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Terregon (Book Two of The Red Diamond Saga)

Page 7

by Jennifer Janne

  “Let's just go.” He said firmly. “Let's get you home, and we can figure it out then.” He tried to meet her eyes, though they kept jumping and glancing everywhere but him.

  “We're going to find her.” He promised again, even as she muttered about Conner. He was able to get her discharged once her vitals had been checked a final time.


  Later that night, Corinne was attempting to connect with Cori again. She sat on the back porch, the star filled sky spread above her, a cool evening breeze stirring her loose blonde hair. Aaron had not been seen since he left the hospital. Corinne was sure he was blowing off steam somewhere, and she appreciated that he was not doing it at home with her. She felt so helpless, but she was not willing to give up hope.

  Daniel stepped out of the house behind her with a warm cup of coffee, he knew that she had no interest in sleeping. When he sat down on the steps beside her and handed her the mug she spared him a mild smile. She was still embarrassed by the way she had acted at the hospital, however she was still rather angry as well. She understood why he had held back the news about Cori but she did not like the idea that he would keep anything from her.

  “I know that you are still angry with me.” Daniel said softly as she looked away from him. “I get it, but please, if there is anything I can do to help, just tell me.”

  Corinne sighed and then took a small sip of her coffee. “There isn't anything really.” She admitted. “I can't even connect with Conner now.” She took in the sight of the stars above her as she wondered if she had ever even connected with him. Had it all been in her imagination that he had helped her?

  “About that.” Daniel said as he rested his elbows on his knees and hung his hands between them. “I spoke with Stanley just now. I asked him to check on Conner.” He paused and then added. “It turns out he was released from the hospital and they have no record of who he was released to.” He shook his head with irritation. “I'll never understand how a person can blow up a building, injuring people, and get out of any kind of prosecution.”

  Corinne smiled wryly. “I can't understand how I have a clone, or how Aaron and Lisa could have been raised completely cut off from the world, yet, it happened.” She closed her eyes for a moment and as she did, her head drifted until it rested comfortably on Daniel's shoulder.

  “I'm sorry.” She whispered. “I know that you did what you thought was best.” Daniel shifted one of his arms so that he could slide it around her and pull her close to his side. “I am so grateful to have you in my life.” She added in an even softer tone, perhaps reluctant to admit to her dependence on him.

  Daniel brushed his lips along the top of her head as he exhaled. In that moment, with the stars above them, and the quiet of the evening surrounding them, he wished this was their world. Without the drama, and the wildness, without the constant fear hanging over their heads. If he could give Corinne one gift, it would be peace.

  Just as that thought crossed his mind his cell phone began to ring in his pocket. A frustrated frown creased his visage as he reluctantly answered it.

  “What is it?” He snapped without bothering to check who it was.

  “I need you in here now.” The chief of police replied just as sharply on the other line. “Daniel,” Ernie paused and lowered his voice as if someone else might be listening. “Your special skills are needed.” Daniel felt his muscles tense at Ernie's words. He knew what they meant.

  He stared down at the phone after hanging up and Corinne lifted her head curiously.

  “What was that about?” She asked, seeking his eyes.

  Daniel's lips tightened into a thin line as he considered how to answer. There were strict rules about revealing too much to friends and family, and he knew if he crossed them he would be in serious trouble. However, Corinne had been lied to enough.

  “Listen,” He said gingerly. “I may need to be away for a little while.”

  “What?” Corinne asked with alarm. “Why?” She grasped his arm as if he might disappear.

  “I'm not sure.” He said honestly. “I just need you to know, I will only be gone as long as I have to.”

  Corinne felt her anger rise again as she felt he was being cryptic with her. “I thought you transferred, I thought you were done with all of that?”

  Daniel pulled away from her and stood quickly. When he spoke, his tone was brusque, and his gaze was already hardening. “It isn't up to me Corinne.”

  He left her sitting on the back porch as he ran up the stairs to change. When he was ready to leave, he looked for her to say goodbye, but she was nowhere to be found. He assumed she was furious with him and sighed. He was about to go look for her, when his phone rang again. It was the chief demanding his presence.

  With one last glance around the house he headed out the front door. He was halfway down the steps when she called to him.

  “Daniel.” Her voice was strained with emotion, but when he turned to face her, there was no anger in her expression. She wrapped her arms around him, and tilted her lips up to his for a kiss. Daniel prolonged the embrace as long as he could. When he finally pulled away Corinne had tears in her eyes.

  “Just be careful.” She said as she curved the palm of her hand along his cheek.

  “I will.” He promised, and looked deeply into her eyes. “I love you.”

  Corinne smiled shakily. “Yeah, I know.” She winked lightly at him, but he knew that she was still very upset.

  Reluctantly he walked to his car, knowing with each step that he took, he might not get to see Corinne for some time. Corinne watched as he drove away.


  When Daniel arrived at the police station he discovered that Stanley had been pulled in as well.

  “Do you know what this is about?” Daniel asked. He could not think of any reason that Stanley, who was still considered a rookie, would be involved in an undercover assignment.

  “I just got a call that said for me to come in, and that it was urgent.” Stanley shrugged. Daniel could tell that he was anxious.

  “Don't worry, I'm sure it's not too serious.” Daniel offered reassuringly, however the whole situation seemed very strange. They waited outside of the chief's office as he was involved in a heated conversation on the telephone. A woman was seated in a chair beside the office, who Daniel had never seen before.

  Her crimson hair was braided tightly and hung down her back nearly to her waist. She appeared quite young, perhaps in her late twenties, and wore no uniform. Daniel found it strange that she would be sitting there in the middle of the night. She stared openly at the two officers, without offering a hint of interest in speaking to them or explaining her presence.

  Daniel narrowed his eyes suspiciously, his instincts told him there was something off about the entire situation.

  Ernie saw them outside his office and waved for them to come inside. Daniel opened the door, allowing Stanley inside, and the young woman stood and followed him in.

  Daniel was stunned by that, but when Ernie did not object he assumed it was expected.

  “I understand Mr. Mayor.” Ernie was saying into the phone. “But given the circumstances and the dangers I just think it would be rather-” He paused as the Mayor interrupted his words. “Yes, I understand.” He said submissively. “Right, it is a good opportunity.” He agreed. Daniel clenched his jaw as he did not like the pieces of conversation that he was hearing.

  When Ernie hung up the phone he offered a heavy sigh, and lifted his gaze to the three seated before him.

  “Alright, here is the situation.” He said in a clear authoritative tone. “An opportunity has presented itself to infiltrate the Malita family, and my superiors all agree that it is one that we should take.”

  “The Malita family?” Daniel repeated with disbelief. They were as tightly knit as any gang could be, and the police had been trying for over two decades to find a way in. They were currently at war with another group, the Snakes, who were a fierce street gang. All investigations into the
family were being treated with extreme caution because of the level of danger. Daniel knew it was not his place to question or argue his orders, but it was the last assignment he wanted to take.

  “Sir, when I transferred-” He began to say, as respectfully as possible.

  “It was conditional.” Ernie said sharply. “I understand your circumstances Daniel, but this is not my choice. This goes so far beyond me, I am not even sure who all has their hands in it. All I know for certain is that you were personally requested, along with Stanley.”

  Daniel stood up from his chair swiftly. “Stanley?” He asked with shock. “He has not even been trained to be undercover, he's a rookie!” Daniel was appalled by the idea that anyone would think it would be a good idea to send in an untrained officer.

  “Yes Stanley.” The young woman said, who was still seated beside Daniel. She lifted her gaze to him and their cinnamon shade confronted him with pure authority. “We have our reasons.” She said sternly as she folded her arms across her chest.

  “And just who are you?” Daniel demanded, his voice struggling not to raise.

  “Daniel!” Ernie attempted to reel his temper in. “Sit down!” Daniel shot a glare from the woman to Ernie before begrudgingly sitting down in his chair.

  “My name is Tasha Harrison and I have been undercover with the Malitas for five years. I am here to help integrate you. You have both been selected for certain reasons.”

  “What reasons?” Daniel inquired sharply. “Stop being so evasive and make it clear.”

  “Daniel,” Ernie began again, but this time Daniel was too frustrated to be quieted. “Chief, you are talking about putting a rookie into the most dangerous crime family in the history of this city.” He said with exasperation. “I know, I know, it's not up to you.” Daniel threw his hands up into the air. “So who is it up to, her?” He glanced over at the woman.

  “This is really the best you can offer?” Tasha sneered at the disrespect Daniel was showing his superior. “If it were up to me it certainly would not be you.” She took a breath to calm herself, and continued in a calmer tone. “What it comes down to Daniel, is this is what is happening. You can either go with it, or you can leave your badge and your gun on the desk.”

  Daniel stared at her incredulously as her words sunk in. Was she really threatening his job? He turned back toward Ernie, whose face was stoic.

  “Who…who requested this, the president?” He said in a disbelieving tone.

  “Might as well be.” Ernie admitted. “My hands are tied Daniel, so please, don't make me lose you over this.”

  Daniel put his hand on his gun as if he was considering placing it on the desk. He looked at Stanley was sitting in shock, and though he tried to appear as if he was calm, Daniel could see the fear in his eyes. He had a right to be afraid, and in fact, he should have been terrified. If the Malitas discovered their invasion, they would not hesitate to kill them, but of course not without torturing them first.

  “Stanley,” Daniel said gently. “You don't have to do this.” He ignored the glare he received from Tasha.

  “No, I mean, it's an honor.” Stanley replied nervously. What other rookie had been trusted with such an important job?

  Daniel closed his eyes and thought for a moment of what it would be like if he did just lay his gun on the desk along with his badge and walk away. But he knew, that would not be all he left. He would leave behind an essential part of who he was, a part he would never be able to get back. Not only that, Stanley would be thrust into a dangerous environment completely alone.

  “Fine.” He said without opening his eyes.

  “I thought you would come around.” Tasha said, and he could hear the smile in her voice.

  “We leave tonight.” She added.


  By the next morning Daniel and Stanley had knew names and new histories. Daniel was now Luke, n assassin for hire with a good reputation for making his kills quick and precise. Stanley was now Tom, an up and coming thief that was making a name for himself because of his ruthless way of always getting the job done.

  Tasha had made it clear that the name they knew was her cover name. She was so deep in that she did not respond to any other names, so that there would not be any mistakes.

  As they stood outside a small restaurant where Marshall Malita, the second son of the leader of the family Calvin Malita, was having breakfast, Daniel hardened his emotions. He could no longer think about Corinne.

  One instant of distraction could mean execution not only for himself, but for Stanley as well. With a brief glance at the two men beside her, Tasha reached for the door and opened it. Once inside there was no turning back. The interior of the restaurant was brightly lit and filled with the scents of bacon and toast. However, the only person seated at a table was Marshall.

  He was perusing a newspaper and eating a piece of toast. In his late thirties he had the laid back attitude of someone who owned the world. His gray eyes lifted as Tasha entered with the two men trailing behind her. He sat back in his chair and lowered the newspaper. He watched as they approached the table. His dark hair was slicked back against his head, and his focus seemed to be more on Tasha than the men. However Daniel was not fooled, he knew in truth that the man was observing them closely.

  “These are the guys I was telling you about.” Tasha explained as she paused before the table. She came across as very comfortable in Marshall's presence. She had worked her way into the trust of the family by securing several jobs that paid very well and seducing Marshall's younger brother Miles. They were currently an item, and this made her more secure in the family, but it also put her more at risk. A betrayal at this point would be an unforgivable offense and punished severely.

  Marshall considered the two men before him skeptically. Neither looked familiar, which was to be expected considering that Tasha had indicated they came from out of state but were highly recommended. Because of the recent tension between the family and the Snakes, it was always good to have extra men on hand.

  “You say they have experience?” Marshall asked as he arrogantly looked the two men over.

  “Yes of course.” Tasha replied with confidence. She met Marshall's dark gaze with her lighter cinnamon eyes without any hesitation.

  Three men rushed out of the kitchen area of the restaurant, weapons drawn, and aiming at Marshall. Daniel jumped into action and Stanley took the hint and followed suit. There was no reason to hesitate, Daniel knew, because if it was not a bullet from the gun of one of these men, it would be a bullet from Marshall's for failing the test.

  Methodically and with a style of street fighting he had been taught to use while working undercover, he took down one man, disarming him, and then wielding the weapon to secure the second. Stanley had tackled the third, and had him pinned down in what Daniel worried was too similar to a police style of restraint. Either Marshall did not notice, or he did not care, because he was smiling.

  “Alright, then.” He nodded his approval. “Let them go, let them go.” He waved his hand lightly and Daniel reluctantly lowered the weapon he had taken from the first man. Stanley let go of the man he was restraining but stood ready to attack again if he needed to.

  “Come here.” He gestured to the man that Daniel had managed to disarm. Reluctantly the man approached the table. Marshall reached up and grasped the back of his neck, pulling his head down to his eye level, causing the man to be hunched over and off balance.

  “You let him take your gun?” He asked as he gazed intensely into the other man's eyes.

  The man nodded. “Yes sir.” He replied respectfully, though his voice wavered slightly.

  “If you work for me, no one takes your gun.” Marshall said sternly. He struck him sharply across the face, sending him tumbling to the floor.

  He nodded his head to Daniel.

  “Get him out of here.” He requested as he picked up his paper and began reading it again. His words were punctuated by the crunching of his toast.

>   Daniel grabbed the man by his hair and neck and propelled him through the kitchen and out the back door. He threw him hard against the brick wall of the alley behind the restaurant. The man groaned and crumpled to the ground. As Daniel watched him crawl away he knew that there would be a lot more violence to come.


  As the sun rose over a quiet city, the aftermath of an explosion in downtown, Corinne lay in her bed alone. Her mind was full of concern for both Cori and Daniel as she tried to decipher what to do next. When she finally climbed out of bed and threw on a robe, she could hear Lisa already in the kitchen.

  She was speaking in low tones so as not to wake Corinne. Corinne recognized the other voice as belonging to Aaron.

  Slowly she descended the stairs, wondering what she was going to walk into. Aaron looked up at her as she entered the kitchen, and his expression was more passive than she had seen it in a long time.

  “Stanley called Lisa last night, said something about he and Daniel going on assignment.”

  He watched Corinne's expression as if expecting her to crumble right before him.

  “Yes.” Corinne replied as she poured herself a cup of coffee. “I didn't realize Stanley was part of it too.”

  Lisa nodded with a frown. “He said he couldn't tell me much, but that he would be gone for a while.”

  Corinne winced at that. She had hoped it would be a short absence. Apparently Stanley was not familiar with how secretive undercover work needed to be.

  “Don't worry,” Corinne said comfortingly. “If Daniel is with him, he will be fine.” She sat down at the kitchen table as if she was perfectly fine.

  “Aren't you upset?” Aaron asked as he sat down across from him.

  Corinne lifted one blonde brow at her brother and shrugged. “Of course I am. But there's nothing that I can do. Just like there's nothing I can do about Cori.”

  When she mentioned Cori Aaron was reminded of what Lisa had told him. “Is it true that Conner helped you yesterday?”


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