesitation, and she was kissing me back. One hand clutched my shoulder while the other held on to her towel. Wrapping my arms around her, I pulled her closer, anger completely drowned by the passion she elicited in me.

  “This is such a bad idea,” I murmured against her lips.

  “Shut the hell up and quit thinking for once.”

  Still wet from the shower, she clung to me as I kissed her neck. I nibbled my way to her shoulders and then, in one sweeping motion, picked her up—towel and all. Then I carried her out of the bathroom and set her on her feet next to the bed.

  I tugged lightly on the towel she still clutched, but didn’t try to take it from her. This was her decision, and even if it killed me, I would stop if she wanted me to.

  “We don’t have—”

  “Didn’t I tell you to be quiet?” Her words were teasing, but her voice was full with emotion. With a jerk of quick movement, her posture stiffened, and then she tossed the towel to the floor.

  My heart jumped into my throat as my cock jumped to attention. She was beautiful. Droplets of water ran down from her damp hair to kiss the rest of her body. Her nipples stood out on her perfect breasts, dark cherry red against the paleness of her skin. Her blond hair was dark with dampness, and she looked at me from under hooded eyes, biting the inside of her lip nervously.

  “You are so fucking beautiful.”

  Her eyes widened in surprise, then she gave me a sexy grin and plucked at my T-shirt. I yanked the shirt over my head and then pulled her against me. Breasts soft against my chest, her hard nipples teased me. She moaned, then her mouth met mine and I tasted the same passion I felt on her lips. I kissed my way down her soft skin until I tugged one of her red buds into my mouth. Sucking it, I moved to the other one as she cried out.

  Passionate. Fuck, but was Ava passionate. Every touch of my skin to hers, she
reacted, gasping, sliding her hands and body against mine. Heat swept between us, dancing everywhere our skin met.

  I’d never been so hard in my goddamned life.

  Her hand running through my hair, I licked and nibbled my way down her body, sliding my hand down her back while the other cupped and squeezed and touched her front, until I reached the apex of her thighs. I needed to touch every inch of her glistening skin.

  She jerked when I slid my hand between her legs. God, she was already so fucking wet.

  I slid a finger into her to make sure she was ready, and she arched against my hand. She was so responsive it almost hurt me to rein myself in. I wanted to push her onto the bed and bury myself in her forever. Fuck us both into oblivion. Never leave this room. Never return to my responsibilities. Never abandon her, as I knew I’d have to eventually.

  No, I wasn’t dwelling on that now. My focus had to be on her. On making sure she enjoyed this. She deserved my full attention. She deserved everything.

  And for the short time she was mine, I would do my damnedest to give it to her.

  Then I was guiding her onto the bed and tossing my pants onto the floor. I covered her body with mine before I remembered to grab a condom out of my bag. I approached her slowly, savoring the view of her on my bed. Of her soft breasts, swollen lips, smooth skin. Remembering my underwear, I pulled them off and tossed them somewhere behind me. Her eyes widened at the sight of my cock and she licked her lips.

  Fuck it. I couldn’t go slow. Next time I’d take it slow.

  Starving for her, I returned and feasted again on her mouth as she ran her hands over my hardness. I pressed myself into her hand, and she squeezed me.

  We moved together perfectly. Her needy moans met with my caresses. My aching body was enflamed by her delicate touch.

  Finally, when my head thundered with the need to fill her, I nudged her legs farther open and rubbed her nub, then slid a finger inside of her. Fuck me if she wasn’t as ready for me as I was for her.

  She moaned and gripped my cock, guiding me between her legs until I could feel her waiting heat. Unable to hold back any longer, I thrust into her slick tightness. With effort, I held myself back from shattering immediately.


  She moaned and writhed, so tight and wet and perfect. Pleasure the likes of which I’d never felt before overwhelmed me and I held my ground for a few seconds, forcing her to hold still beneath me. My hands dug into the bed so hard I thought the comforter might rip. Then I shifted, my body finding a delicious rhythm with hers.

  We moved together as if made from the same pieces, designed to fit and work perfectly with each other. She bit my shoulder and I pounded into her, no longer thinking clearly enough to slow my pace, to worry if it was too much for her. My only thought was to ease the ache inside us both.

  I took her mouth again, and she kissed me back with a fervor that took my breath away. And when she called my name against my lips and tightened around me, I followed her in an explosion that shook me, body and soul.

  Chapter Nine

  I drove at retiree-with-nothing-better-to-do speed to the restaurant, and Karson, Franklin, and Caleb followed not far behind me in an SUV. It was probably silly to think I might lose Karson if I drove any faster, but I was nervous enough about meeting a demon to risk losing my backup. The worry was doubly silly since they knew what restaurant I was headed to.

  I should call Miriam.

  After this, I promised myself. Okay, maybe I was avoiding talking to her. There was no easy way to explain how I’d gone from thinking Karson might be a demon to sleeping with him during a twenty-four hour period. Not to mention making a date with the real demon.

  Yeah, that wasn’t an over-the-phone conversation.

  Karson and I had spent part of the night, and a good chunk of the morning, talking. He didn’t say much more about his past, and I didn’t delve into my darker moments. Instead, we passed the time talking about my friendship with Miriam and Karson’s experiences learning to become a Venator. We’d spoken of lighter things, too. Like his unfathomable dislike of Cherry Coke, and how I’d decorated my apartment. The man didn’t like flowers. His terrible taste aside, it had been the best night and morning of my life.

  My focus should have been on the dinner. I was vaguely worried about that, but I also couldn’t get the thoughts of what had happened the night before out of my head. Thoughts of Karson.

  The man was magnificent. He’d made me feel things I never imagined. Made me lose all sense of my worries and problems and fears. And the sensations, the way he’d made me feel… It was suddenly too hot in the car.

  The restaurant was sided with stonework that looked real, not at all like the faux siding I’d seen on newer buildings. It had an old vibe, as if the building belonged in Europe or Asia. Tall and dark against the low lighting, the structure looked like a castle built to fend off invaders.

  Most of their business must have come from word of mouth. It certainly didn’t look welcoming on the outside. The sight of the place made my blood run cold, adding to the fear that already ran through me.

  Forcing deep breaths into my lungs, I approached the ornate front door, nodding to a host who opened it for me. I could do this. Karson and his cell would keep me safe. Besides, I wasn’t helpless.

  Karson had given me a small knife to carry on my thigh. It kind of made me feel like a spy, which was cool until I realized I didn’t exactly have the skills to back it up. It wasn’t super comfortable, but it was well-hidden. The blade was etched in runes that apparently would make it far more effective against a demon than a gun would be. Of course, I’d have to flash the restaurant to access it. Then I’d have to get the demon to hold still long enough to actually stab him.

  Hidden inside one of the inner pockets of my clutch purse was a handful of salt. Karson’s instructions for that had been simple. Throw it at anything chasing you and run like hell.

  That sounded more doable than the knife.

  I parked a block away from the restaurant to avoid the valet. The short walk had given me just enough time to get really nervous, and I wiped my sweaty palm on my dress in a vain attempt to dry them.

  The interior of the restaurant did not look like the inside of any castle I’d ever seen on television. Maroon and gold covered the floors and walls, and low lighting illuminated the dark spaces. A quiet hum of conversation filled the air, with the occasional note from a classical piano breaking through the murmur of voices.

  The host took me directly to the table where Thomas was already seated. He stood as I approached, making a motion for me to sit. He was dressed to impress, cool and confident in a tailored suit and tie. Exactly the opposite of me.

  “Hello, Ava. You look lovely this evening,” Thomas said, appearing quite human.

  “Thank you,” I managed.

  I felt as frazzled as I probably looked. The secondhand cocktail dress was a year or two out of style. Karson had picked it up from my apartment for me. I didn’t fit in wearing it here, especially while sitting across from a man—demon—who wore style and money effortlessly. Not that it mattered what anyone thought of me, but Karson would be watching. And part of me, even in this life or death situation, cared what Karson thought of my silly dress.

  The host held a chair for me, helping me scoot in after I sat down. I waited until the man left to lean back, avoiding the off-chance of him touching my shoulders as he held the chair.

  A sudden chill settled into my bones as I sat, but I kept my polite smile firmly affixed to my face. Why did cold flick over my skin every time I approached him? Karson said he’d never heard of anything like it, and his insistence at keeping it a secret made me think that there was more to it that he wasn’t telling me. Would it happen if any demon approached me?

  I rubbed the goose bumps on my skin, then tugged at the long gloves I’d purchased to go with the sleeveless dress. I’d paid retail for them a couple of years ago, something I rarely did. But it was impossible to find
gloves at a thrift store that were in good condition and went with a cocktail dress. The cost was worth the price because they’d limit skin-to-skin contact. Someone would have to touch my shoulder or my legs to actually touch my skin. People were hesitant to touch a stranger anywhere other than the hand.

  Gloves weren’t foolproof, especially because Thomas was a demon. It would be hard to say if he’d obey common decorum, but the gloves were the best I could do while dressing appropriately for dinner.

  They would have to do.

  Thomas sat regally across from me; no hint of his wounds showed in his posture. Seeing him in this restaurant, dressed as he was, he looked older than the early twenties I’d guessed him to be at the hospital. He still didn’t look old exactly, but something about the way he held himself made him seem that way. The body of the young man he’d possessed probably was young, but as a demon, Thomas was probably ancient.

  “Thank you for meeting me here.” Dazzlingly white teeth flashed when his smile widened. “I know you must have a lot of questions. I must admit, I have some questions as well.”

  “Nice restaurant,” I said lamely. My stomach quivered as he leaned forward. This was stupid. What was I doing? I was no demon hunter.

  “Thank you,” Thomas said, then muttered something to the waiter, and the man turned on his heel and left.

  “Was that French?”

  He smiled, revealing his perfect white teeth. “Yes, it was. All of the staff here speaks French. Creates a nice atmosphere, don’t you think?”

  “Mmm.” I hoped the noise came across as agreement. I was making small talk with a demon. And if my brain didn’t shut up about the demon part, I was never going to get through this.

  Demon. Demon. Demon.

  “Um…thank you. For dinner, I mean.” Why had I come here? The idea had seemed so smart while I was in the safety of the Venators’ apartment with Karson by my side. I’d been excited to be involved. To be doing good. Helping to take out a demon I’d set free. But now, with Thomas sitting across from me, it felt real. Too real.

  I fought a surge of nausea, and a thin sheen of perspiration touched my skin, adding to the cold Thomas already elicited. Karson was right outside, with Caleb and Franklin. I was safe. Ish.


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