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The Death of You

Page 12

by Allyson Young

  “He’s an evil old man who’s greedy, Connor. Not omnipotent, no matter what Maddy says. She’s lived under his thumb for so long she thinks he can do anything and get away with it.”

  “Agreed. And he hasn’t met us.”

  Rafe smiled thinly. “Indeed he hasn’t, not that he likely will. We’ll take care of his bogey man—what’s the word on Ryker’s history?”

  Connor shrugged. “Lowlife enforcer. Relies on bloodshed and ruthlessness to keep his position, probably a psychopath, and he can hide behind Abbott. He’ll be smart, but not conversant with our kind of tactics.”

  “Maddy would beg to differ.”

  “And Maddy thinks he’ll get in and hurt the dogs, which blinds her to our abilities.” She hadn’t really accepted their refusal to pull the dogs in past the perimeter.

  Rafe noted how tired Connor appeared, and figured they’d planned well enough.

  “Go get some sleep. I’ll take the first watch and let Benedett in.”

  Connor nodded. “Thanks. Call me if anything changes. You’ll get a message—”

  “I know how it works, Con. Go. Climb in with Maddy.”

  He didn’t need any more encouragement. Stepping away from the chair to give Rafe access, he hustled from the room and up the stairs, taking them two at a time. Their woman might be in dreamland, but lying by her side was the next best thing to being inside her. If he played his cards right, and if nothing happened for the next several hours his fondest wish would come true.

  Stripping off at the foot of the bed, he stared at Maddy’s sleeping form, curled up, dead center in the middle of the bed they’d had specially made, bigger than a king, even. The linens had to be sewn to size, but they were big men and they wanted enough room for a woman between them, including the space for all the things they wanted to do to that woman. He had his own room down the hall, as did Rafe, but it looked like they’d have a couple extra guest rooms now. He was sleeping wherever their submissive slept.

  He padded into the bathroom to use the facilities, smiling as he put the seat down afterward. It felt fine. Domesticated. Brushing his teeth, the stress of the day folded over his shoulders like an unwelcome blanket and he mentally shrugged it off. They’d pushed Maddy hard, both sexually and emotionally, demanded a lot of her, but time had been of the essence and he had faith it would all work out. Rafe was standing watch and Connor needed nobody else at his back. Because he planned to tuck a certain little subbie right up against his front.

  Maddy didn’t move a muscle when he climbed in beside her. Good thing Rafe preferred the other side, not that Connor wouldn’t have willingly given up his own preference. He draped an arm over Maddy and brought her close, her full ass cradling his cock. He stifled a groan and breathed in the scent of her, nuzzling against her wildly tousled hair. They’d have to give her access to her clothing tomorrow, because she wasn’t going to be naked in Benedett’s presence, and certainly not Lawrence’s. The club was different. Nudity was expected, encouraged, even. The other Doms would respect their claim, but his former team mates were all hound dogs, and while they’d be respectful, too, no way was he giving them an eyeful. They might get the wrong idea of how he and Rafe perceived her, and Maddy deserved better.

  Grimacing at his possessiveness—he had it bad, because his teammates were like family—Connor listened to the deep, steady breaths of their submissive and allowed the quiet, relaxed sound to lull him into sleep. Before he slipped away, it occurred to him the situation dictated they wing the whole D/s thing, and he smiled at how interesting it had been so far.


  For the second time in not that many hours, Maddy woke up disoriented, then quickly registered where she was. In bed with one of her men, Connor, by his scent. Hitching her body over within the confines of a heavy, male arm, she lifted her head high enough to study his chiseled features, somehow stern even in slumber. His blond hair was short enough to remain in place—no bed head for him. Long lashes rested on his cheeks, framing the bridge of his strong, Nordic nose, but her glance lingered on his mouth. She traced the outline of his lips with one cautious finger and decided she’d kiss him awake, the Sleeping Beauty in reverse, because he was certainly one of the handsome princes, and he and Rafe made her feel beautiful.

  Before she could finagle her way to put her mouth on his, Connor’s lips parted and gripped her finger, drawing it inside to nibble.

  “Oh, you’re awake.”

  “For a few minutes.” He blinked his eyes open as she withdrew her finger. “Rafe was supposed to wake me if needed, but looks like it’s all quiet.”

  Maddy cocked her head and listened intently. That was likely what had awoken her, the distant sound of male voices. “He’s talking to someone.”

  “A couple of our guys are joining us. You’ll meet at least one at breakfast. And another one will be here by this afternoon. We’re preparing for Ryker and company.”

  She felt herself tensing, and not just at the thought of Ryker. She didn’t do well meeting new people, having learned how undesirable all of Abbott’s acquaintances were. It had soured her expectations. Attending the club hadn’t been an issue because of the defined roles and safety. It was never safe at Abbott’s. “You’re always feeding me,” she hedged. “I’m not hungry this early.”

  Connor sat up, working his body backward to lean against the headboard. Maddy rolled over on her belly, Connor’s hip at her shoulder, the sheet covering a healthy bulge. She looked first at it, then at Connor’s face.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “Nothing.” Ah, she needed to be honest. “Well, I’m not keen on meeting new people.”

  A curious look flitted over his features and he smiled. “Then you can camp out in the playroom for the duration. If you don’t want to see the guys you don’t have to. And depending on how things go, I’m sure I can come up with some stress relief.”

  Oh boy. Something was cooking, and she suspected she’d made things real easy for him. Not that the idea of the playroom didn’t intrigue her. It was just that playing seemed incongruous considering the danger they were all in. It was insane she’d slept so well, right through the night. That was something that didn’t happen unless she, say, drank cooking brandy. A thought occurred.

  “Did you spike my tea, Connor? Or Rafe?”

  There was no hesitation in his answer and she nearly forgave him because of that fact. “Yes. We use a variety of things to ensure the people we protect, and uh, retrieve, are comfortable.”

  “And compliant,” she said, unable to hide her bitterness.

  “Not in your case, Maddy. But I’m not apologizing for it either. You were jittery and an emotional mess. It was a mild sedative, like what you’d get before a minor procedure or something.”

  “You should have told me.”

  “And would you have taken it? Or worn yourself into a nub?”

  He spoke the bald truth. She’d fallen in with their plan, giving them the information required to pull it together. Put her trust in them to keep her safe, and tried to put the idea of losing either of them—or both—out of her mind, but with limited results. The fear had chewed at her until she’d nearly jumped out of her skin. It still didn’t feel as though they were taking her information on Abbott and Ryker seriously enough, although maybe it was because she wasn’t able to think past them getting hurt because of her. She got to the point where she couldn’t bear the responsibility, and Connor brought her the tea.

  “I guess. It’s not that I don’t trust you. It’s…” To her horror, tears spilled over and her breath caught on a sob.

  Connor slid down to hold her and smooth her hair back from her face. “It’s moved fast, honey. We know it. We’re used to this kind of reaction. You’ve lived under a tyrant for years and he appears omnipotent. Add in a psycho henchman who hurt you too, and you’re scared. We get it. Only this time it’s not a defenseless young woman they’re coming up against. Maddy, we aren’t going to let anything happen to
you. I promise. You’re our One.”

  Sobbing now, she turned her face into his palm. “And I’m going to bring the fires of hell down on you.” It sounded even more ominous spoken out loud, and her belly clenched.

  “Nah. Not happening. You’ll see. We’re more than a match for Abbott and associates.” He sounded so confident she decided to believe him and tamp down her reaction. It was a wonder they put up with her, except they probably saw lots of people in similar straits. She hadn’t missed the retrieval part of the conversation, no more than she missed their One. Time she quit vacillating and grew a pair. Maybe they’d let her help out with their business, but not if she wept and moaned at every turn. If she could trust them with her body sexually, then she could trust them with her life.

  Wiping her eyes on the sheet, she accepted a tissue from Connor and blew her nose. “Thanks. I’m good to go. We can get breakfast.”

  “Thought you didn’t eat this early.” His voice was deeper and when she met his eyes, they’d gone from a serene blue to the stormy seas of arousal. And because she was powerless to resist, she went willingly into his arms and met his mouth with her own. No point in wasting that morning wood under the sheet. She’d discovered good sex and she was going to capitalize on it.


  Connor let lust carry him along. Maddy had dealt with their high-handedness better than expected, although he suspected she wouldn’t be so accepting in the future. But then they’d ensure she never had to get to that state. She probably wouldn’t do well with their field trips, but once she grasped their skill set, it’d work out. It had to. Besides, there were other ways of stress management, several she’d take to and embrace.

  The press of Maddy’s soft lips put everything else on hold, especially as they parted to allow his tongue entrance. He took over the kiss and imposed his will on her, flipping her over onto her back, pinning her with his weight. As in the kitchen, she kissed him back with abandon and his heart swelled. It had to be his heart because he couldn’t take enough air in to work his lungs, but he couldn’t quit kissing her. Finally, tearing his mouth away from hers, he set his lips against her throat, mouthing a path downward to the valley between her breasts. She emitted a heady scent there, something so uniquely Maddy, and he inhaled deeply before turning his attention to her left breast, the nipple already hard and pebbled for him.

  He worked the little bud between his lips, nipping the end to make her shriek and writhe beneath him, sucking hard to elongate it, wishing he’d stashed some clamps in the nightstand with the lube and condoms. Not that he’d need any lube. Maddy’s musky yet sharp scent of arousal filled the air and he knew she was wet for him. Moving to her other breast, he gave it the same consideration, enjoying her exhortations, not that they were particularly coherent. His cock was so hard it throbbed dully, trapped between them, its destination a bit south.

  Connor wanted a taste of that pussy—his pussy, his and Rafe’s—but time was passing and he’d use that as an excuse to get inside her, now. “Spread your legs.”

  Maddy instantly complied, her legs parting on either side of his, and he knelt up between them, reluctantly relinquishing her pouting bud. She lay open beneath him, nipples hard and rosy, her creamy skin flushed, staring up at him from beneath languid lids. He pushed her knees up, gripping them lightly, until they were very nearly up by her shoulders, pressing them further apart as he did so. Her sweet cunt splayed wide for him, the dark pink flesh shining with her cream, her puckered star visible in this position. Her clit was a knot, framed beautifully by swollen inner lips.

  “Hold yourself like this for me.” His Maddy liked being told what to do. Her breathing increased and her face flushed, hands coming up to replace his, and he blindly groped for the drawer in the nightstand, cursing his lack of foresight in not leaving a condom out. Of course he’d intended to fuck her.

  At length he got the drawer open, never taking his gaze from her, looking between her face and her pussy. Maddy stared back, waiting, trusting him with her vulnerability, and he hastened to get the damn condom on. Without further hesitation, he notched his anxious cock at her gate and shoved inside, unable to pace his entry. Maddy accepted him, lifting her hips to take him deeper, and when he bottomed out, his balls slapping against her ass, Connor hissed at the tight, intense feel of her. Her pussy walls clasped his cock, a wet, lascivious kiss suggestive of more, and a hot reminder of yesterday.

  Bracing himself on his hands, placed on either side of her head, he fucked their sub. It was sublime and could only be better if he was taking her from behind while she sucked Rafe off. Or if he was in her ass while she sucked Rafe off. Maybe if she was sucking him off and… Connor got lost in his head. Trying to stave off a momentous orgasm while having salacious thoughts wasn’t working. He powered against Maddy, bouncing the bed and reveling in her gasps and moans. She somehow continued to hold herself wide for him, and he shifted to prod her G-spot, his climax clawing at the base of his balls. With an immense effort, blessing all those one-armed push-ups he aced, Connor worked her clit with his left thumb and forefinger, sliding the little knot between them and then pinching it. Maddy arched upward on a shriek and her sheath clamped down around his shaft, a hot constriction that finished him.

  Connor blew his load on a hoarse shout that echoed in his ears and made his temples pulse. Fuck. Sex was so much better when he was doing the woman he loved. Carefully withdrawing, fighting the urge to collapse, he sat back on his heels and quickly took the condom, disposing of it in the trash can beside the bed. Maddy’s fingers looked white, wrapped around her knees, and he gently pried them loose, helping her straighten her legs out, rubbing down their length.

  Her head sagged to the side on the pillow. “You okay, honey?”

  “Uh-huh. Although I don’t think it’ll hurt to get at some of those stretching exercises you talked about.”

  “You’ll be more comfortable,” he agreed. He didn’t say that, in the playroom, her comfort wouldn’t be the top priority, as he liked to administer pain with pleasure, and so did Rafe. But he doubted Maddy would have cause to complain at the end of it. She liked to receive pain, as was evidenced during her training. Primarily erotic pain, but they’d push her a little, explore her limits, and they’d ensure the utmost pleasure as a reward.

  “I’ll just lie here for a while,” she proposed, a faraway quality in her voice.

  “I’ll get your suitcase. You clean up and get dressed, and come for breakfast if you think you can manage it. I’ll send Rafe up to let you know when it’s ready. He’ll need some sleep, so don’t distract him.”

  Maddy lifted her head, her tousled hair creating a halo. Her eyes looked almost a pale topaz, glowing in her flushed face. “Who me? Distract Rafe?”

  They’d progressed to teasing. He was thrilled. He wore his Dom face most of the time, so he tweaked it a little, put some stern into his voice. “I don’t see any other sexy sub around here.”

  She blinked. “You’re sure, aren’t you?”

  “Totally.” He leaned down to drop a kiss on her head, then headed out to clean up himself, get dressed, and fetch Maddy’s things. He’d give her the laptop as a demonstration of faith, as well as her purse. Rafe had found her new ID. She in no way resembled a Bonnie, so if Maddy required new identification, Connor would see to it. His mind wandered to marriage. Rafe had already flatly refused to be the husband of record, telling Connor that as the oldest he’d get the privilege. Then Rafe could cuckold him at every opportunity. Connor tasted it: Margaret Madeline Gillespie. It worked.


  Maddy decided on a quick shower. Her hair was beyond repair, and she dragged her comb through it so the water wouldn’t make it such a snarled mess she’d have to shave her head. She had to do some grooming as well while she was at it, although she suspected Connor would be only too happy to take over the task. Funny how they’d already slipped into certain roles. Her Viking was more nurturing than Rafe, and while she didn’t want to change the mo
re intense Dom, she suspected he was a softie someplace deep inside. Woman’s intuition or not—and she hardly had an understanding of that touted skill, considering how she’d grown up—she sensed a certain kinship with Rafe.

  Using her own shampoo and soap, she washed and conditioned her hair before quickly scrubbing her body, lingering over the still swollen folds of her pussy. There was no lingering smell of latex, something she abhorred, a hangover from the long visits to the hospital while her mom lay dying. As she rinsed, she let herself think about her mother, seeking out those memories she’d locked away, allowing herself to remember the woman who’d loved her—and left her too soon. A smile loosened her features as she recalled the purity of that love, and considered that it might have laid the foundation for her ability to truly feel the depths of emotion she held for Rafe and Connor. Two men and one dysfunctional woman. Well, probably three dysfunctional people in truth, as Rafe hid his issues and Connor had blithely pretended his wealth had come from the pixies or something. So much more to learn…and hopefully a lot of time to do it in. There was nothing to do now but move forward, and forgiving her mom would be part of it.

  As she wrapped up in another thick, warm towel and applied a smaller one to her hair, a dark head poked through the doorway, and a bare, muscular chest came into view. Rafe stepped into the bathroom, clad in a pair of silky boxers, the kind that clung to the skin and molded any lumps and bumps. Maddy avoided that kind of fabric like the plague, but it certainly did something for her dark warrior’s body. His long cock filled out the underwear clear to the waistband, and his ball sac rounded out the front panel in such artistic fashion. She wished she had the skill to sketch the image, and clenched her fingers to avoid reaching out to cup him.


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