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Ghost Box

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by Chris Moon

  About the Authors

  ©Roberto Marcantonio Photography

  Christopher Moon had his first paranormal experience at the age of seven. At the age of thirteen, he discovered his psychic ability, and thus began his life journey of researching and investigating the paranormal. He has become a fixture at various metaphysical and paranormal conventions around the United States and Canada.

  Paulette Moon has traveled the world with her son Chris since 2003, conducing paranormal investigations, classes and lectures, psychic galleries, private readings, and bringing the Moon Family Psychic Experience to colleges and universities. Paulette has been featured on many television networks including FOX and the ABC Family channel. She co-stars on the hit YouTube web series “The Ghost Box Chronicles” with her son Chris.

  Llewellyn Publications

  Woodbury, Minnesota

  Copyright Information

  Ghost Box: Voices from Spirits, ETs, Shadow People & Other Astral Beings © 2017 by Chris Moon and Paulette Moon.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any matter whatsoever, including Internet usage, without written permission from Llewellyn Publications, except in the form of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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  First e-book edition © 2017

  E-book ISBN: 9780738752945

  Cover design: Kevin R. Brown

  Interior photographs courtesy of the authors except photo on page 135, which is courtesy of Angela Scarpino

  Llewellyn Publications is an imprint of Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd.

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Names: Moon, Chris, author.

  Title: Ghost box : voices from spirits, ETs, shadow people & other astral

  beings / Chris Moon and Paulette Moon.

  Description: First Edition. | Woodbury : Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd., 2017.

  Identifiers: LCCN 2017027027 (print) | LCCN 2017014164 (ebook) | ISBN

  9780738752945 (ebook) | ISBN 9780738751054 (alk. paper)

  Subjects: LCSH: Parapsychology—Research.

  Classification: LCC BF1040.5 (print) | LCC BF1040.5 .M66 2017 (ebook) | DDC


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  Llewellyn Publications

  Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd.

  2143 Wooddale Drive

  Woodbury, MN 55125

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  This book is dedicated to the memory of our friend, the late great Frank Sumption. Frank was a creative genius who was dedicated to his craft. His research and contributions to the field of spirit communication revolutionized the profession.

  This book is a true recollection and account of ghostly or paranormal phenomena that my mom and I have experienced. We wrote the book together, but the stories are told from my perspective. This account represents, to the best of our ability, actual retellings of real events. Some of the names in the book have been changed for privacy.





  CHAPTER · ONE: Frank Sumption and Edison’s Telephone to the Dead

  CHAPTER · TWO: Sallie House

  CHAPTER · THREE: Spooky Childhood and Haunted Times

  CHAPTER · FOUR: Lizzie Borden House

  CHAPTER · FIVE: The Bereaved Mothers Club

  CHAPTER · SIX: ETs, Shadow People, and Other Strangeness

  CHAPTER · SEVEN: JFK and Jackie Kennedy at the Grassy Knoll

  CHAPTER · EIGHT: A Gangster, a President, and Other Ghouls in Illinois

  CHAPTER · NINE: Unsolved Murders at the Lumber Baron Inn

  CHAPTER · TEN: Private Ghost Box Readings, Gallery Readings, and College Tour Stories



  As I lay there in Mr. Borden’s room in the Lizzie Borden house, my eyes quickly adjusted to the dark and I could see streetlights shining in, illuminating small aspects of the corners of the room. I stared up at the ceiling in complete shock and disbelief at the rage- and profanity-filled exchange I’d had earlier that evening via Frank’s Box with the spirit of Lizzie Borden’s father, Andrew.

  After a while, fatigue took over and I tried to get comfortable in the bed. As I rolled over onto my left side, I clearly heard a man’s voice whisper: Don’t turn your back! Once I started breathing again, I tried to calm down, attempting to convince myself that it was my imagination. I thought about where I was, the site of a double axe-murder homicide—not to mention the disturbing, emotionally charged confrontation I’d had with Mr. Borden downstairs and in whose room I was now attempting to sleep. After a few minutes of lying there, I decided to attempt sleep again, this time on my right side. As I was drifting off, I felt a cold breath on my ear and heard a more emphatic warning: Don’t turn your back! I slept on my back that night.

  At some point during the night I woke to my own desperate gasps for air. Something tightened around my throat, cutting off my air supply—but when I reached out for whatever it was, there was nothing. Panicked, I sat up and started lashing out at the air around me, falling out of bed in my frantic attempt to breathe …

  Apparently Andrew Borden decided he was going to end the argument and the use of Frank’s Box once and for all.

  We don’t sleep at the Lizzie Borden House anymore.



  My wife and I own the Mason House Inn in Bentonsport, Iowa. The Mason House was built as a steamboat hotel in 1846, the same year Iowa became a state. It was built for Billy Robinson, who called it the Ashland House. In 1857, he sold the hotel to Lewis and Nancy Mason, who renamed it the Phoenix Hotel. During the Civil War, the hotel was used as a field hospital for wounded soldiers on each side, as well as an Underground Railroad site. The hotel remained in the Mason family until 1956, when the Redhead family purchased it and turned it into a bed and breakfast, which it remains to this day. The Redheads put the Inn on the National Historic Register as the Mason House Inn. In 1989, the Redheads sold the Inn to the McDermotts, who owned the Inn until my wife Joy and I bought it in 2001. In 2016, the Inn celebrated its 170th birthday!

  As soon as we moved in with our three children, we became aware of strange activity. We accepted the continuous sounds, movements, and tricks, but in order to try to understand them, Joy started a journal (Joy’s Journal) documenting our experiences as well as our guests’ experiences. This is now a three-volume set of books, with the fourth to soon follow.

  Every spring, we offer tours to schoolchildren studying the Civil War, pioneer days, and the Underground Railroad. Joy and I dress up like Nancy and Lewis Mason and try to bring t
he house to life for the school children. In May of 2004, during one of these tours, a teacher took a picture of her class in Room 6. When they looked at the picture back at school, they were surprised to see the apparition of a Civil War solder in uniform sitting behind the school class. Up until this time, we did not talk publicly about the spirits at the Inn. However, this photo went through the small community like wildfire. Children brought their parents to the front door wanting pictures with the Civil War soldier … we had to tell them it doesn’t work that way. Suddenly, we were on the map as a haunted hotel and our world quickly changed. For the next year, I looked at the photo and asked, “Who are you? Why are you here? Why did you show yourself?”

  In February 2005, we received a call from Christopher Moon. He had heard about us from one of our guests, who’d had an experience at the Inn and was from Denver, where Chris also lived. The guest suggested that Chris might be interested in coming to do an investigation of the Inn.

  We told Chris we already knew the Inn was haunted, that we did not want to go public with it, and we were not interested in him coming to do an investigation. We quickly learned that Chris is a very determined man. He called us every week for the next three months. (We learned later that Paulette told Chris to “quit calling those poor people.”)

  Finally, Chris said the magic words: “I can tell you who is there and why.” I immediately invited him for a visit, as I really wanted to know who the Civil War soldier was. So, in May 2005, we arranged for Chris to come and complete a two-day class and investigation. Chris planned to arrive Friday evening so he could do an initial investigation of the Inn. Unfortunately, due to car problems and getting lost, Chris and his father, Dennis, arrived at midnight. Having never seen a photo of Chris, we were a little taken aback when we met him at his car. Here was a long-haired individual with facial hair, standing next to his car. The first words out of his mouth were, “This place is humming.” We immediately welcomed them in.

  Chris and Dennis quickly pulled out all kinds of equipment and journeyed from room to room, from the basement to the third floor. Every place had strong readings, except for the formal parlor. We followed them around for three hours. Then Chris stated, “We now need to know who is here.” And with the help of his father, he pulled a huge white “CPU” looking box from his car and placed it in the bay window of the dining room. He turned the box on, and everyone could clearly hear the white noise, as if between radio stations. Chris then directed us to ask the questions we had on our minds. He would tell us what was being said as we went along. In a short period of time, we had talked to many spirits, including Billy Robinson, Markie (the Civil War soldier), and a girl (Amanda) who played tea parties with our eleven-year-old daughter. I was not able to hear the voices very well at first due to the hearing loss I’d suffered in the Air Force. Fortunately I heard more and more as the session continued. Most of what we had initially asked was from the historical research we had discovered about the Inn and town of Bentonsport, Iowa, and was on our Inn’s website.

  After a while, I looked at Joy and said we needed to ask questions about things we had not yet published. My initial thought was that Chris had a cohort somewhere in town on a ham radio and the box in front of us was another ham radio (I have a science background) and the answers were coming off our website. After asking some key questions and getting the correct answers, the box made quick believers of us. More than a year after this event, Joy and I told Chris about our ham radio theory and he was amazed. In return, he told us we were the third location in the world where the box was used. (I thought it had been used for years and that our Inn was just another site.)

  During the first year of investigations at the Inn, we turned on the Ghost Box after the class investigation was over. We sat in the dining room and held private discussions to help us gain more history of the Inn. Soon we discovered that class members wanted to hear this strange box and were more interested in this than the Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) that we did in class. So, we asked Chris to include the Ghost Box in every investigation, which he did. Chris and his family will start their twelfth year in 2016, with more than 1,300 individuals participating in the classes. Our spirits love Chris and want to share knowledge about their side. It is truly a lab for Chris and it is his most-visited site in the world. We consider Chris and his family part of our family, as we do the Inn’s spirits. Thanks to Chris, Paulette, Dennis, and their fabulous Ghost Box, we have a better understanding of the identity of the spirits of the Inn and why they are here.

  ~Chuck and Joy Hanson



  This is the story of my quest to uncover the mysteries of the spirit realm. I want to know all of the details of the unseen world: what it looks like, what it sounds like, who inhabits it, and what we need to do here to reach it once our physical bodies no longer serve us.

  I have been investigating and researching the astral realm for more than 35 years. My mom, Paulette, who is psychic, has been an invaluable partner in this endeavor. My dad, Dennis, is a skeptic, but he has been involved and helpful, in his own way, including being a partner of Haunted Times Magazine, the second periodical I published for many years.

  Once I started conducting paranormal investigations full time, my focus quickly became two-way spirit communication. I tried all sorts of techniques in an attempt to speak with the other side. But it wasn’t until I met Frank Sumption, the eccentric genius who invented the infamous Frank’s Box or Ghost Box (with a little help from engineers in the spirit realm) that I was able to really, truly communicate with spirits and other astral world inhabitants—including entities as diverse as ETs and Shadow People.

  Frank’s Box and Thomas Edison

  Frank’s Box is the completed version of Thomas Edison’s infamous Telephone to the Dead. The device was completed in 2002 by Frank Sumption, a shortwave radio and electronics buff. As far as I know, I was the first person to ever use Frank’s Box in an actual paranormal investigation. That was in 2003. The machine facilitates real-time, two-way communication with the spirit world and, as soon as my dad and I experienced it in action, we knew it would revolutionize the paranormal investigation field. The device requires mediumship ability on the part of the operator, not only to assist in translation but also to power the machine. The assistance of a Spirit Technician is also mandatory for safe communication.

  Spirit Technicians

  The idea of spirit technicians has fascinated me since I made first contact. It seems these individuals are from all corners of the universe. I believe Spirit Technicians are sometimes spirits that once lived on Earth in a physical body and sometimes—more often, actually—they are entities that did not exist on the earth plane or in any other physical reality. In my years of research, I found many of the Spirit Technicians were what you might consider extraterrestrial spirit entities. I believe that the ET techs are more common due to their access to infinite levels of intelligent existence.

  According to Thomas Edison via my communications with him, all of the individual beings that serve as Spirit Technicians were hand selected to work on this particular project and have been in place for some time. The Technician, not being a physical entity, has the ability to seek out and interact with specific spirits.

  It’s absolutely vital to work with a Spirit Technician when using the Ghost Box. The Spirit Technician is the gatekeeper who ensures not only that we are communicating with the specific spirits whom we’re attempting to reach, but also makes certain that any negative energy is held at bay. I’ve had many experiences throughout the years in which dark entities have attempted to trick me into thinking that I was communicating with the spirit in need, when in fact I was being duped by a dark energy. I’ve learned to always listen to my Technicians as they tell me they “see things from the top of the mountain that I couldn’t possibly see from where I stand.” Many times the Technicians have drained the batteries in the device
to stop these communications when I insisted on pushing forward. In one particular case, they actually physically flipped the device‘s power switch to the off position, effectively ending the contact.

  Role of the Spirit Technician

  The role of the Spirit Technician is a varied one. In the majority of my communications with Spirit Technicians, they’ve mainly been facilitators. I am aware there are different levels to the team that Mr. Edison assembled and I’m sure that I haven’t communicated with all of them.

  When I turn on the Ghost Box, the first thing I say is “Technicians, assist.” I then ask for the name of the specific technician who will be assisting for that particular session. Once I have verified the name of the technician, I wait for a very specific sound to come through the speakers behind their announcement. This is my confirmation that the tech helping from the spirit side is a technician who works in the light. After that verification has been made, then—and only then—I will proceed with the session.

  When I’m doing a private session for an individual, I ask my client to state their full name out loud and allow the technician to identify their energy. I wait for confirmation from the spirit tech that they have properly identified the physical person with whom I’m working. Once we have completed the introduction process, I ask my client for the full name of the person they are attempting to communicate with on the other side. I wait for the technician to let me know that they’ve identified the energy of the spirit with whom my client wants to communicate. A few technicians have told me that it’s like identifying DNA when attempting to seek out a specific spirit on their side. When the technician acknowledges that we’ve reached the spirit sought, I encourage my client to say a simple hello and wait for a verbal response. It’s usually only a matter of moments before we hear the voice of the client’s loved one come through the speakers of the Ghost Box.


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