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The Locket [The Rotherham Hall Mysteries] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 7

by Clair de Lune

  “I want you now!” he said urgently, lifting her onto a large bale of hay so her breasts were level with his face. He undid her buttons and suckled her breasts until she was heated and gasping for breath. He helped her off with her dress and chemise, and then he lifted her, allowing her to grasp his hips with her legs and rest her feet on his buttocks. He knew she would be wet and ready, and as she panted and gasped, he used one hand to open the placket of his britches and free himself. He guided his erection into her pussy until the swollen head was deep inside her and, taking her hips in both hands, he brought her fimly down upon it. She squealed as his cock entered her, and he rammed it home with little finesse but to great effect. Luckily all the grooms had left with the horses, so there were none to hear her. He felt her try to move and discover she could not. Instead, he moved her up and then very firmly down, driving himself ever deeper within her pussy. He watched as she approached her climax. She would be feeling the sensations gather deep in her belly. Then she threw her head back, abandoning herself as she panted and moaned. He continued to lift her slowly then bring her smartly back down until the orgasm took her. The waves of pleasure were reflected in her face, making the blood sing in his veins. She was his! She screamed his name as she came and brought him the same all-consuming pleasure with the strength of the clenching muscles in her cunt. His hips bucked, and he shot his seed deep within her. Holding her tight to him, he managed to roll them onto the bales of hay. She was draped over him, sated and boneless. He kissed her face and said, “You are the most wonderful thing that ever happened to us, Alicia, and we will never let you go. We all love you!”

  He loved the way she snuggled closer into his arms. She was so warm and soft and fragrant. He squirmed as the hay prickled his bottom. He stood up and placed her once again on a bale so he could clean her with the help of another fine lawn handerchief. Then he helped her to dress and tidy her hair and escorted her out of the stables and back to the house for luncheon.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Later that afternoon, Angel was seated at his desk in the library. He had Lady Alicia’s locket in front of him and large tomes open upon the desk top. He was researching the type of lock mechanism he had seen in her locket. He had seen a similiar one before but could not quite recall where.

  The door opened tentatively, and the lady herself came slowly into the room.

  “I do hope I do not disturb your work,” she said, waving one hand in the direction of the desk and all upon it. “I merely want a book to read.”

  “By all means do come in and find your book, Lady Alicia. You will not disturb me. I am in fact researching your locket. It is a strange occurrence. Usually I have no trouble recalling what I need for my research, but somehow just at the moment my mind and memory do not wish to cooperate.” He smiled lazily up at her.

  She approached the desk and walked around it to stand at his shoulder and look at the tomes he had open. There were some engravings in the largest one of pieces of furniture which, the footnote said, concealed safes or strong boxes, the keys to which needed to be first inserted in a hub. The hubs were many and varied, but one ressembled her locket. She stilled, and he felt her stiffen.

  “What is it?”

  “I have seen such a piece of furniture in my grandmama’s house. It was in her library.”

  “That’s it! I knew I had seen one. It must have been when I was visiting her with my mama. I was a small boy at the time and was given books of pictures to look at in the library with my brothers while mama took tea with her.”

  “I wonder if it is still in her house?” she asked.

  “Given someone’s desire to get you or it into their hands, I would say that it is a safe bet. Well, now we have more to go on.”

  He smiled up at her, and she smiled back. His cock grew hard and stiff, and his mouth dry. He got to his feet and took her hands in his and escorted her over to a large armchair then went to the door of the library and locked it. He watched as she half rose from her chair then sank down again. She put up her hands to her face in such adorable confusion. Oh, she wanted him. He could see that. He also knew what had transpired with his brothers, and she evidently had not yet realised that what one knew the others soon found out. She must be confused if, as he suspected, she was attracted to them all. He would just have to enlighten her, and he smiled as he walked slowly over to her. He held out his hands to her. “My dear, come to me.”

  He saw the confusion in her eyes, but she stood and gave him her hands. He lifted first one then the other to his lips, turning them over and pressing hot, wet kisses to the pulse point on her wrists then kissing each fingertip. He saw her begin to pant. She was heated, and she trembled. Slowly and carefully, so as not to alarm her, he took her into his arms. She was looking down at the floor. Her confusion was adorable, and his cock swelled even more. He raised her chin with one strong hand, and she did not resist. She gasped as he pressed her to him, and her soft, yielding body must have felt the hard length of his erection.

  “I want you, Lady Alicia. I want you now!”

  He moved his hips suggestively, and her little pink tongue peeped out as she licked her bottom lip. That was enough invitation to make him bend his head and take that little mouth. He pressed his lips to hers and, cruising his tongue along the seam of her partly open lips, he flicked the tip in and out. She murmured in appreciation, and he grew bolder and sucked her bottom lip into his mouth. He nibbled and suckled it, and she squirmed in his hold, thereby grinding her pussy against his erection and driving him wild. His tongue invaded her mouth, seeking to claim her, exploring then inviting her to do the same. She was tentative at first, but he noticed with satisfaction that she grew in confidence. Her tongue followed his as he retreated, and as the tip slid between his lips, he suckled hard, eliciting a soft moan of pleasure. One hand descended to her breasts, and, gently at first, he stimulated the hard little nipples, and she moaned and panted. He swallowed her little mewling sounds as he kissed her soundly. Gradually, his touch on her breasts grew firmer as he judged she could take it. He flicked his fingers over the peaks and pinched them lightly then with increasing pressure until her legs gave way, and she would have fallen had he not been holding her tightly.

  “Come, my dear,” he said and led her to the large armchair. Seating himself, he had her straddle his thighs and place her knees on either side of him. There was ample room in the wide chair for such a manoeuvre, as in fact it had been designed with just this activity in mind. His strong fingers made short work of the buttons of her bodice and the ribbons of her chemise then returned to play with her nipples. The effect of his ministrations was all he could have wished for. Her arousal increased as he played, and when he bent his head and licked first one nipple then the other, she shuddered and rested all her weight on her arms, which he had placed on his shoulders. His mouth continued to drive her wild until he judged she was ready for more, and then he sucked one rosy nipple into his mouth and suckled hard. She shrieked as he had expected she would, but he did not stop.

  “You taste so sweet. I cannot get enough of you.” he said.

  He became impatient to be inside her, so urging her to stand up, he growled. “On your knees on the rug.”

  In truth, she did not seem able to stand, so he helped her to kneel on the rug and flipped her skirts up to reveal the firm globes of her bottom. He could not resist bending to place a hot, wet kiss on each one and taking a little nip with his teeth before letting his tongue cruise all the way down her pussy. She was so wet and so fragrant in her arousal. He breathed deeply and replaced his tongue with two fingers. He pushed them firmly into her cunt. He stroked in and out, relishing her pants and moans as he fucked her with his fingers and drove her arousal higher and higher.

  “Please,” she begged, and he smiled. He was more than ready to oblige her but had wanted the satisfaction of her asking him. Rapidly, he opened the front placket of his britches and allowed his cock to spring free. Taking her slim hips in his hands
, he positioned the head of his aching and throbbing cock at her the entrance to her pussy and drove home in one long hard thrust. Her moan of pleasure was music to his ears, and she was going to do more than moan. She would be thinking he was well seated inside her. Well, he had a surprise for her. He felt the soft skin of her bottom against the hair on his groin as he gathered himself, flexed his hips, and drove home, and gave her another couple of inches. Her hot, wet cunt closed tight about him. He was in heaven, and he stilled for just a moment, enjoying the sensation, and then he began to fuck her senseless. He withdrew almost all the way out then forcefully hammered himself home again. This side of him always took his lovers by surprise. The caring and gentle man he usually was, transformed into a forceful lover pounding into a wet and willing cunt, drove them wild. Lady Alicia was no exception, but she was no passive partner in the game, he was pleased to see. She flexed her internal muscles as he pumped in and out of her. She clenched around his cock in a most delicious embrace. She pushed back against him as he moved forward, grinding her bottom into his groin, and he felt his balls slap against her with each thrust.

  This was something else again. He was not going to last much longer like this, he thought. He bent forward and slid one finger into her pussy lips and massaged her little pearl. She mewled in appreciation, and her muscles gripped even harder. He stroked her fimly then pinched her clit between his fingers, and she climaxed around his cock, shrieking his name. Her pussy muscles clenched and milked his cock, and her limbs shook. It was spectacular to watch, and he was enjoying seeing her like this. His own release followed shortly after. The clenching, milking of her cunt brought him a deeply satisfying orgasm. He pumped his seed deep within her then gently withdrew. Using his handkerchief, he cleaned her with care and lowered her skirts. They were both panting and sated. He helped her to her feet and took her to the chair. Seating himself, he drew her down onto his lap and, craddling her tenderly in his arms, he pulled her head down onto his shoulder. She gazed mistily up at him, and with a jolt of panic he saw tears in her eyes.

  “Are you hurt? Did I hurt you?” What had he done? he wondered.

  “No, Angel, you did not hurt me. I may well hurt all of you, and I do not wish to be the cause of trouble between you. I know you all love me, as I love you, but I do not see how it can work”

  “Hush, my dear. It will all be right. You will see.”

  He petted her, stroked her back, and kissed the top of her head. He loved to hold her close and smell her scent, and now, mingled with the smell of sex, it was particuarly intoxicating. It had never felt like this with any other woman. He realised that he loved her and no other. He could spend the rest of his life with her and his brothers. Rafael was right as usual. This woman would complete them. They could raise a family together. It would not be easy, but living in the country made it easier. Unless she particularly desired to go to town, they preferred to live on their estate for most of the year. Their neighbours were used to the presence of all three on the estate, as each had separate and complementary areas of expertise. London held few attracions for such as they. They would go from time to time as business dictated. Of course their sisters would need chaperoning as they in their turn sought husbands, but that would only be for a couple of years at the very most. Usually he had more to do in the capital than his brothers, with his interests in investing and antiques, so he would be able to escort her there for shopping expeditions and the like if she so desired. He wanted nothing more than to shelter her from every wind that blew.

  Lady Alicia stirred on his lap, and he allowed her to rise. After her tears and what she had said, it was imperative that he consult with Rafael and Antonio before they all spoke with her to clarify the situation. She was worried and hurting and he could not allow that to continue. She tidied her hair, and he helped her to do up her buttons and smooth down her crumpled dress. He unlocked the door and, looking out into the hall and seeing no-one, he held it open for her to pass through. He took her hand and pressed an ardent kiss to her wrist.

  The luncheon warning gong was being struck, and she hurried upstairs to change. He did the same, and on his way looked into Rafael’s bedchamber. He told him all that had ocurred and her reactions. Rafael undertook to speak to Antonio, and then they would all see her together.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Luncheon was a quiet meal. Alicia was absorbed in her own thoughts and made little response to any remarks addressed to her. She claimed a headache and refused the tisane and other remedies offered to her. She said a walk in the fresh air would do her more good and proposed to stroll down to the lake, and she set off alone. Taking her parasol, she went out of the side door and along to the front of the house. The afternoon was warm, but there was shade by the lake and a couple of rustic seats. Seating herself upon one of them, she gazed at the lake, trying to make sense of all she felt and all she had done. She had made love to three brothers. There was no escaping that fact. Her husband had called her many things, and wanton had been one of them. She had not accepted his criticism, but now she began to see he had been right. He had seen in her what she had not acknowledged in herself, but now she was forced to consider her conduct, and she realised he had been right. This very day she had allowed the third brother, Angel, to have his way with her. She had made no protest. In fact, she had enjoyed it as she had never enjoyed the act with her husband. She had enjoyed making love to all three in their different ways. There were names for such as she in polite society. Even though widows had more freedom, they were not expected to be so promiscuous. What was she to do? Where could she go? The thoughts went round and round in her head until her head began to ache in earnest, and she resolved to seek her bedchamber and lie down for an hour or two before afternoon tea.

  Accordingly, she went back into the house by the same side door. The interior was cool and dark after the sun and warmth of the garden. She did not see the large man until she ran into him. It was Rafael. She’d know him anywhere. He took hold of her upper arms to steady her, and the flash of arousal she felt made her quake. This was not going to be easy. She had to get away from them, and she tried to turn away, but he held her fast.

  “Lady Alicia, we were coming to find you.” She saw, now that her eyes were becoming accustomed to the dim interior, that the other two were with him. So they had all come to have it out with her. So be it. She straightened her spine and lifted her chin.

  “Indeed, sir, how can I be of service to you?”

  A muffled chuckle escaped one of them. She recognised Antonio. Trust him to take things the wrong way! She thought. It was just like him to find humour in any situation, but she loved him for it.

  “Do come into the library. We wish to have words with you.”

  The library of all places. She had more than enough acquaintance with that room, but she allowed him to guide her. In truth, she had no choice with his arm on her elbow and the other two between her and escape, so she went docilely.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  It had been agreed that Rafael would take the lead, it was ever thus, but he was head of the family in all but name now that Papa had handed over the reins to him.

  The door to the library was not locked this time. She looked from one to the other like a frightened rabbit, Rafael thought. Time to get this out in the open and relieve her mind.

  “Please be seated, my dear. We have much to say to you.”

  She sat on the edge of her chair and looked at each one in turn, trepidation in her eyes.

  “Please do not be afraid. Hear what I have to say to you, and then we will discuss it. We know you are attracted to all three of us.”

  He saw she went white and put up a hand to her cheek. Angel moved over to her side and took her hand in his.

  “Yes, I am so sorry. It is so wrong. I do not know what has come over me,” she said.

  “Hush. Listen. Nothing is wrong, little one. What you feel is not wrong. It is what we prefer,” Rafael reassured her.

“You do?”

  Her eyes grew round, he noticed, and he smiled to himself. Angel had been right in his assessment. Trust Angel to see that she was worried. It was in his nature to be solicitous of the comfort of those he loved, and to do all in his power to make them comfortable and happy.

  “Yes, we do. We have all had women separately, but the best times have been when we share. We all want you, but it is more profound this time. We are not interested in a liaison. We want a wife.”

  Her eyes grew rounder and she looked at Rafael.

  “But a woman can only marry one man!” she exclaimed.

  “Yes, that would be me. I am the eldest and need heirs. For the world, you would be my wife. For us, you would be ours to love and to share.”

  “But I was married and gave my husband no children. I do not know if I can. He always blamed me.”

  “Your husband was older than you?” Rafael asked.

  “Yes, by twenty-five years.”

  “Was he always potent, capable?”

  She blushed and looked down, saying so quietly that they had to lean closer to hear her words.

  “No. At first he could, but soon he became ill, and he could not, and he blamed me. He used instruments on me when his…his…was not firm.”

  Rafael took her in his arms and soothed her.

  “When someone is old and ill, it is not unknown for their seed not to take, to be less potent and unable to impregnate a female. I suspect he did not see to your pleasure either, and the most up-to-date thinking tells us that a female will not conceive if she is not brought to her pleasure.”

  She blushed rosily and looked down. She was adorable, he thought.

  “But can you afford to take that chance?” she whispered.

  “We can and we will.”


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