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The Slaver Wars: Galactic Conflict

Page 23

by Raymond L. Weil

  “Nearly two hours ago,” replied Caltrin, nervously. “I was only just made aware of it.”

  “Contact the command AI ship and ask them why they are powering up their jump drives,” Nartel ordered, and then after thinking for a moment he added. “Power up our own jump drive. If the AIs know something and are preparing to jump away, so shall we.”

  “Where to?” Caltrin asked. He knew the High Leader was angry at the AIs. Ever since the recent defeats by the Humans and the appearance of the Altons, the AIs had been even more difficult to deal with. Most of the time they even refused communication. He doubted if they would reply when asked about powering up their FTL drives.

  “System C-215,” Nartel replied without hesitation. He knew if something were about to happen at least there he would be safe.

  It was at that moment that the ship’s alarms sounded and red warning lights began flashing above the sensor console.

  “What is it?” demanded War Leader Caltrin, staring in shock at the main sensor display, which was showing what seemed like hundreds of red threat icons materializing out of nowhere.

  “It’s the Humans,” the Third Leader at sensors reported in astonishment. “They are jumping in with at least two full war fleets. There are also Alton ships in their formations.”

  “Altons!” uttered Nartel, knowing they needed to leave immediately. “Jump us out of here now!” He couldn’t believe that the Humans would dare to attack here. Not at Kenward Seven, there were over two thousand Hocklyn warships in the system.

  “It will take a few more minutes for the drive core to charge adequately for us to jump,” Caltrin replied as he ordered the ship to go to battle stations.

  “AIs are jumping,” the Third Leader reported as the AI sphere on one of the main viewscreens vanished into a swirling white vortex. On the sensor display, all ten of the large green icons representing the AI ships quickly vanished.

  “AIs are gone,” said Caltrin his eyes showing anger. “They didn’t even try to engage the enemy. At least now we know why they powered up their jump drives.”

  “They have no honor,” spat High Leader Nartel, feeling abandoned by the machine race. “They leave us to fight their battles for them.”

  He looked with worry at the tactical display, knowing the Humans had come to Kenward Seven. There could be only one reason why they had come here, to destroy the shipyards. Shipyards the Hocklyn Slave Empire could ill afford to lose.


  Fleet Commodore Resmunt’s reptilian eyes snapped open when he heard the ship’s alarms go off. He'd just retired to his quarters and barely fallen asleep after his long shift in the War Room. His hand slapped the com button next to his bed as he quickly began dressing. “What’s going on?” he demanded, irked at being disturbed from his rest. This had better not be just a drill of some sort. Drills were not supposed to be scheduled without his prior consent.

  “We have two large Human fleets that have jumped into the system,” First Leader Ganth reported calmly. “There are also twenty Alton battlecruisers intermixed with the Human warships. They've already opened up with a heavy missile bombardment on our fleet. Many of our ships have been caught with their shields down.”

  “What are the AIs doing?” Resmunt asked as he fastened his chest plate armor and picked up the protective sheath that held his knife. They would need the AIs to combat the Alton ships. Alton ships here at Kenward Seven could be disastrous.

  “They've jumped out,” Ganth reported in a cold voice. “They must have had their drives charged and on standby. They jumped within just a few seconds of detecting the Altons' ships.”

  “They knew they were coming,” growled Resmunt in anger. “Bring all of our ships to full alert. Contact the shipyards and tell them to be prepared for combat!” If they had known beforehand that the Humans were coming, they could have smashed the Human fleets as they exited hyperspace. The AIs had no honor!

  “The shipyards are only lightly armed,” First Leader Ganth reminded Resmunt. “They will not be able to stop the Human and Alton ships.”

  “I warned them about that,” responded Resmunt, feeling irritation at the commanders of the shipyards for refusing to divert some of their resources to build adequate defenses. “I'll be in the War Room shortly. Contact Fleet Commodore Versith and tell him to begin organizing a defense. His first priority is to protect the shipyards.”


  “How close are they to Kenward Seven?” Fleet Commodore Versith asked sharply as he studied the changing icons on the tactical display. There were several hundred red threat icons representing Human and Alton ships all heading toward Kenward Seven and its vulnerable shipyards.

  “They jumped in just barely outside of the planet’s gravity well,” War Leader Trion replied. “They've already opened fire on our ships that were nearby.”

  Versith glanced up at the one of the main viewscreens, which was already showing bright flashes of exploding weapons.

  “We’re losing ships,” the sensor operator reported. “The Humans caught our fleets with their shields down and at a low alert level.”

  “Move our fleet to a position between the Humans and the nearest shipyard,” Versith ordered. He knew what their ultimate targets had to be. It was the only reason they would dare come to Kenward Seven.

  He watched as the Human ships entered the gravity well of Kenward Seven and turned toward the shipyards. “Order Commodores Tantil and Parco to gather all available ships and form up around the other shipyards. We can’t afford to let the Humans destroy them.” There were only four star systems in the Hocklyn Empire that contained shipyards such as these. It would be a disaster if the Humans could destroy the ones here at Kenward Seven. Versith let out a heavy breath as he watched the tactical display. The Human ships seemed so sure of themselves

  At his weapons station, Jaseth allowed a wolfish grin to spread across his face. At last he was going to be allowed to kill more Humans. They'd come to him this time. He quickly prepared his missiles and energy beam weapons. The Viden had a few of the AIs' antimatter missiles. He would see how the Human shields held up under that type of attack. His hand strayed to the knife at his waist. It was time to spill more Human blood.


  Admiral Streth felt the StarStrike shudder slightly as inbound weapons fire began to impact the energy screen. Every ship in the two Human fleets had launched numerous Devastator Three missiles upon coming out of hyperspace. The area of space around the Federation ships was full of dying and burning Hocklyn warships. They'd caught the Hocklyns flatfooted and they were paying a heavy price for their lack of preparedness.

  “Six dreadnoughts, fourteen warcruisers, and seventy-two escort cruisers have been destroyed,” Captain Reynolds reported from his sensor console. “No losses to ourselves.”

  “The Hocklyn ships have raised their shields and are firing back,” Colonel Trist added as he spoke to Tactical over his mini-com, suggesting targets.

  “The Hocklyns are beginning to recover,” Colonel Grissim stated as she studied the multitude of red threat icons on a tactical display. They were shifting madly about trying to get away from the two Human fleets' weapons fire and reorganize. “We shattered their fleet formations and they're still trying to recover. Most of their ships didn’t even have their shields up.” Someone had made a mistake in not being prepared for an attack, and now the Hocklyn fleet was paying for it. Anne allowed herself to smile as she saw another warcruiser fall to the StarStrike’s Devastator Three missiles.

  “They’re up now,” Hedon said as he watched a power beam strike a Hocklyn dreadnought’s energy screen, which glowed brightly. “We've gotten the easy kills; the rest will be more difficult. They're also beginning to fire back.”

  “We’re inside the gravity well of Kenward Seven and moving toward the shipyards,” Colonel Trist added as the ship shook again as a missile impacted the energy shield.

  “Yes, but see how the Hocklyn ships between us and the shipyards are taking up def
ensive positions around our targets,” Hedon pointed out. “Someone recognized what we are up to and is responding quickly.” Hedon knew the fighting was about to get much more difficult, particularly if these Hocklyn ships had gone through major weapons refits. Taking a deep breath, Hedon leaned forward, watching the tactical displays intently.

  “We won’t have an easy time getting back out of the gravity well,” Trist said evenly as he watched the swarming Hocklyn ships. “We’re going to have to fight our way free.”

  “The confusion from our attack should give us an advantage for a few more minutes,” responded Hedon, looking over at his executive officer. “We need to keep pounding the Hocklyn fleet.”

  “Thirty minutes until the first shipyard is in range,” Colonel Trist added as he ran the figures. Looking up at one of the tactical displays, it appeared as if they were surrounded by a sea of red threat icons. He turned slightly pale at seeing the number of Hocklyn ships around them. Jumping in had been easy; jumping back out would be a very different matter entirely.

  “That gives them time to mount a defense and close up our exit point,” Colonel Grissim spoke as she studied the movement of the Hocklyn ships. She pursed her lips in a heavy frown. At least the AI ships had jumped out. That was one threat they didn’t have to worry about.


  Fleet Commodore Resmunt entered the War Room and moved quickly to the command pedestal where First Leader Ganth relinquished control.

  “We've suffered heavy losses from the Humans' initial attack,” Ganth reported. “Over one hundred warships have been lost thus far.”

  “Human losses?”

  “None,” Ganth replied in his cold raspy voice. “There has been no honor in this battle for our warriors. Many of our ships were caught with their shields down and paid the ultimate price.”

  Resmunt studied the tactical display intently, seeing the Humans were already deep inside of Kenward Seven’s gravity well and moving rapidly toward the nearest shipyard, which was also the largest. It was twenty kilometers across and had forty bays capable of building or repairing ships. The other three shipyards were only slightly smaller. Resmunt took in a sharp breath. This was the only major fleet construction base between here and the home worlds. It was a system the Hocklyns could not afford to lose.

  “The commanders of the shipyards are screaming for us to protect them,” added First Leader Ganth.

  “Where is Fleet Commodore Versith?” demanded Resmunt, knowing they were on the brink of a major catastrophe. It aggravated him immensely that the AIs had fled so quickly. He could have used their ability to jump inside a planet’s gravity well. They would have been extremely useful in defending the shipyards. It angered Resmunt that the AIs had no honor.

  “Fleet Commodore Versith is placing his fleet and several others between the Humans and the primary shipyard,” Ganth reported. “Versith has ordered Commodores Parco and Tantil to move to defensive positions around two of the other shipyards with as many ships as they can gather. He is still in the process of assigning ships to protect the fourth.”

  Resmunt gazed intently at the tactical display, seeing more than two hundred red threat icons moving steadily toward Kenward Seven’s valuable shipyards. He knew from what Ganth had reported earlier that there were also twenty Alton battlecruisers in those two Human fleet formations, ten with each Human fleet. With dismay, he knew with a sinking feeling that he probably would not be able to save the shipyards. All he could do was make the Humans and Altons pay as heavy a price as possible for them. He had over two thousand ships in the system to make sure that happened. Unfortunately, all three of his commodores already had their fleets assigned to defending the shipyards. He'd have to make do with the available War Leaders to set up his counter attack.

  “I want our ships formed up into two task groups of one thousand ships each,” he said as he thought out a plan to inflict as much damage as possible on the Human and Alton ships when they finished their attack run. Too many of his ships were too far away to intercept the Humans inside the gravity well of Kenward Seven before the Humans and Altons finished their attack on the shipyards.

  “We engage the Humans when they are attempting to withdraw?” asked Ganth, wondering if the Fleet Commodore was giving up on trying to save the shipyards. “What about the shipyards? They are essential to the Empire!”

  “We can’t reach the shipyards in time to make a difference.” Then, looking intently at First Leader Ganth, Resmunt asked. “Where is High Leader Nartel’s ship?”

  “It just jumped out,” the Third Leader in front of the sensor console reported. He'd watched the ship vanish from his sensors as it jumped into hyperspace only a few moments earlier.

  “Just as well,” Resmunt muttered, relieved he wouldn’t have to take orders from Nartel. “The High Leader has very little battle experience and none against the Humans. He would only be in the way here.”

  “At least he'll be safe,” Ganth responded his large eyes focusing on Fleet Commodore Resmunt. He also knew that Resmunt was correct; the High Leader would be of no use in this battle.


  Hedon gazed at a large viewscreen, which showed the nearest Hocklyn shipyard. It was larger than New Tellus Station. All four of the Hocklyns’ shipyards were.

  “My God, that thing is massive,” Colonel Trist spoke as his eyes widened upon seeing the massive structure. “It must have taken them decades to build it.”

  “It’s only lightly defended,” Colonel Grissim reported in amazement as she studied the scans coming in. “It has only very light point defense capability, just a few railguns and several missile interceptor batteries. ”

  “They were not expecting an attack this deep into their territory,” Trist commented in the way of an explanation. At least they were not facing a heavily armed shipyard; it would make this part of the battle a little easier.

  “That may be true,” Hedon responded as he looked at the myriad of red threat icons forming up between the two Federation fleets and their target. “But they have enough ships to make up for it.”

  “That might work against conventional weapons,” Colonel Grissim said as she studied the growing horde of Hocklyn ships assembling around the shipyard. But it won’t work against sublight missiles.”

  “I don’t want to use our new antimatter missiles or the particle beam cannons yet,” Hedon said after a moment. “We may need those for our escape.” Hedon activated his mini-com and quickly passed on the orders that Devastator Threes would be used to take out the shipyards. Admiral Telleck and Admiral Cleeteus quickly acknowledged.

  “When do we launch?” Colonel Trist asked his eyes still focused on one of the main viewscreens, which was showing the Hocklyn shipyard. Whoever was in charge of the shipyard’s defense had pulled in nearly two hundred warships. They were setting up a defense in depth all aimed at intercepting any inbound missiles. That might work against conventional missiles, but not so well against sublight ones.

  “We will launch at twenty thousand kilometers,” Hedon replied in a steady voice. “That is the maximum effective range for the sublight missiles. All ships will fire a full spread of Devastator missiles at the Hocklyn ships and two Devastator Threes each at the shipyard. Once the target is destroyed, we will move on to the next one.” Hedon hoped that would do it. He wanted to avoid any prolonged engagements with Hocklyn warships.

  “Admiral, it looks as if the Hocklyns behind us are moving to block our exit, we’re going to have a real fight on our hands to get back out,” Colonel Grissim announced as she watched the Hocklyns adjust their formation outside of the gravity well into two distinctive fleets. She could feel her pulse racing as she realized it was going to be much harder getting out than getting in.

  Hedon nodded, not feeling surprised. He knew it was a risky move attacking the Hocklyn shipyards, but it was a necessary one. He looked at one of the tactical displays and the myriads of red threat icons that were in rapid movement. Weapons fire had almost come to a
stop as the Hocklyn ships outside of the gravity well refused to come in and the ones already inside were moving to take up defensive positions around the shipyards. For the moment, there was a brief lull in the fighting.

  Hedon glanced over at Janice, feeling a warm feeling inside knowing she was there at Communications. Because of their growing relationship, he'd considered transferring her to another ship or to other duties at Careth. However, so far their relationship had been completely platonic and at times Hedon really needed her company.

  The StarStrike and her two fleets continued to close with the main Hocklyn shipyard. Admiral Streth watched with calm nerves as the Command Center around him buzzed with increased activity. The Hocklyn fleet in front of him had formed into a dense cluster of ships in an attempt to block any missile attack. Hedon took a deep breath; he knew that some of the men and women in the two fleets would not be returning home. No matter how good the new shields and weapons were, there were just too many Hocklyn warships.

  “Hocklyns are launching fighters,” Captain Reynolds reported as a swarm of small red threat icons began appearing on one of the tactical displays. The fighters were taking up a position in front of the massed Hocklyn warships.

  “They’re going to be so thick our missiles might have a hard time getting through,” Colonel Trist spoke as he eyed the growing multitude of enemy fighters. “They may throw off the targeting computers.”

  “That’s why we hit them with our regular Devastator missiles first,” Hedon answered evenly. “That should blow a big enough hole through their formation to allow the Devastator Threes to reach the shipyard.”

  “Missile range,” Major Weir reported as missile targeting systems locked on and lights began turning green indicating target locks.

  “Hocklyns fighters are launching interceptors toward us,” reported Captain Reynolds, looking confused. “I don’t understand; we’re out of their range.”

  “They want to shoot our missiles down,” Grissim said her eyes narrowing sharply. “They’ve calculated our most likely launch time.”


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