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Made in Hell

Page 21

by Logan Jacobs

  Then Ashe brought herself in front of the mirror to untie her shimmering hair from her braids, and she arched her back as she used her fingers to comb through the hair.

  My arousal grew as I took in the sight of her full breasts and the smoothness of her silver skin paired against the strength and muscles of a huntress. I didn’t even register the movement of my own hands as they made light work of the clothing I wore, and before I knew it, they were in a pile on the floor beside hers. I placed my hands over Ashe’s hips as she continued to play with her hair, and when she caught on to what I was up to, her own hungry look increased tenfold.

  Then I dragged her body closer and attacked her supple lips with my own.

  My hunger grew as I bit at the demon, and I thought I was going to combust from it as she slipped her tongue into my mouth. Her sinfully sweet flavor heated me up even more, and the need to devour this incredible little fiend surged inside me. My hands became lost in her silver-blue hair, and my body tingled all over as she scratched up my spin with her nails.

  Then my dick hardened like a rail as Ashe’s kisses deepened, and I hooked her legs with both hands so I could throw her down onto the bed. The moment she was laid out in waiting for me, I raked my gaze over every silvery inch of her, and her perked nipples glittered in the moonlight.

  I came forward while I warred with the fury still burning inside me, but I waited another moment before joining her.

  “You look so hungry, master,” Ashe purred, and her words stoked the fire in my sinews.

  “I am,” I growled back.

  “I am here to satisfy your appetites,” the demon woman said as she spread her legs toward me.

  “Yes, you’re entirely mine,” I murmured. “Isn’t that right?”

  “Yes, Atticus,” Ashe moaned and bit her plump lip.

  “What is it you need?” I demanded as I climbed onto the bed.

  “You,” she breathed, and I let out a growl of approval. “All of you. I need you to take me as hard as you can, and I can tell you need it even more.”

  I drifted my hands down her silvery hips until they reached the soft curve of her ass, and then I forcefully lifted her legs up so that she could feel the effect her words had on me. Her pink pussy glistened with arousal as I slid my shaft along her, but then, without any warning, I slammed my dick inside her tight entrance and watched in delight as her back arched off the bed.

  Ashe’s hands grabbed handfuls of the bedding while she writhed from my girth, but then she let out a long, shaky moan as I pushed deeper.

  “Mooore,” she breathed.

  “Is this what you were after?” I growled as I gave her a rough thrust. “You want my angry cock tonight?”

  “Ohhhh,” Ashe moaned. “Yesss, please. Deep inside of me.”

  I grinned at the desperation in her voice, and my movements became harder and faster in a matter of seconds. I caught her lips in another searing kiss as the hunger roared inside of me, and Ashe hooked her legs around my ass so I could only plunge my cock deeper inside her accepting tunnel.

  Then the little fiend whimpered from every powerful thrust as I fucked her without holding back, but as she started to quiver beneath me, her muscles suddenly tensed.

  In the blink of an eye, Ashe forced me over onto my back so she could take control, and her trembling body glistened in the dappled moonlight as she let out a sultry sigh.

  I watched as she slowly traced her lips with the tip of her tongue, but then Ashe grabbed hold of my wrists and pulled them up above my head. My dick twitched at the sudden movement, and now that she had me pinned down for once, she slowly sank her pussy down onto my cock.

  I shook with pleasure as her pink eyes glinted commandingly, and I knew if the huntress inside of her had come alive, I wasn’t going to last very long tonight.

  Not with her perfect breasts directly above my mouth, and her tiny waist rolling hypnotically so every part of my cock rubbed the deepest places inside of her pussy.

  “Fuuuuck, you look tasty up there,” I groaned, and I tried to resist the urge to devour her silver nipples.

  “Do you want me to keep going, master?” Ashe taunted.

  “Please, don’t stop,” I begged lightly.

  The demon woman immediately purred at my words, and I was pleased to see how easy it was to gain her favor. She was already writhing around my cock in response, and she met my gaze with a purely devoted expression.

  “Anything for you,” Ashe moaned.

  Then a devious glint flashed into her pink eyes, and the heat in my chest doubled all at once.

  I pulled my wrists away from her hold so I could firmly grip her muscular thighs, and all I could do was lay there and watch as she continued riding my dick in a tantalizingly slow and deep rhythm. The whole time Ashe kept me there, she gently clawed at my chest and let her eyes burn into mine, and every inch of her was flawless and shimmering in the moonlight.

  Her slippery pussy was like a sweet torture as she took her time fucking me, and my energy was only increasing while my hunger continued to burn white-hot. I tried to be patient and just enjoy the show, but the tempting glint in Ashe’s eyes proved she was waiting for me to lose my damn mind.

  Eventually, I was so worked up, I couldn’t resist having my own say in the matter again, and I flipped us over to take control of the fiend.

  After that, I pounded my full length in and out of her pussy with all the force I had to offer, and I let my arousal build until I was seconds away from combusting. Ashe’s velvety walls started convulsing around my dick with every thrust, and the heavy breaths that hitched in her throat assured me she was just as close as I was.

  “Yesssss,” Ashe moaned. “Please, don’t stop! I’m going to--”

  “Not yet,” I ordered as I refused to stop thrusting into her.

  “Atticus,” the demon woman whimpered. “I need to. I can’t wait.”

  “You’ll wait,” I assured her. “You’ll do what I tell you to do.”

  My hands palmed her shaking breasts and massaged them to drive her crazy, and Ashe’s eyes glistened with her desperate need to climax.

  But I wasn’t quite finished with her.

  I roughly pulled away without warning, and Ashe growled impatiently as I stood from the bed.

  “Onto your knees,” I murmured through panting breaths. “Now. Present your ass to me.”

  “Yes, Master.” Ashe smirked and complied to my orders, and she perched herself on all fours with her perfect butt facing me. I gently stroked one cheek with my hand while she purred softly in response, but then I slipped a finger inside her warm, sticky pussy to gather the lubricant I’d need.

  “Are… are you going to claim my ass, Master?”

  “Do you want me to?” I whispered.

  “Ohhh… yessss…” she whined. “Please… I want to feel your big cock in there. Spread me open.”

  “Very well,” I purred.

  Ashe was quivering with arousal when I placed my wet finger inside the smaller, tighter hole above her sopping pussy. Then I did it a few more times until I felt as if her butt hole was lubricated as well as her pussy.

  “You feel wet enough…” I said. “Are you ready?”

  “Yessss…” she begged, and then I parted her taut ass cheeks and slid my dick inside.

  “Ohhh, fuuuuck…” I groaned as soon as I was as deep as I could go inside of Ashe’s perfect asshole.

  The unbelievably tight sensation was like nothing I had ever felt before, and I shook with pleasure as Ashe arched her back and moaned without reserve. She was trembling and tipping her hips up for more of my cock, and I did my best to give her more while I fought not to cum immediately.

  Then I slid my fingers around to her clit, and as I forced myself even deeper in her vise grip, the demon woman began to spasm uncontrollably.

  My restraint finally reached a breaking point at the same time Ashe’s did, and while she wailed through an ecstatic orgasm, I pulled out and let my heated seed coat h
er silky back. With each heavy pulse, the rage in my chest simmered down as my cock kept gushing more and more cum onto my demon lover, and the whole time, my fingers flicked across her clit to keep her orgasming, too.

  Ashe’s little whimpers and moans filled my mind as I forced her into another immediate climax, and a sheen of sweat cooled my skin while my heart pounded heavily in my chest.

  I’d only recovered for a moment before the need to have my way with Ashe all over again boiled in my veins, though.

  I couldn’t get enough of the beautiful fiend, especially when she so willingly let me do anything I liked with her pussy, mouth, and ass, and there was no possible way to ignore the intense hunger that took over my body every time I looked at her silvery curves.

  I picked up a soapy washcloth, cleaned my cock thoroughly, and then returned to the bed as quickly as I could so that I could fuck her again.

  “More?” Ashe chuckled like a heathen when I started stroking the tip of my already hard cock against her again, and when she tipped her hips up once more, I didn’t hesitate to ease back into her pussy for another round.

  And then another.

  Hours passed before my balls finally felt empty of cum, and Ashe was strewn and dripping on the blankets when I stumbled off the bed to bring the bucket of water over. Then I grabbed a washcloth as well, and I returned to find Ashe’s silver-blue hair slicked back from the sweat on her forehead. She had a blissful smile on her plump lips as she crawled closer to me, and then her eyes closed delicately while I gently trailed a damp cloth across her silvery skin and pussy to clean the copious amount of cum I’d poured inside and on her.

  Once my demon lover was taken care of, I cleaned up as well, and I finally laid down beside her.

  “Are you feeling… satisfied?” she purred and traced the outline of my face with her slender finger.

  “Much better,” I murmured. “How do you feel?”

  “I feel better than I ever have before.” Ashe smiled sweetly, and her pink eyes glinted in the softest way.

  “That was the answer I was looking for,” I chuckled.

  “I… enjoy the way you look at me…” she whispered.

  “Enjoy?” I asked.

  “It’s hunger, and lust, and… I don’t know the feeling for sure. You look at me in a way that makes my heart hammer in my chest and my legs feel weak.”

  “I like the way you look at me, too,” I whispered.

  “I don’t think we are supposed to feel this way about each other,” she murmured.

  “Maybe not,” I said, “but I don’t give a fuck about the Dark King’s rules. You are mine… forever. Understand?”

  “Yes,” she whispered. “I love being yours.”

  I wanted Ashe to know without a doubt that I would take care of her, and even though the surface world was a fucking crazy place for beings like us, it was better than the Hellscape. We were better off belonging to each other than to anyone else, and I’d do whatever it took to make sure neither of us ended up back there again.

  Ashe curled up in my arms with a contented sigh, and we both laid there for a while with the blissful atmosphere coating the air. For a moment, I thought she had drifted off to sleep, but then Ashe opened her eyes again and peered up at me.

  “Atticus, what are we going to do?” she whispered.

  I smirked.

  I hadn’t been so caught up in our love-making to forget our situation, and while I’d used the little fiend’s pleasurable body to work out my frustrations, I’d also been working through a few solutions.

  This band of the Blessed who were after us were far from gone, so the real question was were they going to return again?

  And should we hunt them and strike first?

  “The Church may not have heard about our fight with the Blessed yet,” I mused and stroked Ashe’s back. “If memory serves, the Blessed tend to prefer handling their work without their superiors breathing down their necks. The Church trusts them explicitly, and this could be to our advantage.”

  “I don’t think they’ll stop looking for us, though,” Ashe responded.

  “Neither do I,” I agreed. “And I’m not a fan of being hunted by anyone less beautiful than yourself. So, we have a bit of work to handle.”

  Ashe propped herself up on her elbow, and I admired the swell of her silver cleavage against my ribs.

  “Does this mean…” she said with a devious smile.

  “Oh, yes.” I grinned back. “Tomorrow, we begin preparations to hunt us some deliciously holy prey.”

  Chapter 12

  The morning after our fight with the Blessed had started in a regular fashion. We had bathed, bought and enjoyed some more food from a stall, and Ashe had officially stated that the bread was her favorite part. We’d also returned to my troll stash early on, and we snuck back along the alleyways with a whole chest of pieces. Now, we had a small portion of our riches sitting near the bed of the half-elf’s flat, and there was a sense of freedom in our temporary establishment.

  This area of the town was much quieter than the other parts of the Shadow Quarters, but that could have been circumstantial. We noticed already that the streets were mostly deserted, what with the banquet for the Church being held this evening, and after speaking with the half-elf when he brought us firewood and bathing water, I understood the situation a little more clearly.

  The banquet was a grand affair the Church held every year, and nearly every one of the Holy King’s followers were invited to attend.


  From what I gathered, it was really the richest and most prominent followers who actually attended, and because Port of Rengfri had a sizable church dwelling and a large harbor inlet, hundreds of nobles traveled here to join in on the celebration.

  This was partially why the raids increased in the Shadow Quarters. The higher ups wanted to put on a show and prove the Church was indeed handling the situation of the undesirables in this kingdom.

  All of this was good to know, but I had my own dealings to attend to while the rich mortals gallivanted off for the evening.

  I had a band of the Blessed to murder.

  I wasn’t sure if the angels would have caught wind of the fight that took place the night before, but I didn’t want to take any chances. The more time that passed, the more likely it would be that the Blessed would reveal our specific powers to their superior. They may be more likely to bring up the situation to other local bands of the Blessed, but either way, our position in Rengfri would go from bad to worse if I didn’t handle this quickly and carefully.

  We were trying to get set up in the Grimmway, and I’d liked what I saw of the eccentric village so far. It was as close to comfortable as I’d discovered on the surface world yet, and if the four Blessed who fled last night knew we prowled around there, our best option would suddenly be off the table.

  So, it was our turn to hunt the four holy hunters down.

  As we prepared to leave the flat for the day, I noticed Ashe had slipped her onyx blade underneath the belt that was tied around her waist. She’d also covered her knuckles with the brass weapon that the kobold had given us, and I tucked my flail underneath my jacket so I wouldn’t be caught off guard again like last night.

  My pockets were full of fresh pieces when we left the flat and locked the door behind us, and then we headed down the side street the half-elf lived on and came out at the corner of the marketplace.

  Ashe and I hid in the shadows as we got an understanding of who, or what, was out there today, and when we were sure the coast was clear, we slipped out from the street and casually strolled down the side of the square marketplace. Our mission was to find out more about the Blessed as quickly as possible, and I needed to make sure we picked the right person who could give us that intel.

  There was only one being who I thought I could trust to give us information like that, and it wasn’t exactly the sort of being I ever imagined myself seeking out so regularly.

  Sparkles the tinsel
fairy was probably our girl for this mission.

  The problem was, I had no concrete way of finding her unless she happened to appear like last time.

  “I can’t believe we’re already looking for Sparkles again,” Ashe sighed and shook her head. “I’m not ready for those giggles.”

  “She’s not so bad,” I chuckled. “And if finding her means we get to murder those Blessed assholes…”

  “Shall we ask someone if they know where she could be found?” my demon lover asked, and she seemed to have suddenly perked up.

  “Yeah, let’s do that,” I agreed. “I guess keep a lookout for someone who looks like they may know a pyro-fairy.”

  We stayed in the general area since this was where we’d found Sparkles before, and we watched every creature that sauntered past us. Some orcs snarled as they caught our eyes and kept walking, and we didn’t bother to ask them. I’d learned years ago that orcs never helped anyone but orcs unless it was for a large sum.

  The majority of creatures in this area had taken refuge inside their homes due to the banquet, so this made our job a bit harder, but we kept looking around for nearly an hour while I asked a few passing beings here and there if they knew any tinsel fairies named Sparkles.

  Most of them rolled their eyes at the question like they weren’t too fond of the girl, but a few shrugged and recommended I just keep my eyes open for one of her fairy friends.

  “What is that song you are humming?” Ashe asked me suddenly.


  “You are humming a song. I like the sound of it.” She smiled slightly as she kept her eyes on the crowd.

  “I don’t remember,” I said. “Sometimes songs come to my head. It was from my mortal life… I think.”

  “Were there words?” She asked.

  “I… I remember some here or there. I think this one goes ‘In the name of love…’ or something similar.”

  “Oh? That is an interesting lyric. Did you start remembering that recently?” Her smile grew wider.


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