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The Slaver Wars: Galactic Conflict

Page 20

by Raymond L. Weil

  “Same with my people,” Major Deleen added in her purring voice.

  “I would suggest we start by each one of you introducing yourselves and telling us a little about your worlds,” Kathryn said, deciding this was the best way to get to know one another. “We all should recognize with four different races from different cultural backgrounds working together there will be disagreements at times. I want to ensure none of those get out of hand.”

  “As do we Carethians,” Malith said in her mellow voice. Her large, warm eyes looked over the other representatives. “We lived for nearly one hundred years as slaves to the Hocklyns as our population was drastically reduced and our single colony world destroyed. My people are dedicated to this war effort and we deeply appreciate your help in protecting our world. We will never allow our planet to come under the Hocklyn’s rule again.” She continued giving the others a very brief history of Careth and what had happened under Hocklyn rule.

  Once Malith was finished, one by one the other delegates gave a brief description of their own unique history and their view on the war. Occasionally someone would interrupt and ask a question. Finally, everyone had spoken and Kathryn looked over the small group.

  “I think that everyone can see that we all offer something unique to this alliance. We must do everything within our power to make sure this works. The planet of Careth is not just at risk, but all of our worlds. You all heard Malith describe what living under Hocklyn rule was like. None of us wants to see that fate befall our own planets.”

  “We will all hunt together in this,” Malith decreed with conviction. The other looked at Malith and then answered in kind. “We will all hunt together.”

  Kathryn smiled. Everything was going better than expected. If it continued then the AIs and the Hocklyns had better watch out, for their time of enslaving other races was going to be coming to an abrupt end.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Jeremy was feeling nervous, even worse than when he had faced the Hocklyns and AIs at Careth. The reason was simple; today was his wedding day. In two more weeks, they would be launching the new Avenger and shortly after that, they'd be returning to Careth to continue the war. Both Fourth Fleet and Second Fleet were nearly ready, as well as Grayseth’s new battleship.

  “You should see the look on your face,” Kevin said with a grin as he put on his fleet dress jacket. “Not about to change your mind, are you?”

  “No way,” Jeremy croaked out. He reached over, poured some cold water into a glass from the small table in the room, and took a fortifying drink. “Kelsey and I have wanted this for a long time.” Then, looking over at Kevin, he continued. “It’s still not too late; we could always make this a double wedding.”

  “Are you kidding?” Kevin said, shaking his head vehemently. “The entire Federation is going to be watching your wedding; Katie and I prefer something more intimate and private.”

  Jeremy nodded in understanding. At first, he'd been opposed to broadcasting their nuptials live across the entire Human Federation of Worlds, but Fleet Admiral Johnson had convinced them by seeing the marriage of two of the Special Five would boost the morale of the entire Federation.

  “Have you seen the list of who's attending?” asked Kevin, holding a sheet of paper in his hand he'd picked up from the table. “The President, Governor Malleck, and almost every member of the Federation Senate will be in the assembly hall.”

  “Our families will be too,” Jeremy reminded Kevin. They'd sent out invitations to nearly everyone that had attended the reception Fleet Admiral Johnson had held for them at New Tellus Station before they left on Operation First Strike. Nearly everyone had accepted, and there had been numerous calls of congratulations.

  Jeremy looked at himself in the mirror. He was dressed in the uniform of a full fleet admiral, decorations and all. The dark blue uniform was made of the finest material fleet tailors had been able to find. Jeremy had felt a little uncomfortable wearing all the decorations and insignia, but Fleet Admiral Johnson had told him the people of the Federation would be expecting it.

  There was a knock on the door and it slowly opened. Admiral Kalen stepped in and looked approvingly at Jeremy. “You should know that Fleet Admiral Johnson, Governor Malleck, and I had a long conversation with President Kincaid. He's agreed to allow you and Kelsey to stay with Fourth Fleet. The only demand he has made is that the two of you cannot be on the Avenger together if it goes into combat. She will be assigned to the new shipyard being built over Careth when the Avenger goes out on sorties.”

  “At least the two of you will still get to see one another,” Kevin said with a nod. A big concern for all of them had been that Kelsey might have to stay in the Federation and not be able to return to Careth.

  “You will also be affected,” continued Admiral Kalen, looking over at Kevin. “Lieutenant Johnson is being reassigned to the new shipyard as well.”

  “So we’re finally being split up,” Jeremy said with a deep sigh. He'd been expecting this. His biggest fear was that Katie and Kelsey would have to remain behind in the Federation. It was a relief to hear that they would be going to Careth with the fleet.

  “It’s for the best,” Admiral Kalen replied. Then, in a more serious tone, “Jeremy, the five of you represent the heart of the Federation. Your history, particularly considering who some of your parents were, is what built the Human Federations of Worlds as we know it today. We can’t afford to lose that.”

  “We understand, Admiral,” responded Jeremy, squaring his shoulders knowing it was an adjustment they'd all have to learn to live with. At least they would all be at Careth together.

  “Now on to better and brighter things,” Kalen said with a broad smile covering his face. “There was an argument about who is going to perform the official ceremony. The President, Governor Malleck, and Fleet Admiral Johnson all wanted to be the ones to preside. However, someone else has stepped forward and we couldn’t in good faith turn him down.”

  “Who?” asked Jeremy, curiously. He couldn’t think of anyone else.

  Admiral Kalen turned and opened the door and Admiral Telleck walked in. “Me,” Telleck spoke with a friendly smile. “I was the one that promoted you to admiral and it’s only fitting that I preside over the joining of you and Kelsey.”

  “I thought you were back at Careth,” stated Jeremy, feeling pleased to see the senior admiral from Ceres.

  “I came back for a few days to brief Admiral Sheen as well as President Kincaid of what Fleet Admiral Streth and I are planning shortly.”

  “You’re planning a major attack!” Kevin uttered his eyes growing wide. “We’re about to go back on the offensive.”

  Telleck turned toward Kevin and nodded. “Within the next few weeks. The Alton battle stations are nearly assembled in their stationary orbits above Careth, our allies are working well together, and the new shipyard is coming along rapidly. Already, several of its construction bays are operational and Grayseth has begun constructing Careth’s first true warships.”

  “Will you launch the attack before Admiral Sheen and I arrive with our fleets?” Jeremy asked. It made him a little nervous knowing the two large Federation fleets would be leaving Careth, even with its new and improved defenses.

  “Yes,” Telleck responded with a nod. “We dare not wait much longer. Now, let’s get on with this wedding; we don’t want to keep the Federation and the bride waiting too much longer.”


  Admiral Sheen was sitting near the front of the large assembly hall at the Fleet Academy on the Moon. After much debate, it was decided the Fleet Academy was where the wedding of the century would be held. Amanda looked around, seeing all the dignitaries including several ambassadors from their allies. Even the Alton ambassador, Tureen, was in attendance.

  “Quite a crowd,” Richard said from her side. He too was amazed at all the people in attendance. Media crews were not visible, though he knew that equipment placed strategically around the large assembly hall would be transmittin
g the ceremony to all of the Federation worlds. Thanks to Alton FTL transmission technology, the entire Federation would see the ceremony within minutes of it occurring.

  “There are a lot of people here,” spoke Amanda, wondering how Kelsey and Jeremy felt about their wedding being made into such a big spectacle.

  “The hall holds ten thousand cadets normally,” Richard replied. “From what I can see, not a single seat is empty.”

  The lights suddenly dimmed, and a door at the rear of the stage opened. Admiral Telleck, Jeremy, and Kevin stepped through to take their designated positions. Admiral Telleck stepped behind the podium and motioned for everyone to stand. As everyone stood, the familiar sounds of the customary wedding song filled the assembly hall.

  Amanda looked toward the back entrance and the door slowly opened. Kelsey stepped through in a resplendent white wedding gown followed by Katie and Angela, her maids of honor.

  “She looks beautiful,” Richard whispered quietly so just Amanda could hear.

  “She is beautiful,” replied Amanda, noticing that Kelsey had allowed her blonde hair to grow longer for the wedding. Amanda felt a warm feeling inside knowing that these two young people deserved one another.


  Kelsey walked slowly, keeping her head up and her dark blue eyes focused on Jeremy. She saw with surprise that Admiral Telleck was standing at the podium. She knew the admiral being here would mean a lot to Jeremy. Her pulse was racing and she was trying her best not to look nervous. It was hard to stay calm knowing that ten thousand pairs of eyes in the assembly hall were all focused on her.

  A few moments later, Kelsey was standing on the stage with Jeremy. He reached out and took her hands, and Admiral Telleck began the ceremony. Jeremy and Kelsey had written their own vows and Kelsey could hear Katie and Angela sobbing quietly as Jeremy and she spoke them aloud. The only thing missing was Kelsey and Jeremy’s parents. In the back of her mind, Kelsey was certain that, though they couldn’t be seen, they were here in the assembly hall watching. She knew both sets of their parents would be quite happy with them getting married.

  The ceremony was plain and simple and it seemed like only a few minutes had passed until Admiral Telleck pronounced them husband and wife. Jeremy tilted her head up and kissed her. They turned around and as they did so, everyone in the assembly hall stood and began clapping.

  “We have one week for a honeymoon,” Jeremy said quietly as he smiled at everyone. He nodded at President Kincaid and Governor Malleck, who were sitting on the front row.

  “The beach resort on New Tellus will be just perfect,” Kelsey spoke as she continued to smile at everyone. “I'm sure they are well stocked up on those fruit drinks you like so well.”


  Amanda and Richard watched the happy couple leave the assembly hall, recalling their own wedding. She knew that for the next few days, Kelsey and Jeremy would be extremely happy, and then it would be time for them to return to their Fleet duties. At least for a while, they could be two normal people. She knew where the two were going for their honeymoon and the Fleet had arranged it so they would have a semblance of privacy. No media people would be allowed on the resort. There were also several security people that had been assigned to ensure that the two were not bothered. The security detail would be disguised as another married couple so as not to draw attention. Jeremy and Kelsey would never know they were there.

  “I want to speak to Admiral Telleck before he gets away,” Amanda said as the crowd began to file out and go to the large, lavish reception that was planned.

  “You could always invite him up to see your new battleship,” Richard suggested. He knew that Amanda was excited about her new flagship.

  Amanda grinned back and said. “You know, I just might do that.”

  The WarStorm was docked to the large shipyard that orbited the Moon. They'd taken a shuttle down to the Fleet Academy so they could attend the ceremony. Amanda had been extremely surprised at how well the new ship handled. The most difficult thing had been putting a crew together. Only a few had survived the destruction of the old WarStorm and most of those survivors had volunteered to become part of the new crew. Amanda still found herself looking for familiar faces in the Command Center, but most of the ones she saw were new to her.

  The battlecruiser WarStorm had been destroyed when Commander Samantha Evans had used the heavily damaged ship to ram an AI sphere, annihilating both in the process. The only Command Center officers to survive were Lieutenant Benjamin Stalls and Lieutenant Angela Trask. Both had volunteered to serve on the new battleship.

  “We'd better get to the reception,” Richard suggested. “We need to give our regards to the happy couple.”

  Amanda nodded as they began moving toward the center aisle.


  A few hours later, President Kincaid was in the commandant’s office of the Fleet Academy meeting with Fleet Admiral Johnson, Governor Malleck, and Admiral Telleck.

  “Do you think attacking the Hocklyn ship construction facility is wise?” asked Kincaid, worriedly. The Federation had almost returned to normal since the Hocklyns and the AIs had been driven from New Tellus.

  “I don’t think we have any choice,” Admiral Telleck responded with a grim look upon his face. “We must hit them before they finish updating their entire fleet. As it is, they've probably updated hundreds if not several thousand of their warships already.”

  “Will First Fleet and your fleet be enough?” asked Kincaid, knowing that once Fleet Admiral Streth made up his mind he was not going to be able to change it. He'd already learned that about the Fleet Admiral from the old Human Federation of Worlds.

  “It should be,” responded Telleck, letting out a sharp breath. “This will be a hit and run raid; we’re not trying to destroy the system or keep control of it. We just want to jump in, smash their shipyards, and get out.”

  “What type of losses is Fleet Admiral Streth expecting?”

  “It depends on how many AI ships are present,” Telleck responded. “We'll jump several of our new long-range stealth scouts into the outer periphery of the system to take scans before we attack. It can always be called off if the opposition is too strong.”

  “How long will it take the fleets to get to Kenward Seven?” Kincaid asked. He knew from the intelligence briefings that system was deep within the Hocklyn Slave Empire. No Federation ship had ever traveled that far into Hocklyn controlled space.

  “A little over four weeks with the new systems the Altons have helped us to install in our ships. Our drives now have longer jump ranges and the drive cores will only need a one hour cool down time between jumps.”

  “How many Alton ships are going with you?” Kincaid asked. He knew the more powerful Alton ships could be the key to victory.

  “Twenty,” answered Telleck, promptly. “We have forty at our disposal and half of them will be remaining in the Carethian system to help in its defense if it becomes necessary.”

  President Kincaid looked over at Fleet Admiral Johnson and Governor Malleck. “Do either of you see a problem with this attack plan?”

  “No,” Fleet Admiral Johnson replied. “Both First Fleet and Admiral Telleck’s Fleet have been heavily reinforced. This is a prime target and we should take this opportunity to destroy it if we can. We don’t know how much longer our weapons advantage will continue.”

  “I agree,” Governor Malleck responded. “Ceres has a few more ships that'll be returning with Admiral Telleck. I think we should take this opportunity to hit the Hocklyns and hit them hard.”

  “Very well,” replied President Kincaid, leaning back in his chair and looking at the others. “Consider the plan a go. I won’t speak to the Federation Senate about it until after the operation has been launched.” Kincaid didn’t want to hear Senator Fulbright griping about the danger the two fleets would be in and how it might endanger the Federation if Fleet Admiral Streth were killed.


  Admiral Telleck and Fleet Admiral Johnson w
ere standing in front of the large granite obelisk upon the high ridge above the Fleet Academy. A short inscription carved into its surface read, “From this site, men from the planet Earth first gazed upon the Avenger. This discovery sent the Human race to the stars.”

  “I try to come here every time I come to the Fleet Academy,” Karla said respectfully as she gazed at the ten-meter tall obelisk. “It helps to remind me where all of this started.”

  “Admiral Jason Strong and Greg Johnson,” Glenn responded with a nod of his head. “They helped to found the Federation, and if we win this war with the Hocklyns and the AIs it will be because of them that the Human race survived.” Glenn knew that Greg Johnson was Karla’s distant relative and Katie’s father.

  “Jeremy and Katie have some big shoes to fill,” commented Karla, looking over at Glenn.

  “They’re living up to their expectations,” Glenn replied as he turned to gaze down at the sprawling Fleet Academy. “They've done everything expected of them and more. I suspect their parents would be very proud.”

  The academy filled much of the crater with buildings that towered over thirty stories high. Yearly, it provided over one thousand new officers to the fleet and an additional five thousand trained fleet personnel. A large dome protected by an atmospheric energy shield allowed the academy and the surrounding area to have an Earth type atmosphere. Even the gravity had been adjusted to Earth normal.

  “It was good for Jeremy and Kelsey to get married today,” Karla said in a soft voice.

  Glenn reached over and took Karla’s hand. “Life must go on even in war,” he spoke. “Their marriage and commitment to one another as well as to this war will be good for the Federation.”

  “We should be getting back,” Karla said, wishing they could stay at the monolith longer. It was so seldom that she and Glenn ever had any alone time together. “Ambassador Tureen is waiting and he's brought along several Alton scientists that want to speak with us.”


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