Ghost Box
Page 15
As they set up the GoPro cameras and night vision video camera, I announced I was going to do something a little different. I had brought four different versions of the Ghost Box and my plan was to turn them all on at the same time. I pulled out each unique device and set them in different locations in the Valentine Suite, along with a digital voice recorder over each. I planned to use my Frank’s Box as the main unit while sitting on the Jacuzzi. I set the Andre’s Echo Box on the piece of furniture where the door had flown open several times before. I set a newer Andre’s Box, which was much smaller, black, and handheld, on the bed near the spot where the girls’ bodies were found. I then set what Frank called “Sarah’s Box” (he built it for my daughter Sarah, complete with a pink carrying case) on the other side of the Jacuzzi. I could sense the unease and tension in everyone in the room and I have to admit I wasn’t sure what was going to happen either. I was uncertain how I would provide energy to all the devices in the room and be able to interpret messages coming through. I hoped the Spirit Technicians understood what I was attempting to do and offer the most assistance they had ever provided—but I couldn’t be sure.
Once we agreed to start, Jerrica and Kristin turned on all the digital voice recorders on the Ghost Boxes as well as the machines themselves. As always, I rubbed my fingers together to ground myself and I said to myself, “I hope you know what you’re doing!” I finally flipped the silver power switch on Frank’s Box and slowly turned up the volume. As always, I asked for Technicians to assist and tried to quickly explain to them what my plan was. It was interesting to hear that some Technicians seemed genuinely surprised by what I was attempting to pull off. Once contact with the Spirit Technicians was established, I spoke directly to the spirit girls and told them that we wanted to solve this case once and for all and to give as much specific information as they possibly could. I then told them should the alleged killer’s spirit or any demonic forces attempt to block them on one device, to jump to another Ghost Box in the room and answer there. I started the questioning and once again the alleged killer’s spirit and demonic entities attempted to hijack the session. It was extremely chaotic with all of the voices coming through the different Ghost Boxes, as each one of us asked for specific information about the crime. I heard the majority of answers come through Frank’s Box as it sat on my lap, but was also hearing varying replies throughout the room. At one point, Kristin felt like she was being attacked by something and she experienced extreme pain. She asked if it was the demonic entities that were causing it and was given the clear answer “yes.”
I don’t know if the negative energies in the room were mocking me or if they believed what they were saying, but several times they commented that “Chris is a priest.”
In hindsight, I believe the negative entities knew we planned on doing a full clearing and saging immediately following this unique Ghost Box session. There were so many voices coming through the four different devices that I knew I would only be able to get distinct answers from the recordings after we finished. At the end of the session, I told Cara Lee and Marianne I loved them, to which they clearly responded, “Yay!”
I also told the alleged killer’s spirit and demonic entities we were going to remove them from the property and they would never be allowed back. I ended the session and Jerrica and Kristin raced around the room to shut off each device as well as the recorders. We didn’t spend time tearing down the equipment as we knew time was of the essence.
We raced downstairs to meet Elaine and told her it was time to do the clearing. Things quickly came together even though we hadn’t discussed beforehand how we would perform this cleansing. I’ve always found it best to let the words come to me instead of reciting a rehearsed speech. I set the cross I purchased that day on the piece of furniture where the door flung itself open several times. I called out to all the entities inside the house to hear me and I dedicated the cross to Marianne and Cara Lee. I announced to all of the dark entities that had gathered in the location that they were to leave immediately and that they weren’t welcome anymore.
Our team lit the white sage and Elaine lit the sweet grass before we purified every square inch of the Lumber Baron Inn. As we walked through a location, I said whatever came to me such as, “With this sage we purify this location. All negative entities must leave and never return. You are not welcome here. We forgive your trespasses and send you through to the light.” Once we made a full circle and ended up back in the Valentine Suite, I reiterated everything I had said throughout the house. After extinguishing the sage and sweet grass, I placed sea salt around every entrance going into or out of the house, stating as I did, “I place this salt so no negative entities may enter this location ever again. So let it be done.”
When we returned to the Valentine Suite to pack up, Elaine joined us and we continued to discuss everything that had happened. As we started to discuss Cara Lee and Marianne and where their spirits might be, a powerful feeling of calm, peace, and love filled the room. Elaine began to cry, and without hesitation, Dina embraced her. Without discussion, we knew both girls were free and could come and go as they pleased. It was an amazing feeling.
Speaking to Elaine and Joel in the days and weeks following the investigation and clearing, they reported the energy in the house as absolutely amazing. They said they haven’t experienced anything negative and we were proud to have a hand in that. The cross statue remains in the Valentine Suite to this very day. After celebrating for a few days, we knew we needed to go through all of the evidence we had collected, including all of the Ghost Box EVP sessions. The idea of using the four different Ghost Boxes at the same time seemed ingenious and did work, but the downside was I had to go through four separate sessions at more than thirty minutes each. Kristin was responsible for going through the camera footage and audio of the Ghost Boxes and that appeared to be a huge task in itself.
As I started going through my sessions, I was floored at how the girls followed my instructions. If a negative entity attempted to stop them from speaking through one device, they immediately jumped to another and got the message out. It was incredible to hear and feel how empowered they were! They refused to be silenced.
Unfortunately, one thing that was clear was that the alleged killer and demonic forces refused to be silenced either. All of the important details of the crime came through the Ghost Box recordings either forward or, quite often, backward. Sometimes the information came through the recording forward and when I reversed it, there would be an entirely different message backward. It was time-consuming, but I knew I had to pull out every single voice from the Ghost Box EVP. Because this was taking such a long time, I was only able to get through a few minutes of the recordings each day. Some of the darker messages were so troubling I had to completely escape my office for long periods of time after listening to them.
Everyone on our team was starting to experience some negativity. Kristin’s car began to have the same issue of not starting for no apparent reason. Jerrica’s bad dreams had become chronic and were causing severe issues in her life due to lack of sleep. Dina and I experienced extremely bad luck, nightmares, and other strange phenomena inside our house. It was becoming quite the chore to go through the Ghost Box EVP recordings every day with all the negativity around us.
On my third day of working on the clips, I heard a message that shook me to the core. While I was telling the demonic entities they were going to leave the Lumber Baron Inn forever, one of them replied, “We’re going to fight. Satan is coming to your house, Chris!” I’ve been threatened by entities before, but the voice that came through my headphones that day was legitimate. I knew the dark energy had followed all of us from the Lumber Baron Inn. More strange activity began to happen at our house right after that.
A fire alarm just outside of our bedroom door went off at 3:00 am the next morning. We changed the battery and thought it solved the problem, but the alarm continued going off at random time
s for a week. The next day our dog Buddha became extremely ill and threw up all over our new carpet in our bedroom and on the stairs. Strange smells of sulfur appeared just before the fire alarm would chirp again. The following morning, our small dog Bon became ill and threw up in our bed and on the carpet as well.
I knew what needed to be done. I made the decision the following night to do a full-blown cleansing of our home.
After making the decision, Dina and I watched TV on our couch downstairs. Dina dozed off and I was immersed in a show when suddenly something pounded three times on the wall beside us. Dina sat straight up and I turned my head to see what it was. Once again, we heard three loud knocks but this time they came from the opposite wall. I started to put my feet on the floor when we heard the final knocks upstairs. I looked at Dina and could tell she was extremely frightened. I stood up and ran upstairs to call out whatever entity was in the house, knowing full well what it really was. There was no response and I soon returned to the couch.
That night, again right around 3:00 am, the fire alarm chirped and had to be reset again. While reviewing Ghost Box EVP the next day, I heard an interesting message come through the headphones, but didn’t understand what it meant. It was a male voice saying, “I helped Buddha. You’re running out of time!” I immediately thought of Buddha in the spiritual sense but wasn’t putting two and two together. That night, Kristin made the connection for me.
After listening to the EVP, she said, “Don’t you get it? It’s talking about Buddha, your dog … when he pulled you down prior to the investigation. It’s telling you he was trying to stop you from coming!” It was at that moment I realized how serious the situation was.
I was determined to review all of the Ghost Box EVP from the Lumber Baron Inn as quickly and accurately as possible. I knew every time I played the voices through the speakers on the computer or through the headphones, the dark energy around us got stronger.
When I finished going through the last clip, I threw down my headphones and said out loud, “That’s it! You’re out of here!” Dina and I burned our white sage and went through every square inch of our house clearing all dark negative energy. The effect was immediate and things have been much more peaceful since.
Unfortunately, speaking to my mom that same day, she said she was having terrible luck and energy inside of her house. I made it a point to go down the next day and do a full-blown clearing of her house as well. She reports that things are much better for her after the clearing as well. Our team is now in the process of organizing all the evidence collected from the Lumber Baron Inn Ghost Box murder investigation. We believe we have definitive evidence that can solve this seventy-six-year-old crime. We plan to contact someone within the cold case division of the Denver Police Department in hopes they might be open-minded enough to take this Ghost Box evidence seriously.
A psychic’s testimony isn’t admissible in court. I highly doubt evidence obtained through a Ghost Box would be either. But maybe, just maybe, the voices of the victims will lead investigators to the truth.
Private Ghost Box Readings,
Gallery Readings,
and College Tour Stories
It took me quite a while to come to terms with being a psychic medium. The stigma associated with it made me want to keep my abilities to myself or at least limited to a close circle of family and friends. Being a paranormal investigator, it was an unwritten rule to never admit you had any sort of psychic ability. If you let it slip during an investigation that you were picking up strange feelings or some sort of psychic impression, you were immediately labeled “woo-woo.” I was well aware I would never be taken seriously if I were to reveal my gifts. So when I started using the Ghost Box to do private readings and gallery readings, I still had a subconscious hesitation.
When I conducted the sessions, I found myself questioning some of the words and statements that came through the speaker of the device because they didn’t make immediate sense to me. I found myself censoring the information coming through and attempting to relay only what I deemed to be relevant information. While the readings were still accurate, not all of the imparted information was making its way to the client. I still remember my Spirit Technicians scolding me and telling me it was extremely important I reveal the messages just as they were.
I’m an Aries and extremely hardheaded. It took me a long time to start following this advice. Once I gave in and conveyed everything I heard coming through, the communication became much smoother for me. Different phrases and words elicited responses from my clients that I never could have imagined possible. As I relayed messages from family members who had passed away, I soon realized it was important to say things just as the spirit said them. Many times clients could hear their loved one’s voice, laughter, and other personality traits come directly through the speaker of the Ghost Box. Other times it would be up to me to fill in the gaps that the spirit wasn’t able to convey at that time, whether due to lack of energy or other factors.
I was once invited onto a nationally syndicated FM pop radio station morning show in Phoenix, Arizona. My grandfather had just passed away a few days earlier. The two of us were never very close or saw eye to eye on anything, so while I was sad, I felt it was important I fulfill the obligation to go on the show. When they brought me on air, it was the typical scenario for any comedy morning show, bombarding me with crude jokes and making fun of me until I cracked. I’d been in this situation dozens of times before, and had yet to give in to the scenario. They were two thirty-something DJs who seemed stocked up on caffeine when I arrived. It didn’t take long for the ridiculous jokes to start and I tried to play along to the best of my ability without looking like a fool. A few minutes in, they realized they were unable to break me and told me they wanted to hear the Ghost Box live on air. They had a microphone over the top of the speaker of the Ghost Box so the audience could clearly hear what was coming through.
I made contact with my Spirit Technician and told him what we were going to do. Then the DJ said, “Yeah, I want to talk to my dad.”
I asked, “What is your father’s name?”
He replied, clearly trying to make me look like an idiot, “Why do you need to know that? Aren’t you the psychic?”
I immediately responded, “We need to identify his energy and bring him through. What is his name?” The DJ eventually asked for his father by name and several seconds passed before we heard a faint voice come through the machine. He got a strange look on his face—I think he heard his father’s voice reply, “I’m here.”
The DJ jumped on this, trying to set up the punch line and make me look like a fool. With a smirk on his face he said, “My father used to have a nickname that everybody called him. If this is really you, what was that nickname?” He turned to the other DJ and said, “There is no way he’ll ever get this.”
I listened intently through white noise and static as well as several bits and fragments of radio that were pushing through the speakers of the box. As I was listening, I heard the DJ say, “Oh come on, I just heard our broadcast come through there!” He began to laugh with his partner. It was obvious he had no idea how this machine worked and was ready to poke holes in anything just to make a joke. I attempted to focus and continued to listen for his father to reveal the nickname. I kept hearing a specific voice coming through the speakers over and over again with one word, but I didn’t want to say it.
I reluctantly admitted, “Okay, I’m hearing something but I don’t think it could be right.”
The DJ replied, “Yeah? What did you hear? Just say it!”
Finally, after prodding me several times, I snapped. I turned to him and said, “Pickles. He keeps saying the word pickles!”
The DJ froze. The sarcastic smile disappeared. His whole demeanor and body language changed within a matter of seconds. Realizing this meant something to him, I asked
, “Does that mean anything to you?”
After stumbling on his words for a few seconds, he finally said, “Peckles. His nickname was Peckles.” Tears began to well up in his eyes. After collecting himself, he said, “I need a minute” and left the booth. I realized if I hadn’t relayed the word I heard, even though it was just a little bit off, he never would have had the confirmation he needed. That was a huge lesson.
The other DJ took over the show and was still determined to make a joke out of what I did. He attempted to communicate with his grandfather and armed with my newfound lesson of relaying things just as I’d heard them, I was able to connect them as well. He got a message about a truck he’d inherited and was working on. That was enough confirmation for him to know he truly connected with his grandfather. It was extremely emotional and I soon realized that there was no one talking but me on the air. One DJ had left and the other stood near his microphone but couldn’t find any words.
The Box still spit out words from spirits who wanted to get their message across and I interpreted to an audience around the nation who couldn’t respond. A few minutes in I heard a familiar voice come through the machine. “Christopher?”
I immediately knew it was my grandfather. I’ve never used the Ghost Box to communicate with my deceased family and friends. People have asked me why and I guess the easiest answer is that I just don’t have a desire. I also think it would be extremely selfish of me to use it for personal communication. There are very few occasions when one of my loved ones comes through to pass along a message to me if they feel I’m in danger, but it’s extremely rare and quickly passes.