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Fighting Desire (Bay State Series Book 2)

Page 2

by Hachey, Tiffany

  “Thank you Mr. Grady, I'll be back in a couple of days. Do you need anything from me?” Standing from the chair I wait for his answer while he looks at something on his computer.

  Looking up from his screen and standing, he extends his hand and I take it giving him a quick shake. “Everything seems to be in place in the system. Looks like they still have all of your records. This should go rather smoothly.”

  “Great I'll see you soon, thanks again and have a good day.” Walking out of his office, I feel like there's been a huge weight lifted off of my shoulders.

  Deciding to text Latasha to see about meeting up for lunch, I fumble in my bag for my phone, totally not paying attention to where I'm going and bump into a hard chest of muscle. I look up and see a good looking kid maybe twenty with messy black hair, wearing fitted jeans and a gray sweater. Cute but definitely too young for me. “I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention.” We both say at that same time, making me giggle and then roll my eyes.

  “Not a problem.” I tell him and start to move around him to continue on my way.

  “Hey, can I buy you lunch?” He's good looking in a boyish kinda way but I have my mind set on this sexy blonde I can't seem to stop thinking about. I decide I'm going to text him after lunch about dinner. Why delay the inevitable.

  “Sorry, I can't I'm seeing someone. But thanks for the offer.” Not that I really am but..... I can see the disappointment in his features. I just let it go and walk away. He'll find someone closer to his own age and move on. Once I round the corner of the building, I decide to take a seat on one of the many benches and text Latasha.

  { Hey sexy, wanna grab some luch at the bistro? }

  Waiting for her reply I check my social page for any good gossip. A few minutes later my phone vibrates with an incoming text.

  { Sure bitch, twenty? }

  Latasha has been the best friend, supporting my choice and encouraging me not to give up hope so I could save enough money to help pay Luke's medical bills. She'd already paid off her apartment when she inherited her grandparents condo, which is in a much better neighborhood than hers. She lets me stay there rent free and I love her dearly for it. But I know it's not forever. I'll start to save once I start working full time for a down payment on my own place or buy hers.

  I get to the bistro before her and pick a table by the window, letting the waitress know I'm waiting for someone and watch all the people walk by. Lost in a daydream about Brent I feel a tap on my shoulder. “Um hello, earth to Sarah. Wake up.” She teases me waving her hand in front of my face. She looks so cute in one of her power suits, her dark curls hanging around her shoulders. I'm envious of her good looks. She's dark where I'm fair and she has the most perfect comlpexion. Getting her features from her Asian mother and skin tone from her Italian father, she's drop dead gorgeous.

  “Sorry, I was just thinking about this guy Brent I met last night. I can't stop thinking about him.” And boy isn't that the truth. His eyes are constantly staring into mine like he can read me.

  Sitting down, she starts to rub her hands together, smiling at me. “Alright spill it. Spare nothing.” Folding her hands in front of her chest on the table, she stares expectantly at me. Thankfully the waitress shows up and spares me a couple minutes to collect my thoughts.

  “Hi, are you ladies ready to order?” Looking to Latasha first she takes her order for a mediterranean chicken salad and water. I order myself a rueben and the same to drink. Ever conscious of my figure, it is after all the way I make my money for now.

  “Okay, okay, I'm waiting. Don't make me pry it out of you.” I know she's getting impatient, tapping her fingernails on the tabletop, knowing how much it annoys me.

  “You already know his name is Brent. He came into the bar I was at last night, caught me checking him out and called me on it. We got to talking and I'd already had a lot to drink so I was a little tipsy, he asked me out to dinner, we flirted a bit and then apparently I passed out right after I managed to give him my keys and address.” Remembering my embarrassment this morning, I start to blush.

  She throws her arms up in the air. “Do not tell me he took advantage of you in that state. And what the hell where you thinking giving a stranger your keys and address? Have you gone mad?”

  “Are you kidding me? Do you think I would be daydreaming about him if he treated me badly. And did you miss the part where I said I was passing out drunk? I don't think I was capable of thinking at that moment in time. He was a perfect gentlemen. Apparently he held me while I was sick and spent the night on my couch to make sure I was going to be okay. I woke up to the sound of my shower running and the sight that greeted me when he walked out of the bathroom made me want to jump him right there and then.” Mmm, if only the towel would have slipped, even just a little bit. “I couldn't remember much so he filled me in. He asked me to dinner tonight before taking off so he could get to work on time.”

  The waitress brings our food and we continue to catch up as we eat. “I think someone's smitten, I can sense you daydreaming from here. Your eyes are all glassy and you have the cutest little smile on your lips.” What the hell has she taken to studying me? I take my eys away from my sandwich to look at her and shrug. I'd be lying if I tried denying it.

  Popping the last bite in my mouth I chew slowly, carefully choosing my next words. “Your right I'm definitely interested in getting to know him better. I decided I'm going to agree to dinner. He told me to pick the place and text him. I'm thinking Micky's. It's laid back and not too formal. I could go for some good Irish pub food.”

  Getting up to go pay our checks she steps beside me and takes my hand pulling me to a halt. “Promise me you'll be careful and I'll safe call at ten to make sure your alright. And you better let me know how it goes. I'll be pacing until you do.” She stops talking at the appalled look on my face. “Na, just kidding. I'm supposed to be hanging out with Trevor tonight so I'll be too preoccupied to be thinking about your date. I'll set an alarm on my phone for the call.” Releasing my hand she continues to the counter so we can pay. “I gotta fly to get back to the office. Jerry's in an exceptionally grumpy mood today.” The horror stories she tells me about her boss is the reason I won't apply at the law firm she works at. I'm way too sensitive of a person to deal with that shit on a daily basis. “I love you and remember ten o'clock. You better answer so I don't put out an APB on you.”

  “I love you too, but lets not get too carried away. I hope to be busy by ten. If I don't answer or call back within two hours then you can worry.” I wink at her as we leave the restaurant and go our seperate ways. “Talk to you later.”

  The walk back to my apartment is short and I rush up the stairs so I can text Brent. If I'm being honest I can't wait to see him tonight. After texting him my decision on dinner I decide to get some much needed laundry done. I've been slacking lately, thankfully I have a laundry closet so it wasn't strewn all over the floor. That would have been truly embarrassing.

  Finally deciding on my baby blue summer dress with a jean jacket after changing what seems like twenty times, I'm ready to go and as if on cue my doorbell rings. After a quick check in the mirror to make sure my hair is still cooperating in it's clip with a few wisps framing my face I'm satisfied with my appearance. Answering the door I suck in a deep breath. Wow he cleans up good. I can't decide what he looks better in. Dress shirt and slacks or workout clothes. Either way he looks fine as hell.

  “I see you still like what you see.” He treats me to a knowing smile. “You look beautiful Sarah. Are you ready to go?” I suddenly want to stay right here in the privacy of my apartment.

  Pivoting on my heels I grab my clutch from the small table by the door and follow him out closing and locking the door behind us. “Absolutely. And yes, I very much still like what I see.” He takes my hand as we descend the stairs, only letting go to open the door for me as we walk out into the refreshing night air. “Wow, nice car.” I tell him as he hits the fob to unlock his doors and I can suddenly ima
gine doing all sorts of naughty things to him in it.

  “Thanks, I've always wanted a classic Mustang. I had saved for it since highschool and finally had enough last year. Definitely worth the wait.” He walks around to his side after opening and closing my door for me and slides into his seat. The vibration when he starts the car is doing things to my already hightened sexual awareness and I find myself tightly clamping my legs together to release some of the tension I'm feeling. It's so hot in this car. Or is it just being in such close proximity of this sexy man? I know one thing for sure, I need to get me some of him tonight.

  “I love it. It suits you. I've always liked Mustangs but I prefer the newer models. Nothing against the classics though, it's a sexy car.” As he pulls into the parking lot I'm suddenly nervous. Maybe it's the absence of alcohol. I don't know but what I do know is I'm not drinking tonight. I want my full senses with me.

  Opening the door and reaching in for my hand, he helps me out of the car, placing his hand on my lower back as we walk into Micky's. The hostess greets him by name. “Hey Brent how's it going tonight? Do you want your usual table?” She spends a decent amount of time sizing me up and it makes me think she must be into him. I put my jealousy away. He's here with me, that counts for something. Right?

  He pulls her in for a hug and the claws come out. “Sarah this is my cousin Michelle. Michelle, this is Sarah.” He puts his arm around my waist and waits watching me as my demeaner quickly changes.

  Putting a big smile on my face, I shake her hand. “It's nice to meet you Michelle. I come here often but I don't remember ever seeing you.”

  She pulls me in for a hug. “I usually only work weekends but someone called out sick tonight and they begged me to cover. I couldn't say no to some extra cash.”

  “Well that explains it then, I work weekend nights too. I love it here, it's one of my favorite pubs.” Getting a better look at her I do see a family resemblance.

  “So what do you say? Your usual, or somewhere more private?” She asks Brent, needing to seat us since another group just walked in behind us.

  He takes a minute to look around the pub. “I guess we'll take a table in the back, it's a little crowded in here tonight.”

  “No problem, follow me.” She leads us to the back corner booth, away from prying eyes. “It was nice meeting you Sarah, maybe you and Brent can come to the house sometime for dinner. My husband always loves spending time with my little cousin.” She ruffles his hair as she walks away to her next customers.

  “Definitely.” I yell to her before taking my seat and laughing at the look on Brent's face. “She seems nice.” I come to the conclusion that I'll get along great with her. Another check mark in the pro box.

  “Yeah she is when she's not acting like I'm two years old. She's ten years older than me and likes to continuously tease me. So what? She changed my diapers. She doesn't have to bring it up almost every time we're together. I dread bringing you to their house. Who knows the stories you'll hear about me.” He shakes his head at the thought, which makes me giggle again. “I love your laugh, the way your eyes crinkle at the corners and your dimples are adorable, I want to kiss them.” He reaches across the table and takes ahold of my hand as I blush and stare down at the table. “Hey stop, your gorgeous.” I refuse to look up, suddenly feeling shy. “Alright change of subject. Did you do anything interesting today?”

  Putting my embarrasment aside, I look up to see him watching me closely. I decide to even the playing field. “As a matter of fact the craziest thing happened this morning. I woke up to some sexy stranger in my shower. Let me tell you, when he came out of the bathroom I wanted to rip his towel off.” His eyes widen at my statement, making me laugh again.

  “Oh is that right?” He asks with a smirk.

  “Absolutely. I had to refrain, he was a stranger after all.” Trying to keep a straight face and failing miserably, I continue. “Then he did the sweetest thing. He asked me to dinner and even let me pick the place. How could I say no?” He's rubbing my hand with his thumb and it's doing crazy things to me and I wish we were somewhere a whole lot more private.

  “I'm glad you didn't say no. I want very much to get to know you Sarah. I haven't felt a connection like this with anyone, ever. I know it's soon, but I feel like we were supposed to run into each other. I really want to see where this goes.”

  “Well that's a good thing. I feel the same way.” Leaning across the table he gently kisses my lips, leaving me breathless. We're interupted by the waiter clearing his throat. Feeling flush, I pull away and slump back in my seat.

  “Are you ready to order?” Realizing I haven't even looked at the menu, I just choose my usual. Brent orders the same and a couple Boston lagers.

  “I hope you like beer, sorry I didn't even think before I ordered.” It takes me a minute to process that he's talking to me, still lost in our kiss.

  Snapping myself out of the internal bliss I'm experiencing I answer. “Actually Sam's is the only beer I'll drink. Everything else tastes like water.” I really didn't want to drink but one won't hurt.

  “Back to topic. Anything else interesting happen today?” He continues to send chills through my entire body as he rubs my hand.

  “I went to MassBay to see about finishing my degree. They still have all of my files so I can just pick up where I left off. I'm going to do online courses so I can hopefully find a new job. I have no need for quick money anymore. I want a career.”

  “That's awesome, work was boring as usual. My whole day got better when I read your text. I've been looking forward to dinner with you all day. I'm not going to lie. I've been thinking about you a lot today.”

  “That's good, I've been thinking about you too. Some not so innocent things.” Why does my filter disfunction when I'm with him? Turning red again, our food arrives and I dig in, hoping we can let my last statement go.

  I guess I should have known better. “So what sort of not so innocent things were you thinking about me? And don't even try to cop out, I won't let you.” He releases my hand so he can eat.

  “Ah, can I plead the fifth and just show you later?” He starts to choke on his food and takes a big swig of beer.

  Leaning his hands on the table, he pulls his body up close to me on the other side, his face just inches from mine. “Let's hurry up and finish. I have some plans of my own for you.” Kissing me again, longer than the first and ending with his tongue sliding against my lips, I shudder.

  “I like the way you think. If you keep looking at me like that I think I'll internally combust.”

  The ride back to his apartment is definitely tense. I can see his knuckles gripping tight on the steering wheel. I lay my hand on his thigh and work my way up to his erection straining in his pants. I hear a groan escape his lips and I lose it. Turning sideways, I lean over and start to suck on his neck, making my way to his ear. I run my tongue along the edge and gently nibble as his groaning intensifies. Stroking his hard cock through his pants, I can feel my panties getting wetter by the minute. “I hope your place is close. I'm ready to straddle you right here.”

  “Please don't Sarah, me crashing the car right now wouldn't be beneficial to either of us. I want you spread on my bed. I want us to take our time. Your not a quick fuck for me.” I pull away from him slightly to adjust my dress. “No, don't you dare stop,” He says and I chuckle at his assertiveness.

  “Oh baby, I'm not stopping anything.” Grabbing his right hand I direct it to my center.

  “Fuck, your wet. I can't wait to feel this wrapped around my cock.” He slowly tortures my slit with his light touches as I rotate my hips trying to gain some better pressure on my over sensitive nub.

  The anticipation makes it hard to breath as I feel the car come to a stop. I groan when he takes his hand away from my throbbing clit to kill the engine. I swing open my door and race around to the other side. “I need you in me now before I explode.”

  Getting out of the car he grabs my shoulders and pulls me flu
sh with his body. I can feel his hardness on my stomach as he holds my face in his hands and takes possession of my mouth, tangling his tongue with mine. I'm lost in ecstasy as his hands leave my face and reach around me holding my ass and pulling me harder against him. Finally releasing my mouth he wispers, “Let's go.” Taking ahold of my hand he drags me behind him to the door of his buiding, once inside he picks me up, cradling me to his chest and carries me up the three flights of stairs to his apartment. Holding me in one arm, he unlocks his door and kicks it open.

  As soon as my feet hit the floor I start ripping my clothes off. “Don't just stand there and stare. Get naked,” I demand, wanting to see that glorious body devoid of all clothing.

  Chuckling, he starts to slowly remove his clothes, torturing me as I drink in every inch of him. Growing impatient I unbuckle his belt, grab the top of his pants and boxers at the same time and pull them down to his ankles with a quickness I never knew I possessed. Wow, impressive. He starts to groan as I take him in my hand and stroke him from base to tip. “Baby I need to get you to bed, like now.”

  “What's wrong with right here?” I ask, feeling eager to have him inside me.

  “We have plenty of time to be adventurous. Right now I want you in my bed. I want you spread wide for me. I want to explore every inch of you.” Taking me with another explosive kiss he walks us backwards until I feel my back hit what I assume is his door. The cool surface leaves my skin and I'm being led backwards again. The next thing I feel is the edge of the mattress on the backs of my knees. Falling onto the bed I can't help but giggle at his enthusiasm as he jumps on right after me, making me bounce up off of the mattress before he traps me, laying his body down on top of mine. “Tell me what you like,” He wispers in my ear, lightly sucking on the lobe before trailing kisses down my neck to my collarbone.

  “I'm sure I'll like everything you do to me as long as you don't stop,” I say breathlessly.


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