Learning to Live

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Learning to Live Page 14

by R Cole

  I’ve never been in such a beautiful house or around such a wonderful family. I hope Jax is right when he says nobody will think less of me.

  “Jax, honey! Is that you and Trudy?” his mom yells as we walk into the foyer. I feel my embarrassment resurface just knowing she’s aware of the fact we spent the night together.

  “Yes, ma’am.” He leads me to the kitchen where her voice is coming from. As we turn the corner, I see his dad drinking coffee while reading the paper. I want to hide under a rock to die. Cohen is sitting on the couch watching TV and doesn’t notice when we walk in.

  “Morning, Trudy.” I turn toward his mom’s voice and see a knowing grin on her face. I seriously need to find a hole to jump in. Then she looks at Jax, who’s also grinning from ear to ear. “Why don’t you two go get ready then come get some breakfast. I’m sure you’re both starving.” I’m grateful and couldn’t leave fast enough.

  Jax leads me by the hand up the stairs, and when we reach Jazz’s bedroom door I feel nervous, even though we spent the night together. Why? I don’t know. I just know I need to brush my teeth and take a shower because I’m a stinky mess, and now that I’m finally back in reality, I notice it.

  “I’ll see you in a few, okay? Go get ready but remember to wear your swimsuit so we can hit the water.” He kisses me goodbye, and I feel disappointment because it’s just a quick one instead of a toe curling one like before.

  “Okay.” I sigh and walk in the door. I stand and watch his face the whole time while closing it because I don’t want to say goodbye just yet. I’m smiling like a fool when I turn around to lean against the door, and Jazz is sitting on her king size, white and pink bed, cheesing it up with her grin, smeared black eye makeup, and Medusa hair.

  “Okay, girl. I would ask for deets, but since he is my brother, I don’t want them. However, tell me this. Are you two a couple now or what?” The bed is practically vibrating with her excitement.

  I lean against the door and feel my smile grow as I think of Jax and how he makes me feel. It’s like he actually wants me even though he knows about my past.

  I look at Jazz and shrug my shoulders. “I don’t know what we’re doing, but I want to see where it goes.” My smile drops when a thought hits me. “Jazz, if this thing between Jax and me doesn’t work out, we’re still going to be friends, right?” I have to know because Jazz has become really important to me, and I love her.

  She rolls her eyes and throws the duvet back to come hug me. “Duh! You and me chick, we’ll always be friends. No matter what happens.” She pulls away and looks around then screams, causing my heart to skip a beat. “OMG, Tru, why didn’t you run from me?” She starts running her fingers through her hair. “I look like a dead prostitute.”

  I turn in the same direction and see both of our reflections in her vanity mirror. We start laughing together because we’re both in the same state of disarray. “I’m going to go get in the shower if that’s okay. I promise to be super fast.”

  “No, take your time. I’ll use Mom and Dad’s and meet you downstairs.” She grabs her robe and walks out the door.

  I jump in the shower and rush because I can’t wait to see Jax again. Ugh. Is this too fast to feel this way? What if I’m so starved for affection I’m feeling things that he isn’t. Maybe I’m messed up emotionally from losing Brian. All these stupid thoughts continually run through my head, and I know I need to stop it. I don’t want to ruin this moment so I decide not to think too much on it and enjoy the rest of my day with Jax and his family.

  The next few hours go by with us hanging out with his family at the house and then at the beach. When lunch time approaches, Jax takes me to Pensacola with the Jeep’s top down. He’d said, “If you’re going to do it, then do it right.” As we drive around with my hair blowing everywhere, he shows me the sights and tells me stories of his childhood and what is was like growing up here. I love listening to him and watching his expressions while he talks. I can’t see his eyes under the aviator sunglasses, but I still feel the heat in his stare when they land on me.

  When we park in town, I notice the place is crowded with people of all shapes, ages, and sizes in beach attire. I have on my green bikini from yesterday, but I’m not brave enough to walk around without my cover-up yet. Maybe I will one day, just not today.

  We walk down the strip for a while, and I’m enjoying the sounds of the wind as well as the ocean when I notice the Ferris wheel ahead of us. It’s a huge white wheel, and the buckets are enclosed by tinted windows. I’m so caught up in watching it spin that I don’t notice we’ve stopped until I hear Jax ask for two tickets.

  That gets my attention so I look at him and he’s smiling and showing his dimple again. He’s paying the man already, so I put my hand over his and tell him. “I can buy my own ticket.” I unzip my purple and green chevron pattern wristlet to grab some cash. “How much is it?” I ask and take out a twenty to hand over to the man, but Jax takes it and sticks it back in my wallet.

  “I got this.” I’m about to argue but he places his fingers on my lips. “It our first day as a couple and I’m paying.” He replaces his finger with his lips and smiles because he’s won. “Now it’s time to see Pensacola the right way.”

  I’m shaking with excitement as he takes my hand and leads me on the gondola. Yes, I’m thrilled to ride the Ferris wheel, but the real reason flutters dance in my stomach is because he had called us a couple. Inside I’m doing a cheer and singing “Jax and Trudy sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G” in my head.

  After I’m seated Jax sits beside me and places his arm around my shoulders to pull me closer. I immediately relax into him. He kisses my forehead and says, “If you get too scared just hold on to me.”

  “I will,” I say as the gondola starts moving. I love the warmth and strength of his body when it’s close to mine. I feel safe and that is a rare feeling for me.

  I watch the stunning view from the windows on either side of us. I see cars and the people walking around outside start to get smaller in size the higher we get, and soon they resemble bugs. When we reach the top, I look toward the horizon and see the blue water covered in boats, and I can see the bridge that leads back toward downtown. I see people parasailing and smile because I feel as though I could be flying. I have to continue to hold his hand as I lean to look out the windows because it’s scary, even if I am surrounded in a safe glass bubble.

  “Wow, I have never been this high before. I bet it’s amazing at night too.” I know from the pain in my cheeks my smile is super wide, but I couldn’t care less because this is so much fun.

  “Yeah, it’s something alright. It’s cool seeing all the lights from the buildings, and if you catch it just right, you can watch the sunset.” He gets his iPhone out of his pocket, smiling. “Come here.”

  “Why?” I ask as I scoot back toward him on the bench seat.

  He holds his camera out in front of us and brings me closer. “Say cheese.” He snaps a picture before I’m ready, and I’m sure I blinked and my mouth was open.

  “I wasn’t ready,” I laugh because one bad picture can’t ruin my good mood.

  “Well let’s try again.” He sets his camera down as I get in a decent pose, and he snaps another picture. This one is perfect and I know I want one too.

  We repeat the picture on my phone and then the ride is over too soon. After we exit our gondola, we decide to grab some ice cream before we head back to his Jeep. I notice it’s starting to get late, and we still need to pack up before we head back to school. “What time do we need to head back to Mobile?”

  He looks at the time on his phone. “We still have a few hours. You want to go ahead and take that jet ski ride?” he asks, wagging his eyebrows. Just the simplest things he does causes those flutters in my stomach to start.

  “Yeah, but I’m still scared. What if I fall off and a shark is around? What if seagulls fly in front of us blocking our view and we run into a boat? And if I fall off, how will you know if I’m not be
hind you anymore?” I ask and notice he’s smiling, but these are serious questions.

  “You’ll be fine. I promise. And if a shark does try to get you, I’ll just kick his ass because he can’t have what’s mine.” He kisses me then helps me into the Jeep. “And you, Tru, are mine.” I buckle up wondering how I got to be here and out of all the people in the world why would he choose me? I will probably never know, but I won’t argue.

  The day has gone by way too fast and I hate leaving my family to head back to school, but I’m not leaving empty handed. I look at Trudy asleep in the passenger side and know I still need to go easy and not push this relationship on her. I don’t want to smother her, but I want to spend all my time with her. We hardly see each other during the week because our class schedules aren’t the same, but I can walk her to class in the mornings, and maybe I can drive her to and from work. Yeah, that’ll show that dickhead Benji.

  I silently argue with myself as I follow David and Jazz in her car. I can’t act like a jealous asshole, and I don’t want her to get the impression that I don’t trust her. I know Benji wants her though. And now that she’s mine, I feel even more possessive than before. I rub my face with my hand and exhale because just thinking of him touching her causes my temper to rise and visions of me smashing his face in cross my mind. The last thing I want her to think is that I’m a hostile person, especially after that asshole Brad was. Okay, that didn’t fucking help.

  I start to think of the past weekend instead and remember Cohen jumping in Tru’s arms to tell her goodbye with a kiss on the cheek. Man, he was upset when he saw us kissing after dinner tonight. He didn’t cry though. He just broke us up and occupied all of Tru’s time instead. Little bastard, I think with a smile and start to laugh.

  All too soon I’m parking my Jeep beside Jazz’s car, and after I cut the ignition, Tru starts to stir. Man, I love her eyes when she first wakes up. The sexy, hooded and glassy look is such a turn-on, but add that feminine arch of her back as she stretches, and I can’t help but have to adjust myself when I get out of the Jeep.

  I walk to her side and open the door. Tucking a piece of hair behind her ear, I just smile at her. “Hey, sleeping beauty. We’re here.” I kiss her nose. “I had a great time today.”

  Her mouth turns up but then she starts to yawn and covers her mouth. “Sorry, I’m just so tired for some reason.” She looks around like she’s in a daze as I help her down. “So, will I see you this week?”

  “I have practice early tomorrow morning, but I want to see you after I’m done. If it won’t cause you to be late for class,” I tell her, even though I hate going that long without her.

  She takes my offered hand after I take her bag from her arms, and we begin to walk toward the doors.“Well, I only have early classes Wednesday and Thursday and dance practice early Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings. We could meet for coffee afterward. What time does your practice end?”

  “It depends on Coach’s mood, but usually we finish around nine since we start at six.” We reach the door and I don’t want to say goodbye, but I see David waiting in the Jeep for me and know we still have our bags to unpack. “I’ll call you tomorrow morning when I’m done.”

  I look into her sea green eyes and feel like I’m drowning. They are so damn hypnotizing and speak volumes of what she’s thinking. Her arms slide around my neck. Then I feel her tiny fingers playing with my hair, and it gives me chills. Man, she drives me fucking crazy with the simplest things. Smiling, I bring my lips to hers, but the chills soon vanish as the heat I always feel when we kiss returns. Her hands grip my hair harder, and she moans as I slide my tongue against her lips and taste some fruity gloss. It’s the taste of her that’s causing me to act like a starved animal though. I push her against the building and stand between her legs, feeling the heat from her core against my dick through her shorts. Just as she starts rotating her perfect hips against me, my sister decides to interrupt.

  “Okay, you two. It’s illegal to get naked in public, and I’m sure you don’t want the first time you do the nasty to be on this disgusting ground.” I look up at her just as she shudders. “Can you imagine not only all the germs but the road rash? Ouch!”

  I reluctantly pull away because I know she’s right. I look at Tru and even though it’s night time, I can see her blush. I bend down and grab her bag just as Jazz tells me goodnight and goes inside.

  “I really should go before a security guard walks up,” she says softly and starts to move around me because I’m still blocking her.

  I grab her arm and when she turns, I say, “Don’t forget this.” I smile and hold out her bag for her, but when she reaches I wrap my other arm around her waist. “And this,” I say and give her one last kiss. “Night, Tru.” I pull away and she walks inside. I watch because I can’t help but admire the view, then when she’s out of sight I head back to the Jeep. On the way to the house, I listen to David continuously calling me whipped and acting all pissed off at about it. I don’t mind though, because I’m thinking he’s totally right.

  The next few days Tru and I spend every available minute together. I usually meet her for coffee after we both finish practice in the mornings, and after class she comes to my place and we watch TV while cuddling on my bed or study together. I always keep her away from Craig though, because even if he’s calmed down in the asshole department since he’s on probation from the fraternity, I still don’t trust him.

  Tonight is the first night she’s been scheduled to work since we returned from Pensacola, and I’m not looking forward to leaving her with Benji all night. I try to convince her to let me hang out at the bar and keep her company, but she tells me she’ll be fine and not to worry. I give up in the end because this relationship is new and I don’t want to seem overbearing or controlling.

  “What night are you off?” I ask on the way to drop her off at Jay Jay’s. I want to take her out on an official date, but I know she works most nights of the week.

  She puts the finishing touches on her lip gloss, and my stare is automatically drawn to her lips. “I’m off Sunday and Tuesday of next week. Why?”

  Turning my attention back to the road before I turn around, I answer, “Just wondering when I can have you all to myself again. Plus, I want to take you out on an official date.” I watch her smile grow. “So where do want to go for dinner on Sunday?

  She thinks about it for a minute. “Well, I don’t really care what we eat. Why don’t you pick, and I’ll eat whatever you choose. Well, I think I will anyway.” She smiles sweetly at me, and I squeeze her hand as I smile back.

  After I park the car, I walk around to help her out. Then we make our way into the building.

  “You know you didn’t have to walk me in.” I follow her into the employee lounge so she can store her bag. “I’ve been doing it for weeks with no problems.

  “I know. I’m just reluctant to let you go and have all those drunks ogle what’s mine.” As well as a guitar playing bartender, I think to myself as she locks up her bag.

  We start heading toward the bar when she says, “I really need to get to work before the dinner crowd starts in. And don’t worry about getting me tonight. I’ll call Jazz or get someone to take me home because it’s going to be late and you have practice in the morning.”

  I see Benji walking our way and just decide to be an immature ass and pull my man card out. I grab Tru and turn her toward me. Then I wrap my arms around her waist and feel her warm skin from where her tight black T-shirt has ridden up. I don’t give her time to think before my lips are on hers, and I feel her shiver. I savor every twist of her tongue on mine as our mouths make love the way I want to with her. When she starts making soft moans, I know it’s time to stop before we get carried away.

  She’s panting when we pull apart, and I know my breathing is just as rough. I rest my face in the crook of her neck to gain my composure because looking into her heat-filled eyes doesn’t help the hard on in my pants. “I’ll come get you if Jazz won
’t, okay? I would rather anyway, but I’m learning you can be stubborn so I’ll bend some.”

  As I lift my face she’s smiling and nods her head. I give her one more kiss before I turn around and see Benji watching. I just give him a chin lift with a cocksure smile plastered on my face and strut out the door. I know he understands now that I got the girl and to back off. Or at least he better.

  The night has flown by, and I can’t stop smiling. I already want to see Jax again, but I’ll restrain myself and settle for texting him instead. He’s sent me several sweet ones throughout the night that only added to my good mood. How did I get here? I think to myself and finish wiping down the bar after the last customer leaves. Nothing can cause this good mood to falter right now. I’m not even going to let Benji’s attitude get to me.

  Blaire walks up to help me put the clean glasses away because Benji is still on his break. “Hey, sorry about Benji. He had a phone call to make.” I don’t know why she thinks she needs to explain his actions, but I don’t think too much on it.

  I look at my phone and realize Jazz should be here any minute. I called her earlier than usual because I had a few minutes when it slowed down. She was still up and said she would be here shortly. Thank goodness because I’m drained. I sit at a table, lay my head on my arms, and rest my eyes. I hear the cushions squeak and turn my head. Benji is sitting there with his elbows on the table, holding his head, and seems to be thinking about something serious.


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