Lister, Joseph, 350–51
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, 437
Livy, 83, 95
Longstreet, James, 301
Lost Colony of Roanoke DNA project, 198
Louis VII, 122
Louis XVI, 275
Louisiana Purchase, 285, 286
Louisiana Territory, 191–92, 246–47, 251, 271, 273–74, 282, 286, 290
Lucius Verus, 95
Lydus, John, 110
Lysistrata (Aristophanes), 65, 69, 83
MacArthur, Douglas, 378, 382–83
Madagascar, 175–76
Madeira, 176, 221
Madison, Dolley, 293
Madison, James, 291, 294
Magellan, Ferdinand, 193
Magna Carta, 127, 155n
Magyars, 114–16
The Making of a Tropical Disease (Packard), 225–26, 399–400
malaria: and African slavery, 166, 168–69, 171–85; and American Civil War, 330; and American Revolution, 266; cerebral malaria, 26; and Columbian Exchange, 141–44, 146–48, 151–55, 158–63, 163n; and Crusades, 118–29; and diffusion of Christianity, 107; and early Middle East civilizations, 60; and English Fenlands, 213, 215–16; and European colonization of Americas, 188, 189, 191, 193–95, 197–99, 201–7, 210–11, 229–32; and evolutionary pressures, 17–18; and fertility rates, 70; and fetal development, 9; and fossilized mosquitoes, 15; and Greco-Persian Wars, 62–66; historical impact of, 21–22; knowlesi type, 25, 27, 35, 48; life-cycle of, 25–26; malariae type, 25, 48, 112, 225, 285; mosquito as vector, 21, 350–51; mythological associations, 48–50, 49; and naturopathic remedies, 37–38; ovale type, 25, 48; representation of malarial fever, 215; and Roman Empire, 85, 91, 92–95, 97–101, 108–18; and Scotland’s Darien scheme, 222; US presidents with, 255; variety of malarial parasites, 24–25; and wars of Alexander the Great, 72–76. See also falciparum malaria; vivax malaria
Malaria and Rome (Sallares), 87–88
Malaria Eradication Programme, 393–94, 399–400, 411
Malaria Project, 368, 375–76, 380, 381, 390
The Malaria Project (Masterson), 390
Malaria Research Institute, 424
Malaria Survey Units, 375, 380, 380
Malariology (Boyd), 302
malarone, 376
Malthus, Thomas, 20–21, 427
Mande people, 42, 54
Manifest Destiny, 156, 252, 274, 290, 292, 300, 303, 306, 344
Mann, Charles, 146, 155, 169, 182, 212–13, 220, 223, 318
Man’s Mastery of Malaria (Russell), 396
Manson, Patrick, 175, 351–52, 362
Mao Zedong, 39, 403, 405–6
Maori people, 156n, 171
Martel, Charles “The Hammer,” 113–14
Martinique, 222n, 241–43, 247
Marx, Karl, 3, 178
Mason-Dixon Line, 230–31, 298, 310, 339
“The Masque of Death” (Poe), 302–3
Masterson, Karen, 390, 412
Mayan civilization, 141, 143–44, 291
Mayaro virus, 22, 285
Mayor, Adrienne, 92
McCandless, Peter, 183, 259–60, 265–88
McClellan, George, 301, 312–15, 317, 320
McGuire, Robert, 178, 180
McKinley, William, 346, 349, 354, 356, 356–57
McLean, Wilmer, 311–12, 331, 336
McNeill, J. R.: on African slaves in the Americas, 169; on American imperialism, 364; on the American Revolution, 256; on British siege of Havana, 245; on Cuban independence, 354–55; on the Cuban Revolution, 348; on evolutionary impact of mosquitoes on humans, 3; on Haitian Revolution, 276–77; on historical impact of mosquito-borne disease, 21; on human influence of environment, 47; on legacy of Winfield Scott, 300–301; on Nelson’s Nicaragua fiasco, 262–63; on origins of American independence, 254; on Scotland’s Darien scheme, 224; on Siege of Yorktown, 268, 269–70; on wars of liberation in the Americas, 272; on zones of infection in the Americas, 229
McNeill, William H., 53, 102, 152, 173
McWilliams, James E., 150, 397
measles, 44, 95, 96, 147
Medicine and Victory (Harrison), 387
mefloquine, 376, 376n, 402, 440
Memphis yellow fever epidemic, 338–41
mercantilism, 141, 168n, 176, 178–79, 189, 224, 288–90, 346, 350
Mesopotamia, 45, 48, 95
Mexican American War, 292, 301, 306, 312
Mexican War of Independence, 299–300
miasmatic theory, 47, 66–67, 70, 92, 200, 216, 350, 353
microorganism theory of disease, 11–12, 350–51
Middle East, 60–61, 104, 368
Middleton, Richard, 253
Mississippi Company, 191
Moeller, Susan, 412
Mongols, 39, 77, 115, 130, 131–37, 139–40, 160, 171, 257n, 364
Monica, Saint, 98
Monroe, James, 345
Montcalm, Louis-Joseph de, 235, 243
More, Thomas, 155, 155n, 196
Morgan, Henry “Captain,” 220
Mosquirix, 424–25
Mosquito Coast, 143, 147, 195n, 221
Mosquito Empire (McNeill), 254
Mosquito Soldiers (Bell), 307
The Mosquito War (MacAlister), 417
Motte, Jacob, 297
Mount Vesusius, 94, 109
Muhammad, 41, 113
Müller, Paul Hermann, 374–75
mululuza shrub, 37–39
Mussolini, Benito, 92, 94, 373–74, 390n, 392
Mussolini Canal, 373, 386, 388
Napoleon Bonaparte, 88, 92, 235, 274–75, 281, 283, 285–87, 287n, 328–29, 347
Napoleonic Wars, 46, 271, 275, 288
Neanderthals, 158
Nei Ching (Yellow Emperor’s Canon of Medicine), 52
Nelson, Horatio, 262–63, 286, 288
Nergal, 48, 60
Netherlands, 55, 141, 174, 175, 261–62
New Caledonia, 221
New Carthage, 84
New Edinburgh, 221
New France, 190, 201
New Grenada, 288
New Orleans, Louisiana, 38, 190–92, 282, 286, 309–10, 341
New Spain, 152–53
Newfoundland, 146, 149, 195–97, 206, 247
Newton, Isaac, 425
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 400, 425
Nobel Prizes, 353, 353n, 359n, 360, 364, 372, 374, 405, 408
Norrie, Philip, 101
Norse people, 146, 149
North Africa, 36, 172, 383–84
Northern Ireland, 212, 216
Nott, Josiah, 303
Obama, Barack, 355, 433
Octavian, 78, 91–92
Office of Malaria Control in War Areas, 366, 393
Omidyar, Peter, 422
On the Origin of Species (Darwin), 37n, 435
Operation Cherry Blossoms at Night, 392
Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 433
Otto I, 115, 116, 117
Ottoman Empire, 97, 144, 171
ovale malaria, 25, 48
Packard, Randall, 226, 399–400, 411, 423–24
Pagans, 106, 108, 120
Paine, Thomas, 259, 265
Panama and Panama Canal, 143, 195, 220, 222n, 360–64, 363
Papua New Guinea, 156n, 377, 378
Pasteur, Louis, 47–48, 350–51, 351n
Paterson, William, 220–24, 361
PATH Malaria Vaccine Initiative, 424
Pathogens of War (Avery), 391
Paul of Tarsus, 98–99
Paulus, Friedrich, 86
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, 365, 366–67
Peloponnesian War, 59–60, 6
5, 67–69, 71, 79
Peninsula Campaign, 313–15
People’s Liberation Army, 403
Percy, George, 202
Pericles, 67–68
Persian Empire, 60–65, 72–73, 75, 79, 82, 113
Peru, 40, 153, 161, 163, 291, 353
Peter, Saint, 109
Peter Damian, Saint, 117
Petriello, David, 202, 210, 254, 269, 273, 293–94, 349–50
Pheidippides, 62–63
Philip II of France, 119, 123, 125
Philippines, 355–57, 356, 378
Philistine culture, 48
Phillip II of Macedon, 58–59, 71–72
Phoenicians, 83
Pilgrims, 227
piracy, 184, 186–87, 193–97, 211, 213, 217, 220, 357n, 444
Pitt, William, 252
Pizarro, Francisco, 153, 154
Plague of Athens, 68, 69
Plague of Galen, 95
Plague of Justinian, 101–2, 138
plantation agriculture and economy, 165, 171, 176, 189, 210–11, 218, 229. See also slaves and slavery
plasmodium falciparum sporozite vaccine (PfSPZ), 425
Plato, 57–58, 60, 65–67, 70–71, 79
Plymouth settlement and colony, 151, 183–84, 184n, 193, 200–201, 212, 225–27, 227n
Pocahontas (Mataoka), 185, 186–89, 199, 204, 208–9, 209n, 212–13
Poinar, George and Rebecca, 13, 15–16
Polk, James K., 299, 346
Polo, Marco, 39, 77, 135, 140
Pompey, 78, 91
Ponce de Leon, Juan, 151
Pontiac, Chief, 235–37, 250–53, 293
Pontiac’s Rebellion, 250–51, 338
Pontine Marshes, 111; and bioterrorism fears, 417; and Columbian Exchange, 162; as protection for Rome, 116–17, 119; and rise of Roman Catholicism, 110–11; and Roman Empire, 81–82, 87, 92–94, 98, 103, 106; and Second World War, 367, 373, 385, 388, 389, 392. See also Battle of Anzio
Portugal, 141, 173, 175–76
Powell, Nathaniel, 201
Powhatan Confederacy, 186–88, 199–200, 202–3, 206, 208–11
pregnancy, 9, 214–15, 425
Pregnancy Associated Malaria Vaccine (PAMVAC), 425
primaquine, 36, 403
Private Snafu (Geisel), 382
Proclamation Line, 251–52, 271, 291
Procopius, 102
Project 523, 39, 403–8, 407
Protestant Reformation, 155n, 227
Protestantism, 217, 219
Ptolemy XIII, 51n, 91
Publius Scipio (Africanus), 88
Puerto Rico, 180, 200
Pulitzer, Joseph, 349
Puritans, 151, 183–84, 205, 226–28
Pygmy people, 35, 42
Pythagoras, 36
quarantines, 15, 140, 310, 368
Quechua people, 40, 161
Queen Anne’s War, 183
quinine: and American Civil War, 311, 314, 317, 319, 321–24, 322, 326–30, 328, 330; and American imperialism, 345; and American Revolution, 255, 269; and British imperialism, 56; and cinchona cultivation, 173, 174; and Columbian Exchange, 160–64; and the countess of Chinchon, 163; discovery as malaria suppressant, 40; and English Civil War, 217, 219; and European colonialism in Africa, 176; and hereditary defenses to mosquito-borne disease, 36; and malaria research, 353; modern replacements for, 392; and Panama Canal project, 362; and representations of malarial fever, 215; and resistant forms of malaria, 401; and Second World War, 367, 368n, 373, 375–76, 385–86; and Seminole Wars, 297; and wars of colonial expansion, 238, 246; and wars of liberation in the Americas, 273
railroads, 344
Raleigh, Walter, 193–94, 196–99, 207, 212, 220, 425
Ramadan, Mikhael, 415
Raney, Walter “Rex,” 386–88, 389, 441
Reconquista of Spain, 119
Reconstruction, 336, 338
Records of the Grand Historian (Ssu-ma Ch’ien), 53
Red Cloud, 296
Redpath, John, 232
Reed, Walter, 233, 341, 358–59, 359n, 362, 367
The Republic (Plato), 58
Residence Act, 280
Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, 329
Revere, Paul, 257
Rhazes, 41
rice farming, 230
Richard I “Lionheart,” 119, 123–26, 135
Richard of Devizes, 129
Rideau Canal, 232–33
Roanoke colony, 188–89, 194, 196–200, 202, 206, 223, 225
Rochambeau, Jean-Baptiste-Donatien de Vimeur, 261, 268
Rockefeller Foundation, 360, 372–73
Rolfe, John, 159, 188, 199, 204–9, 211–13, 295
Roll Back Malaria Partnership, 420
Roman Landscapes (Spencer), 88–89
Rome and Roman Empire, 79–80, 81–104, 105–6, 109, 112, 135, 171, 271
Romulus and Remus, 82–83
Roosevelt, Theodore, 349–50, 354–55, 360–61, 363, 364
Rosenwein, Barbara, 140
Ross, Ronald, 352–53, 362, 367, 390n
Rough Riders, 349–50
Rountree, Helen, 188
Royal Commission on Opium, 158–59
Royal Military College of Canada, 69
Royal Navy, 170
Royal Proclamation, 237, 251–53, 256
RTS,S, 424–25
Rus people, 116, 133
Rush-Bagot Treaty, 294
Ruskin, John, 111
Russell, Paul, 379, 381, 382–83, 385, 396, 401, 409
Russia, 46, 133, 134, 286, 364, 370–71, 371
Russo-Japanese War, 364
Sacagawea, 285
Sachs, Jeffrey, 420, 423
Sachsenhausen concentration camp, 392
Saint-Domingue (Santo Domingo), 180, 218, 275, 277, 283
Saladin, 118–19, 123
salmonella, 12
San people, 42, 54
Santa Anna, Antonio Lopez de, 235, 299, 300
Santayana, George, 277
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind (Harari), 43
Saratoga, 261
Sardinia, 84
SARS, 412
Schantz, Mark, 303
Schilling, Claus, 389–91
Schlieffen, Alfred von, 86
Schwarzkopf, Norman, 86
Scientific Revolution, 41
Scotland, 93, 212, 219, 224
Scott, Winfield, 297, 299–301, 309, 312
Second Continental Congress, 259
Second Punic War, 80, 81–82, 87
Second World War, 27, 46, 82, 94, 333, 366–96, 420
Secotan people, 198
Sedgwick, Robert, 218
Seminole Wars, 296–97, 312
Sennacherib, 50
Seven Years’ War, 201, 228, 232, 236–42, 246, 248–54, 256, 260–62, 264, 274–75
sexually transmitted disease, 12–13, 156n, 419–20
Shafter, William, 354
Shah, Sonia, 43, 258, 362, 401, 403, 409, 420
Shaka, King of the Zulu, 55
Shakespeare, William, 78n, 91, 126, 204
Shelley, Percy, 111
Shen Nung, 38
Sherman, Irwin W., 106
Sherman, William Tecumseh, 301, 316, 328, 330
shingles, 44
Sicilian Expedition, 70, 83–84
sickle cell trait: and African slaves in the Americas, 168, 181; and American-born slaves, 298, 332; and Bantu agricultural expansion, 32, 42–43, 54–56; and Crusades, 129; current extent of, 439, 440; evolution of, 31–35; as response to malaria, 430; and spread of malaria, 42
Sierra Leonne, 181
Silent Spring (Carson), 397–99
Silk Road, 137, 144, 171
Simcoe, John Graves, 233–34, 233n
Sinton, J. A., 27
Sioux people, 157n, 296, 344
Sitting Bull, 296, 344
Slater, Leo, 376, 402
Slave Coast, 176
slave forts (barracoons), 175
Slavery, Disease, and Suffering in the Southern Lowcountry (McCandless), 259–60
slaves and slavery: and American Civil War, 306–9, 310–11, 315, 318–19, 320, 325–26, 331–36; and coffee plantations, 41–42; and Columbian Exchange, 140–41, 151, 164–65, 173, 177–78; and cotton cultivation, 157, 231, 275, 295–98, 302, 308–9, 311, 338–39; and English Civil War, 218; and European colonization of Americas, 186, 188–89, 191–92, 204–5, 207, 209–12, 234; and hereditary immunological defenses, 37; and replacement for European indentured servants, 224; and Roman Empire, 83; and Scotland’s Darien scheme, 221; slave economy, 218; slave revolts, 180–81 (see also Haiti); and Spanish imperialism, 166–68, 173, 176–81; transport stock slavery, 172, 176; and wars of liberation in the Americas, 278
Slim, William, 383
smallpox: and American Revolution, 267, 268; as biological weapon candidate, 391, 417; and Columbian Exchange, 142, 147, 151–53, 156; eradication of, 431; and European colonization of Americas, 196; and Roman Empire, 95–96; and Spanish imperialism, 166; and wars of colonial expansion, 236–37, 241; and zoonosis, 44
Smith, Billy G., 283
Smith, Edmund Kirby, 317
Smith, John, 186–89, 200, 203–4, 206, 209, 212–13
Snowden, Frank, 386
Socrates, 57–58, 57n, 65, 70, 79
Sophocles, 57, 65
Soto, Hernando de, 152–53
South America, 150, 229, 235, 341, 394
Soviet Union, 370–71, 385
Spain: and African slavery, 166–68, 173, 176–81; and American imperialism, 347; and American Revolution, 270; colonialism and imperialism, 177, 179, 234, 271; and Columbian Exchange, 144–48, 151–54, 161–65; and European mercantilism, 141; and wars of colonial expansion, 237–40, 242–43, 246–48, 251, 254; and wars of liberation in the Americas, 278, 282, 287–88
Spanish influenza, 369n, 441
Spanish-American War, 341, 343, 349–50, 355–59, 356, 364–65
Sparta, 61, 63, 65, 67–69, 72
Spielman, Andrew, 19, 146, 227
Sri Lanka, 394–96, 400
St. Augustine, Florida, 194
St. John’s Newfoundland, 196
The Mosquito Page 55