Learning to Live

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Learning to Live Page 15

by R Cole

  “Are you okay?” I ask. He’s become a friend and I don’t like this odd mood he’s in. It’s not his usual playful one that I’ve become accustomed to. He usually has me cracking up instead of feeling like I did something wrong.

  “What do you care?” he snaps.

  “Ooookaaaay!” I’m caught off guard by his rude attitude. I don’t know what his deal is, but he needs to stop taking it out on me. “I thought we were friends and friends do show concern if that said friend has a problem of some kind.”

  Instead of answering me he just lifts his head and turns around to face me. I settle in my seat and give him my full attention. Despite his obvious anger, I push my shoulders back and sit up straight because I’ll never show fear to any man in my life again. He finally takes a breath, putting his cocky smile back on his face, and says with sarcasm, “Okay, friend. How was your weekend? Did you have fun with what’s his face?”

  He’s being a smart ass, but I answer regardless. I’m going to act normal around him. “Yes.” I can’t help the smile that forms when I think back on my weekend with Jax and his family. “I almost know how to swim now, and I even rode a jet ski, believe it or not.”

  I watch him smile and I can tell it’s genuine and not like the one before. “Really?” He pauses for a minute and looks intently at me. “I can tell you had fun. What else did you do?” he asks while Blaire joins our conversation. “Trudy here was just telling me about her weekend.” He nods in my direction as he faces Blaire.

  “Really? I want to hear. I’ve always wanted to go to Pensacola. I hear the water is way nicer than here in the bay.” Blaire looks my way with interest while she sits across from me.

  I don’t know much about the Morgans, but I know they’re from South Carolina and have been on their own for the past five years. Besides the destinations they’ve traveled to, they don’t say much. Blaire definitely isn’t a big talker, but Benji is and he’s always telling me funny stories. At first I didn’t realize they were twins, but I can see it at times. They have similar smiles but Blaire’s is feminine and sweet.

  I go on and tell them about my weekend and show them the pictures I took on my phone. Of course most consist of Jax, but I do throw in sweet Cohen and the other Colemans. I leave out the cougar and my little performance though. That was a onetime thing, and I would hate to hear Benji’s comments. Before I know it Jazz is outside, so I head out after I get my bag. Blaire and Benji follow but Mrs. Janet stays.

  I get in Jazz’s car and notice that she seems to be flustered. “Sorry I keep disrupting your sleep. I really need to look into getting my own car one day,” I say apologetically.

  I have some money put away, but I have other plans for it. However, I can’t keep doing this to my friends. I don’t want them to think I’m a free loader, and I can always work extra hours and try to make up the money. With that in mind I make the decision to look into buying a cheap car soon.

  She waves her hand dismissively. “No problem. I was up anyway.” She looks like she wants to say something but turns away and bites her lip.

  I’m worried I did something wrong. This whole friend thing is new to me, and I’m not sure of the rules. “Is something wrong, Jazz? I’ve barely seen you since we’ve been back. Are you okay with me and your brother dating?” I know she said she was okay with it before, but I also know something is going on with her.

  She pulls on the road and starts heading back to campus. “Of course I’m okay with Jax and you.” She takes a breath and says in a small voice, “Well, I’ve been busy because I’m kinda seeing someone.”

  I get a bad feeling in my gut and ask, even though I’m sure of the answer and cross my fingers I’m wrong. “Who?”

  “Um...” She hesitates and the bad feeling gets worse. “He’s older and doesn’t want anyone to know, so you have to swear to me you won’t say anything to anyone. That’s including Jax.”

  I hate agreeing but I need to know what is going on with her. “Yeah, sure, but know this...” She looks at me and I continue. “If I feel that you’re in any trouble, I won’t keep it from your brother, okay?” She wants to argue, but I hold my hand up. “You’re the only friend that I’ve ever had, and I’ll protect you no matter if I lose you in the process. So if you seem to be in trouble, I won’t keep quiet.”

  “Fine, but I can assure you I’m not in trouble.” She takes a breath and blurts it out. “Professor Wallace.”

  I knew it but I’m still surprised to hear it confirmed. I remain speechless but it wouldn’t matter anyway if I said anything because she continues full of excitement.

  “Tonight was our first time having sex. Can you believe it? We met at a hotel across the state line so nobody from school would see us.” She gets a big smile across her face and a dreamy look in her blue eyes. “It was my first time ever, and it was a lot different than what I imagined, but Tru he’s just so sweet and gentle and I think I could love him.” She looks at me still smiling, and I can tell she probably already does.

  “Jazz, are you sure about this guy? I mean, what if the school finds out? You’ll jeopardize all your hard work and his job.” I want to make sure she understands what she’s doing, but I don’t have a good track record when it comes to men, so I can’t say much.

  Finally after an awkward drive, we arrive to the dorm and exit the car. We walk in silence to our rooms while I try to process this information. When we get to our doors, I see a note tapped to mine with my full name written on it. I don’t recognize the hand writing but I know it’s a male by the small lettering and sharp lines.

  “Who’s that from?” Jazz asks me from my left, and I just shrug my shoulder, looking at the note.

  It’s on lined notebook paper and folded in fours. I start to unfold it when I answer. “I guess Jax.”

  “No, I know my brother’s handwriting and that’s definitely not his.”

  Now I’m confused because Jax is the only guy who knows where I’m staying besides David, and I know it’s not from him. I open the note and after I read it, I feel chills rush up and down my spine and a sick feeling develops in my stomach.

  “What’s it say?” Jazz tries to snatch the note from my hands but I evade her.

  I just tear it up and say, “Nothing.” I unlock my door and after she harasses me for a minute, she finally goes to her room for the night. After a quick shower I text Jax to tell him goodnight and that I’ll see him tomorrow.

  His response puts me at ease for the moment. Nite Beautiful. Miss U

  Nite. Miss u 2

  I lie in bed thinking of Jax, but eventually my thoughts return to the suspicious note. I don’t want to worry about who it could be from, but I do. The words just creep me out, and I hope I’m not correct about who sent it, but I have a bad feeling that’s eating away at my confidence and contentment. I finally put my earplugs in and listen to some Mumford and Sons and push the words on the note from my brain.

  Can’t wait to have another taste.

  The next morning I’m feeling better and can’t wait for coffee with Jax. Practice is awesome and everyone is such a good dancer. Ellery is my favorite to watch though. She is so tall and slim, and she excels at Ballet. She’s trying out for the Joffrey Ballet company soon, and I’m sure she’ll get it. I learned she’s originally from Brazil but was born here in the States. She was raised in Brazil, and her parents and father’s family still lives there. Her mom’s family lives here though, and so she lives with them to attend school.

  After our last dance for the day, sweat is pouring from me. I’m bent down with my hands on my knees and don’t notice as a hand wraps around my waist. Still creeped out from that note, I let out a scream. When I see it’s Jax, just as sweaty as me, I start to laugh.

  He holds his hands up in surrender. “Sorry, babe. I didn’t mean to scare you.” He wraps his arms around me, and I try to push him away because I probably stink. “What?” he asks, looking offended.

  “Look at me...” I motion to my body with my han
d “...I’m all sweaty and I’m sure I stink.”

  He smiles and walks over to me and grabs my waist to bring me closer. “I like you sweaty.” He winks at me and my stomach flutters as I shiver. “Besides, I’m sweaty too, and I was hoping we could be sweaty together.” He wags his eyebrows and I know it won’t be long before I jump him and show him what he does to me.

  I playfully push him away and grab my things so we can head out. My class is later but I still want a shower after my much needed coffee break. When I reach his side, he entwines his fingers with mine and walks me to his Jeep.

  Once we’re seated beside each other, he puts his arms around me and brings me closer to his side. I take a sip of my warm coffee and ask, “How was practice?”

  “It was same as always I guess. I was able to leave a few minutes earlier today. How was yours?” he asks, taking a piece of my muffin.

  “Hey, that’s mine!” I say and try to take it away, but he stuffs it into his mouth before I can and smiles with muffin all over his teeth. I can’t help but laugh and stick my tongue out at him because I feel so relaxed around him “We are doing a show in the fall. I think we’re doing three different performances, but we still need a lot of work. At least everyone’s really good and serious about it.”

  “Yeah. Not as good as my girl I bet.” He kisses my temple. “How was work?”

  “It was work. Nothing exciting happens on Thursday night because of all the females there for Ladies’ Night.” I don’t want to mention Benji’s attitude all night because it’s my problem, and I’m sure it’s over, so I change the subject. “I think I need to get a car.”

  “That’s cool, but why? Do you not like riding with me or is it Jazz’s psychotic racing skills that scare you? Believe me, she’s scared the shit out of me a few times.” He holds a piece of muffin between his fingers and places it against my lips. I slowly open my mouth while maintaining eye contact and watch with amazement as his eyes turn black while he places it on my tongue. My breath hitches and catches his attention. He brings his eyes back to mine and smiles because he knows exactly what he’s doing to me.

  Crossing my legs in an attempt to alleviate the ache he’s just produced, I look down at the table to break our stare. I glance behind me because I feel like someone is watching, but I don’t see anyone and turn back around. “No. I just think it’s time for me to start driving myself places. It’s not fair to drag Jazz out of bed at night or you.” I expect him to argue, but he doesn’t, and I’m relieved because I know I’m not budging on this and I don’t want to have an argument.

  While I finish my coffee, I once again have the urge to turn back around just to check, but I ignore it.

  “When do you want to go look for one?” He stands and grabs our trash before he helps me up, and we start to walk out.

  “I don’t know. My schedule is so busy and so is yours during the day. Why don’t I ask for next Saturday off and we can go then?”

  He squeezes my hand before he answers. “Anything for you, Tru. Anything.”

  Sunday arrives and I’m so nervous because tonight is our first official date. My first ever date. Nobody besides Ms. Freeman has ever taken me out to eat, and that was just to Chuck E’ Cheese.

  I haven’t given the note any more thought because I believe it was just a stupid freshman who wants to be a pervert when he grows up.

  I’m looking through my closet when there’s a knock at my door. I answer it and see a bouquet of red roses on the floor in a clear vase. Glancing down the hall, I see no one there. I take them in and remove the note that’s attached:

  Can’t wait to see you.

  I feel the flutter start and soon it’s in full force because of Jax. I know I’m falling for him but won’t admit it to anyone. Sure we get along great now, but what happens in a month or more. I just want to wait and see how this plays out, but it’s going to be hard.

  I look at the note again and know a female wrote it by the loops and swirls of the letters. It must be the florist’s handwriting. Smiling, I set them on my desk and attack my closet again.

  After a few minutes and no luck on finding the right outfit for tonight, I go knock on Jazz’s door knowing she will work her magic. When she answers she holds her finger up and tells me to give her a minute because her phone is attached to her ear. I go sit on the bed but can’t help listening to her conversation.

  “But I want to see you tonight, Ollie.” Pause. “I know but I miss you.” Pause. “Yeah, I remember. What about tomorrow?” Pause. Her smile spreads. “Okay, just tell me where and I’ll be there.” Pause. “Okay you too, bye.” She hangs up while doing a happy shake with her butt. When she’s done and looks my way, she’s still smiling. “So what’s up, chickadee?”

  “I need help.” She looks at me with concern. “No, it’s nothing bad. I’ve never been on a date before, and I have absolutely nothing to wear.”

  Her face lights up and while she does a curtsy, in her best southern voice, she says, “Well, darling, you came to the right place.” Then she yanks me up and opens her closet or should I say the Holy Grail of clothes.

  Okay. I’ve been out on many dates. And I’m not saying that to brag. It’s just the truth. Tonight though, I’m nervous as hell and shaking like a fucking leaf. The reason for this ridiculous reaction is because I know it’s Trudy’s first date. I want tonight to be something she’ll always remember and make her smile, even if she’s having a bad day.

  I picked two different places to eat tonight. I’m going to wait until I see what she’s wearing to make the final decision. One is real relaxed with a casual atmosphere and the other is more formal. I know she’s tight on funds and doesn’t have many things, but I want to remedy that in the near future. I don’t ever want her to lack anything in this life, and I’ll do whatever I can to give it to her.

  Looking at my reflection in the mirror, I run my fingers through my hair once more before stepping out of my room. Usually I’m not a bitch about what I wear, but I like looking good for Tru. I’m wearing Khaki pants and a green polo that matches her eyes and the outfit can go either way for wherever we eat.

  After a short drive, I’m outside her dorm and start walking toward the steps trying to calm the fuck down. I notice some guy coming out of the building, so I grab the door before it shuts and locks me out. I try to continue walking but he stops me.

  “Hey, man, you got a light?” he asks, holding up a cigarette. He’s very thin and has a scar on his cheek. His sunken eyes make him look sick. He gives me the creeps, and I don’t like the fact he just came out of Tru and Jazz’s building.

  “Sorry, man, I don’t smoke.” I shake off my caveman attitude and make my way into the building in search of my girl.

  I’m standing at the door ready to knock a second time when the door opens. Instead of the person I came to see standing there, it’s Jazz instead.

  “Well, looky looky, you sexy cookie? I didn’t know you could clean up so nice.”

  “I can’t say the same for you,” I say, walking past her and earning a punch in the arm. I just laugh it off and see the roses on Trudy’s desk. Who the hell bought her flowers? I walk forward to read the note I see sitting beside it ready to beat the fuck out of whoever it was, but I feel a tap on the shoulder that makes me stop.

  I turn to find Jazz standing there with her hand on her hip and head cocked to the side. “Hey dork, are you ready to check out your girl before she finds a better looking guy?”

  “Another guy my ass,” I say under my breath and forget about the flowers for now because tonight I just want to focus on Tru. “Yeah. Is she ready?”

  I don’t get a verbal answer, just the sound of the bathroom door opening and my fantasy walking out. She’s wearing a sexy, one shoulder, white dress that has a black stripe along the hem. It only reaches mid thigh and hugs her hips perfectly, and I already know the sight of her ass is going to drive me bat shit crazy. The front has some kind of shiny, black glitter or something because when the li
ghts catch it, it instantly draws your eye to her tits. I’m one lucky sonofabitch.

  My eyes travel down her long, tanned legs and see she is rocking a pair of black and white heels. I picture those legs wrapped around my waist in nothing but those shoes while I pound into her and swallow loudly. Dammit, I need some ice chips for my dick.

  I can’t think and just let my eyes travel back up to her face, but still I’m speechless. Her hair is up but she has some curls framing her beautiful features. But what I can’t stop staring at are her eyes. Those sea green eyes pop with her dark eye make-up. I feel pride when I look in them and can’t wait to show her off.

  I roll my tongue off of the floor because I’m sure a fly might catch in my mouth soon if I don’t say something. “You look absolutely stunning.”

  I watch as her sexy ass pouty lips pull back to form the most beautiful sight. “Thanks.”

  “My work here is done, so I’m out.” I hear Jazz shut the door, but I can’t take my eyes off of my Tru Love. I hold out my hand and ask, “You ready to go?”

  She laughs and says, “I’ve actually been ready for almost an hour, but your sister said ‘It’s good to make him wait.’ So she made me stay in her room until after you were in here for a few minutes.”

  We both laugh as we head out to my Jeep for the only date I’ve ever been on that actually matters.

  After about a good thirty minute ride, we finally pull into our destination. Felix’s is a nice seafood restaurant that has wonderful food and a great view of the bay. I timed dinner perfectly, and we watch through the window as the sunset shines colors of oranges and pinks on the water ripples. In the distance you can see the USS Alabama battleship that is now a museum for old Navy memorabilia.

  “Wow,” Trudy whispers, and I’m thinking the same thing about her with the orange light cascading on her features.

  I glance out at the water for just a second when the waiter comes up. He’s around our age I guess, and I notice the way he keeps glancing at Trudy. I don’t mind them looking. Just don’t fucking touch what’s mine and I won’t kill you. Simple and besides, I can’t blame the kid for looking though; it’s hard to concentrate on the menu.


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