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The Slaver Wars: Galactic Conflict

Page 7

by Raymond L. Weil

  “We don’t have weeks,” answered Kincaid in a lower and more solemn voice. “A light cruiser arrived a few days ago from Admiral Strong. The Hocklyns and AIs are besieging the planet and have already launched two attacks. I’m sure there have been others by now. Fleet Admiral Streth is right; we can’t wait any longer. I’m just glad he forced our hand using Ambassador Tureen.”

  “This will be the beginning of the next phase of the war,” Senator Malle warned. “Once Admiral Streth leaves, I don’t think he will stop until he has freed the old Federation worlds.”

  “You may be right,” Kincaid responded as he came back to his desk and sat down. “It will be up to us to make sure he has what he needs. Ships, supplies, battle stations, missiles; everything we can think of. We'll wait until Admiral Streth has left and then try to push this through the Senate.”

  “How?” Senator Anderson asked his brow wrinkled in thought. “Senator Fulbright will object as usual.”

  “We will tell the Senate it is better to fight the Hocklyns and the AIs on their turf rather than ours,” Kincaid replied evenly. “We can remind them about what happened at New Tellus and that by attacking the Hocklyns in their territory we prevent them from attacking other Federation worlds.”

  The other two nodded. It would be a tough sell, particularly after what had happened in Operation First Strike and the tragic losses the fleet suffered. However, if they were going to defeat the Hocklyns and the AIs, the war had to be taken to them and Admiral Streth was the only one that could do that. There was no doubt in their minds that once the civilian population of the Federation learned about what Fleet Admiral Streth was doing; the entire population would rally in support of the Fleet Admiral.

  President Kincaid leaned back and took a deep breath. The sheer savagery of the attack on New Tellus had stunned the Federation. It had brought the war home and made people across the Federation realize what was at stake. He also needed to speak to the Federation’s allies about committing some of their ships to the war effort. So far the Kessels, Darvonians, and Zanths had agreed to build up their fleets to help protect the Federation’s flanks. Now it was time for them to take a more aggressive role.

  He would have the Federation ambassadors meet with representatives of the three race’s governments and see what could be agreed upon. This was a question of survival, and everyone had to be on board. Kincaid closed his eyes briefly, wondering what the next few months would bring. With Admiral Streth, anything was possible.

  Chapter Five

  Jeremy looked over at Kelsey, who was still sound asleep next to him. She looked so beautiful and innocent early in the morning. He allowed himself to smile and put his arm around her. He felt her snuggle closer with a quiet moan of contentment. For a few moments, Jeremy lay there and didn't worry about the dangerous situation they were in. Kelsey and he had taken Colonel Malen’s advice and were spending most of their nights together. Jeremy knew that Kevin and Katie were doing the same. Even Angela had been spending more and more time with her marine captain over on the space station whenever the opportunity arose.

  It had been weeks since Admiral Streth’s horrific battle over the Hocklyn fleet base and there still had been no word. Even the light cruiser they had sent back to the Federation three weeks earlier had failed to return. It was an eight-day trip back to Federation space, then figure a couple of days at New Tellus and eight more back. The cruiser should have been back several days ago. It made Jeremy wonder if the Federation had survived the Hocklyn attack. Every day that passed without word only made the prospects of the Federation having won the battle even less.

  “Thinking about the Federation?” Kelsey spoke sleepily, her deep blue eyes focusing on Jeremy as she pushed back her natural inclination to fall back to sleep.

  “Some,” admitted Jeremy, pulling Kelsey closer. “The BattleCry should have been back by now.”

  “They may be waiting for the relief fleet,” replied Kelsey, knowing Jeremy was extremely worried. They all were worried about what had happened back in the Federation. Each day without the relief fleet showing up only increased the growing despair.

  Jeremy released Kelsey and sat up, swinging his legs out of bed. “The Hocklyns and AIs have attacked us three more times since the BattleCry left. In each attack, they have eliminated more of our fighters and bombers as well as degraded the defense grid. Any day now, they will launch an all out attack to try to finish us off. I don’t know if we can stop them again, Kelsey.”

  “Grayseth is bringing more satellites up every day to replace the ones that have been destroyed,” Kelsey responded with a deep sigh. It was hard to imagine that she and Jeremy might only have a few days left. “The Carethians are doing everything they can to replace the losses.”

  “I know,” answered Jeremy his voice taking on a disheartening tone. “But they can’t replace the missile platforms or the laser satellites. We’ve lost sixteen of the defensive battle stations. After each attack, we’re weaker than before. They also can’t replace the fighter and bomber losses.”

  Kelsey nodded and stood up, allowing the sheet to fall away from her body. For a moment, she saw Jeremy’s eyes alight with desire and she thought he might take her back to bed. “I spoke to Malith yesterday; even the Carethians on the space station are growing concerned. He said that she and all the rest of the female Carethians on the space station might be sent to one of the underground cities shortly, where they would be safe.”

  Jeremy let out a sharp breath and then forced a smile after taking a long, admiring look at Kelsey. “I'd better get to the Command Center; I have a conference call with Grayseth and Admiral Stillson scheduled this morning. I’m not surprised that all the female bears are going back to Careth. The Carethians don’t believe in endangering the females of their species.”

  Kelsey nodded. She understood that command came first and their personal lives second, at least for now. Jeremy turned and went to take a quick shower, while Kelsey lay back down and thought about what was ahead of them. Someday, she hoped, she and Jeremy could have a family, but if the Federation had fallen then that dream might come to an unpleasant end very shortly. At least they were together now.


  An hour later, Jeremy was speaking to Grayseth and Admiral Stillson over the com system.

  “It’s not good,” Admiral Stillson said worriedly, knowing they were in a deteriorating tactical situation. “We may be better off joining our fleets after the fighter and bomber losses we have suffered.”

  “We've moved as many of our people as possible into the underground cities,” Grayseth added, regret sounding in his voice. “Many others have been moved to bunkers and cave facilities we have prepared for this situation. Later today, we'll be evacuating all of the female Carethians from the station.”

  Jeremy nodded as he thought about what to do. The Hocklyns had, thus far, avoided attacking the space station or directly engaging the two orbiting Federation fleets. Instead, they would jump in between the fleets and hit the defense grid. Most of the battles were between opposing groups of fighters and occasionally the bombers would get near enough to launch their missiles. In system K-774, the stealth scouts had reported the arrival of numerous large freighters delivering new fighters to the Hocklyns to replace their losses.

  “The main attack will come shortly,” uttered Jeremy, knowing it was pretty much over except for the dying. They had half the fighters and bombers they'd started with, including the extra ones that had been stored on the space station. “Position four of our battlecarriers at strategic locations beneath the defense grid. I want all four carriers to have full loads of fighters even if we have to take them from the other carriers. Those fighters are to be used to intercept any missiles targeting the surface of Careth.”

  “We also have our own surface aircraft that can be used to intercept missiles,” Grayseth informed them in his powerful voice. “I have already ordered them to be dispersed across the planet. Numerous ground based interceptors a
re ready to launch if missiles are detected heading toward our cities.”

  “Admiral Stillson, move your ships into Fourth Fleet’s formation. Commander Marks will be moved up in rank to rear admiral and placed in charge of all carrier operations.”

  “She can command our fighters and bombers as well,” Grayseth added. “Commander Marks is a fine warrior and my people will follow her orders. She is a great huntress, and my people will hunt well with her. She will make a good admiral.”

  “You should prepare your small warships,” Jeremy suggested to Grayseth. “In the coming battle, I suspect they will be needed.”

  Grayseth was silent for a moment and then responded. “I will order them to make ready. They have been hungry to join the hunt.”

  Jeremy nodded to himself. The small warships were the last card he had to play against the Hocklyns and the AIs. With luck, their use might buy them more time.


  A few hours later, Jeremy was studying the tactical display when he sensed a presence next to him. Turning, he saw Ariel with a sad and questioning look upon her face.

  “What’s it like to die, Jeremy?” she asked in a low and unsure voice. “Will I just cease to be?”

  “I don’t know,” Jeremy responded surprised at the question. “Everyone has to die sometime; I guess we are fortunate in that we will get to choose how we die.”

  “You are very much like a Human,” Katie said as she walked up from behind Ariel. She had overheard Ariel’s question. “My parents believed in an afterlife and I know there are many that don’t. I can’t believe that this is all there is to living. If there is an afterlife, there is no doubt in my mind that you will be there with us.”

  Ariel nodded. She had read much about the various religions on Earth and back in the old Federation. Her biggest regret was that she would not get the opportunity to tell Clarissa goodbye. At least if she died, she would do so with her friends.

  “Hocklyns are jumping,” Kevin said suddenly as he saw the red icons representing the Hocklyn ships in system K-774 begin to vanish.

  “This is it,” Jeremy said in a steady voice. “Colonel Malen, bring all of our forces up to Condition One.”

  Instantly, red Condition One lights began to flash and warning klaxons began to sound. Over the ship’s com system, Colonel Malen’s calm, authoritative voice could be heard ordering the crew to their combat stations. Once that was done, she stepped over to the command console and silenced the alarms and the flashing lights.

  Jeremy watched in silence as the rest of the first shift operations crew filed into the Command Center and relieved the junior officers. Jeremy was proud of his people, as each one seemed unafraid of what was ahead. They all knew that this might be their last battle.

  “All of the Hocklyn ships have jumped,” Ariel whispered as her beautiful dark eyes focused on Jeremy.

  “It’s what we've been expecting,” replied Jeremy, taking a deep and steadying breath. “Colonel Malen, make sure all ships have Devastator Threes in their tubes; there’s no point in saving them. Either we win this battle or the Hocklyns do, and if it’s the Hocklyns we won’t need them any more.”

  “AIs are jumping,” Ariel reported as the ten orange icons on the tactical display vanished.

  “We have forty minutes,” Jeremy commented as he eyed the timer on the tactical display. “Angela, get me Admiral Marks.”

  A few moments later, Rear Admiral Susan Mark’s voice came over the mini-com. “Yes, Admiral.”

  “I have placed four battlecarriers beneath the defense grid,” Jeremy began. “Their primary function is to interdict any Hocklyn missiles that get through the defenses. You'll also be coordinating all flight operations for our remaining fighters and bombers and whatever Grayseth has left on the space station. I want bomber strikes of squadron strength against individual Hocklyn ships as soon as they jump in. Stay away from the AIs.”

  “We will make you proud, Admiral,” responded Susan, knowing her stint as an admiral was probably going to be a very short one.

  Jeremy turned his attention back to the rest of his fleet. He quickly assigned his remaining strikecruisers to work together in pairs. Two light cruisers would support each one. The strikecruisers had orders to engage AI ships at their discretion.

  Taking a deep breath, Jeremy walked over to the Navigation console where Kelsey was sitting. There was one more thing he needed to do and this might be his last opportunity to do this. Taking his right hand, he reached out and gently squeezed her shoulder.

  Kelsey turned and glanced up at Jeremy in surprise. He'd always been careful not to show affection toward her in front of the crew. “Jeremy, what is it?”

  Jeremy took a deep breath, knowing that most of the crew in the Command Center were watching. “Kelsey, I love you, and if we make it back to the Federation someday, I want you to be my wife.”

  Kelsey felt her heart skip a beat. She and Jeremy had spoken of a life together, but this was the first time he had actually suggested marriage. It was a strange time for a proposal, but she suspected she knew the reason behind it.

  Kelsey stood up and put her arms around Jeremy, kissing him deeply. Then, with a smile, she said the magic words. “I accept.”

  The entire command crew broke out into loud cheers and clapping. It was as if they were not shortly going to be in a fight to the death. For a moment, they all shared the joy that Jeremy and Kelsey were feeling.

  Katie, Kevin, Angela, and Ariel all felt a swelling of happiness at the proposal. All four were determined they would survive this battle and be part of the happy couple’s future. The proposal gave them another reason for living.

  Jeremy stepped back and nodded at the smiling crew, then made his way back to the command console as various crewmembers wished him and Kelsey congratulations.

  “About time,” Kevin teased with a big grin on his face as Jeremy passed the sensor console. “We were all wondering when you'd finally break down and propose.”

  Jeremy reached the command console and sat down. Ariel was already there with a big pleased smile on her face. If they could only survive this battle, then someday she would have more special children to look after.

  “Hocklyns are exiting hyperspace,” Kevin announced, breaking the joyous feeling in the Command Center. “Two million kilometers from the edge of the gravity well.”

  Looking up at a viewscreen, Jeremy could see hundreds of distant white spatial vortexes forming. He knew that each one of those vortexes represented a Hocklyn warship.

  “AIs are arriving,” Ariel added as ten large orange icons appeared on the tactical display.

  “They are accelerating toward us,” Kevin reported as he studied the data coming across his sensor screens. “Ten minutes until they reach the gravity well and another fifteen at their current speed until they reach us.”

  “Put me through to the entire fleet, the battle stations, and the space station,” ordered Jeremy, looking over at Angela.

  After a moment, Angela nodded back looking at Jeremy expectantly.

  “This is Rear Admiral Strong. In approximately twenty to thirty minutes, we will be fighting the final battle to save the planet beneath us. For weeks now, the Carethians have fought bravely at our side and died with us. We don’t know what's happened back in Federation space. There's a remote chance we are all that's left of the new Human Federation of Worlds.” Jeremy paused as he looked around the Command Center. Everyone was listening to his every word.

  “We will not be leaving this system in defeat. If the Hocklyns win this battle then let it be known that every Human in the system gave their lives to protect the freedom of the Carethians and what the Federation stands for. In the coming battle, we are one with our Carethian friends and as they would say, let us stand and hunt together!”

  “Hunt together!” echoed the crew in strong and committed voices. The same words were repeated aboard every Federation ship and the battle stations. Grayseth and his people on board the space station re
peated the words with respect and admiration. What Jeremy didn’t know was that his words had been transmitted live on every media station on Careth. Every Carethian on the planet stood tall knowing that this was a Human that understood the Carethian way.

  Grayseth looked around the crew of his massive Command Center. There were Carethians as well as Humans. “Know well that today we hunt with our Human allies. There can be no greater glory than to die with such warriors. The evil ones come and we will live as one or we will die as one!”


  Commodore Krilen looked with growing anticipation at the waiting Human ships. He was confident that over the last few weeks he'd weakened the defenses enough to finally allow him to attack the planet itself. The Humans could not have too many more of their deadly sublight missiles left and the planet’s defense grid had been greatly degraded by using the AI ships. Even the Humans' small fighters and bombers had been greatly reduced in numbers.

  He still had nearly five hundred warships, all with flight bays full of fighters. In the coming battle, the fighters would be tasked with eliminating all remaining Human fighters and bombers as well as the few the Carethians had left.

  “Honor comes today,” Angoth spoke, pleased that the final battle was upon them. He felt confident in a Hocklyn victory. Perhaps if Commodore Krilen rose in rank then he could become a War Leader.

  “There will be much honor for all,” Krilen replied self-assuredly. This victory would make him very popular amongst the High Council. Perhaps popular enough to be assigned to one of the home systems. From there, he could work toward his eventual goal of becoming a High Councilor.


  On board the dreadnought Viden, War Leader Versith gazed with deep concern at the waiting Human ships. They had to know they could not win this battle, but were making no efforts to flee.

  “These Humans are warriors,” First Leader Trion commented as he gazed at the tactical display. “They are willing to die in the defense of this world.”


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