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Three Men and a Woman_Liberty

Page 18

by Rachel Billings

  “Well,” she hedged, “I’m not sure I like you.”

  “You like me,” he said. He stopped whatever denial she might have made with his lips.

  Well, she said again, only silently, because—lips.

  This was…different. A different scent and taste, a different feel.

  But it was the same, too. That Harper sex-power, that zero-to-sixty, all-in, irresistible seduction.

  She didn’t like him very much, though, did she? She hadn’t thought it, but there it was…her fingers creeping up to hold his wrists where his hands were so commandingly holding her. Her breasts tightening, her nether parts surging, heating…dampening.

  She didn’t like him so much, but she knew she’d been watching. Looking at—appreciating—his broad shoulders and the bulge of muscles visible under his T-shirts. The long contours of his legs, the way his shorts draped over his ass—and front, too. The strength and competence of his big hands. His basic healthiness, his vitality, his determination—all of which combined to conquer injuries that would have laid nearly any other man low.

  Like, apparently, he’d been watching. Looking. Appreciating.

  Liberty truly couldn’t help the way her mouth opened to him. She needed a breath or…something…and there he was—inside her, his tongue learning every bit of her. She couldn’t help the way her body tensed and arched, pressing her breasts more into his chest, wriggling her hips to offer a soft nest for the nuzzling of his cock.

  He needed a breath, too, apparently. He lifted up, air huffing roughly in and out, as he looked at her. “You want this.”

  “I never said that.”

  “You’re not saying no.”

  Yes, she was. She opened her mouth to say that very thing. Nothing came out, though, but an unsteady whimper.

  “Your body wants it. Look,” he said. He hooked his fingers into the waistband of her pants and pulled it open so he could shove his other hand in. Down. Shove two fingers between her legs. Inside. Then he tugged her top, too, revealing one breast. “Your nipple is tight, and I haven’t even touched you.” Though he did touch her then, his thumb and finger rolling her nipple, turning it like a dial. “Your cunt is wet.” He wiggled his fingers inside her to demonstrate.

  Ry dropped his head, breathing hot and hard into the crook of her neck. She felt it as he opened his mouth, drew her in, and left his mark. “You’re not saying no, Lib.”


  That stopped him—stopped him sucking a bruise onto her, stopped the torture to her nipple. It didn’t stop his fingers inside her, though. He was still stroking into her, like it was involuntary, instinctive…compulsive.

  “Tell me what that means.”


  He huffed out a breath—part laugh, maybe, part frustration. He looked at her, those honey-brown eyes inquisitive. Something he saw in her must have reassured, because he put his thumb and fingers back on her nipple. “You’re not denying this feels good.”

  “No,” she said, and she could see the shimmer in his eyes.

  “You’re not telling me to stop.”


  He watched her, still not all the way certain. But he had enough confidence that he took his fingers out of her. He used them to tug down the other side of her top, so both tits were bare, framed. He bent enough to take one nipple into his mouth, sucking hard and hot. He held her there while he used both hands to peel her bottoms down, slip them off her legs and past her feet. To shove his shorts down to free his cock. To grab behind her thighs, lift her, open her. Shove into her.

  He still had her tit in his mouth. He had her pressed back against the refrigerator.

  Had her filled.

  “No,” she said, and this time she meant it. He was recovering, but he was still hurt. “You can’t do this. You’re not…strong enough.”

  “Oh, yes, I can. Yes, I am.” He raised his head to kiss her again, quickly, roughly. He pulled out of her once and thrust back in. She felt the shudder that ran through him. Felt his hot breath at her neck. “Say yes, babe. Say yes, Lib.”

  He fucked her again.

  “Oh, God.”

  Again. “Say yes.”


  Her legs had wrapped around his waist. His hands were gripping her ass, holding her so he could plunder. “Fucking say yes, baby.”

  “Yes.” She started, and then she couldn’t stop. “Yes, yes, yes!”

  He held her, fingers clutching her ass, mouth nipping at hers, at her neck, at her shoulder. Chest flattening her tits, brushing hard against the nipples.

  Cock, big, forceful, thrusting deep and hard. Taking every bit of her, stretching her, setting her clit ablaze.

  “Yes! Orion!”

  “Baby,” he grunted. He fucked her hard, until they were both groaning. Until they were both spasming. Coming. Crying out with it. Cursing—oh, God, again, and fuck, fuck, fuck! Each other’s names. Shivering.

  Finally, slowly, they came down. Liberty felt his unsteadiness as he lowered her, felt him slump over as she got her feet under her. She held him then, every bit as much as he held her.

  “You shouldn’t have done that,” she said. “We should have been on a bed.”

  “Yeah. Good,” he said, still panting. “Good thought. Let’s go.”

  * * * *

  She’d been right, Orion thought, with that last no. That one that meant he had no business fucking her or anyone else up against the fridge. Not with the state his body was in. Not the way his strength was so depleted.

  But, good God. What man could resist? Not even one half-dead.

  He hurt, now, though.

  To an embarrassing extent, he leaned on her as she led him to her bed.

  He loved that bed. He loved those two hours of the afternoons when he collapsed there, in the space of time between his rehab sessions, where he worked his ass off five days a week.

  The very first day, while Lib was at work, he’d tried to take a rest in one of those ridiculous bunks. He’d drugged himself with painkillers enough the nights before that he’d managed some sleep. But he had another session of rehab ahead of him that day, and he wanted to be awake for that, alert. So, after he’d tossed and turned and found not one single comfortable spot, he’d limped in to her bed.

  Which was nothing but comfort. Big. Soft. Lib-scented.

  By his second day there, after he’d wallowed around in her bed, in her fragrance, for an hour or so, he’d learned that she-bitch bear really hadn’t taken his balls. And that fantasizing about the pretty woman whose bed he was in made for damn fine jacking off.

  The many previous days and nights, it hadn’t been easy to close his eyes without flashes of pain and terror jerking him into panting, sweating wakefulness. Falling asleep with his dick satisfied and visions of Liberty Clark in his head worked, though. Worked pretty damn good.

  He talked by phone with one or the other of his brothers most every day. Tag had been blunt about his end game. “You know what I want with Lib,” he’d said. “I know it will work. Give it a fucking chance.”

  Keegan was gentler. “I don’t know,” that one had said. “Maybe Tag’s crazy, maybe not. All I can say is, he’s in love with her, and I am, too, and she seems to have enough love in her for both of us. I’m not saying no to it. I can’t.”

  Orion thought they were both nuts, and Lib, too, probably. But there was this problem now—she gave him sweet dreams, and he couldn’t deny that had been a hell of a fuck.

  He liked her. She’d opened her place to him, been kind and decent and more than reasonably patient while he’d spent three weeks being pissy. The first one because he hurt and was traumatized, too. And the second two because he was getting increasingly frustrated with the boner he had for her. Jacking off in her bed wasn’t solving the problem.

  He’d had more than enough when she swished her ass into the kitchen earlier—that so very fine ass in those yoga pants that were almost indecent, like there ought to be a law. And, yea
h, his body really wasn’t up to shoving a woman up against the nearest surface and fucking the hell out of her, but that was what had happened.

  More was going to happen, too.

  He didn’t think he was going to regret a bit of it, and they all could work the details out later.

  “Lie down,” Lib said when they’d gotten to her bed. She was naked except for that little top that he’d tugged at strategically. He figured that deal had one job, which was to cover her tits, and it wasn’t doing its job one damn little bit.

  They were fantastic tits.

  So he stood facing her, ignoring her instruction, pretending he didn’t have to work pretty hard to keep from swaying. He reached for her top and gave it a tug. “Off,” he said.

  “No,” she answered, slapping his hand away. “You need to rest.”

  “We’re not done.”

  “Lie down, Orion.”

  He watched her lips and liked the way she said his name. He figured he’d probably like the way she said anything, because…those lips. “If you lie down with me. Naked.” He reached behind and pulled his own tee over his head, but he stood looking at her until she grumbled a sigh and worked the top off over her head. Her bra went with it.

  There was a certain majesty in the way tits that size thrust up like they’d never heard of gravity. Not one thing fake about them, either.

  “Lie down,” she said again, stern enough to grab his attention.

  He turned his eyes to hers, then shoved his shorts and briefs down and left them on the floor when he went to pretty much the middle of her bed.

  Her gaze traveled over his body, not spending nearly enough time, he thought, at his dick—which was thrust up again and kind of wagging for attention.

  He knew what she was looking at, instead. Fresh, angry scars. Bruises turned yellow now.

  When she met his gaze again, he had to steel himself against the pity he saw there. “I’m fine.”

  “I’m sorry you were hurt like that.”

  “Sorry enough to be on top this round?”

  One corner of her mouth quirked, but there was chastisement in her eyes now. “Is that a ploy for sympathy?”

  “If it works,” he offered.

  Maybe she was reluctant about it, but she came onto her knees, straddling him, her center right at the base of his cock, warm and wet.

  “Quite a little bit.”

  She looked up at him. “Hmm?”

  “How much I like you. Quite a little bit.”

  Smiling, she leaned down to kiss him. He liked the way she had the strength to hold herself over him. Maybe it was the yoga. Maybe they’d get to some…upward facing dog.

  She kissed him and then took those sweet lips down his body. She found some excellent places to stop along the way, but she made it clear where she was headed.

  On his way to the bed, Orion hadn’t exactly stopped to wash up, like some women he’d known were pretty insistent about. He had his hand on her head when she’d stopped teasing and finally—finally—ran her tongue along his length. “You know where that’s been?”

  Her lips were right there, and he could feel the smile. “I do,” she said. “I was there. Your point?”

  He’d kind of gotten stuck on those first two words. She’d said them like, well, all he could think of was…practice. But, like he said…lips right there, and so— “Nothing,” he answered. “Just…checking.” Don’t mind me.

  The girl could suck cock. She could swallow cock.

  She could swallow cum.

  About all he did was lie there, and, still, it was a hell of a ride.

  “Jesus,” he said when it was over. That was a while, because she knew what she was doing, taking him up to the edge and letting him hover. Then taking him to a higher edge. Until, finally, his head exploded along with his cum. “Jesus, sweetheart.”

  She’d burrowed down into his chest, and he ran his fingers through that gorgeous hair. He barely had the strength to do even that, but he was the man, so…

  “Come up here,” he told her. He bunched a pillow up behind his head. “Straddle my shoulders. Bring your pussy to my mouth.”

  “No,” she said, stroking her hands very nicely over his chest. “Rest.”

  “Not till…after. I need to make sure you’re happy.”

  “I’m happy,” she said.

  “Not happy enough. But, take your time,” he told her. “I’ll wait. Right here. Awake.”

  It was a bluff, and she probably knew it. If she kept stroking him like that, he’d be asleep in a minute. But she lifted her head to peek, and he shot his eyes wide open, and she sighed.

  But then she got up on her knees and came over him so her thighs were at his ears and her pussy was right where he wanted it. And that was a hell of a view, with her tits there above him, her rich brown hair a teasing curtain over them so just the undersides were visible and the nipples where they poked through.

  Watching her eyes, he lifted one hand to take hold of a nipple. He slid the other around her ass and found a favorite spot to stick his middle finger into. She squirmed a little, but he didn’t think it was an objection.

  “Put your hands around my head,” he instructed. “Come up against me. You control the pressure.”

  It was a pretty good deal. He sucked her while she fucked herself against him.

  She had what sounded like a damn fine orgasm.

  He was asleep before she was back down in his arms, but he knew she got there.

  Chapter Sixteen

  It was dark when Orion woke. He and Liberty had forgotten about dinner, but it wasn’t hunger that woke him, or movement from the woman in his arms.

  It was the opening and closing of her front door. And the tread of boots through her house—boots in one case, crutches in another.

  Then it was the flicking on of that goofy fairy tree in her bedroom.

  He sighed and then kissed Lib’s forehead and wished he’d thought to lock the door. He didn’t mind fucking the girl—he really didn’t mind that—but he didn’t know if he was up for what his brother seemed to want.

  It looked like he was about to find out, though.

  Because Tag’s eyes took in the scene—Lib in Orion’s arms still sleeping, the sheet only partially covering their naked bodies—then made his intentions clear by stripping off his shirt. Behind him, Keeg leaned his crutches in the doorway and did the same thing.

  “About damn time,” Tag murmured. That was what Orion thought he heard, anyway. Keeg answered with a grunt.

  Jesus. Were they nuts?

  But Lib didn’t seem to think so. Tag put a knee on the bed and leaned in to kiss her awake. He appeared to be bothered not at all by the fact that his thigh was up against Orion’s hip, or that his wrist where he braced himself brushed along Orion’s shoulder.

  “Hey, sweetheart.”

  Liberty opened her eyes, raised her head, and, between kisses, murmured Tag’s name. And then Keegan’s. “You’re here.”

  “Yeah, baby.”

  Here and horny, Orion thought, because Tag was going straight for Lib’s tit. Which was still pressed against Orion’s chest, so there was a little contact over that, as well.

  But Tag pulled her closer, and Orion got a view of some pretty passionate fondling and kissing. Maybe his head thought they were all crazy, but his dick was damned enthusiastic about the deal.

  And maybe it was all distinctly distracting because, before Ry knew it, Keegan had crept onto the bed behind Lib and had his arms around her, too. Had her turning for his kiss, even while Tag kept playing with her tits.

  Keeg wore nothing but his cast.

  Jesus H.

  Keeg was telling her he loved her, and she was saying it back. He was also sliding the sheet down to clear a path for his fingers to find Lib’s pussy, so if anyone wanted to know whether Orion had a stiffy, all he had to do was look.

  It didn’t seem anyone cared.

  After a little bit, Orion didn’t, either. It was surpris
ingly hot to see his brothers make love to Lib. Surprisingly unconcerning, after the first few minutes of it, that their lovemaking resulted in quite a lot of brushing up against him.

  What was concerning, it turned out, was that all that lovemaking didn’t involve him. He made his objection known. “Lib,” he said. Then again, louder.

  She broke from Keeg’s kiss and turned.

  “Yes,” she said, and she leaned down to kiss him.

  What the hell. Orion accepted the kiss and knocked Tag’s hand away so he had his own access to her tit. Tag must have found something else to do with that hand, because she added an edgy moan to the kiss.

  She lifted to look at him, her breath rough and her eyes a little wild, and he had to figure that Tag was reaming her ass with his fingers. The way she looked at him, Orion nearly felt it himself. Like it was happening to him.

  “Turn over, babe,” Tag instructed her. “Lie down on top of Ry and take him up your ass. We’re going to triple-fuck you.”

  Holy fuck. Orion had never gone there with a woman. Had understood that most women didn’t much care for it, as appealing as it might have seemed to him. But Lib didn’t object, and he shut his trap, too, because she was fucking doing exactly what Tag had told her to do.

  Both Tag and Keegan gave her a hand, helping to lift and turn her. They settled her down—her ass on his lower belly, her back against his chest, and her head at his left shoulder. His cock stuck up like a flagpole, and she wiggled around a little to get things lined up.

  Tight as she was, she was slick, and Orion figured Tag must have lubed her up.

  Like jumping off the deep end, he held his breath as Libby wiggled further. Belatedly, he realized he had his hands free, so he lifted them, found her nipples, and took a good hold.

  * * * *

  Oh. God.

  Ry’s big, hard cock pushed into her, past her tight sphincter, stretching in that exquisite, breath-robbing way, and going deep. In that way that made her feel so taken, so much possessed. So owned.

  She was entirely aware that Tag and Keeg watched in blatant, male satisfaction. That watching their woman take it in the ass was supremely gratifying to them. That watching their brother do it, broody, reluctant Orion, filled them with pleasure.


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