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Defying The Alliance: INFERNO (Novokin Alliance Invasion 2)

Page 5

by Bobbi Ross

  "Methinks the lady doth protest too much."

  Jaxx forced an eye roll from me. Almost every sentient world in the quadrant claimed the originator of the great playwright Shakk-estospere.

  His lips parted into a sympathetic, light smile while he patted his two large buds. “We need to face facts my friend. We are not under Protectorate rule. The protocol doesn’t apply anymore and you know it. We’re just a bunch of rebellious souls refusing to give in to the cruelty, the lies and the brutality of the Novokins’ rule. We make it up as we go along and all we have is each other...” A suspicious glistening of his eyes told me he was holding back tears. “Listen Caspia, all I’m saying is that a happy Captain makes for a happy ship. That’s all. Think about it.” He kissed me on the forehead and waddled away, leaving me surprised and confused. A minute later, the putrid odor hit me like a gravity well.


  I waited while Trex finished helping some of the crew store the heavy ore in cargo bay four. After giving a wave of thanks to the crew members for their good work, I spun on my heels and stomped over to golden boy. With just the two of us left in the room, I intended to give him a piece of my mind. Neither his chiseled marbled chest, seductive, emerald eyes or lopsided, decadent curl of his lips that teased every nerve ending south of my equator would quell the storm building in my head.

  I stomped toward him allowing my fury to scorch my senses into submission. When I got close enough to feel the heat of his body I poked said aforementioned chiseled chest with an accusatory finger - Ouch!

  Straining my neck I glared up into his face, just for a moment taking in his enormity as he towered over me. That just infuriated me further.

  "What in the eight infernos is wrong with you? You could have gotten yourself killed!"

  He leaned against my finger and lowered his face down, mere inches from mine. His look was passive enough, but I could see the spark of amusement in his eyes. "Their plasma drills were not enough to cause me any physical harm Captain." His husky voice raised goosebumps all over my skin.

  Oooh! This man was infuriating! I poked him three more times, hard.

  "That's. Not. The. Point! You aren't invincible, and furthermore we were negotiating dammit! We showed up to help these people. They were afraid. Sick and scared. But you disregarded everything we discussed. Instead you rushed them like a Metzartian rhinoceros charging a wildfire." My nerves were white hot. Why wouldn't this male just follow orders?

  He closed what little distance still existed between us. Enough for me to inhale the musky hint of apples and summer breeze emanating from his golden skin. My heart raced like a savage horse. My next words caught in my throat. He loomed over my head until I was forced to splay my hand on his fur-speckled, battle scarred chest to keep him from engulfing me.

  "Two things. First, one does not negotiate with plasma drills." His voice raspy and deep. "I would not see you hurt my little Captain." The sensation of two large fingers under my chin wavered my resolve. The intoxicating scent of summer rolled off him in waves. Was that some super, secret panties dropping superpower? I shuddered, drunk on the scent of him. My anger was doused by the flames of my desire for this unbelievably sexy but utterly infuriating alien. "Second, what is a rhinoceros?"

  I gave him an incredulous look. Did he ask me what a rhinoceros is?

  "One, that was three things and two, I can protect myself," I managed to gasp. Part of my brain suggested in a very timid voice that I move away from this electrifying, sex dripping barbarian. The other louder part wanted to lick him, and see if he tasted as good as he smelled. Protocol. I have to...He’s a member of my crew. My crew’s safety...

  "Of that I have no doubt." His warm, delicious breath tickled my ear setting off a cascade of fireworks in my brain.

  I tried to give my body commands. To will it to walk away, but it seemed stuck on autopilot. Pebbled nipples pushed against the fabric of my uniform. I was powerless to move anywhere but towards his gravitational pull.

  "As a member of my crew, you will follow my orders." My words came out as no more than a whisper. ‘A member of my crew’ resonated in my head. I was here to reprimand him, I reminded myself. Maybe punish him for insubordination, not fraternize. What in the seven planets was I doing? Had I blown a fuse somewhere?

  Trex's look darkened, as he pressed his strong frame against mine. Olive eyes shimmered with anticipation. A muscular thigh pressed heavy against my hip sending shivers up my spine. The full thrumming pulse against my belly demonstrated his need and excited my rapidly heating core into overload. The memory of our last time being this close arrested my mind. He had pushed me away.

  "But I'm not a member of your crew Captain. You made that quite clear to me before I came on board." His breathy voice now held a hint of amusement. "If you recall, you just offered me a ride."

  My body trembled as his lips grazed my ear, but my stupid brain thought – sheetek. Was this whole thing just a joke to him? With one hand I pushed him back. He seemed surprised. The real surprise was yet to come, skeck-head. As if in hyper-drive my other hand snaked up and -SLAP!- landed a meaty one across his face.

  He just smiled. The son of a bitch smiled. I struck out again, but this time he caught my attack and pinned my right hand to the bulkhead above my head. How dare you not take my slap!

  Acting of its own volition my left hand jumped up to take revenge.


  I'm sure the resounding sound of skin meeting skin echoed across the far bowels of the ship. His large hand fastened my left hand, still red from the impact on his face next to the other. A deep growl reverberated through his massive chest turning my knees to wet noodles. He held both my hands stretched above my head. I tried to shake him off, but to no avail. His firm grip held me in place while his half naked body pinned mine against the bulkhead. I was pissed and unhappy. The huge barbarian had me immobilized. What if one of my crew walked in on us. They would find their captain nailed down and helpless like a kitten by this humongous alien. I’d never live down the humiliation. Especially since I bragged about whooping his ass in the gymnasium. Then he had the audacity to lean in as if to kiss me. I shot him daggers with my eyes. Smart man he stopped short. Smart man. I was ready to bite that lip if he tried anything.

  That’s when I noticed his heaving chest. He was panting. Why? Not from exerting himself holding me in place, that's for sure. I was nothing more than a feather in his massive grip. I lifted my head and shot a defiant look at him. I gazed into the troubled, dark green waters of his soul. There was no mocking, no mirth in their depths but something else.

  The look on his face had morphed from laughter to hunger, igniting every cell in my body to tingle and then burn. At first his jaw clenched. A determination read in his face to overtake his prey. His prey being me. Never thought myself as prey. Yet a deep craving vibrated through me as scorching heat assailed my wet core. Thinking of this hunky alien ravishing my body, I shuttered. My back bowed against the bulkhead, and my chest pushed forward as if to challenge the predator inside him. His hard cock pushed and grew at my belly. Then just as fast the tight muscles around his jaw relaxed and his body eased the pressure off mine.

  Realization struck. This barbarian wanted me. Trex wanted me. Raw passion and desire bled through every pore of his body. He wanted me but he held back.


  Was it because I was his captain? Was it because of his mission to avenge his people? Maybe it was me. I guess punching him in the face at the gym, then slapping him on more than one occasion and telling him never to kiss me again could have sent the wrong message. Whatever his reason, now I’d seen his deep desire to be with me. So the question that remained was: Did I want him? Yes! Goddess yes! Was I ready to put my crew at risk? No. Absolutely not. Would I really be putting my crew at risk? Maybe Jaxx was right. Maybe I could give myself this one treat, maybe just once.

  Overcome by the desire to have this beautiful, golden mountain satiate my building needs, I relaxed
into his grasping hands, and let my leg shift open ever so slightly. Moistening my now parted lips I raised on my toes and willed his luscious mouth onto mine. His silky golden-brown hair feathered my flushed cheeks. As if long time choreographed, hungry lips tugged on mine as in an attempt to devour me. He nipped and sucked. There was nothing soft or tender about his kiss. It was hard, demanding, ravenous.

  His warm tongue pushed and probed parting my lips and taking possession of my mouth while his grip tightened. Light pain coursed through my wrists. I moaned lightly and his pressure eased off. His massive, naked chest rubbed against my excited breasts over my skintight uniform top, invoking a deep need inside me for his large hands to cup and mercilessly knead my aching breasts. My pebbled nipples pushed hard trying to escape my uniform’s top begging to feel the heat of his bare, golden skin, the tight squeeze of his calloused fingers. The craving was overwhelming, all consuming.

  My aroused, undulating body strained under his possessive hold while my mouth relished the sweet taste of him. Being captured and pinned with my arms stretched above my head against the bulkhead, rendering me completely vulnerable to his powerful need was even more thrilling than planet fall with nothing but an EVA suit on.

  For the first time ever I was enjoying giving up control, surrendering to the animal inside him, his strength, his will. Never before had I allowed my guard down, not like this, not with any man. Opening myself like that to him infused my veins with scorching hot sexual desire and rushed my essence with electrifying tendrils of heated pleasure. My body craved for his touch, for his hands’ caress and sinful ministrations. What a predicament! He would have to let me go to give me more of what I needed. As if reading my mind, I felt the strength of his pull on the small of my back. Then sliding down over my ass it forced me to wrap one leg around him, moving him closer to my heated entrance. His chest rumbled with a soft growl. His eyes gleamed with a craving that rivaled my own.

  “I want you Caspia,” his voice rough, strained. “My body calls for yours, to claim you, to make you mine. But I-.”

  I sealed his lips with mine, not wanting to hear the “but” ending to his sentence. It might weaken my resolve to pluck this one moment of happiness out of life for myself. I didn’t want it to stop. It felt right. It felt good. Nothing had felt good since three years ago when I became a fugitive for refusing to betray the people I’d sworn to protect. I’ve been running ever since afraid, hunted, homeless. Then I met him. Against all odds, I felt safe, protected, like I belonged. I belonged to him. And he belonged to me. Now there would be no more running.

  I was powerless when he squeezed and then slid up and down the inside of my thigh. I opened my thigh giving him more access to the soft swelling of my entrance. Circular, back and forth, rhythmic brushes assailed my mound over my tight, syntho-leather pants while his hips ground hard and demanding against mine, arousing endless waves of pleasure. Painfully aware of our not so private surroundings a scream almost slipped out of my lips while my body shuddered from multiple orgasmic attacks. He wasn't even inside and I was already gone.

  I couldn't restrain myself anymore. I wanted to reach out and grab him by his neck. I needed to pull him closer, to touch and feel every inch of his scarred flesh against mine. I tried to move my arms...Surprise! Both my hands were still pinned over my head by both his hands. A brief wave of panic blew through me.

  If both of his hands were up there, what on Astoria’s sweet earth was rubbing against me? I craned my neck to see, but his grip became tighter. I thrust my pelvis into, whatever it was. Trex arched his back and I was able to see down between us. What I had once thought was his only fashion accessory, a fuzzy belt, was actually a sinewy, golden tail.

  It redoubled its efforts, and a small involuntary gasp escaped my lips. Apparently it was a prehensile tail.

  Closing my eyes, I opened up my body to every stroke. Every heavenly caress. I couldn't hide my smile. Oh you wicked woman, what have you done to deserve this?

  The golden appendage slid back and forth, restless and begging for entry. Its velvety smooth round tip slid across my belly tugging at the top edge of my leather pants, slowly trying to sneak in and down my pants. My breath was caught in my chest, my body trembled with anticipation. I wasn’t sure how I felt about his sinewy, very skillful tail entering my most intimate area. All I knew was that I needed him inside. To take me hard and long until I screamed in ecstasy, spent in his arms. The skintight pants of my leather uniform were getting in the way of my happiness.

  “The zipper,” my voice sounded commanding and raspy.

  He released his grip and slid those large hands down the underside of my arms, his fingers gently grazing my tingling skin. One hand stopped to palm my breast, squeezing hard, and I choked back another scream. The other teased at the zipper of my uniform.

  "Pull," I urged, wild with want as both hands and tail drew me in.

  Beep! Beep!

  The comm signal from the bridge beeped in my ear. Not again. I steadied my breath just as Trex brought down the first zipper.

  "What?" I snapped, cool air teasing my skin as he brought down the second.

  Jaxx's voice was devoid of his usual mirth. "Captain, you're going to want to see this. Now."

  No praking way! I slammed my eyes shut...

  Chapter 11

  Commander Liam sat in the captain’s chair of his ship the Vorce. Dark wavy hair slightly askew, a look of vague amusement punctuated his rakish persona. His striking looks had helped him capture the eye of more than one crew member or fellow officer in his days with the United Worlds Protectorate. Even the deadly and beautiful Captain Caspia Jones was an achievement that he could lay claim on.

  The edge of his eyes creased and the muscles in his face tensed contemplating his recent reunion with the indomitable Caspia. There was no way in the God's infinite universe that she had been able to double back and assassinate the Prime Minister of New Astoria and his entire crew without being seen. He didn't care what Asmot said, it made no sense. It wasn't something she’d do.

  His ship’s sensors had confirmed there were multiple life signs on board the prime minister's ship when he and his small fleet of five Drang fighters arrived on the scene. The thought of her tugged at the corners of his mouth. If possible she was even more beautiful than their last time together a little over three years ago. Five glorious days spent entirely in bed with the vivacious Captain Caspia Jones. He sighed audibly before catching himself, and playing it off as a cough. His data pad lowered to his lap, a necessary shield.

  He shook his head to force himself back on task. What the hell had really happened that day? After she had disabled his ship and the small fleet under his command? He thought she escaped. She must have escaped. And the prime minister's ship was in full view the entire time, even though she disabled his ship’s sensors. No one boarded that ship. There was no landing party sent in and the Razor didn't dock with it. We didn't dock with it, and when we finally restored power Asmot ordered that no one boarded the ship. So what happened?

  "Captain." His communication officer interrupted his musings.

  He stood from his chair and casually strolled over to the young officer's console, data pad in defense. He was one of the few Terran officers that had survived the initial Novokin Alliance attack and subsequently had been conscripted into their military along with Liam. He despised his Novokin overlords as much as Liam did. He was one of the few crew members left he trusted.

  "Captain," he whispered, "that matter you had me looking into, listening for – there's been a hit. Two hits in fact."

  Liam cocked an eyebrow. He had set this man to his task covertly, and it seemed that he had made the right choice. "Where?" Liam asked, placing a hand on the man's shoulder. He leaned in so that their conversation wasn't broadcast across the entire bridge.

  "One appears to have been a regeneration facility on Clussera 3, Captain," the young officer reported. He tapped a few more keys on his console. "It appears that was
last night. The other is from the mining colony on an asteroid in the outer rim."

  "When was this?" Liam's voice was devoid of its usual mirth.

  "The second was less than thirty minutes ago Sir."

  He knew Caspia far too well to believe she was attacking hospitals and defenseless miners. Orders be damned! He most definitely would get to the bottom of this. Spinning around, Commander Liam spouted off orders all the way back to his chair.

  "Set a course for the mining colony."

  Liam watched the helm officer key in the coordinates provided by the communications officer. He dropped into the captain's chair. This time his posture rigid and his keen senses aware of everything and everyone around him.

  "Leave all channels open as we approach. I want to hear everything that's going on in that sector," he ordered the trusted young officer. The fierce Protectorate Captain that had gone soft under Novokin rule was rearing its mighty head once again. He swiveled one last time back to the helmsman. His balled fist slammed down on his armrest punctuating his final declaration.

  "Get us there yesterday."

  Chapter 12

  "That's one big bastard," Lieutenant Dodson whistled.

  The entire nineteen member crew of the Razor had gathered on the bridge. We all stood in silent awe as the massive Novokin Jarl class warship rose in front of us. A giant black nebula swallowed the stars. An obvious portent of our immediate future, or lack thereof. Its mass even eclipsed the mining colony below, shrouding it from its sun.

  "They're hailing us Captain." Jaxx barely looked at his consul, unable to pull his eyes from the view screen.

  "Alright people, spread out and look less impressed by the giant death machine," I commanded. The nonessential to the bridge personnel could watch from my adjacent situation room. When I finally shooed everyone into position, I nodded to Jaxx. "Let's see who we’re dealing with."

  An image materialized on the left half of the screen. A striking man with long angular features and cold, amethyst eyes shrouded in darkness was smirking at us. A full head of perfectly coiffed black hair complemented his tightly trimmed beard like he was trying to tell us his day job might be soldier, but his real work was fashion model. The telltale light purple hue of his skin denoted him as being Novokin. The five golden bars gleaming on the stiff collar of his military uniform revealed his rank as Captain. The smirk screamed sheetek.


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