The River Valley Series

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The River Valley Series Page 96

by Tess Thompson

  “I don’t know the details, but his first wife and child were murdered,” Gennie said.

  “That’s horrendous. No wonder he’s such a freak,” Trix said.

  “He’s not a freak,” Stefan said. “He’s a genius who invented some kind algorithm or something and made a billion dollars.”

  “Why is everyone super rich but me? Anyway, I really need to use your bathroom. I may be awhile. Coffee does things to my intestines.” With that, she disappeared into the bedroom, shutting the door behind her.

  “I really can’t stand that woman,” Stefan whispered.

  Gennie put her finger to her lips. “She’ll hear you.”

  “I couldn’t care less.” He reached for her, pulling her into his arms, and tucking her hair behind her ears. “You know what I do care about?”

  She smiled, tilting her head to the right and looking into his eyes. “Me?”

  “Bingo.” He kissed her.

  Trix interrupted them when she returned from the bathroom. “Okay, you two lovebirds. I have to run.”

  Stefan stepped away from Gennie, crossing his arms. “Trix, are you flying home anytime soon?”

  “Yes, I’m on a flight this evening. I’ll have to manage things from there. I can’t stand this cold. Terrible for my skin.”

  “I’ll miss you, but we’ll just have to, somehow, go on without you,” Stefan said. Even Trix could hear the sarcasm in that sentence.

  Chapter 11

  That night, after saying goodnight to their hosts and the kids, Gennie and Stefan grabbed a bottle of wine and went out to the guesthouse.

  Stefan shrugged out of his coat, then threw it on the couch. “Do you ever hang anything up?” she asked.

  “You sound like my mother.” He grabbed her in his arms, pulling her body against him. “Fortunately, I still think you’re sexy.”

  She grinned up at him. “Maybe I should nag you more often.”

  “You’re beautiful even when you nag.” He leaned down, capturing her bottom lip between his, and tightening his grip around her waist. She wrapped her arms around his neck, burying her fingers in his thick hair, and kissed him back, darting her tongue against his. His warm mouth tasted of red wine. “Stefan,” she whispered, pressing her aching nipples against his hard chest. She imagined him tossing her onto the bed, undressing her slowly, releasing her body from its frozen jail. “I don’t know what to do here.”

  He withdrew, looking into her eyes. “What do you want?”

  “I don’t know how to say it.” This was a lie. I know the words, but I can’t say them. I want you. To speak them out loud would sound ridiculous, like a scene from a melodrama. Regardless, it was the truth. Her skin ached for the touch of his calloused fingers. Every inch of her body craved the caresses of his hands, his mouth, his tongue. The deep need for his hard body stripped away all fear, leaving only desire. She closed her eyes, pressing her mouth to his strong neck where his rapid pulse beat a furious rhythm. “Stefan.” His name, a moan, stirred him.

  He tightened his grip, pressing his hips against her, his desire evident. “If you want me to stop, I will.” The tone of his voice, as rough as the edges of a serrated knife, made her shudder. “I might have to take a walk outside, though.”

  “I don’t want you to stop.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Please, Stefan. Don’t let me think.”

  He picked her up and kicked open the door to the bedroom, kissing her as they moved to the bed. After setting her down gently, he switched on the bedside lamp. She lay back against the pillows, her legs curled under her, watching him.

  He sat on the edge of the bed, wrapping one hand around her thigh. The spot between her legs twitched. Her pulse raced.

  “Gennie, I would rather die than hurt you, and I’m afraid. More afraid than I’ve ever been in my life.”

  She gazed at him, imbibing every inch of his beauty in the dim light. Shadows obscured his face, except for his eyes which glittered like a wild animal at the edge of a forest just before it ventured into the unknown territory of civilization. Her chest ached; his vulnerability was contagious. I love him so much it hurts. She reached for him, cupping his face in her hands, feeling naked and raw. “I’m afraid, too, but I’m ready to let go.”

  “What’s changed, Gennie?” He trailed his fingers along the length of her arm.

  “Everything.” She placed his hand over her heart. “Can you feel my heart pounding?”

  He smiled. “I feel it. The first time I ever met you my heart was pounding so hard I thought you could see it through my shirt. You smiled up at me with those shy eyes, and I thought you were the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. I had no idea what would happen between us, but I knew I would do anything to make you happy.”

  She remembered his tender, sensitive eyes had seemed to see into her soul. She hadn’t liked it, and yet she couldn’t turn from him. “You make me happy, Stefan. More than I’ve ever been.”

  “I want you to do this because you want to, not because you think it’s what I want,” he said.

  “This is for me. Rest assured, I’m thinking of my own needs right now, not yours.” She smiled, as a lone tear traveled down her cheek.

  He swept the tear away with his fingertip. “I’ll stop talking.”

  “Good idea.”

  He flipped off the lamp. The room went dark. As her eyes adjusted, Stefan went from a shadow to an outline. She scooted into the middle of the bed and turned on her side, feet together and her right cheek resting on a pillow. The bed vibrated as he joined her. On his side, inches from her, he traced her jawline with his fingers. “There’s no rush. I’ll go slowly, but you tell me the word, and I’ll stop.”

  She let him kiss her, then push her gently back on the bed, covering her with his body. The hard contours of his torso were glorious under her hands. He trailed kisses down her neck, then nibbled her ear. She sighed, arching toward his touch. He sat up and took off his shirt.

  She touched his chest with her fingertips. Not much hair. Hard muscles. She moved down, exploring his abdomen.

  He kissed the length of her arm before moving up to capture her bottom lip between his, then darted his tongue into her mouth. Her nipples ached for his touch. She arched her back, and he took the hint, sliding her shirt off before moving down her neck and chest until he reached her breasts. He caressed one breast over her bra. It wasn’t good enough. She wanted more. “Take my bra off.”

  With a quick snap of his fingers, he had it unfastened. She laughed. “You have done this before.” She held up her arms as he slid her bra from her. He made a groaning sound at the back of his throat, then moved down, flicking one nipple and then the other with his tongue, until she moaned. She tugged at the button on her jeans. “Get these off me.”

  “Let me,” he whispered. He unzipped her pants and then slid them over her hips, jerking at the end to pull them past her feet. Kissing her arches, he then moved up her legs, flicking with his tongue, until he reached the spot between her legs. She whimpered. He slid his fingers under her panties. She was wet and hot. “Don’t stop,” she said as he slid off her panties. “Don’t give me time to remember.”

  He scooted out of his pants, tossing them across the room, then got on top of her, his erection hot against her thigh. “Are you sure?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she murmured. “So sure.”

  He pushed inside her, gently. She gasped, but it didn’t hurt. “Just say stop if it gets to be too much.”

  She answered by grabbing him by the hips and pushing him deeper inside her, wrapping her legs around him. He moved in and out in a slow rhythm, hovering over her.

  She met his thrusts, the feeling growing more intense. He flicked his tongue against one nipple then the other. She cried out, arching her back as waves of pleasure overtook her.

  When the orgasm subsided, she loosened her grip and tried to catch her breath. Shuddering, he groaned and pushed deeper inside her as he climaxed. It took him a
moment afterward to roll off her, his breath coming fast. A second later, he took her in his arms, holding her against his chest.

  “You still okay?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she murmured.

  “Damn, that wasn’t bad for a first time.”

  “It’s been so long since I’ve let anyone even close to what happened there,” she said. “Moody tried, but it was a disaster. He stopped trying after a while.”

  “All these years? You’ve never been with anyone?” he asked, gently.


  “I’m sorry, baby.” He stroked her hair.

  “I didn’t know it could be this way.”

  “This is just the beginning. The longer we’re together, the more trust we’ll build.”

  “We have a lot to look forward to then,” she said.

  He kissed her forehead. “Yes, we do. Now, you must get some rest. Big day tomorrow.”

  She was already drifting off, relaxed in his embrace. “Goodnight, Stefan.”

  “Night, baby.”

  Around 2 a.m., she woke. Stefan, having moved to the far side of the bed while they slept, snored softly, no louder than a cat’s purr. She rolled onto her back and stared up at the ceiling, wide awake and cold. The room was icy, the comforter no match for the frigid weather and her nakedness. In all her adult years, she had never slept in the nude. There were so many firsts the past several days, most of them the result of Stefan. She turned on her side, attempting to make out his features in the darkness. He slept on his side, with the covers pulled over his head. She shivered and searched with her feet for Stefan’s warmth, but found only cold sheets. They might have to get a smaller bed. A king was not made for lovers, but old married couples tired of one another’s touch. It seemed impossible that she would ever tire of Stefan’s caresses or his warm, hard body. What will the years bring? There was no way to know. Whatever my future brings, it must contain Stefan. When she thought of life without him, it was like a fog she could not see through. In every aspiration, every imagined moment, he was there by her side. She had given herself to him in a way she never thought she could. There was no longer a choice of life without him.

  Sliding from the bed, she padded over to the bureau to find a pair of flannel pajamas, the area between her legs pleasantly sore. After she had slipped into her pajamas, she wrapped a throw blanket around her shoulders and went to the window, pulling up the shade. A three-quarter moon, high in the sky, nestled amid the stars. Perhaps it was time to forge a new life. What would it be like to live here? Could she have a normal, everyday existence? She could build a home down some country road that only the locals knew existed. There could be a pool on the property for Sarah and a guest house for her mother. She could do one movie a year for money and spend the rest of the time finding scripts that she cared about making. Or, maybe she would just give it all up and become a recluse here in Oregon. Bella’s company and all the other investments she had would continue to make money.

  She gazed at the front entrance of the big house. The porch light remained on, making the driveway and yard visible. Other than the plowed drive, several feet of snow remained. Benches and ceramic containers with shrubs framed the wide front doors. She was about to turn away when a movement at the far end of the driveway caught her attention. A pair of elk, male and female, walked daintily through the snow, despite their enormous girth. She held her breath as they approached the guest house. When they reached her window, they stopped. The male’s horns were wide and tall, the symbols of his strength and power. His female companion had a sweet face and gentle eyes, more like a deer, yet she was proud and strong.

  An image, as clear as a photograph in front of her eyes, appeared. Stefan, smiling gently, held a baby wearing a pink hat. Gennie, standing next to him, held the hand of a little boy. She blinked, and the image disappeared. Had she really seen it?

  She dropped the shade and turned around, letting her eyes adjust to the darkness before heading across the room and getting back into bed. Stefan turned over and wrapped his arm around her waist, snuggling her close. “You’re cold,” he mumbled. “Stay in bed.”


  He murmured something.

  “I saw elk.” she said.

  He kissed the top of her head. “I don’t think so. Drake said there are only deer and wolves on the property.”

  “I know what I saw.”

  “Okay, baby, whatever you say.”

  She closed her eyes and drifted to sleep.

  Chapter 12

  The next morning, Gennie woke to a text from Trix in all capital letters: TURN ON CNN.

  Rick Murphy, with his wife beside him, was holding a press conference. “I categorically deny all the allegations brought forth by these desperate women clearly vying for their fifteen minutes of fame. Unfortunately, the last few days have taken a toll on my family, and we’ve decided it is best to withdraw my candidacy for president.” He smiled, showing his perfect, white teeth. “I assure you, after all this is cleared up, we will revisit the idea.”

  A reporter stood up in the crowd. “Our sources tell us that you have indeed been proven to be the father of Sarah Bentley. Do you have a comment?”

  How did the press know about the results before they did? There were no secrets from the vultures. Good or bad, this was the world they lived in now.

  “Clearly something’s been rigged. I’m not the father of that unfortunate girl. I plan on orchestrating a full investigation to get to the bottom of this obvious conspiracy.” At that point, the campaign manager stepped forward and announced the end of the event.

  “We got him,” Stefan said.

  Yes, yes, yes. It’s happening. We’re going to win this fight. Now that it was public knowledge about the paternity, everyone would know that he was at the very least a statutory rapist. He would go to jail.

  The interview with Matt Lauer and her mother aired shortly thereafter. “Welcome to the show, Mrs. Banks.”

  “Thanks for having me.”

  “What a crazy time it’s been for your family. How’s your daughter holding up?”

  “These last few days have been hard on her. Although, it’s nothing compared to what she went through twenty years ago. Regardless, she’s determined to fight for justice. Rick Murphy has ruined too many lives.”

  Matt crossed his legs, displaying a sympathetic smile. “It must’ve been quite a shock to hear her accusations about Senator Murphy.”

  “It was. Thinking back, I realize that her behavior after her visit to the senator’s house was odd. For months afterward, she had trouble sleeping and would often come into my room at night and slip into bed with me. She’d never done that before. In hindsight, I realize her behavior was a result of the assault. I had no idea it was Senator Murphy until recently. She was afraid for our safety. All these years, and I had no idea.”

  “She’s a good actress,” Matt said.

  Her mother smiled. “Yes, she is. She’s also kind, which anyone who’s ever worked with her or for her knows. These people who’ve come out of the woodwork to spread lies about her are, simply put, liars. We believe Senator Murphy’s behind all of it, paying people to say bad things about her in the press.”

  “What evidence do you have?”

  “We don’t. I only know that Gennie was in fear for my life for twenty years because of that man. He’s dangerous and he’s rich. We all know what the Murphy family can accomplish when they want to hide something.”

  “Are you referring to the incident with Minnie Stevens?” Matt asked.

  “I am. And if Minnie Stevens’s murder could be covered up, there’s no telling what else this family has done.”

  “Is there any truth to the statements by your former boss about the lack of care your daughter received when she was young?” Matt asked.

  “Of course not. I worked for Harry for almost a decade. I was a dutiful and competent employee, never late for work and infrequently missing days. I am not, and never have been
, a drinker. My husband died when Genevieve was young, killed by a drunk driver. We both take drinking and driving extremely seriously since it robbed us of the husband and father we adored. If I’m guilty of anything, it’s that I worked full-time to support us in a job thirty miles from our home. They were long days, especially in the winter months, but my daughter was always well cared for. Nothing she did caused this to happen. Nothing I did caused this to happen. One man is responsible. Rick Murphy. And we’re going to make sure he goes to jail.” Her eyes shone with tears, but her voice remained steady.

  “Since your daughter came forward, four other women have filed charges. Do you think there are more?”

  “I believe there are. If any of them are listening, come forward. You are not alone. Gennie’s prepared to help in any way she can. You do not have to be afraid any longer.”

  Matt thanked her, and the broadcast went to commercial.

  “She did well,” Gennie said, picking up her phone to text her mom.

  “She did extremely well. Poised and calm,” Stefan said.

  Mom, you did great and looked very pretty.

  Her mother responded almost immediately. Thanks, honey. Tommy and I are going to breakfast now and then heading to the airport. We’ll be home by this afternoon. Love you.

  Love you back.

  She put down her phone and turned to give Stefan her full attention. “For the first time since it happened, I feel hope and some relief. It’s going to be a hard couple of months, but it’ll be worth it. I hope my mom feels better now, having said her piece.”

  “I hope so too. How about you? You good?” Stefan asked. He can’t hide the worry in his voice. Sweet, sweet man.

  She took his hand and brought it to her mouth. “I feel amazing. You are amazing.”

  He smiled and took her into his arms. “Say the word and we can do it again.”


  Just then, both their phones started buzzing with texts and calls. She grabbed hers from the bed. Stefan crossed the room to where his was charging on the dresser.


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