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Defying The Alliance: INFERNO (Novokin Alliance Invasion 2)

Page 11

by Bobbi Ross

  "What did you want to talk to me about, my amka?" His deep voice slid over me like warm silk, rousing fuzzy warm tingles inside my heart and other places. I was starting to like this word... No, I shook it off and braced myself for what I had to do.

  I took a deep breath. "We finished installing the additional armaments to several of the other ships that were actually capable of handling the upgrades. We’ve more than tripled our firing power as a fleet. Considering you've gone up against the Alliance before, have spent time on their ships, and your contributions to our attack plan have increased our odds of success significantly, not to mention the working knowledge you have of our fleet I was hoping to get your input on my final attack strategy."

  The muscle on muscle golden mountain in front of me seemed to grow another ten feet. Even the swishing of his tail ceased and he turned all business. "Of course, Captain, it would be my honor to assist you in the destruction of the Novokin Alliance." He asserted with all the deference of an actual crew member.

  I slipped my small hand into his giant one. Rolling my fingertips over the calloused bumps in his palm, I tried to sort through my feelings. I searched for the way, the right words to make my betrayal less painful. Couldn’t find them because they just weren’t there. My heart screamed no. My gut twisted and my stomach clenched. My whole body was revolting against what I was about to do.

  Unable to control myself and knowing that this would be the last time that I'd ever be able to touch him I threw my arms around his neck. I raked my fingers through his golden brown hair and pulled him down. Once my lips connected with his, everything else vanished, faded away into oblivion. My kiss was deep but gentle. I needed him to know how much I cared. I loathed tearing my lips from his. But I had to. For his safety, my crew's safety, my sister's life. Breaking our embrace and moving back a step away from him, a spear of pain shot through me and lodged deep inside. I gazed up in the two sparkling, green pools of love and tenderness. The surprised smile he flashed me was one of hope and heartfelt purity. I reached for his hand and squeezed tighter to push back the tears.

  “Are you okay my amka?” A hint of worry flitted across his beautiful features.

  I had to be strong. I couldn’t share with him what I was about to do. I couldn't let him see the pain. He’d never let me. He’d never allow me to go. But I had to do it. “Why are you calling me amka? What does it mean?” I asked changing the subject.

  His hands cradled my head and his lips parted as he leaned close placing a soft kiss on the flat between my eyes. “It means you are my love, my mate, my one and only, for now and forever on.” The sincerity of his passion in his raspy voice and the determined look in his dark irises crackling with golden lightnings made my heart leap to my mouth. But when I moved my lips, all I said was "Oh!" I turned away from him to hide the moisture filling my tear ducts.

  We walked in silence, until we reached our destination on the lower level. I stopped outside the third cargo bay door and waved him past.

  "My Captain is everything okay? Have I-."

  "I’ve compiled everything of use we've learned so far on one of these terminals down here in cargo hold three." I cut him off pointing to the array of screens I had set up on the far side of the room, avoiding his gaze. "The scans we've collected of Asmot's ship, schematics on every Novokin vessel we or any of the other ships in the fleet has ever come across, and our own vessels schematics, armament and capabilities along with full crew manifest and dossiers."

  His face dropped and his shoulders eased as he made his way toward the set of screens situated against the far wall. I couldn't help but appreciate his confident stride through the room. Much like a jungle cat. Every motion, every contraction and relaxation of the powerful muscles supporting his broad shoulders, the long, lithe muscles coursing through his back, tapering down to his sexy trim waist was poetry. I reveled in his beauty, his strength, his magnificent presence. My heels pushed forward while my hand raised in front of me craving to touch him one last time. To feel his arms around me. To feel like home... But I had to keep them all safe and I knew if I stepped through the door, I wouldn't be able to step out again.

  Trex reached the console and began to access the terminal. It wouldn’t work, I set it up that way. I knew it wouldn't do anything except display a simple three word message on the screen. I love you.

  Before he turned around to catch me with those hypnotic olive eyes, I punched in the code on the control panel and the giant, cold, metal doors of the cargo bay hissed shut. In less than a second I felt the vibrations. His massive fists slammed on the door. Icy cold pain seized my lungs as I watched the individual door panels warping. But the door as a whole held firm. I clutched my chest and sucked in air trying to steady my breathing. The pain was unbearable. Each step away from him tore at my insides. My knees almost collapsed under me. Head down, I made my way to the second cargo hold. My fingers punched in the code I programmed earlier that kept it hidden from prying eyes. Inside, a deep space capable light armored fighter waited for me that I had prepared hours ago. I caught myself absently brushing the subcutaneous detonation chip I had implanted in my arm. It could remotely detonate several kilomounds of Ratrium explosives I had lined the fighter with earlier. My contingency plan; just in case Asmot went back on his word. Which was a given.

  Trex's howls and nonstop pounding would soon alert someone to his predicament. I needed to make sure I was long gone by then. I had to ensure that he would be safe. I couldn’t bare the thought of losing him. My body and my soul were incomplete until I met him. My heart had flirted with hope and joy since he came into my life. The ever present hurricane of rage and hate that threatened to devastate every waking moment of my life simmered down to a light sprinkle post Trex. It died altogether when I found myself in his embrace. When he was around, time and space ceased to exist.

  Unfortunately, bad things were still happening to good people. It was my duty to protect and serve those close to my heart as well as the nameless innocents. I was a Protectorate Captain. I couldn’t allow all those innocents to die because of me. There was no way in the eight infernos I could leave my sister’s fate in the hands of that madman. No way, not if I had anything to say about it.

  I’m so sorry Trex. I hope you’ll forgive me. I love you more than life itself. But I couldn’t live with myself if anything happened to you, my crew or my sister because of me.

  With the cockpit seal secured, I released a prerecorded message to the ship’s main computer, officially giving Jaxx command of the ship and the fleet along with a golden ticket. The coordinates of Asmot’s ship. Who would have thought Mr. Arrogant would serve his mighty ass on a platter for us. By revealing his location. He'd saved us weeks of strategic planning and a heap of resources. The cargo bay doors opened. I engaged thrusters and blasted into the vacuum of space. A lone, sad tear sprinted boldly down my face.

  Chapter 11

  It had taken over a day and a half to arrive at the coordinates Asmot had given me. My initial nostalgia at being behind the controls of a fighter had quickly worn off. Why on Astoria's southern green plains did they have to put such a crappy chair in the long distance ships?

  I was trying to work some of the kinks out of my spine when I found myself poised in front of the monstrous Alliance battle cruiser. The same behemoth we faced at the mining colony loomed in front of me and seemed to block out more than half the stars. It was just as ugly as I remembered it too. I took note as I rounded the port side the gaping hole where Liam’s ship had smashed into the Harbinger. So much for that new death machine glow.

  Three years ago when I’d thought Liam was dead I’d mourned him for months. Now he was gone a second time, and I was so angry. He’d said he’d always loved me right before he sacrificed himself to save us. Did I miss how he truly felt about me three years ago? How did I miss it? Would things have turned out different if I had known? Maybe. Probably not. I cared for Liam a lot. He was a loyal friend, a fantastic captain and an excellent l
over. The times I spent with him were always exciting and fun. Still, back then I was in a different place, a different person. Being a Protectorate captain had monopolized my focus.

  But it wasn't just that. I loved Liam with all my heart, and his absence hurt, like eternal torment in the eight infernos. But the truth was I’d never been in love with Liam. I never felt for Liam what I felt for Trex. The irresistible need to be with him, to touch him, to soothe him. A deep warmth suffused my whole body thinking about my golden barbarian. His presence was enough to chase all the nightmares away to bring peace and joy into my shattered life. A sense of belonging and that everything would be alright.

  Trex, I miss you so much. Fury and rage started to boil in my veins. The thought that I may never see you again is maddening. The praking purple sheeteks had taken everything from me. My family, my friends, my world, and now my soul mate. One thing I was sure of, the sheeteks responsible would pay one way or another.

  A screech of static over the radio interrupted my musings. "Illegal Protectorate fighter. Power down your engines and all weapon systems. Prepared to be tractored in."

  Oh goody, it looks like I've attracted their attention. The scanners in my fighter registered multiple energy signatures powering up, and several targeting systems locked on my position. So I decided to let them take the wheel.

  A ghoulish green rotating light surrounded my ship. I assumed it was their tractor beam. My ship lurched sideways into a massive docking bay that could've held a dozen warbirds. I counted over 50 Novokin Alliance Imperial guards standing at attention with their plasma rifles at the ready. What a fabulous welcome!

  When my ship touched down I saw the head sheetek himself. Captain Asmot approached my ship surrounded by additional security personnel. These personal guards were armored up as if expecting to go ten rounds with Trex. All for little ol’me? I was oddly flattered. I released the hatch and a gust of stale recycled air wafted into my fighter.

  Before I had a chance to walk out of my ship, Asmot's oily proclamation soiled the air and my ear drums. "Ms Jones, it's so nice of you to join us. I was so afraid you wouldn't get here on time." He snickered and looked around to his guards like he was in the middle of a stand up routine. This guy should not do parties.

  Guards quickly flanked both sides of my ship. I didn't have the energy to get into a pissing match with him now, let alone report him to the comedy police. I gave him a halfhearted smile, sort of a participation award. "Where is my sister?" I insisted through clenched teeth.

  Asmot laughed. That praking son of a glekworm actually laughed. At that point right there, right then, I knew I’d kill him up close and personal. Using my own two hands wrapped around his skeck purple neck. The hate in my eyes must've gone supernova, because he cut his chuckle short.

  He motioned to his guards. "Take them both into custody."

  One of the guards slapped a pair of magnetic cuffs on my wrists before rough hands grabbed both my arms. I craned my head back just enough to see them pulling someone with a head of fiery red curls out of my ship’s small cargo hold. Julie! The look on my face must have told Asmot everything he needed to know.

  "It seems that you had a little stowaway Captain," he implied that I didn't know. Of course I didn’t know, but he didn't need to know that I didn't know. I gave him nothing. Well nothing further. The guards wearing extra protection proceeded to slap cuffs on her too.

  “I’m sorry Captain,” Julie uttered while standing next to me. Her cheeks flushed a fierce red, her eyes downcast.

  I gave her an incredulous look, still shocked seeing her there but said nothing. Her presence complicated things.

  With an exaggerated sigh he motioned for the rest of his guards to surround the two of us. "It's not that I didn't trust you Ms. Jones, it's just that as the Novokin Alliance we are bound to perform our due diligence in all situations, our citizens expect the best from us. So we scanned your ship for lifeforms as it approached, as protocol dictates. But don't worry Ms Jones, it's all fine with us. One more Terran to retch information from will be grand."

  “You will not touch her. You promised you wouldn't hurt my people.”

  Asmot ignored me.

  At this, another Novokin as tall as Asmot, but more slender, stepped up and grabbed Julie's arms. Her eyes went wide. What appeared to be Asmot’s first officer splayed his gloved hand across her face, covering her mouth. He took her in for a moment and then turned to his Captain. "Sir, it's definitely the psi-witch from the prime minister’s ship."

  The over–armored guards turned their rifles aiming at the little fire-haired girl. I was ticked, and a little insulted.

  "Shall I take them both to the interrogation chamber?"

  I shot daggers with my eyes at the brute manhandling Julie. You just made my list buddy.

  "Nonsense Commander, where is your sense of hospitality? Let's get them settled in first, it is an unholy hour anyway. There will still be plenty of time for interrogations in the morning, and in the days to come," he remarked. Then he spun on his heels and began to walk away.

  "Hey Ass-mot," I called, because my situation wasn't bad enough. Caspia Jones, taking skeck whenever she is stuck in it and making skeck-ade. "Where in the eight infernos is my sister?"

  Asmot froze in his tracks. He approached and before I could get in my second round of witty repartee – WHAP!

  Darkness filled my vision. The metallic taste that filled my mouth and a warm rivulet trickling down my chin coupled with the fact that I was now facing a completely different direction told me that purple sheetek had hit me. The guards holding me tightened their grips around my arms.

  "You will address me as Captain," he sneered. "Consider yourself lucky that the Supreme Commander has demanded we deliver you untainted. Another such outburst from you and I will have my guards take their frustrations out on your companion."

  His first officer gripped Julie even closer, almost possessively, practically lifting her off the floor.

  I glowered at his underling, then turned my attention back to Asmot. "You gave your word that you would release my sister and the other captives," I slurred through a rapidly numbing face.

  He paused as if in deep thought. "Did I say that? I've talked to so many people this week Terran. Wait a moment, I recall a small bit of our conversation. So I guess you can go about your little life, short as it may be and consider that one out of two is not so bad. I will give you your sister back, and I will free her from any charges associated with you." With a snap of his fingers a door to my left slid open. My sister stood there flanked by two Novokin guards.

  As they approached, I could see that her face was unmarred. I wondered how many times they healed her, just so they could abuse her again. I fought to stifle my rage, lest my mouth make it worse for all three of us.

  "Maarie!" I shouted as she came closer. My little sister, alive. "Maarie, I'm so glad you're okay. I'm so happy you’re alive."

  She looked at me as if I was speaking Daunieinese. "Why wouldn't I be?" She retorted, detached, frozen brown eyes staring back at me. I must have been wearing my neon sign above my head that projected my emotions. It must have read puzzled and confused, because she threw the cloak she was wearing back over her shoulder. It revealed a black and gray Novokin uniform. The bars on her collar indicated the rank of subcommander.

  My heart sank to the floor, "Maarie, no… How could you?"

  She pointedly ignored my question turning her back on me. She faced Asmot, "Satisfied?"

  "Very," he said with a bemused smile. "You've done remarkably well Subcommander."

  She quirked a trademarked Jones eyebrow at him.

  "Forgive me Maarie, I meant to say Captain." He held out his arm. She took the pro-offered arm and they both strolled off through the open door. No one bothered to pick up my jaw from the floor where I had dropped it.

  Asmot's first officer gave a command. The massive security detail closed ranks, jerking Julie and I forward for what I assumed was goin
g to be a quick stroll to the ship’s brig. My world had just collapsed. My sister was alive and well, and working for the enemy. My own praking sister.

  Continued in...

  Defying the Alliance: ERUPTION

  Betrayals, Babies and Plasma Bombs…

  Discover the naked truth in this stunning conclusion.

  Get the Next Book>

  In the meantime, if you’re thirsty for a super sexy, out of this world adventure on Saturn’s largest moon, Titan...Check out the Syalantian series.

  The Syalantian series is filled with space fun and lots of steamy, sexy encounters between members of the royal family of the Syalantian Empire and their potential human soul mates, in their quest for true love and chocolate. Naughty fun with hilarious circumstances!

  Titan Rising

  by Bobbi Ross

  I always dreamed of traveling the stars as an ambassador to mysterious and exciting alien worlds. When the Syalantian Empire made contact with earth, I jumped at the chance to make my wish come true.

  But reality threw me a curve ball, and here I am, mopping floors and cleaning toilets in the honeymoon resort of Saturn’s largest moon, while couples from all over the Sol System glow with happiness before my lonely eyes. My only joy comes in my sleep, in midnight encounters with my hot, hunky, luscious-lipped and emerald-eyed dream alien.

  If only he were real…

  Continue for a preview of Titan Rising

  Titan Rising - Preview

  Chapter 1

  We both enjoyed it more when it lasted longer, so I fought my building urge and painstakingly made sure to take my time. I traced my long fingers along his sculpted stomach then lingered over his defined pecks.

  "Asanti," he breathed. His eyes darkened with a desire that I knew only I could fulfill. The word certainly sounded Syalantian, but not one I'd ever come across. And yet it felt right coming from his lips.


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