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Made in Hell

Page 31

by Logan Jacobs

  Only I would be in control from now on.

  My vision went red with power, and I tore my cock from Ashe and then forced her over onto her knees. The little fiend curled her fingers around the cracking headboard, and I held onto her tiny waist as my dick found her soaking wet pussy once more.

  My demon lover shrieked as I started fucking her once again, and I let go of her waist with one hand and moved it to the soft curve of her taut asscheek. I smoothed my palm over the supple swell of her flesh for a moment before I smacked it hard, and the sound ricocheted throughout the room.

  This and the trembling moans that left Ashe’s mouth only made me spank her again and again.

  A red imprint from my hand began to coat her silvery skin, and I growled with pleasure at the sight while Ashe’s pussy began to convulse around my shaft. Her perfect ass bore my handprint like a clear mark that she was mine, and when she begged me to spank her again, I knew I couldn’t last another moment.

  I pounded into her a few more times, and then I held her hips tight against mine as my fiery seed exploded from my cock. Ashe climaxed the moment I did, and her pussy clamped fiercely around my throbbing dick so she could milk even more from me.

  We stayed locked together like this for several minutes while I pumped her full of my sperm, and the whole time, I kept her bright red ass in my grip. Droplets of sweat trickled down her back while she fought to control her moaning, and they rippled every time her spine arched and lowered in the effort.

  Finally, the burning desire in my loins started to ebb, and Ashe trembled as I slid my cock from her dripping wet and blistering pink pussy.

  “If that’s what the black fairy dresses do to you, I’ll have to wear them more often,” Ashe chuckled breathlessly.

  “Yes, you will,” I agreed.

  “Or was it having those sexy little fairies over before I returned?” she asked as she grinned over her shoulder at me. “We could invite them to join us next time, you know.”

  “No, I need you all to myself for now,” I growled and shoved her down onto the pillows.

  Ashe gasped as I locked her under me, and she shook and wriggled with delight as I bit at every inch of her. I didn’t stop until she had my teeth marks embedded around her nipples and in the slope of her neck, and when I collapsed onto the bed at last, Ashe let out a soft moan and curled up against me.

  Then she combed my choppy hair back with her fingers, and I stared at the ceiling as the little fiend left tender kisses all over my cheek, neck, and shoulders. Every now and then, she’d pout and lick at my lips, and if I obliged her with a kiss, she’d whimper in a way that sent a shiver down my spine.

  The bliss of the moment consumed me, and I could almost forget about what the next day would bring.

  But only almost.

  The excitement of the fight to come whispered constantly from the back of my mind, and I had to force myself to focus on the supple body at my side for now.

  Soon, blood and victory would be mine, and my fiendish lover would be the queen of our own underground organization.

  It didn’t take long for sleep to overtake me, but it also didn’t feel like long before I woke up again. The day was already light, but there was a darkened tone to the world outside the window. A deluge of rain splattered off the glass panes, and I couldn’t help but smile at the sight. It had been a few days since I last felt the icy rain on my skin, and sometimes, the cold baths we took just didn’t do the job well enough. Today, the sound of the rain hammered on the streets as much as the windowpanes, and I hoped this would help cover our tracks as we snuck up to the dark elves’ base.

  Because today was finally the day we stole those bastards’ business right out from under them.

  Ashe yawned beside me as she slowly came to. Her right hand became lost in her silver-blue hair, and then she moved it from her head to my arm. I would have quite happily stayed in bed all day, perhaps repeating the events from last night. It had to be mid-morning by now, judging by the sound of carts rattling down the stormy lanes. I could already taste our bloody victory on my tongue, too, but until we had the elves’ business under our control, and a pile of their dead bodies under our boots, that taste was nothing but an idea.

  “Are you ready for a day of conquering?” I asked the sleepy demon in my arms.

  “It seems like I’ve been waiting all my life for this day,” Ashe replied with a dreamy sigh.

  I sat up in the bed and instantly noticed the mess we’d made the night before. Her red dress, as expected, laid in a scrappy pile on the floor, and I knew it would take nothing short of magic to bring it back to life again. There was a definite crack in not one, but two of the bed posts this time, and the dent in the wall where the bed smacked against it over and over again looked like the start of a cave formation. A smug smirk came to my face as I took in the evidence of our tryst, and it stayed there while I pulled on my pants and shirt, which had thankfully survived the evening.

  Ashe slipped on her blue dress and then tied her hair back away from her face. She attached the holster of throwing knives around her wrist, and then she slipped the yellow sapphire sword into her belt. She covered both of her weapons with her cape, and she admired her flawless reflection in the mirror with a pleased smile.

  “I’ll need to get a new dress for such a special occasion,” she said as she collected the flowing skirts in her hands. “Something a bit shorter and easier to fight in.”

  “I’ll never complain about you getting a shorter dress.” I smirked. “Especially if you continue to go without undergarments.”

  Ashe spun around to face me and then sauntered over to where I was standing.

  “I’ll never wear undergarments,” she purred. “It’s far too… restrictive.”

  I slipped my hands around her thighs and grabbed a handful of her dress in my hands. I wanted to pull it straight from her body and devour the huntress until I’d had my fix. It would have been so easy with fabric as fine as this. The soft blue dress would never stand the strength in my hands, but as much as I wanted to have my way with the beautiful demon once more, I knew we had more important things to do first.

  We had to take down these dark elves while we had the chance, but Ashe didn’t make it any easier to cope with my arousal. She slowly ran her hands down my stomach and then stopped them just above the buckle of my pants, like she was toying with the idea of ripping me from my clothing, as well.

  “We’ll never get to the manor if you keep this up,” I reminded her even though it pained me to be the voice of reason.

  “You’re far too irresistible, though,” Ashe sighed. “Perhaps we have time for just one--”

  “I’ll be around later.” I winked. “Come on, let’s slaughter some rich elves and take their wares for our own.”

  As eager as Ashe was to have my dick inside her once again, the idea of killing the elves seemed to excite her just as much. Her pink eyes grew wide, and a smile curved over her luscious, full lips.

  I chuckled as I released my hold on the beautiful demon, and then I finished getting ready to leave. I secured the magic sickle in my belt, but I also included the glaive in a strap on my back. Even though I knew the glaive wasn’t going to be as effective against these elves, it would still cause some damage, and I didn’t want to leave myself with only one weapon at hand.

  Then I slipped more pieces into my pocket to buy us some food and Ashe a new dress. I knew from experience now that our demon fury only ripened whenever we hadn’t eaten, and even though it didn’t really matter if we were angry or not today, we still needed the energy to fuel our bodies. The human middleman had warned us about the dark elves’ speed and strength, and I intended to make sure we could keep up with them.

  Even though I doubted they could keep up with us demons.

  Together, we stepped out into the rain and walked down the stairs that led to the flat. The clouds had formed a dense gray blanket over the gnarled treetops of the Shadow Quarters, and it added a pleasur
able sense of impending doom to our surroundings. The stormy weather matched my mood perfectly, and I could tell from the look on Ashe’s flawless face that she felt the same way I did.

  We stopped at a seller and bought two legs of meat and a full loaf of bread. It came up to ten pieces exactly, and like we always did, we snuck the food into an alleyway to devour it in peace.

  “Imagine,” I said with a mouthful of food. “Once we’ve defeated these elves, we could dine in their ancient manor. Can have even better food.”

  “There’s surface world food that tastes better than this?” Ashe asked with her eyes wide. “I didn’t think that was possible.”

  “Oh, believe me, it’s possible.” I smirked. “And we could pay someone to bring it to us.”

  “Really?” she gasped, and she slowly licked her juicy lips.

  “For you? Absolutely,” I murmured. “I’m sure I could think of a few beings who’d be happy to do the work for a coin or two.”

  “Those black fairies seem like they would do anything to be in our presence, especially if money is involved,” Ashe snickered. “We could tease them into doing whatever we wanted, whether those acts were innocent or not.”

  “Hmm…” I grinned through another bite of meat. “You’re sinful when you’re coming into power, did you know that?”

  “Oh, tell me you don’t want to tease those fairies as badly as I do,” the little fiend tossed back. “Tell me you don’t want me to spread each of them open while you slide inside and then claim their wombs with your demon seed?”

  I shrugged as casually as possible, but Ashe clearly saw right through me, and my lover let out a long purr.

  I knew those sexy twins would be some of the first guests we invited over to our new abode in the Grimmway, but it really was shocking how many pleasures the surface world had to offer.

  I couldn’t wait to explore every last one of them.

  I tore off a ravenous mouthful of the meat and quickly followed it up with a bite of moist, warm bread. The two mixed together perfectly in my mouth, and the flavors seemed even better with the cold rain pelting down around me.

  Ashe stood at the entrance of the alley and lifted her cupped hands into the air. Then she gathered a small amount of rainwater and poured it skillfully into her mouth.

  “Aah,” she gasped before she repeated the movement. “This is so refreshing. Even the rain here is delicious, Atticus.”

  I copied Ashe’s approach and soon found that the chilled rainwater drenching the back of my smoky throat was one of the smoothest things I’d ever tasted.

  “Fuck, it’s good up here,” I commented.

  “Aren’t you glad you removed your shackle?” Ashe chuckled before she opened her mouth wide to catch a few drops straight from the sky.

  I grinned and admired her soft pink tongue, and I briefly considered what I’d like to have her do with that tongue this evening.

  “More than glad,” I assured her.

  Once we finished our savory meal and the bones were picked clean and thrown to the ground, we left the shadows of the alley and began the journey to the Grimmway.

  The rain pounded against my head and jacket the whole way, but it felt incredible and cleansed my mind of any lingering arousal I was warring with. I’d never had a demon woman wholly at my disposal before, but Ashe’s insatiable appetite didn’t make it any easier to be a level-headed master. I also had eons of restraint to make up for, but the idea of gaining riches and a solid standing for myself on the surface world was just as appealing as Ashe’s body.

  Without a shackle keeping me in my place, I could take anything this world had to offer, and today was the beginning of a new life for us.

  We reached the fire beacons that marked the entrance of the Grimmway and headed straight in the direction of the main marketplace. It had been a couple days since we were last in the Grimmway, and I had almost forgotten how different it felt here. In the outer Shadow Quarters, with the rest of Rengfri so close to the lanes, I always felt on edge and like we had to hide. Even if there were plenty of beings who didn’t know what our eyes said about us, I never had the same sense of freedom out there.

  Here in the Grimmway, it was almost like an entirely different world. Ashe and I could stand in the center of the marketplace without anyone really paying us any attention, and the sights were amusing in most directions I looked.

  The magical lights lined every lane we walked through, and three banshees were dancing around a burning fire and chanting a song I’d never heard before. The wagons and homes we passed all had some cheery, wavering music coming from inside, and every being I passed didn’t seem to mind the rain in the slightest.

  They tipped their worn-out top hats over to pour the water off the brims, and then they kept strolling along while they puffed on pipes that gave off any color of smoke. The few black fairies I passed trailed their fingers all over their drenched, bare arms and shoulders, and they behaved like the rain was a sexy veil they were trying out that day. Then I passed a group of half-elves sitting straight in the mud beside a shop, and they laughed heartily and passed a steaming tankard around while water trickled down their multi-colored hair and faces.

  The residents of the Grimmway were freer than any I’d come across in the Port of Rengfri. They were free to be who they were, without the constant scrutiny from others, and I reveled in the notion that this bizarre little village would be our home soon enough.

  “I’ll try in there,” Ashe spoke suddenly and tore me from my thoughts and observations.

  She pointed toward a small shop made entirely from black wood, but with green moss and colorful flowers that snaked from the ground up to the roof. The two glass windows had small candles in the center, but when I looked past the candles and further into the shop, I noticed some clothes were hung up on iron nails.

  “Lead the way.” I smiled as I opened the main door for Ashe to enter.

  A powerful smell hit me as soon as I entered. It was harsh, yet floral at the same time, almost like someone had mixed spices and flowers together. The undertones of the smell were calming after I got over the initial shock, but I wondered if I’d become nauseous spending too much time in here.

  A female elf came into the main room from behind a curtain at the back of the shop. Her hair was long and a light-orange in color, and she had it curled neatly behind her pointed ears. She wore a dress that stopped at her ankles, and the top of the dress was plain white. From her waist down, the skirt was an array of bright colors and tiny flowers, and I realized they were as real as the flowers that covered the front of the shop.

  “Good morning,” she greeted us kindly, although her eyes couldn’t meet ours. “Can I assist you with anything?”

  “I need a dress,” Ashe replied. “Something shorter than I have on now, perhaps with a corset.”

  “I have a few that you can look at,” the elf replied as she made her way over to a selection of clothing.

  I took a step back as the two women looked through all the different dresses available. They all looked the same to me, apart from the many colors they came in, and I eyed one that was dark green, one that was a hazy light-blue, and one that was as violet as my eyes.

  Ashe pulled the green one from the rack and held it up against her body. The dress stopped a few inches above her knees, the corset was a darker shade, almost black, and the dress had two cupped sleeves, which I imagined would only just cover her shoulders.

  “What do you think?” Ashe asked me. “Do you approve?”

  She had a playful look in her eyes, and I immediately pictured her incredible cleavage pillowing from the top of the dress.

  This one wouldn’t live to see the next morning.

  “I think you know perfectly well how I feel about that dress.” I winked.

  Ashe smirked and then turned to face the elf. “I’ll take it.”

  Then my demon lover reached deep into my pocket to find herself some pieces, and she paid for the dress. As soon as
we left the shop, we slipped down the closest alleyway so she could change into it, and within a flash her old dress pooled to the ground so she was completely naked in front of me.

  Once again.

  I fought the urge to slam her up against the stone wall and fuck her right here in the rain, but I kept my hands to myself and let my arousal fuel my determination to succeed in my next mission.

  Ashe tightened the corset at the back until her waist was even tinier, and her cleavage caught every raindrop falling from the sky, and then she smoothed out the green dress that made her icy skin almost glow in this stormy light.

  Once she was dressed, and her old dress had been disposed of, we began the walk toward the dark elves’ manor, and we meandered through the winding lanes of the Grimmway. We passed the wagons, shacks, and buildings that had been set up on every street, and eventually, the less occupied oaken grove appeared in front of us.

  For several minutes, we traveled deep into the maze of gnarled trees until we came across the large, ancient wall that traveled ten meters into the sky. We followed the wall even deeper into the forest, but we mostly relied on our noses to take us to the right spot.

  Then the old, abandoned, maroon manor house finally appeared ahead of us, with the stone wall that encompassed the property. I knew from the faint scent lingering in the air that we were the only ones here, but it wouldn’t be long before the building was alive again.

  Only a few short hours remained before the sun would set in Rengfri, and when it did, we’d already be in position.

  “If we continue to the right of the house, we should locate the mining operation,” I whispered to Ashe.

  “Do we have time to check it out?” she murmured.

  “Yes, I want to know what we’ll have at our disposal once this is all finished,” I replied, and I gestured for her to lead the way.

  We gave the manor house a wide berth as we headed into the trees, and not far beyond it, a carriage sat behind the short brick wall. It was laden with empty, wooden crates, and I looked over the area briefly to see what else was around. As I peered through the gnarled trees, I noticed a wooden crate hidden by the underbrush that matched the ones in the carriage.


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