The River Valley Series

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The River Valley Series Page 95

by Tess Thompson

  This poor girl. We have to get this monster behind bars. He must pay for what he’s done.

  “He threatened to kill my brother and my mother if I told anyone. Then, he took a wad of cash out of his pants pocket and threw it on the table and said, ‘Buy yourself some new panties. Don’t bother coming back tomorrow. I’ll tell everyone you quit.’ I can still see his face when he said it—all red and blotchy.”

  Gennie murmured how sorry she was. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

  “When you went public, I knew I had to do it too. There’s power in numbers.”

  “I agree. How many years ago did this happen?” Gennie asked.

  “Five. My statute of limitations hasn’t run out yet.”

  “Do you have an attorney?” I’ll pay whatever for it if she needs one.

  “Yes, we’re announcing it in a press conference this afternoon,” said Beverly. “I’m formally pressing charges.”

  “What about your family? Are they safe? What about you?”

  “I have to take the risk. It’s time to take back my life. I’ve let him ruin it. I’m afraid all the time. Any time a man wants to get close, I freak out. I’ve accepted that I’ll never feel normal again, but I will no longer let him win. Even if he kills me, I’m telling the truth.”

  “Please be safe.”

  “My attorney’s going to petition for police protection.” There was silence on the other end of the phone for a second or two, before she spoke again. “What you did yesterday was one of the bravest things I’ve ever seen. Thank you.”

  After they hung up, Gennie wept tears of regret. If only I had come out sooner, I could have saved Beverly.

  A few minutes later, she called the next number. Susan Roma was sixteen when she came by his house one afternoon to visit his daughter.

  “Murphy said Kate wasn’t there, but that she’d return soon. Did I want to wait for her? I thought nothing of it. Friends’ dads were always inviting us inside to wait. He then asked if I wanted to see his office. He was a senator, and I thought how cool it would be to see where he worked. When we got to his office, he offered me a piece of chocolate from a box on his desk, which I gladly took. Then, he asked me if I wanted a drink, which shocked me. I said no, that my mother didn’t allow me to drink. He poured a whiskey for himself, downed it, then shut the door—they were double doors with solid metal handles—and pulled a key from his pocket and locked the door. An old-fashioned key. I remember exactly what it looked like. He put the key in his pocket. That’s when I noticed how his pants were tented. He pushed me to the floor.” She hesitated. “You know the rest.”

  “Yes, I do.” Gennie walked to the window and looked over to the main house. Sarah and Alder were sitting on the porch swing, drinking something from mugs. Sarah laughed at something he said, her cheeks pink from either cold or exercise. “Did he threaten you if you told anyone?”

  “He told me he would kill my parents and my little sister if I ever said a word to anyone. I went to private school with his daughter, which was torture for me, thinking he might show up at school at any moment. I was there on a scholarship. My family was poor, but I begged my mother to let me go back to public school. I made up some story about mean girls bullying me.”

  “I’m sorry, Susan.”

  “Other than my husband I’ve never told anyone that I was raped, let alone by whom. I felt like it was my fault.”

  “I felt the same way,” Gennie said.

  “When I heard your interview last night, I thought if Genevieve Banks can do it, I can do it. I’m an attorney. I often represent rape victims. Not too hard to figure out why I chose that for a profession, right?”

  “Right,” Gennie said. She helps others because she couldn’t help herself. “I’m assuming, with your contacts, you have a good attorney?”

  “Yes. Liz Teeny has agreed to represent me.”

  “I’ve seen her on the news.” Liz Teeny was a shark disguised in a designer suit who had represented victims in several high-profile rape trials. Recently, she’d secured a guilty verdict against a college basketball player accused of raping a young woman at a fraternity party. Liz Teeny was tiny in stature and name, but not in personality. Deceptively cute, like a fuzzy, small animal that could tear a person apart limb by limb, she appeared unafraid of anything or anyone.

  Susan continued, “She’s a killer, and she understands how frightened I am of Murphy because she’s dealt with his kind before.”

  “And gotten guilty verdicts.”

  “Exactly. We’re going public this afternoon, hoping to add momentum to what you started. We both believe there are many more victims. Liz would love to talk to you if you have time today.”

  “Yes, absolutely.” Before they hung up, Susan gave her Liz’s phone number. It was a Los Angeles area code. Figures she lives in Los Angeles. No shortage of work for a shark in tinsel town.

  Liz’s secretary put her through right away. She wasted no time with pleasantries. “Ms. Banks, would you tell me the details of the day it happened?” asked Liz. “I know it’s hard, but it will help Susan’s case if I know his modus operandi.”

  Taking a deep breath, she told Liz every detail she could remember, keeping it factual and managing not to cry. She ended with the roses and the phone call after the interview.

  “My God. This guy’s a monster. He sends Susan chocolates every year. Do you have good representation?”

  “Yes. Grant Perry’s an old friend of Stefan’s. He’s done this kind of thing before.”

  “Right. Sure. I know Grant. Good attorney.” Had Liz’s tone become softer, more feminine at the mention of Grant’s name? Do they have a history? She made a mental note to ask Stefan about it. “Have Grant call me, if you would? I’d like to compare notes. Talk strategy.”

  She agreed and encouraged Liz to call her anytime if she had further questions.

  “We’re doing a press conference in an hour, so I need to go,” said Liz. “I’ll be in touch.”

  When Stefan returned thirty minutes later, his hair was damp from his workout. “You won’t believe what’s happened.” She told him about the phone calls with all three women.

  When she finished, he paced in front of the window. “Jesus, this guy should be shot, but not before a little torture.” He wiped his face with the towel around his neck. “I swear to God, I would kill him with my bare hands if I could.”

  Their conversation was interrupted when Gennie’s cell phone rang again. “It’s Grant.”

  Grant didn’t bother with hello. “We got him. Court ordered him to take the paternity test today. We’ll get the results no later than tomorrow.”

  “That’s great news. Thank you.” She filled him in on the other women.

  “Holy shit. That means there are more. If Liz Teeny’s involved, this could get interesting,” Grant said.

  “She knew who you were. Do you know her personally?” Gennie asked.

  “Yeah, kinda.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means we used to have a thing. Back in law school. It didn’t end well,” Grant said. “Mostly because I was an ass.”

  “Are you able to work with her?” Gennie asked.

  “Heck yeah. We’re professionals.”

  “I wondered why she sounded weird when I said your name.”

  “She probably still has the hots for me.”

  She chuckled. “Yeah, I don’t think that was it. Anyway, she wants you to call her to talk strategy.”

  “What time’s the news conference?” he asked.

  “In about an hour from now.”

  “Okay, I’ll check in with you later.”

  After promising to say hello to Stefan for him, she hung up the phone. “Did you know about Grant and Liz?” she asked.

  Stefan nodded. “Those two were the biggest disaster known to mankind. Epic fail on Grant’s part. He was way too immature to handle a relationship and cheated on her with one of my actress friends. This was forever
ago, before any of us had anything even remotely close to success, but I swear Grant still regrets it to this day. She’s his one that got away.”

  “Wait? Isn’t Grant married?”

  Stefan shuddered. “To the meanest woman ever born.”

  Gennie laughed. “She can’t be the meanest.”

  “She is. I’m not kidding. The worst.” He came toward her, smelling of sweat and aftershave. A shot of desire roared through her. She wanted to touch him, to press her body against him. What is happening to me? Her body was awakening after a long slumber. What did it mean for her and Stefan? Can I be normal? Don’t jinx it by overthinking. Be in the moment.

  Stefan was looking at her with a bemused expression. “What’re you thinking in that little head of yours?”

  “I was thinking about you. About kissing you.”

  “Why didn’t you say so?” He approached her, leaning close and giving her a quick peck on the mouth. “I have to shower. I’m too disgusting to even be in the same room with you.” He waggled a finger at her. “However, I’m happy to oblige with a longer kiss when I no longer smell like a locker room.”

  She watched him walk into the bathroom. Could his butt be any tighter? Her phone buzzed again. It was Tommy. Had something happened? “Hey, Tommy.”

  “Gennie, I have a bad feeling about this bodyguard guy. He seems nervous. Sweating profusely. I think they may have gotten to him.”

  “Crap. Okay. What do we do?”

  “I’ll go with her,” he said.

  “But what about your family?”

  “Lee will be all right for a day or two. She has Ellen to help. I’ll fly with your mom and not let her out of my sight. They still have seats available in first class so I can sit next to her. Can you have Blair book me a room in the hotel?”

  “Yes, sure. And I’ll pay for the flight. How do we get rid of the other guy?”

  “I’ll tell him you changed your mind.”

  “I’ll have Blair call the agency and tell them I wasn’t feeling secure sending her off with a stranger. That will send a message to Murphy if you’re right.” What about the hotel? Did Murphy know where they were staying? “I’ll have Blair book you guys in a different hotel. He knows where you’re staying. Crap, what about the retired officer I hired?”

  “Cancel him. I’ll guard her myself. We can’t trust anyone but our inner circle from now on.”

  “Yeah, okay.”

  “Book rooms that are adjoining. I don’t want your mom alone at night. I’ll touch base when we land. It’ll be around two a.m. New York time. Don’t worry. I’ll stay next to her every moment.”

  The shower shut off just as the press conference was scheduled to begin. Gennie settled on the bed to watch, searching the covers for the remote. Neither of them had bothered to make the bed that morning. They’d been spoiled in a hotel for too long. On Stefan’s side of the bed, the sheets and blankets were tangled. The remote was probably stuck in one of the folds. She patted the blanket searching for it as Stefan came out of the bathroom, wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. Her breath caught at the sight of him. When they filmed a love scene for the movie, he’d been without his shirt, but she’d been so nervous she hadn’t fully absorbed how muscular his shoulders and chest were. Six-pack abs. Her eyes traveled lower to the muscles above the towel line. Heat surged through her. Look away. Pretend you don’t notice how hot he is. “Your side of the bed is so messy I can’t find the remote.”

  “That’s because it’s on the bedside table.” He pulled a pair of jeans and a shirt from the closet. “And look, I even hung my clothes.” Too bad he feels the need to dress. He can run around naked for all I care.

  “Progress.” She laughed as she grabbed the remote. As she searched the channels, Stefan disappeared into the bathroom, coming out minutes later wearing faded jeans and a long t-shirt. His hair, wet and uncombed, pointed every which way in divine dishevelment.

  He plopped onto the bed, pulling on thick socks, and leaned over to peck her cheek.

  Liz and Susan were in a conference room with at least a dozen microphones on the table in front of them. Susan, slim, with long auburn hair and a striking face, stared into the camera with a look of steely reserve. Liz was in front of the row of microphones, obviously quite comfortable before the cameras. With a heart-shaped face and enormous brown eyes, accentuated by flawless makeup and chestnut-brown hair styled in a layered, chin-length bob, she was as slick and pretty as a Hollywood starlet. “She looks more like a model than an attorney,” Gennie said.

  “She’s tiny and adorable. I could fit her in my pocket,” Stefan said.

  In his pocket? Why would he want to put her in his pocket? She looked over at him. Is he interested in Liz? His face was impassive, revealing nothing. I’m ridiculous. He’s allowed to think other women are pretty. Focus on what’s happening on television, not petty jealousy. She couldn’t stop herself. The question bubbled out of her. “Did you date her?”

  “What? No. We were friends. She only had eyes for Grant, trust me.” Smiling, he reached for her hand. “But I like that you’re jealous.”

  She pulled her hand away. “I’m not jealous.”

  “Whatever you say.” He scooted closer to her and kissed her neck. Why did he have to smell so good all the time?

  “You think way too much of yourself,” she said.

  Laughing, he tugged on the collar of her sweater. “That’s what my mother always says.”

  “Shush now. It’s starting.” This time she reached for his hand. He held it in his lap as the press conference started.

  Liz thanked the reporters for joining, then began to speak. “Nineteen years ago, my client, Susan Roma, was raped by Rick Murphy. She was sixteen at the time. His then-teenage daughter, Kate Murphy, was her best friend at school.” She shared the account of that day piece by piece. “We will be suing him in a civil case for damages as well as pursuing criminal charges.”

  The reporters shouted questions. “We have nothing more at this time,” said Liz. “We’ll keep you informed as things develop.”

  The feed went to the newscaster, who said they would now be showing a live feed from the press conference of Beverly Tuttle. “Given the timing, we can only assume it’s further accusations against Rick Murphy,” the white-haired host said.

  The event was a similar setup to Susan’s. Beverly’s attorney spoke for her as well. “Six years ago, when she was twenty years old, Beverly Tuttle accepted an internship with Rick Murphy’s office.” She continued, giving a detailed accounting of the incident. “We are filing a civil suit against Mr. Murphy.”

  After it ended, the feed went back to the news desk. They’d added another commentator. “While this was happening, we were informed that two other women have come forward, announcing that they were also raped by Rick Murphy. They claim to have been raped in the mid-2000s while working in his office. Their attorneys have announced they will also file charges against Senator Murphy.”

  Two more. That’s five of us total. Strength in numbers. “We may actually get this guy. I can’t believe this is happening.”

  “You did this, baby. You,” Stefan said.

  “I couldn’t have done it without you by my side.” The doorbell rang.

  “I’ll get it.” She hopped from the bed to answer. “It’s probably Drake.”

  “I’m going to shave,” he said. “I’ll be right out.”

  Trix stood in the doorway with an ecstatic expression on her gaunt face. “Can you believe this? It’s the best news ever. Now he can’t possibly call you a liar and have anyone believe him.”

  Other women experiencing the trauma of rape isn’t exactly something to celebrate. Trix is Trix. Subtle points of humanity are lost on her.

  Trix held a paper cup between her leather-gloved hands. “I found decent coffee at that diner. They even had real cream, which is a plus.”

  Cream must be her only source of calories. The woman grew skinnier by the day. She’s startin
g to look like a cue ball on a toothpick. “Are you taking back what you said about River Valley yet?”

  Trix smiled and walked past her into the house, shedding her leather gloves. “It’s still Podunk, but I have to admit, people are super nice. It’s a little weird, if you want to know the truth. It’s like, what are they hiding behind all that ‘gee whiz, what can I do for you next?’ act.”

  “I don’t think it’s an act and no one here says gee whiz,” Gennie said.

  “It’s the essence, if not the actual words.” Trix set the coffee and gloves on the mantle above the fireplace. “I have to pee, though. Can I use your bathroom?”

  “You’ll have to use the one attached to the bedroom. It’s the only one.” Gennie gestured toward it. “But you have to wait a minute. Stefan’s in there shaving.”

  “I don’t mind,” Trix said, grinning.

  “Trix, really?”

  She stopped in front of the closed door of the bedroom. “I know you two are sleeping together. There’s no reason to pretend with me. I’m your manager, not your priest. But listen, if you two think you’re going to keep this a secret much longer, you’ve got another thing coming. TMZ will figure out where you guys are soon and then they’ll be all over this romance. You’re so hot right now. I’ll start the hashtag Steffi the minute it’s out.”

  “How would they? Unless someone leaks it?”

  “They find out things, Gennie. Don’t be naïve.”

  “They can’t find us here. Drake has this place wired like Fort Knox,” Gennie said.

  Stefan came out of the bedroom. He’d combed his hair and shaved. Her legs weakened at the sight of him.

  “Hey, Trix,” Stefan said, his voice cold.

  “Hello, Stefan. You’re looking delicious, as always.” Trix glanced at her phone. “Oh shit, this is insane. The news channels and social media are in a frenzy with this Murphy stuff.” She looked up at Gennie. “Why does Drake have this place locked up so tight anyway?”


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