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Turning The Page

Page 9

by Sam Elswit

  "Of course not," Michael said.

  "Anyways, we don't have to worry about any of that shit, because we're here!" Guy parked the car around the corner from Hi Tops and hopped out. "Finally! Man, I can't wait until training ends so I can get back here more often. C'mon, it's almost happy hour."

  Chad and Michael hopped out of the car and followed Guy into the bar. Michael was nervous. This was his first time at a gay bar. Ever. He should have been excited, and he was... sort of... but he was also scared. Would he know how to act? Would he know what to say? What did people do at gay bars, exactly? Was it like a normal bar but with gay people, or was there gay stuff happening? What was gay stuff?

  "Hey, you okay?" Chad punched his shoulder. Michael looked up and shrugged.

  "I've never been to a gay bar," he muttered.

  "What! No way! Twenty-two years old, gay, and never been to a gay bar... Jesus, man, how have you survived this long?"

  "Some days, even I don't know," Michael admitted. "I grew up in a small town. They don't really like gay people there."

  "Well you're in Gay City USA now," Chad crowed, grabbing Michael by the arm to drag him into the crowded, dimly-lit bar.

  There seemed to be a lot of people there, given that was barely after six o'clock in the afternoon and still light outside. Michael stared around himself. Smoking was allowed in here so there was a faint haze and the acrid tang of cigarette smoke on the air. Bodies pressed and jostled together, it seemed every type of person imaginable was there; flamboyant gay men wearing crop tops and fishnets and their straight girl friends, "masculine" gay men like himself and his teammates, bull dykes, femmes, trans people, and people whose gender was a complete mystery to Michael. But it didn't matter. The nerves in his stomach began to unwind as he realized that this was a place for anyone and everyone to be welcomed and celebrated. A smile slowly spread across his face as Chad and Guy jostled him over to the bar.

  "Three shots of Jager and three PBRs," Chad said.

  "One of us has to drive," Michael protested, but Chad shoved him in the shoulder to shut him up.

  "It'll be fine. We're spending the night in town. I have a friend."

  "Oh." Michael bit his lip. "Okay."

  "Hey baby." A more-than-slightly drunk man sidled up to Michael. He was shorter than Michael and quite slim, with a beautiful face, and sleek blond hair. Michael's jaw fell open as the drunk man took his arm. "You're cute, you wanna come play pool with us?"

  "Is being cute a prerequisite for playing pool?" Michael quipped.

  "Nah, but it helps." The blond man grinned at him. "I'm Jay."

  "Hi Jay, I'm Michael."

  "Here, do a shot with us and go play pool," Chad said, shoving a shot glass into his hands. Michael obeyed, chasing the shot of Jager with a wince and slurp of PBR. "It's baby's first day out at a gay bar," Chad confided to Jay.

  "OhmyGod, no way," said Jay, "a hot guy like you? Be careful babe or someone might just eat you alive." Jay grinned wickedly and took Michael's hand, dragging him through the crowded bar.

  "We'll be checking up on him in a bit so don't do anything stupid," Guy called after them.

  "He'll be fine," laughed Chad.

  The pool tables were situated in another room, which was just as crowded as the first. There was barely enough room around the tables to shoot, but that didn't seem to be bothering the players, one of whom wasn't even wearing a shirt. Michael gaped at him, so entranced that he didn't even notice until Jay introduced him that Terrence Richmond was there.

  "Michael, this is our friend Terry," he said, shoving Michael toward to pool table where Terrence was bent over, lining up a shot. "Terry's a pro football player."

  "Don't call me Terry," Terrence grumbled, not even bothering to look up until he'd taken his shot. When he did finally look up, his face blanched and his eyes bugged upon seeing Michael standing there with Jay's hand on his arm. "Hey..." he said, dazed.

  Michael's heart pounded as he looked up at Terrence. Terrence wasn't dressed flamboyantly, per se, but he wore a pastel pink button-down shirt that complimented his silky brown complexion and brought out his arresting green eyes, and the sleeves were rolled up to the elbows, and the buttons undone to his clavicles. He wore jeans that fit him well and hugged his ass just perfectly. He was beautiful. Michael had never been so attracted to a man in his entire life. He felt it in his whole body, from his blushing face to his pounding heart to his fluttering stomach to his ticklish dick, which threatened to get hard at a moment's notice. Terrence was looking Michael over with a similarly approving eye. Michael wore a simple black form-fitting V-neck tee shirt, and a pair of colorful plaid shorts. Michael's hand extended itself in greeting, and Terrence took it. He held Michael's hand for a long moment, giving him a squeeze, before shaking it and letting go. Michael swallowed thickly.

  "I didn't know you were, uh... that is... um..." Michael fidgeted awkwardly. As is this day could have gotten any weirder! I didn't know you were gay, is what he wanted to say, but he could tell that Terrence was uncomfortable so he stopped himself. Did this mean Terrence was available? Michael had never been the aggressive flirting type, but if Terrence was gay, Michael knew he would stop at nothing until he'd gotten in the man's bed.

  "Yeah. Same to you." Terrence proffered his pool cue to Michael. "Wanna play?"

  "I dunno, I'm not much good at pool..." Michael said.

  "That's okay, Terrence will show you," laughed Jay, who observed the chemistry between the two and was only too happy to try to make them get together.

  Michael risked a bashful smile, coming up beside Terrence. He bent over the table and aimed the pool cue like he'd seen people do in movies and stuff, although he had no idea what he was doing. And, just as he had hoped, Terrence came up behind him. His hips pressed into Michael's backside and Michael shivered. His big, strong hands grasped Michael's forearms and corrected his stance.

  "You hold it like this," Terrence said. His voice was soft but deep, and resonant, his lips just inches away from his ear, so that only Michael could hear him. Michael struggled with the nigh-irresistible urge to turn his head and kiss Terrence's cheek. "And you shoot it... like this..." Michael obeyed his instructions, but he didn't care where the balls went. Well, not those balls. His mind was on other balls. He deliberately fudged the shot to keep Terrence close to him, but Terrence stood up and stepped back. Michael straightened, watching him worriedly, as Terrence sighed and rubbed his face.

  "You need a drink?" Michael suggested. He set the pool cue aside and faced Terrence. "I know I could use one."

  "Yeah. Yes." Much to Michael's surprise (and delight), Terrence grabbed his hand. Michael gasped as the bigger man led him back to the bar. Chad and Guy were nowhere to be seen, which Michael as glad of. He was enjoying his moment with Terrence, and hoped it would last a bit longer. Maybe it would last a lot longer.

  Maybe it would last all night.

  He and Terrence tipped back a shot of tequila and chased it again with a swig of cheap beer. Michael could feel the alcohol rapidly dissolving his inhibitions, such that when they had finished the shot, Michael practically flung himself at Terrence, winding his arms around the bigger man's neck, so that he could bashfully steal his very first kiss.

  It was just a peck on the lips. Despite the somewhat seedy surroundings, it was a sweet moment. Terrence met his gaze with shining eyes, and his arms slid around Michael's body, holding him firmly but tenderly. Michael gave him another shy peck on the lips, and this time, Terrence kissed back, prolonging the kiss, lending Michael some of his long years of expertise. His hand drifted up to cup Michael's cheek as they kissed like a couple of shy high schoolers, but for Michael, the moment was absolutely perfect. Their lips broke apart, both men panting softly as their desire flared, but their faces stayed close. Michael put his hand on Terrence's hip.

  "Hey there, gorgeous," Michael whispered. Despite being in the middle of a crowded bar, it felt like the world had stopped, and belonged just to the t
wo of them. It was the best moment of Michael's life so far, and shortly it would get a lot more interesting.

  "You wanna play some more pool?" Terrence asked, grinning. His smile made Michael's stomach flip.

  "Only if you'll show me how to play again," Michael teased. "I need another lesson in how to hold the stick."

  "I think I can help with that," said Terrence.

  Chapter 6

  They didn't play very much more pool, but there was to be plenty of playing with sticks.

  Michael managed to shoot one more time, but was drunk enough by then that, after shooting the cue ball with Terrence at his back and holding his arms, Michael set the cue aside very deliberately so that it wouldn't fall over, then attacked Terrence's lips with a flurry of clumsy, close-lipped kisses. Because Michael had never kissed a man before, he'd barely ever kissed anyone before (except one time he kissed a girl in high school, just to make sure he was really totally super gay, and he was), and he had only the vaguest idea as to how it was done. He and Terrence stumbled through the crowd, locked in a fiercely passionate embrace which could only be brought about long-repressed desire. After almost a dozen of Michael's silly little kisses, Terrence stopped him with a kiss on the cheek, and whispered into his ear, "Slow down. Relax." He gave Michael's cheek a nuzzle, then their lips met again. Michael did as he was told, relaxing as Terrence sort of took over, gradually working Michael's lips apart with his tongue. Michael shivered and grunted softly, and, after a few introductory kisses, emulated Terrence's movements, until their tongues were brushing and mouths open and eager to devour one another. Groans and exclamations rose up from the people around them, some encouraging, Yeah baby, get it, work it bitch, some fed up, Get a room, guys, for fuck's sake.

  Michael and Terrence didn't notice any of them.

  A few intimate dances to the barely-audible house music, and one more round of drinks, was all it took. By then, Terrence had taught Michael how to kiss, and like anyone learning a new skill, Michael was eager to practice— and eager to please. Both young men were on their way to being visibly aroused, and finally Terrence said, "You want to get out of here, babe?"

  Michael's head reeled when Terrence called him Babe. He smiled. "Yeah. Where are we going?"

  "I have a hotel room," said Terrence. "Just a couple blocks away. C'mon."

  They closed their bar tabs and left. Michael had completely forgotten about Guy and Chad and was too drunk to think of it, so he left the bar without saying anything to anyone, giddy and horny as hell as Terrence escorted him out with his bulky arm around Michael's own muscular shoulders. Both men were drunk enough that they stumbled, but each time they caught one another and dissolved into laughter, inevitably kissing a little before being able to move on.

  Finally they arrived at the hotel. Even in his drunken state, Michael was impressed by the fineness of the accommodations. The lobby had marble floors, and everywhere he looked was shiny polished brass and crystal-clear glass on the elevators and tables and desks. The men stumbled into an elevator and immediately started kissing, and would have probably started making love right then and there had the ride been any longer. Luckily, Terrence was only on the third floor, so the elevator dinged before any trousers could come down. Terrence led Michael down the hallway and unlocked his room with shaking hands.

  The men practically fell into the room and the door slammed shut behind them. Their heretofore restrained and repressed passion finally had an outlet, and both were completely consumed by their desire for one another. They started kissing again, almost frantically, as Michael's trembling fingers unbuttoned Terrence's shirt, and Terrence fumbled with Michael's belt and fly. Michael's pants fell down around his ankles just as he got Terrence's shirt open and his hands began curiously, eagerly roving the man's incomparably thick, muscular chest. Terrence peeled Michael's shirt off and began kissing him down his neck and chest, pressing his hands to the small of Michael's back. Michael was aroused, his organ stiff and straining against the confines of his boxer-briefs, and he was overwhelmed by the intensity of the encounter. He knew that this was probably when he should take off Terrence's pants, but Michael was unsure of himself. This was his first time touching another man sexually. He wanted to enjoy it. He wanted to savor the feel of Terrence's bulging pecs under his hands, to take his time kissing the man's clavicles and the cords of his thick, strong neck and admiring the bulk of his shoulders and arms.

  Terrence, on the other hand, had other ideas. He had many years of experience under his belt, and hadn't been laid in a long time, he was urgent with his need for sex and with his extreme attraction to Michael. He reached out and draped the younger, smaller man's leg over his hip, pressing Michael's hardened sex into his thigh. He grinned as Michael moaned and shuddered.

  "You ready for me to rock your world, babe?" Terrence purred, slowly backing Michael toward the bed.

  "I-I... I don't know," Michael gasped, arching his back as Terrence cupped his balls with a large, warm hand.

  "You don't know?" Terrence kept his hand where it was, pausing with his face inches from Michael's. "Why not? What's wrong?"

  "Nothing," Michael whispered, "I just... I-I..." He blushed bright red with embarrassment. "I've never... I've never, you know, done this before."

  "You've never fucked a black guy?" Terrence joked.

  "I've never had sex with anyone," Michael admitted bashfully.

  "Wait, for real?" Terrence's brows shot up. "You're a virgin?"


  "Oh, wow." Terrence's fingers tightened ever-so-slightly on Michael's package. "That's... really hot."

  "Huh? It is?" Michael was shivering as Terrence fondled him, his knees soft and threatening to give out any minute. "You're not, like, grossed out or anything?"

  "Hell no. I get to introduce you to a whole new world. This is gonna be fun. So... that's why you were kissing like that? You've never even made out before?"

  "Yes," Michael mumbled.

  "Hey," Terrence curled a finger under Michael's chin, making him look up. Their gazes locked. Michael was frozen by Terrence's intense green eyes. "Don't you dare be ashamed of who you are. You're beautiful. And you're adorable. I'm happy I get to do this with you, and... I'm glad you told me. Now we can make it special."

  "Special?" Michael gulped. He didn't see how it could get any better than this, but there was a mischievous, promising twinkle in Terrence's eyes.

  "We'll go nice and slow," Terrence said. He took Michael's hand and guided it toward his own bulge, still confined within his jeans. His eyes fluttered as Michael curiously groped Terrence's package. "This your first time feeling another man's dick?"

  "Yeah," Michael choked, his lips twitching into a smile as he felt up Terrence. "God, that's... that's really nice..."

  "Yeah. Dick is great," Terrence laughed, planting a kiss on Michael's lips. "Now lay down." He gently pushed Michael on to the bed, then slipped off his own trousers. Michael stared in open admiration as Terrence's organ came free. The older man climbed on to the bed and straddled Michael's hips, lowering himself to start kissing Michael again, this time with slow, intense passion. Michael met his kisses eagerly, clumsy and virginal but enthusiastic. Terrence had to prop himself up with his hands, but Michael was free to let his touch wander. He sighed, over and over, in the deepest throes of bliss, relishing in this warm, sweet, sexy moment. Now that he knew Michael's special secret, Terrence had slowed down. He was being so gentle, so patient, kissing and pausing, letting Michael just touch him, chuckling to himself at the younger man's open curiosity mingled with desire.

  At last, Michael decided that he'd had enough, and wanted to move on. Staring up at Terrence, he reached down and grasped the other man's member again. He was only vaguely sure what he ought to do with said member, and was a little embarrassed that all he could think to do was touch them together. Terrence laughed good-naturedly, then made his way down Michael's toned, well-muscled body, kissing him from the neck to his pecs and down his
abdomen to the sparse trail of hair leading down to his shaft. He kissed his way down Michael's length, smirking to himself as the younger man's body twitched in response to the touches. Michael moaned loudly as Terrence took the head into his mouth and swirled his tongue around it, paying special attention to the very tip. And just when Michael was sure it couldn't get any better, Terrence flattened his tongue and slid the whole thing in there. Michael started gasping, over and over, "Oh God, oh fuck, oh God, Terrence!" Terrence held Michael's member in his mouth for a moment, just sliding his tongue around. Then he started bobbing his head, very slowly, working his way all the way down Michael's length, and then all the way back up, and down, and up. He barely made half a dozen passes before Michael cried out, and his hot seed spilled into Terrence's throat.

  Shaking and panting, Michael watched Terrence spit the load out into the trashcan by the bed. Then he lay down beside Michael and started caressing his chest, and kissing his cheek.

  "That... that was amazing," Michael whispered. "Thank you, I, uh..."

  "Don't mention it," Terrence chuckled. "It was really fucking hot for me, too."

  "But you didn't get to..."

  "Not yet." Terrence flashed him another brilliant grin. "I don't think you're ready to be fucked yet, if this is your first orgasm with another man. You want to watch me finish?"

  Michael could barely summon his voice because he wanted desperately to do exactly that. Finally he nodded and managed to rasp, "Oh God, yes."

  "Good. Can I touch you while I do it?"

  "Please," Michael whispered. He shifted a little so that his head rested on the pillows, and watched as Terrence got up and straddled him again, dick in hand. The bigger man leaned down and caressed Michael's chest and abdomen as he stroked himself, leaning down now and again to steal a kiss. Michael had never heard the phrase refractory period, but he knew it usually took him a while before he could get hard again... until now. Watching Terrence pleasure himself over his own body had Michael aroused again, infuriatingly half-hard, and half-soft, with Terrence's firm, muscular buttocks resting far too close to his own organ. He rested his hands on Terrence's thighs, and experimentally reached out and cupped Terrence's balls.


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