When I See Her Smile (Bears in Love Book 2)
Page 7
“She is waiting until Rebecca is alone at the bar to take her and use her to trade for you and Ian,” David said still holding his nose and speaking with a nasally tone. I smiled at the thought of the pain he must be in.
“And what about Regan?” I asked him seriously.
“That’s none of your business,” he said. “I’m just here to warn you guys to be vigilant in Rebecca’s safety and then I’m gone.”
“You can’t leave, Regan needs you,” I yelled. “She and Rory are in the hospital.”
“Rory, who the hell is Rory?” he asked bewildered.
“Rory is Regan’s daughter,” I answered.
“Daughter?” he asked distractedly, “When did she have a cub? I mean, a baby?”
“Almost two years ago,” I replied. “You didn’t know? I know you two were close, so I thought you knew.” I had discovered Regan and David’s (Johnny’s) relationship by accident. I walked up on them in the woods while I was out prowling in my polar bear form. Regan begged me to keep her secret, telling me she was ending it with him because she had discovered that he was part of Hatchet’s band of miscreants. I didn’t know why at the time, but it was making a lot more sense now. She broke it off that day, but I thought it was because he wouldn’t leave Hatchet’s clan. Now I knew it was to protect her cub.
Johnny closed his bright green eyes, as if in pain. I knew for sure Rory was his and Regan’s cub now. I looked at him and said,
“You can’t just leave. You need to go and talk with her.”
He opened his eyes and said on a sigh, “I know.”
I helped him up off the ground while at the same time telling Rebecca to put the shotgun away. I needed to find out more about what Janet was doing and why.
We all sat at the table, Lisa looking confused, Rebecca bouncing her knee in frustration, Johnny looking down at his clasped hands, and then there was me. I was sitting and taking in the room, looking at Lisa, Rebecca, Johnny, and then again at Rebecca before I started to speak.
“Johnny, I need to know what the hell Janet is doing,” I said.
“She plans on taking out Marcus and all the others, including you. But definitely Ian. She hates him for killing Hatchet,” he replied.
I sighed, wondering when Janet would be out of my life for good and when Hatchet’s clan would stop with their antics. They were not thinking clearly, that’s for sure, because if they were, they would know that any exposure of our secret other than to our mates was a death sentence waiting to be meted out by our Secret Keepers. I wasn’t looking forward to upholding those judgments.
“Alright, this is what we need to do,” I said as I began to outline a plan to stop Janet from hurting my mate. “Johnny, you’ll go back and act natural, but keep me informed if Janet’s plans change.”
“What am I going to do, baby?” Rebecca Ann asked.
“You’re going to take some time off work and spend time at the compound under guard,” I said. “I need you to be protected.”
“And what about my mom?” she asked.
“She’ll have to come to the compound as well,” I replied. That seemed to pull Lisa out of her fog.
“Thank you, but no. I’ll be staying right here in my home,” Lisa said.
“But...,” I started to say
“Nope, I’m fine right here,” she continued. “I have my shotgun and I have a friend or two that I can call to help me out.”
“Mom, you need to come with us,” Rebecca said at the same time as I said,
“I can’t make you go with us, but call us if you need anything.”
“I will.” She promised.
“Let’s go, babe,” I said to Rebecca. “Johnny, call me if anything changes.”
“I will,” he said as he got up to leave. “Trevor, which hospital is Regan in?”
“She’s at Snoqualmie Valley, Room 212,” I answered him lightly.
“Thanks. I’ll call if anything else comes up.” Johnny said as he headed to the front door.
Rebecca and I stayed to try and talk her mom into going with us. I knew they had a strained relationship, but Lisa was still her mom. Lisa refused to go with us, so Rebecca gathered her things and we headed back to the compound. Arriving just a bit after dark, we took Rebecca’s things inside my cabin and then walked over to the main meeting hall building to update Marcus and Ian on Janet’s plans.
It didn’t take us long to bring them both up to speed, and then Marcus headed back to the hospital to check on Regan and Rory. Ian headed to his cabin to be with Lauren and the boys, and I took Rebecca Ann home to our cabin.
Chapter 9
My mind was still reeling from the fact that Trevor’s ex wanted to use me as bait. I worried for my mom; even though we had such a tumultuous relationship, she was still the only family I had left, and family was everything.
“Trevor, can we go to bed?” I asked in exhaustion. The late night before and the stress from today’s discussions were taking their toll on me, and I just needed to rest. I also needed Trevor to wrap his arms around me and keep me safe.
“Of course we can, sweetness,” Trevor replied. “Let’s go get ready for bed.”
Trevor let me use the facilities first, giving me some privacy. How he knew I needed it was beyond me, but I was grateful for the time alone. It gave me time to put things into perspective. I loved this man with everything that I was. I didn’t think I would ever trust anyone again, but with Trevor it was easy; it was safe. I could be me, and he loved me anyway.
I finished in the restroom, then headed towards the loft where Trevor waited for me patiently. I crested the top step and saw Trevor sitting on the edge of the bed with nothing but his boxers on. What a sight! He was chiseled in all the right places. He looked up at me as my foot hit the floor of the loft and smiled. He cocked his head and looked at me.
“Baby, you’re definitely wearing too many clothes,” Trevor growled sexily. I could see his polar bear flashing in his eyes, stormy gray to a light golden hue and back again. I shivered in anticipation, walking slowly over to where he sat. I stepped between his slightly spread legs and looked into his eyes. He gazed up at me with love and adoration, something I wasn’t used to seeing in someone’s eyes when they looked at me.
“What’s that thought, baby?” he asked as I bit my lower lip.
“I’m just amazed that you want me,” I answered him honestly. “I’m not sure what to do with all the feelings that you evoke.”
“You and me both, sweetness,” he said, reaching up as he pulled me tighter to him, hugging me close. I felt his hands rubbing in circles on my back as he breathed in my scent, burying his head into my abdomen. I ran my hands through his hair lightly, trying to give him some measure of comfort and let him know I was there for him. Whatever he needed, I would give. He looked up at me then and pushed me back a bit. Standing up, he pulled me back to his body. Kissing me deeply, I moaned in pleasure, loving the feeling of his tongue, the nibbling of his teeth on my lower lip. I wound my arms up and around his shoulders, going up on tiptoe to get closer to him. Trevor trailed his hands down to my ass, caressing me softly. He then picked me up like I weighed nothing, pulling me up his body. With an eep of surprise, I wrapped my legs around his torso and held on for dear life.
Trevor turned us around so that my back was facing the bed. Lowering me slowly, he covered me with his large hard body, slowly rubbing his erection between my legs, giving me just enough pressure from his hardness to make me squirm around trying to get more contact. I loved when he teased me, but right then was no time for teasing. I growled in frustration, and Trevor broke our kiss to look down at me and asked,
“What’s wrong, baby?”
“Wrong? Nothing’s wrong,” I replied. “I just need you naked and inside my pussy before I explode from need.”
“Whatever you say, babe,” Trevor huffed out a laugh as he moved off me. I watched as he lifted his hands to the waistband of my barely there panties. He to
ok one side into his hands and ripped the side seam. He did the same with the other side. I gasped at the sound of the tearing material.
“Trevor!” I yelled. “Those were my favorite panties.”
“That’s ok, Rebecca Ann,” he replied, as he removed his own underwear. “I’ll buy you new ones later.”
I was not amused, but soon enough I forgot my tiff and lost myself in the pleasure of Trevor’s touch. Just when I thought I couldn’t take anymore teasing, Trevor thrust up into my wet heat. I moaned out his name as he began to hammer into me. It was rough, animalistic, and a little crazy, but I loved every moment. By the fifth thrust, I was there and couldn’t wait any longer.
“Trevor, I’m gonna cum,” I gasped out in bliss.
“Not yet, baby,” he replied, winded. “Almost there, sweetness. Almost.”
I crested the peak moments before I felt Trevor’s cock spasm. I felt his pleasure hitting my womb opening like a rocket. I hadn’t ever felt a man’s cum hitting my womb before, and when I did, it made me cum again. My pussy tightened on his spasming cock, and we both moaned out.
Trevor rolled to the side and dragged me halfway over his body, running his right hand through my hair and gasping for air. I smiled into his shoulder, loving the thought that I had made this big handsome man cum. It was like skydiving without a parachute -- exhilarating and frightening all at once. I snuggled up and closed my eyes.
We were only asleep for a matter of minutes when the sound of the front door splintering open woke us both. Yelling could be heard outside. Trevor jumped from the bed, shifting before his feet even hit the floor. I watched as his polar bear slammed into the dark clothed figure at the top of the stairs. I heard them both hit the living room floor with a loud crash. I grabbed my shirt and ran to the side rail of the loft to see what was happening. I watched as the uninvited guest morphed into a bear as Trevor’s polar bear took another pass at the intruder.
I watched as Trevor and the unknown bear tumbled around trying to bite each other. In horror, I saw the other bear bite into Trevor’s snowy white fur, which then bloomed red. With a load roaring growl, Trevor grasped the other bear by the throat and bit down, and the crunching of neck bones could be heard upstairs. On a whimper, the smaller bear went limp and shimmered into a very naked Janet. Her breathing was ragged. She struggled to get up. One last attempt, and she breathed her last. Trevor looked up at me, still in his bear form, with a kind of sadness in his eyes. I knew he didn’t love her anymore, but I could feel that he hadn’t wanted to kill her either. Trevor shifted, backing away from Janet’s body. He looked up at me again as I started down the stairs, grabbing a long tee shirt on the way down. I ran to him, jumping into his arms and checking him for wounds simultaneously.
“Trevor, are you ok?” I asked. “Where are you hurt?”
“I have some small punctures on my arms and the back of my neck,” he replied, “but they’ll heal relatively quickly.”
“Not quickly enough,” I huffed at him.
“I’ll be just fine,” Trevor said while holding me closer. “I need to get outside and see if everyone is alright.”
“I know, babe,” I said. “I’m going with you.”
Before we headed outside Trevor put on his pants, leaving the top button undone and I grabbed my yoga pants from earlier in the day.
We walked outside, hand in hand, and looked at the destruction around us. Broken windows, wrecked cars, destroyed fences. The front gate was hanging at an odd angle, caused by the car that had blasted through it. It was a war zone. Hopefully, now it was over.
Marcus walked up to us and said, “We’ve neutralized the rest of them. Where’s Janet?”
“Gone, she’s gone,” Trevor answered. “I didn’t have any other choice she was here for Rebecca.”
“I know, son,” Marcus said, giving his shoulder a manly pat. “Sometimes we have to do things we don’t want to in order to protect the ones we love.”
There was a story there, I could tell, although it was none of my business. I would wonder about it from time to time, I’m sure, but I would never ask Marcus to tell me his story. I was a little scared of the large grizzly clan leader.
“I need to get Janet out of the cabin,” Trevor said. “I can’t go back inside until her body is gone.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Marcus said. “While we’ve been talking, Ian and some of the others removed the body.”
“Thank you,” Trevor said respectfully.
I took Trevor’s hand and led him toward the cabin. I knew that he would need me to be strong for him. I could feel it in my bones. It was like a sixth sense, knowing that my strength would help him to heal. Once inside, I closed the splintered door as best as I could and led Trevor back up the stairs to our bed. I helped him out of his clothes and into the bed then I removed my own and lay beside him, holding him and quietly murmuring nonsense to help him to relax.
Trevor pulled me even closer. He kissed me softly, almost reverently. I stopped muttering to participate in the most loving kiss I had ever received.
“Babe, I need you,” Trevor said. “I need to claim you so my bear will stop the constant roaring in my head. He’s going just a little crazy.”
“I need you too,” I replied. “I accept all of you. Human and bear, I love you both.”
Trevor pulled me across his body and began to run his hands up and down my back, stopping just before my ass to work his hands back to my shoulders. I started a slow grind on his growing erection, trying to get more friction between us. I loved feeling him get harder by the second. Trevor was a shower, but he was also a grower. His length and girth were almost too much to bear with me on top. The pain from his cock entering me added to the pleasure I was feeling at the same time. As we moved together, I could feel my orgasm racing to the surface. I groaned in frustration, not wanting to get off too soon and leave Trevor wanting. He slowed my movements with his large hands at my hips. He rolled us, slowly thrusting into me. I arched from the bed in pleasure, wanting more I began to move faster trying to get to that precipice of pleasure.
“Trevor, please make me your one,” I begged between moans.
“You were always my one,” he replied. “Now I’m going to claim you forever.”
Trevor pulled me closer and kissed the heartbeat at my throat, opening his mouth to place hot, wet kisses along my neck I felt his teeth puncture my flesh. I felt a slight pinching pain as he claimed me as his mate and then all I felt was the searing pleasure as we became one.
I could feel his emotions coursing through me, just as I could tell that he could feel mine from the look of awe in his stormcloud eyes. His love for me was overwhelming. I felt tears well in my eyes and leak down my cheeks.
“Rebecca Ann, why are you crying?” Trevor asked in confusion.
“Because, I’m finally happy, Trevor,” I replied. “Truly happy.”
“Me too, baby,” he said. “Me too.”
Four weeks later
Trevor watched as Regan walked away from Johnny for the umpteenth time. It was starting to be embarrassing how many times the poor guy tried to talk to her. Trevor looked over to see Rebecca Ann and Lauren talking and watching the twins.
No one knew yet, but his Rebecca Ann had told him just this morning that they were going to have a cub. The birth control she was on no match for his seed. He was the happiest he’d been since the day he and Rebecca had mated.
A cub. Was he ready? He hoped he lived up to what Rebecca saw in him. She had returned to work the day before. Not alone. Trevor sat at ‘their’ table and watched her throughout her shift. No one gave her a hard time or made inappropriate advances while he watched from the side of the bar area.
She laughed at something Lauren said and the smile on her face called to him. He walked over and slung his arm around her shoulders, smiling into her eyes when she looked up at him.
“If I didn’t know better,” Lauren said, “I’d swear you two had a secr
Laughing, I replied, “No secret, we’re just happy.”
“Uh huh, sure,” she jokingly said, glancing over to where Ian was. I watched as she slowly rubbed her growing belly. I couldn’t wait until Rebecca started to show. I knew I would be just as devoted to her as Ian was to Lauren and the twins.
Life was good. It could only get better from here.
Alone in the distance, a woman watches. Is she friend or foe?
Note from the author…
Thank you for continuing on this journey with me. You can connect with me on facebook
on my website
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