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Quantum Chaos: A Roak: Galactic Bounty Hunter Novel

Page 25

by Jake Bible

  Roak started to respond, but shook his head and walked to the lift. He entered and sent it up to the med bay deck. Roak took a deep breath then left the lift and walked slowly to Reck's med pod.

  The lid lifted and Reck carefully sat up. There was no sign that she had been injured at all.

  "Roak?" Reck asked as she swung her legs over the side of the pod. "What in all the Hells am I doing in a med pod?"

  Roak tossed her a blanket and she covered herself as she stood up from the pod.

  "You got caught up in the machinery," Roak said. "You almost died."

  "That's no good," Reck said. "Hessa patch me up?"

  "She did…"

  "What? What's wrong?"

  "Nothing is wrong. You're back to perfect health."

  Reck's eyes narrowed.

  "But…?" she asked.

  "Not all of you made it into the pod," Roak admitted. "Hessa had to replace your arms."

  Reck blinked at Roak a few times then let the blanket drop as she studied her arms and hands.

  "They don't feel any different," Reck said.

  "I'm that good," Hessa said.

  "These are synthetic?" Reck asked, still staring at her hands and arms. "Skin too?"

  "No, no, the skin is real," Hessa said.

  "It is?" Roak asked.

  "Of course it is," Hessa scoffed. "I am very good at what I do, Roak. Once I finished rebuilding Reck's arms, I was able to regrow her skin using several grafts from her legs. It was easy enough to have the med pod replenish the skin on her legs while it regrew the skin on her arms. It is basic med pod function."

  Roak and Reck shared a look.

  "What?" Hessa asked. "You said something to each other with that look. What is it?"

  "Hessa, it is not basic med pod function to regrow skin over synthetics that quickly," Reck said.

  "Of course it is," Hessa said. "I could do it all day long."

  "No, Hessa, that is advanced tech," Reck insisted. "Med pods don't automatically have that function."

  Hessa went quiet.

  "How's Pol doing?" Roak asked.

  "Pol?" Reck asked. "Where the Hells are we?"

  "I'll get to that," Roak said. "Hessa?"

  "He is getting closer to cracking the drives," Hessa said. "But he could still be a while yet. I am discouraging him from interfacing with the system. He is fighting me on that point, but I am not wrong. If he interfaces then he could get trapped in the drives themselves."

  "Could? More like he will," Reck said. "No way Father doesn't have a million booby traps set up."

  "Exactly," Roak said.

  Reck picked her blanket up and wrapped it back around her naked body.

  "You are going to tell me what in all the Hells is going on while we go to my quarters," Reck said.

  "Good plan," Roak agreed.

  They made their way to the lift as Roak explained everything that had happened since Reck was put in the med pod. By the time they reached Reck's cabin, Roak had dumped it all on her.

  "I already knew the other universe part," Reck said, pulling on a pair of pants.

  "What? Terpigshit you did," Roak replied.

  "Alright, I didn't know for sure, but Rink had a theory," Reck said. "She told me about it a while ago. Then all the Hells broke loose and I never was able to talk to her about it again. Before she died."

  "It explains a few things," Roak said.

  "It definitely explains why the med pod isn't working on your physiology as well as it used to," Hessa said.

  "Hessa, let us talk alone," Roak said. Reck raised her eyebrows and Roak sighed. "Fine. What do you mean by that, Hessa?"

  "You are from a different universe," Hessa said. "Which means your energetic makeup is not in tune with this universe. Med pods are calibrated for the energy forms of this universe. They worked at first, but with each successive healing it has become more and more difficult for the med pods to attune to your specific energy."

  "The same will happen to me eventually," Reck said and flexed her hands. "Good thing I got these now then."

  "I appreciate your positive attitude," Hessa said.

  Roak laughed. "That's what she's known for. Her positive… Huh."

  "What?" Reck asked.

  "Positive. Energy," Roak said.

  "Is this word association time? Because I'm not in the mood for games," Reck said. She flexed her hands some more. "What I'm in the mood for is testing these new babies out. Hessa? I'm guessing my manual dexterity is improved?"

  "Exponentially," Hessa said.

  "Yeah, this may not be a bad thing," Reck said.

  "Hold on. Hold on," Roak said, placing a hand on Reck's shoulder before she could leave the cabin. "Hessa, what would it take to calibrate the energy forms of this universe with the energy of the other universe?"

  "Wow, Roak, thanks for asking such an amazingly easy question," Hessa said. "Let me check my notes on quantum chaos and multi-verse astrophysics. I am sure I have exactly what you're looking for just tucked away somewhere in my mainframe."

  "Hessa, I'm serious," Roak said.

  "What's up?" Reck asked.

  Roak held up a finger.

  Reck frowned and grabbed the finger, causing Roak to wince. Reck smiled and let go.

  "Not sure I like the new you," Roak said as he shook his hand. "Hessa?"

  "Since you obviously aren't going to let this go," Hessa huffed, "In theory, you would need to create a conduit between the two universes. Something that could transmit an energy signal that was perfectly tuned to the energy frequency of this universe."

  "Would a stolen planet or two do the trick?" Roak asked.

  "They would. But we were already thinking along those lines," Hessa said. "Father stole the Cervile planet in order to gain greater control over all of those with GF implants. He stole the Skrang planet to do the same thing."

  "Yes, but he also went to Javsatem…" Roak started to pace.

  "Can we walk and talk?" Reck asked. "I really want to put these hands to use."

  "Hold on!" Roak snapped.

  "You are very close to being a test subject for my new right hook," Reck warned.

  "Energy," Roak said. "It's about the energy, but he also needed to control the flesh. Why? He had total control by using just the implants."

  "If he can control the flesh then he doesn't need the implants," Reck said as she left her cabin. "Roak!"

  Roak followed along, but he barely noticed where they were going.

  "No. There is something more," Roak said. "I'm missing the key."

  "You're missing a lot more than a key," Reck said as they entered the lift. "Pol's in the cargo hold with the quantum drives?"

  "He is," Hessa said.

  "Energy. Energy, energy, energy," Roak muttered.

  "Yep. Energy," Reck said and rolled her eyes.

  The lift stopped and she walked out into the cargo hold. She had to reach back in and yank Roak out with her.

  "Looks like he has an audience," Reck said and waved at the beings standing outside the ship in the hangar.

  "Reck!" Yellow Eyes shouted. There was a blur and he was in the cargo hold, all nub arms wrapped about Reck in a huge hug. "I missed you! Did you miss me?"

  "Yellow Eyes, you are not supposed to be on the ship right now," Hessa said as Yellow Eyes released Reck.

  "He can stay," Roak said. Roak focused on Yellow Eyes. "What was that energy weapon that was used to wipe out the other ships?"

  "Energy weapon?" Yellow Eyes asked. "Oh, the lightning gun!"

  "It is not called that," Pol said.

  "You focus on the drives," Roak said to Pol.

  "I can multitask," Pol said.

  "No, you can't," Roak said. "Yellow Eyes? Tell me more about the lightning guns."

  "You should really ask Sha Tog and the Skrang," Yellow Eyes said. "It's their tech."

  "Is it?" Roak asked. "I remember something about a weapon like that being used during the War."

  "Which one? T
he war now or the War war?" Yellow Eyes asked.

  "The War war," Roak said. "Something…"

  Roak's eyes went wide.

  "Uh oh," Yellow Eyes said and took a couple of steps back. "Don't like that look. Nope. That's not a good look."

  "Gerber! Sha!" Roak shouted and stomped to the cargo hold's ramp. He paused just short of leaving the ship. "The energy weapon you used? Where did it come from?"

  "The disruptor?" Sha asked.

  "That's Skrang tech," Gerber said.

  "No, it's not," Sha said.

  "What? But the Skrang used it during the War," Gerber said. "Then stopped using it when you realized it destroyed all ships, not just enemies, and couldn't be directed or controlled."

  "Yes, to the last part," Sha said. "But it is not Skrang tech. It was developed by-"

  "B'clo'nos!" Roak shouted, making everyone jump.

  "Do you mind, Roak!" Pol hissed. "I am good, but I can still be distracted."

  "That's where the tech comes from, right?" Roak asked Sha. "The B'clo'nos!"

  "Yes, so?" Sha replied.

  "Wait…" Gerber said. "What are you saying?"

  "Back to the conference room," Roak ordered and stomped down the ramp, past the waiting group of onlookers. "I figured out what that piece of terpigshit is up to."

  "You all have fun," Pol called. "I'll take care of this here."

  "Yeah, you do that!" Roak called back as he left the hangar. "Hessa?"

  "I will watch him like a Cweatt dragon," Hessa said.

  "Good," Roak said. He glanced at the group following him. "No. Just Gerber and Sha."

  "I'm not comfortable leaving the general alone with you, Roak," Motherboard said.

  "And I'm the FIS SSD Commander," Crush said. "I have every right to listen to what you have to say."

  The Skrang brass started growling and cursing at Roak in their guttural language, making everyone wince. A few had to cover their ears.

  "Gerber and Sha," Roak said. "I don't need a bunch of opinions getting in the way of the truth."

  "Your theory of the truth, you mean," Gerber said.

  "I'm cool with that," Kalaka said. "Where's the bar?"

  "There is no bar," Sha said. "This is a Skrang warship."

  "No bar?" Kalaka frowned. "I truly am in all the Hells."

  "I think we may be able to hook you up," Geist said. "General?"

  "Fine. Just stay sharp and be ready," Gerber said.

  "Follow us, beings," Geist said and walked off down the corridor.

  Everyone except Meshara followed.

  "You too," Roak said.

  "I am the official representative from the Cervile Royal Family," Meshara said.

  "They don't care!" Cookie shouted back at her. "They aren't Cervile and don't know any better!"

  "What he said," Roak said and waved her away.

  Meshara's face scrunched up with fury, but she held it in check and stalked off after the others.

  "Can we get full scan readings in that conference room?" Roak asked Sha.

  "Of course," Sha replied.

  "Then that's where we're headed," Roak said and walked off, leaving Gerber and Sha to share a puzzled look.


  "Roak, what is going on?" Gerber demanded.

  "Take a seat," Roak said. "Sha? Bring up the B'clo'no's home system."

  "Any holo or do you need a current view?" Sha asked.

  "Do you have access to a current view?" Roak responded.

  "The B'clo'nos are Skrang allies," Sha said. "So they are monitored by Skrang closer than if they were enemies."

  "Then please bring up the current views," Roak said.

  Sha activated the holos and scanned through the images until he came upon…nothing.

  "Hold on," Sha said. "These are the feeds. I know it. They should show us multiple views of the B'clo'no's system."

  "Perhaps the B'clo'nos disabled the surveillance," Gerber said. "Friends don't like being watched by friends."

  "The B'clo'nos are not friends of the Skrang. They are allies," Sha explained. "Not that anyone from the GF should talk about surveilling friends or allies."

  "Touché," Gerber said. "Still, looks like the B'clo'nos have disabled the feeds."

  "They didn't," Roak said. "He did."

  "He who? Father?" Gerber asked. "Why? The b'clo'nos aren't compatible with implants. He has no way in with them."

  "Oh no," Sha said.

  "He's getting it," Roak said and waited.

  "Good for Sha Tog," Gerber said. "Roak, we don't have time for your games."

  "Energy and flesh," Sha said. "Father took the Cervile planet first then Skrang. Those were test runs."

  "Test runs? They gave him the ability to control all GF implants and all Skrang too," Gerber said. "I would not call those test runs."

  "But they were," Roak said. "They had advantages, but what Father really wanted was initial control through energy then total control through the flesh. It was never about the implants."

  "Except it was," Hessa said over the loudspeakers. "My implants."

  "How did she gain access to internal comms?" Sha said. "I did not grant her permission this time."

  Roak and Hessa laughed.

  "I haven't missed you, bounty hunter," Sha said.

  "Yeah you have," Roak replied.

  Sha glared, but the corner of his lip twitched in a smile.

  "Father used Chafa as a trap so we would have to go there," Hessa said. "I put my implants in Klib, who was already under his control, and he was able to stabilize the signal that he was using while also stabilizing the flesh. I gave him the answer on how to send a signal without having to use implants."

  "That is great that he can send that signal," Gerber said, "but there has to be something on the other end receiving the signal. Without implants, a being cannot…"

  "Now he's getting it," Sha said.

  "B'clo'nos feed off and absorb energy," Gerber said. "Father calibrated the signal so they would consume it like any other energy."

  "And he used the tech on Javsatem to stabilize his control of their flesh," Roak said.

  "Controlling GF beings and Skrang was only a distraction," Gerber said.

  "A deadly distraction," Sha said. "But, yes, I think that is it."

  "Smoke and Eight Million Gods damn mirrors!" Roak shouted. "I should have known to look anywhere but where he was pointing us. This has been his plan all along."

  "He's building an army," Gerber said.

  "He's already built an army," Sha said and pointed at the blank holo.

  "Now he's preparing for war," Roak said. "With an entire race of energy-feeding, war-worshipping beings."

  "The B'clo'nos are savages," Sha said. "I'm Skrang and my culture says I should have been executed for my disability, so calling B'clo'nos savages means a lot."

  "Yeah, it does," Gerber said. He leaned back in his seat and rubbed his forehead. "B'clo'nos. They were impossible to fight during the War. It took the Skrang to bring them under control once the treaty was signed."

  "And we forgot all about them because they were considered side players," Sha said.

  "Classic Father," Roak said.

  "What now?" Sha asked. "Are we going to their system? Because that seems suicidal."

  "It is," Gerber said. "We'd be wiped out in minutes."

  "I need an army of my own," Roak said.

  Gerber stared at Roak. Sha shook his head and chuckled under his breath.

  "I'm sorry, Roak, but did you ask for an army?" Gerber said.

  "He did," Sha said.

  "Are you truly qualified to have your own army?" Hessa added.

  "Hey, back off," Roak snapped. "Yes, I need my own army."

  "I am more suited to lead an army than you, Roak," Gerber said. "Sha is more suited to lead an army and he has no legs."

  "What do legs have to do with leadership?" Sha asked.

  "Will Skrang follow you into a war?" Gerber said.

  "They have so
far," Sha countered.

  "Only because they had no choice," Gerber said. "With me they have a choice."

  "You think that Skrang will follow a GF general into battle?"

  "More than a cripple that was supposed to be executed."

  "Shut the fuck up!" Roak roared.

  Gerber and Sha both looked like they wanted to draw down on Roak, but they calmed themselves and nodded in turn for Roak to continue.

  "I need an army because Father has an army," Roak said. "This has been coming for a long, long time. You two will fight like GF and Skrang if either of you are in charge. You need to fight like me. The army needs to fight like me."

  "And how does Roak fight?" Gerber asked.

  "Without rules," Roak said. "You two are conditioned for rules of engagement and warfare tactics and all that terpigshit. You'll hesitate when hesitation will lead to our destruction. You'll overthink a strategy when action is what is needed. You'll pause when firing on a target to wonder if destroying that target is needed. I won't do any of that."

  "There are reasons for rules of engagement, Roak," Gerber said. "They allow clarity in the fog of war."

  "Which is why your strategies won't work," Roak said. "The last thing we need is clarity. We need chaos. Pure, unadulterated chaos."

  "You do excel at pure, unadulterated chaos," Hessa said.

  "Roak?" Pol called.

  "How did he get access to comms?" Sha asked. "Never mind. I give up on this."

  "Wise choice," Pol said. "Roak, we need to talk."

  "Busy," Roak said.

  "We need to talk now," Pol said.

  "Have you cracked the drives yet?" Roak asked.

  "I am very close," Pol replied. "That is why we need to talk. Can you come here?"

  "Back to the ship?"

  "Yes. Back to the ship."

  "I'll be there shortly. Let me finish this-"

  "Now would be best," Pol said. There was a tone in his voice that Roak did not like.

  "You know something," Roak said. "And it's something you've known all along. You son of a gump. I am going to put a plasma blast between your eyes if this is another one of your setups."

  "Just come here," Pol said.

  Roak growled then grimaced at Gerber and Sha.

  "You two," Roak said, pointing a finger back and forth at each of the beings, "figure out how to get me an army. I'll be back in a minute."

  "Sure, Roak, we'll figure that out for you!" Sha called as Roak left the conference room.


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