Page 20
before looking back at me. "I'm glad you liked it."
"It's a classic. What's not to like?"
Eric shrugged and leaned back against the couch, one arm
stretched out along the back. His fingers could have
touched my shoulder if he'd stretched half an inch more.
Neither of us moved.
"Some of the women I've known…most of them, actualy,
don't get Monty Python. Don't like it." He shook his head.
"So when you said you loved it, I wasn't sure you meant
I studied him. Many things had brought us to this point.
Too many to discount as coincidence or chance. There
was a reason I was here, I believed it in my gut.
"You thought maybe I was lying?" I didn't ease myself
closer to him, but I turned my body in his direction. "Why
would I do that?"
He laughed, self-conscious, and scrubbed the back of his
head with a hand. "I'm not saying you're lying, no. Just that
maybe you were—"
"Lying." I laughed. "To impress you, maybe?"
Eric ducked his head but shot me a glance. "Something
like that. I don't know."
Today you will know you are strong and beautiful.
Advice meant for him, but I'd taken it, too. The difference
was, I knew something of what he'd been doing and living
the past few weeks, and he had no clue about me.
There was such power in that.
"You have an awfuly high opinion of yourself, Eric." My
"You have an awfuly high opinion of yourself, Eric." My
voice came out different. Lower and sultry. It was the
voice of a woman who had never believed she was
anything but strong and beautiful, and I saw how he heard
He sat up straighter. It was subtle, but I noticed. "You're
right. I shouldn't have assumed."
I wasn't sure what I saw in Eric's eyes, only that I wasn't
ready for it. I made it different with a laugh and a pat to his
arm. "It's okay. I'm just teasing you."
"Right." He laughed, too, but I glimpsed something like
disappointment on his face, so brief I couldn't be sure it
had been there.
I made a show of looking at the clock and getting up. "This
was great, but it realy is getting late."
He was up, too, seconds after me. "Right. Yes."
He walked me to the door, al prim-and-proper-like, and
there I stopped and turned to face him. "Thanks for inviting
Now would have been a good time to kiss me, but he
Now would have been a good time to kiss me, but he
didn't do it. I didn't lean to kiss him, either, though I could
have. I wanted to. I didn't believe for one second he'd turn
me down. And I didn't choke, either, dithering at the last
second about what he might think of me or whether he'd
cal me the next day if I gave it up to him tonight.
I didn't kiss him because I had the power to decide which
way this went. Hours before I'd lain on my bed and
touched myself, thinking it might be his hands. I thought of
doing that now, when I went upstairs. How I'd undress
myself and make myself come pretending it was his fingers
and mouth on my tits and clit, my cunt and ass. Or maybe
I'd think of Austin.
Hel, maybe I'd think of Brad Pitt.
I didn't kiss Eric because he was waiting for me to do it. I
saw it in his eyes and the part of his lips, the cock of his
hip as he leaned against the doorway with one hand up
high and the other hooked in his belt loop. He wanted me
to kiss him, but I knew about him what he didn't know
about me.
I knew he wanted to be told what to do.
"Good night, Eric," I said.
And I didn't give him what he wanted.
Chapter 19
There was an actual voice-mail message waiting for me on
my cel when I got home.
"Paige. It's me. I'm bored. Why don't you come over? Cal
The cal had come in only ten minutes ago, and I wasn't
sure if I wanted to laugh or curse at Austin. It was after
10:00 p.m. on a work night.
"Your booty-cal skils need improving," I said before he
could do more than say helo.
"I knew you'd cal."
"You know shit, Austin."
"What were you doing?" He sounded sleepy, and I hoped
I'd woken him.
"I was on a date." It was only half a lie. It hadn't been an official date, but it had been with another man. It would
infuriate him to hear it. He didn't have to know we hadn't
even kissed.
even kissed.
"Couldn't have been a very good date if you're home
He had a point. "How do you know I'm home? Maybe I'm
just only now answering my phone."
"Couldn't be a very good date if you're talking to me."
He had another point, but I wasn't going to concede it.
"Why do you want me to come over? It's late."
"Is it?" He yawned. "I hadn't noticed. Anyway, you're stil awake. And I'm up. Come over."
"I'm not coming over."
"You're not hanging up, either."
I gave him enough silence to make him think otherwise, but
damn him, Austin knew me too wel. He'd discovered
patience, it seemed, whereas I'd lost mine. "If you were
realy that interested, you should've caled me before now."
"I was giving you your space."
Phone clamped to my ear, I was halfway to my bedroom
when his words brought me up short. He sounded sincere,
and it kiled me that without being able to read his face, I
couldn't tel if he was putting me on. "How very Lifetime
Channel of you."
"What are you wearing?"
"How very Playboy Channel," I said, and my breath
By the time I reached my bed I was already unbuttoning
my jeans. When I lay back I cradled the phone against my
shoulder to slide the denim over my hips. My panties came
down, too, and I kicked them off. The comforter was
chily under my skin at first, but warmed quickly. I roled,
reaching for my nightstand drawer, and stopped with my
hand on the knob.
"Are you naked? Tel me you're naked."
I found the smal bottle of lube and my bulet vibrator, not
the one that could land aircraft. I sat on the edge of the
bed to pul them from the drawer, and I stared down at the
evidence of what I meant to do in my palm before I
evidence of what I meant to do in my palm before I
answered. "I'm not naked."
"Liar." Austin's low laugh perked my nipples and parted
my legs.
"I have a shirt on."
"I'm hard, Paige. And I'm naked."
I closed my eyes to see him better. "What makes you think
I care?"
This stumped him for a second. In the past I'd been al
about the phone sex. Sometimes we'd fucked more often
on the phone than with our bodies. Before he could
answer, I said, "Are you jerking your cock, Austin?"
"Wel. I want you to stop."
"Aw, Paige—"
"You can't just cal me up and expect me to run right over
p; and screw you, Austin. And you can't expect me to fuck
you over the phone, either," I said, though I was thinking
about doing just that. "We're not together anymore.
"That never mattered before." He sounded sulen, and I
pictured his frown.
I loved it.
"It matters now." He had to hear my voice dip low and
breathy, and he knew me wel enough to know what that
meant. I just had to wait and see if he'd figure it out.
"Fine. I'm sitting here with my dick ready to go and I'm not
touching it. Is that what you want to hear?"
I lay back again and twisted the end of the vibe to get it
buzzing. Then I brought it to the phone and let him hear it.
I took it away after a second.
"Shit. Is that your vibrator?"
"It is."
"Let me come over, baby. I can make you feel better than
a vibrator."
"I'm hanging up on you now. And then I'm going to use this
"I'm hanging up on you now. And then I'm going to use this
vibrator until I come. But you're not."
"Wel…fuck," he said miserably.
"No." I laughed.
"What the hel am I supposed to do?"
I let the vibe tickle-tickle between my legs, then puled it
away to stroke with a finger, which I preferred over the
mechanical. "You're going to take a cold shower and go to
"What if I don't? What if just finish myself off right now?"
A low, slow groan seeped from my lips. "You'l do what I
just told you to do, and maybe, just maybe, the next time
you cal me I'l let you come over and eat my pussy until I
Dead silence greeted this. My eyes, which had been
languorously closed, flew open. Too far?
"Uh…" Austin coughed. "Fucking hel, Paige!"
Apparently not.
Apparently not.
"Good night, Austin," I said sweetly. "I'm going to get back to getting myself off now. Have a nice shower."
"Paige, don't hang up!"
But I did, because I could. Because there was power in
that, too. And then I lay back and looked at the ceiling, my
vibe stil abuzz in my fingers, and thought of Austin. And
Eric. And then some nameless, faceless stranger who
would do everything I wanted him to do without talking it
to death first or ruining it after with words.
My hands became his hands, running over my shirt and
under to cup my breasts through the bra. Then under that
to stroke and tweak my nipples. The vibe buzzed lower as
I adjusted the setting and slid it between my legs, where I
kept it clamped close to me by closing my thighs. I only
wanted a tickle there, not a ful-on buzz.
I'd used this vibe at the command of a note. I'd set it at the
low speed and rubbed it on my clit and down over my lips.
I'd rubbed it on my nipples, too. I'd brought myself close
and eased off, then close again, but obeying the note, I
hadn't made myself come.
hadn't made myself come.
What had Eric done?
Had he spread his legs in the shower, leaning forward with
a hand against the wal while the other pumped his prick
slowly? Did he bend his head beneath the spray, eyes
closed, picturing some nameless, faceless woman on her
knees sucking his cock? Or maybe she had a name. Had a
face. Maybe he had someone who made him crazy the
way Austin made me.
Or maybe he'd lain back on his bed the way I was, his
hips thrusting upward into the cunt made of his curled fist.
Maybe he'd spit into his palm to ease the way, or squirted
a handful of lube. Maybe he stroked his bals at the same
time as he stroked, twisting a little at the head and groaning
at the pleasure.
I groaned, thinking of it, imagining how thick his prick must
be. How his pubic hair would be dark like the hair on his
head. In my head inches didn't matter. Length and girth
were a matter of sensation, of how his cock would fil my
hands and mouth and pussy.
I wanted something to fil me now but had only the bulet
vibe and my fingers. My hips lifted, pressing my cunt into
my hand. I didn't even need the lube, I was so wet. I
sought my G-spot with one hand and stroked it, shivering
as always from the gut-deep tingles that stimulation always
gave me.
Austin had always loved to watch me make myself come.
Sometimes we'd pretend I didn't know he was there as I
sat at my desk or lounged in our apartment's old claw-foot
tub. I could come sometimes more from the way he
watched me than by what my hand was doing. Now I
could only imagine his eyes on me.
I have a very good imagination.
Two men filed my head. One was jerking his cock but not
alowing himself to spil over into sweating, moaning
climax. The other watched me from a shadowy doorway
as I licked my fingertips and swirled them over my hard,
tight clitoris. One was dark, the other golden, and both
wanted me.
I wanted both of them, too, and the realization washed
over me as suddenly as my orgasm. Sweat tasted bitter on
my upper lip when I licked it. My cunt bore down on my
fingers and I came, hard. I opened my eyes as pleasure
fingers and I came, hard. I opened my eyes as pleasure
swarmed over me and swept me away. I shuddered with
it, that pleasure, so familiar and yet so different, every time.
It was al about control, in the end, and I had it.
I didn't see Eric the next morning at the crush for the mail,
but since I'd seen him every other place but the mailboxes
I wasn't surprised. I held back for a lul, though, glad I did
when I saw the familiar shape of a white note card waiting
for me. I held my breath when I puled it out, more aware
than ever of how wrong it was for me to read it.
It didn't stop me. I shoved the other mail into my bag and
slid the card from its envelope, my heart already pounding
in anticipation of what I'd find today and how different it
would seem now that I knew for whom the words were
truly meant.
"No." My mouth fel slack with the sound of disbelief and I stared harder at the card.
I folded it shut as though it might change what I'd read, but
as though they'd been written in flames, the words burned
my fingers through the paper.
No. No, no, no.
This is your last list.
It couldn't be. It shouldn't be. It was not alowed to be!
You've done wel, though I think you understand you need
more work on discipline. Should you desire further
instruction and encouragement, I might consider continuing
your service to me. But only if I see a ful commitment
from you. You know how to get in touch with me.
Don't feel yourself worthy of more of my time. Only I can
decide that.
Wow, and oh, no. I tucked the card back into the
envelope and pressed it to my chest as I stepped aside to
let the snotty woman who'd dismissed me several times
before get to her mailbox. She gave me a
curious glance,
but something in my face must have looked formidable
enough that she glanced quickly away.
I turned my back to the row of mailboxes with the note stil
clutched to me. I wanted to cry. Or puke. I wanted to put
the note back and pretend I hadn't read it.
But instead, I did what I hadn't ever done before on
purpose. I shoved it in my bag.
I was keeping it.
Paul wasn't in his office when I got to work, but that was
fine. I didn't have time to worry about him this morning, or
his lists that could never take the place of the one in my
bag. I hadn't taken it out to look at it again, though I could
remember each swirl and whirl of every letter and line.
I made the coffee and set his cup by the pot with the sugar
and powered creamer already in it. In his office I lit the
desk lamp instead of the overheads that gave him a
headache, and I puled up al the files he'd need to work
on. I even set his radio, though not to the station he usualy
chose but one with alternative pop instead of the soft-rock
channel he usualy played.
I did al of this without a list and not because I feared what
would happen if he came in and found none of it done. I
did it, simply, because Paul needed these things in order to
be productive. If my boss was being productive, he would
have less time to hover over me, and simply put, today I
would not have been able to stand hovering.
would not have been able to stand hovering.
I fielded a few phone cals and settled some business by
the time he breezed in with a frown.
"Paige, I need coffee, please."
I pointed to the counter. "It's al ready, Paul."
"Thanks." He said it offhandedly, then looked at the mug
and back at me. "Thank you, Paige."
I nodded but didn't glance up from my files. I had a lot of
work to do today and not enough attention to give him
more than that. Most of my mind was stil caught up in
what I was going to do without the lists. Paul disappeared
into his office and shut the door, and I let out the sigh I'd
been holding.
Anger shook my fingers as I typed. What a fool Eric had
been! He'd asked for discipline and from the start he'd
made a mess of it! Turning in his essay late, not folowing
the lists. Why had he bothered? Why had he wasted his
mistress's time? Because there was no doubt in my mind
any longer the sender of the notes had been a woman al
Men weren't so eloquent. Men weren't so perfectly cold in