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The Life of Anna, Part 5: Emerged

Page 14

by Marissa Honeycutt

  “Oh, Aaron don’t. I’ll get in trouble.”

  He grunted. “Fine. So, go pick something out to wear, get showered and all that good stuff you girls do and have fun tonight.”

  “I don’t know if I have anything that would qualify as hot. I’m a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl now.”

  He laughed. “Oh, Cam will love to take you shopping. Okay. I’m going to call him. He’ll be there soon.”


  “Love you. Have fun tonight.”

  He hung up before she could protest again and then she smiled. Okay, maybe going out sounded like fun.

  Ten minutes later Cam was knocking on the door. He lived in their building, which is how he and Aaron met. It was weird to think about Aaron in a relationship with a guy, but he was happy and that’s what mattered.

  “Oh, honey, I’m so glad you’re all better!” Cameron exclaimed as Anna opened the door. “You look fabulous!” His flamboyance was an endearing quality. “Okay. Get your purse. We’re going shopping!”

  Chapter Fifteen

  “I can’t wear this, Cameron! I’m half naked!” Anna stared at herself in the mirror. The white micro-mini skirt was so micro it barely covered her ass. Her pink lace top was held together between her breasts with a single tie. She could see her nipples through the sheer lace. Granted when she was acting as Elder-Mistress, she wore a sheer white dress that showed everything, but that was different

  Cameron laughed. “You’ll have more clothes on than most of the women there. Haven’t you ever been to a club?”

  “I...well, a few times back home.”

  “And what did you wear?”

  “I dunno. A skirt and sweater or something.”

  “God, girl, how did you get laid?”

  “I had a boyfriend.”

  Cameron rolled his eyes. “You have the body most women would die for and men will want to touch. You should show it off.”

  “But...I’m not good with men. I mean,” she added seeing Cameron’s doubtful face. “...I don’t know how to say no to them.”

  “Just say ‘no’ and back away. The place we’re going to has good security and if they see you in trouble, they’ll rescue you.”

  She pleaded with Cameron with her eyes. “I don’t think I can do this.”

  “Yes, you can. Stop worrying so much and relax. Or I’ll get you so drunk you won't remember the evening and wake up with a hunk in your bed.”

  Anna rolled her eyes. One thing nice about being who she was, she didn’t have to worry about getting “knocked up” or getting any sort of STD. The Elders had immunizations for all those things. Too bad they didn’t share them with the rest of the world.


  “Omigod, did you hear about the condo that was just sold down the street?” Cameron asked as they walked into Anna’s apartment.

  Anna didn’t pay much attention to the gossip of the city. The women of the company talked endlessly about the celebrities and rich men from the gala, but Anna was never really interested in gossip. She supposed she just didn’t know enough about the normal world to understand it. “No.”

  “Well, it was the most expensive condo in the city and he, yes it’s a he, paid cash for it. Was okay’d by the building’s approval board and everything, even though he’s a foreigner.” Cameron wiggled his eyebrows. “He’s supposed to be incredibly hot. Don't you read the paper?”

  “Cameron, I’ve been sick for three weeks.”

  “He just moved in Sunday. It was the front page of the gossip rags.” He put his hand up in the air, emphasizing each word. “Handsome, rich, unmarried European buys billion dollar condo!” Then he giggled.

  Anna rolled her eyes. “New fodder for the other dancers.”

  “Maybe he’ll be out tonight. Maybe he’ll see you and sweep you off your feet.”

  “If he’s European, my father-in-law will probably know him and if word gets back to him, I will be in so much trouble. Cam, please remember that I’m supposed to keep my private stuff private.”

  “What happens in a New York club, stays in a New York club.” He grinned.


  Several hours later, Anna had passed Cameron’s dress screening and they were in a taxi on their way to the club. Cameron apparently knew the bouncers and when they exited the taxi they bypassed the line and went right in.

  “I’ll make sure you get a good guy, Katrina,” Cameron shouted over the music as he took her hand. They sat down at a table near the dance floor. “What do you want to drink?”

  “I don’t know,” she shouted with a grin. “Surprise me.”

  Cameron winked and sauntered away towards the bar.

  She looked around nervously. It was a classy place, decorated in dark woods with lighter accents. The music was loud and people ground themselves against each other on the dance floor, but it wasn’t like the clubs she’d been to in California. The men were dressed nicely, although the women wore clothing that made Anna feel overdressed, even with her breasts practically exposed.

  A man approached her and asked her to dance. She hadn’t had a drink and wasn’t ready to move yet. She shook her head and offered him an apologetic smile. He asked a second time, but she shook her head again and he walked away.

  Cameron returned a few minutes later with shots and martinis. He handed her one of the shot glasses. “For bravery,” he shouted

  Anna laughed. They clinked their glasses and she poured the alcohol down her throat. “Oh, God that burns!” she said, wiping her mouth and coughing, but within a few minutes she could feel herself relaxing. She sipped her martini as she watched people dance.

  “Oh! I almost forgot to tell you!” Cameron said excitedly. “He’s here!”

  “Who’s here?”

  “The mystery man. The one who bought the condo!”

  Anna found herself looking around for a handsome European. “Where?”

  Cameron motioned over to a curtained archway. “There. He’s watching!” His eyes sparkled as he said it, making Anna laugh.

  “Can he not dance?” she asked, gazing at the sheer red fabric that only allowed a slight glimpse of several silhouettes.

  Cameron shrugged. “Maybe he’s just getting the lay of the town.”

  Another man approached her a while later. He looked Italian, with thick black wavy hair and dark eyes. Anna glanced at Cameron who grinned and nodded and Anna took the Italian’s hand, letting him escort her the few steps it took to get to the dance floor.

  He pulled her close, putting his hands on her lower back and swayed with the music. “I’m Rob,” he shouted close to her ear. She felt his warm breath on her ear and she shivered. She hadn’t been held this close to a man in a really long time. Ballet rehearsals didn’t count.

  “Katrina,” she shouted back.

  He gave her a boyish smile. “Very glad to meet you.”

  “Likewise.” She grinned back.

  The floor was crowded and even if she’d wanted to, there was no room to back away. He pushed his thigh between her legs and she gasped softly. God, she hadn’t been touched in ages and was feeling it. She looked at him, trying to decide if he would be worth fucking and gave him a seductive smile as she put her arms around his neck. Yes, he would do nicely. But when his hand slipped down and his fingers started caressing the skin at the top of her thighs, she pulled away.

  She shook her head. “No. I’m sorry. I can’t.” She turned to walk away and the man tried to pull her back. She felt her heart pound with anger as she turned and gave him a warning look and he released her, wide-eyed, and hurried away.

  She sank back into her seat next to Cameron.

  “What happened?” he asked, holding out her martini to her.

  She took it and took a big gulp, then coughed as it burned her throat. “I just...can’t, I don’t know. It felt wrong.”

  “That’s okay, darling. There are plenty of fish in the sea.”

  Anna danced with several other men, all of whom seeme
d nice enough and definitely handsome enough to pique her interest, but the moment they started making moves on her, she escaped. Maybe she was nervous about being caught. Maybe she just felt guilty. Whatever the reason, she was beginning to accept that she wouldn’t be getting any tonight.

  Cameron, on the other hand, was having a fabulous time, flirting and talking with old friends. There was an eclectic mix of people in this place, which made it very interesting for people-watching, though if Anna sat for too long, Cameron went and found someone for her to dance with.

  She had just sat down after turning another guy down when a man in a suit walked along the side of the room in her direction. He looked like he had just stepped out of GQ. His perfectly cut and styled light brown hair perfectly matched the obviously expensive suit that perfectly fit his broad shoulders. Anna stared at him as he confidently approached their table and stopped in front of Anna. Even Cameron stopped and stared.

  “Hello, my name is Simon,” he said with a slight accent that she couldn’t quite pinpoint. “May I sit?” he asked politely. He didn’t appear to be coming on to her. In fact, he looked like he was coming to discuss business with her.

  Anna nodded and scooted over to give him room to sit down, curious about his presence. She smiled and extended her hand. “I’m—”

  “Katrina. Yes, I know.” He shook her hand and then released it. All business. Okay....

  Anna blinked nervously. “H-how can I help you...Simon, is it?”

  “Yes.” He smiled, showing perfectly even white teeth. He glanced around and then returned his gaze to Anna. He didn’t look down her shirt or at her legs, which Anna thought very odd for someone in a club. “I will get straight to the point, if you don’t mind.”

  “Okay....” Strange way to approach a woman.

  “To put it succinctly, my employer is new in town and when you walked into the building, you caught his attention....” A smile reached his eyes as he paused. “ say the least. Your friend here mentioned that you were, how shall we put it delicately, looking for companionship for the evening?”

  “Cameron!” she exclaimed, hitting his arm.

  “Ouch!” He winced and pouted jokingly. “I was just trying to help.”

  “Is it true?”

  Anna bit her lip. After dancing with all those men, her libido was very active. She was almost to the point she would fuck the next guy who walked up to her, if only to get some semblance of release. “Y-yes, I suppose it’s true.” She winced, anticipating his reaction, but he merely nodded as if checking something off his mental list.

  “My employer is also desiring companionship tonight, although because of circumstances beyond his control, his need for anonymity overrides his ability to approach you himself.”

  Anna frowned. Anonymity? “He wants me to have sex with him without knowing who he is?” She felt like she should be indignant, but she couldn’t muster the energy. “How is that possible?”

  “You would be blindfolded and he would remain silent.” Simon looked straight into her eyes. “I assure you, complete discretion is assured. Your reputation would be unharmed, unlike if you were to openly leave with a man you met here.”

  “Why do you think I would worry about my reputation?”

  Simon looked down at her hand. “That is a very beautiful ring. Not something purchased at the local jewelry store.”

  She bit her lip again. An anonymous encounter. She felt her body responding at the thought. “How do I know I’d be safe?”

  The man smiled as if she asked the right question. “Although his name remains hidden, he is quickly becoming well known in the city. He is the ‘mystery European’ that the gossip papers have been writing about.”

  “Ooh, Katrina!” Cameron exclaimed. “You should go! And that whole privacy thing will be taken care of too.”

  “Privacy thing?” Simon asked.

  “My fiancé told me he didn’t care what I did, as long as I kept it private.” She looked at her hands and blinked rapidly. Crying would make her look foolish and ruin her makeup. Besides, she had come to the conclusion that Kurt didn’t deserve her tears.

  But that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt to think about.

  Simon smiled. “Then perhaps this is the perfect situation for both you and my employer. If you two...get along well, then there may be more opportunities in the future. Physical needs can be demanding, yes?”

  Anna laughed, almost in relief. “You have no idea.”

  “Then you are willing to meet with him?”

  She glanced at Cameron who was nodding emphatically.

  “Okay,” she said timidly.

  “Good.” Cameron smiled broadly as Simon continued. “There will be a limousine outside waiting for you in fifteen minutes. It will take you to the hotel and I will be waiting for you in the lobby. I will give you further instructions at that time.” He stood and took her hand. “I will see you soon.” He kissed the back of her hand and strolled away in that confident manner of his.

  Anna glanced back at Cameron, eyes wide. “What did I just get myself into?”

  Cameron giggled. “Hopefully a night of great sex.”


  The next fifteen minutes were filled with such conflicting thoughts, Anna had half talked herself out of going by the end of the wait. If Cameron hadn’t been there, she would have chickened out. But the man promised discretion. That’s what she needed to protect herself. If something happened to her...well, she’d been through worse things. If she wound up dead.... Well, again, she’d been through worse things. If it was terrible sex...she had her vibrator at home. She wouldn’t be any worse off than now. And she could smile at the fact that the “mystery European” had chosen her, without her even trying to seduce him.

  When it was time to go, Cameron practically shoved her out the door with a huge grin on his face. “Aaron will be so pleased!” he said, clapping his hands. “Enjoy yourself, darling.”

  She gave him the dirtiest look she could muster before walking out the door. As she stood at the top of the stairs, a man in a black suit and tie approached her. “Miss Katrina?” he asked politely.

  Anna nodded.

  The man smiled and motioned to a limousine behind him. “If you are ready....”

  She nodded again and slipped into the back of the long vehicle, nerves churning at a million miles an hour. The limo started a few minutes later and Anna pushed the button to lower the partition between sections of the car. “Where are you taking me?” she asked, trying to sound braver than she felt.

  “The Library Hotel, Miss.”

  “There’s a Library Hotel?” she exclaimed. “Really?”

  “Yes, Miss.”

  “Is it...part of the library?”

  “No, Miss. It’s a block away from the library. The theme of the hotel is the library. The floors and rooms are decorated based on the Dewey Decimal System.”

  “Wow.” She thought for a moment. “Do you know why he picked this particular place?”

  “No, Miss.”

  Anna stared out the window. A psychopath wouldn’t choose a library-themed hotel, would he? He had to be cultured to even consider a place like that...right? Anna couldn’t imagine a more romantic rendezvous, even if he hadn’t planned it that way. She resolved to just enjoy herself. The old Kurt might have done something like this, but not anymore. She still hadn’t heard from him and that stung.

  A while later, the limo pulled up in front of a tall narrow building at the corner of 41st street and Madison. The entrance was a gothic marble archway with library-type windows around it that glowed yellow from interior lights. When she stepped inside, she felt like she had, indeed, walked into a library. The walls were paneled in dark wood and shelves of books surrounded her.

  A few people gave her strange looks as she walked in and she crossed her arms over her chest and blushed, remembering what she was wearing. She looked like a prostitute. And she would have to go home like this tomorrow.

  Oh, th
is was not a good idea. She turned to leave when Simon appeared at her arm. “Miss Katrina. I’m so glad you came. Right this way.”

  Anna flushed again but allowed Simon to guide her to the bank of elevators. She couldn't help but stare at the room. “It’s beautiful.” She glanced sideways at him. “How did...he...choose this place?”

  Simon grinned. “He had a feeling you might like something...unusual.” He pushed the call button for the elevator.

  “Does he have a name?” she asked as they stepped into the wood-paneled elevator.

  “All people have names,” Simon answered with a smile. “You may call him Mr. J.” He pushed the button for the eighth floor.

  “Mr. J?”

  “Anonymity, Katrina.”

  “Oh. Right.” Mr. J? What did the J stand for? Jones? Johnson? Jerk? Anna smiled to herself at the last one. Unlikely, though one could never tell. “Have you worked for him long?”

  “I have known him for more than half my life.”

  “Is he a good man?”

  Simon smiled. “One of the best I have ever known.”

  Tears burned unexpectedly. Alex had been referred to as that many times. Oh, she missed him.

  The elevator doors slid open silently and she followed Simon down the hall. “Eighth floor...eight hundred,” Anna murmured to herself. “Literature.”

  “Smart girl.” He stopped at the end of the hallway.

  “Mystery.” Anna read the plaque next to the door and then grinned. “I love it.”

  “He will be pleased to know you approve.” Simon produced a black silk scrap of fabric from his pocket. “You will wear this the entire time you are with him. If you take it off, I will be forced to contact your fiancé and tell him of your escapades.”

  Anna gasped.

  “I have no wish to do this, Katrina. But you must realize how serious he is about staying hidden.”

  “Okay,” she said nervously. Maybe this was a bad idea. “You know who my fiancé is?”

  “You are fairly well known in this town. It’s not hard to find out information.”


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