Learning to Live

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Learning to Live Page 16

by R Cole

  “What would you like to drink this evening?” he asks, not looking in my direction after Trudy orders a daiquiri and water.

  I clear my throat to get this kid’s attention, and when he finally looks, I say harshly, “I’ll have a Heineken.” When he leaves I look at Tru and she’s smiling at me. “What?”

  In a soft voice she says, “Nothing. I just wanted to say you look really handsome.” She looks down and shrugs her shoulders. “That’s all.”

  I grab her hand across the table because I just have to touch her soft skin. “What else?” I can tell she wanted to say more and after everything she’s shared with me already, I hope she continues to open up and not shut me out.

  Looking up at me, she answers, “It’s just,” she pauses. “I just wanted to say thank you. I’ve never been to a place this nice and never thought I would unless I worked here. Everything is beautiful and more than expected. The view’s incredible and to eat on actual table cloths is surreal, even though I feel way out of place. It’s different and it’s something I will keep in my memories for a long time to come.” She takes a breath and looks so fragile regardless of the sex goddess outfit she’s wearing. Squeezing my hand she says, “Thank you.”

  I smile because I can’t help but be happy when she’s around. “Well this might sound selfish, but I’m glad I’m the first one to ever take you out to someplace this nice.” I want to tell her that if it’s up to me, I’ll also be the last, but I don’t want to scare her. I’m kind of scaring myself.

  During our meal I share with her how I want to follow my father’s footsteps and become a pediatric cardiologist. When I ask her what she wants to do she answers right away, which is good because I love watching her mouth move.

  “I’m leaning toward a business degree so I can open a home for abused women. I want to offer not only shelter but also self-defense classes and maybe dance classes. Dance helps me forget and maybe it’ll help others too.” She shrugs her bare shoulder. “I might just be dreaming right now, but it’s what I want.” She smiles and looks down at her clasped hands on the table.

  “Well I think it’s a great idea and original too. If anyone can do it, Trudy, it’s you.” I watch her smile grow as she makes eye contact with me.

  “Thank you,” she says, looking past my shoulder and her smile drops.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” I turn around and see Ashton walk in with her friend Amanda. Then her snobby ass parents follow suit, and she sees us right when they sit down and winks. What a bitch, I think to myself and turn around to look at Trudy. “Don’t worry about her, Tru. Has she been giving you anymore shit lately?”

  “I haven’t really seen her, but at lunch and Jazz is usually with me so she keeps her distance.” She looks my way and smiles. “I’m not worried. It just caught me by surprise seeing her walk in, that’s all.” She takes a sip of her drink, and we continue our earlier conversation. I tell her about my siblings and how we became the family we are today. She tells me some about her past, but I know she likes to discuss this subject in private.

  After a while we ask for the check, and she excuses herself to the restroom. I watch her walk past Ashton’s table, and I’m surprised when she follows Tru after a minute. I get ready to follow, but Richard, Ashton’s father, stops me.

  “Jaxon, how are you this evening?” He smiles and stands up extending his hand.

  I shake it because I was raised to respect your elders, but as I try to get past him our waiter from earlier comes and hands me the bill.

  As I take out my wallet, Ashton’s dad says in a low tone, “So I see you’re playing with lower teams now. Ashton told me as much.” He smacks me on the back like we’re best friends. I guess his dumbass misses the glare I’m giving him. “Well, can't say I blame you. Mmmmm! Why don’t you send her my way when you’re done playing?” He wags his eyebrows right before my fist connects with his smug ass face, and he falls into the table.

  I always thought he was a dick and always hated being around him. And like I said before, I was raised to respect your elders, but when you fucking insult the girl I love, you just signed your ass up for a ride to the ER. So technically it’s his fault he has a busted lip and is covered in food from the table. I see Amanda and his wife run to his side while giving me a horrified look.

  I notice then that I’m being escorted out by the manager and staff, but before I’m too far away, I shake their hands off and point my finger in Richard’s direction. “I don’t think your wife or Amanda, your sideline fuck, would appreciate you trying to pick up another woman for your sick ass games. And it damn well won’t be what’s mine.”

  I’m not sure it’s true or not about him and Amanda, but right now I couldn’t give two shits. I walk out and wait by the door for Tru. Man, I hope she’s okay with Ashton and her evil ass mouth.

  I pass Ashton’s table on the way to the ladies’ room, and I feel her stare on my back. As soon as I enter the restroom, I exhale and thank the stars above that I made it without interference. I know I need to pass her again, but I’ll cross that bridge in a minute.

  After I’m finished I stand at the sink smiling to myself while I reapply my lip gloss. I hear the door open and the noise outside gets louder before it closes again. I’m not paying much attention because I keep thinking of how awesome tonight has been when I hear her.

  “Aww. Look how cute the trash looks when it’s cleaned up,” Ashton says as she walks to the sink beside me and just flips her long, black hair like she didn’t just insult me. I look at her and see how perfect she looks on the outside with her deep tan, high cheekbones, and blue eyes that pop with her dark lashes. Her yellow dress is flawless, and the blue belt matches her eyes while the fit of the dress hugs her perfectly and the scoop neck shows off just the right amount of cleavage. Her jewelry catches the light and screams its worth. I try not to be self-conscious around her as she flashes herself in front of me. Knowing that she’s had Jax doesn’t help.

  I take a deep breath to shake off her insult. I know I’m not from a privileged life like she and Jax, but I also know she’s just trying to piss me off and it’s starting to work. I don’t want trouble, so I grab my lip gloss and place it back inside the black clutch Jazz let me use before I turn to walk out.

  That seems to piss her off more because she grabs my arm and her perfectly French tipped claws start cutting into my bicep. “You know you will never be good enough for him.” Her voice is full of venom as she stares at me with so much hate it reminds me of Brad. I see her jaw clench as she grinds her teeth together and her beauty of only seconds ago turns to ugliness.

  “Well that may be true, but neither are you.” I yank my arm away and already feel the sting from the marks she left behind. I walk through the door and her words start to get to me. I know I’ll never be good enough for Jax and to be reminded of that out loud cuts deep. However, I refuse to cry tonight.

  Before I leave the hallway that holds, she follows me out and screams something that has me stopping.

  “How can you think he actually wants you? Huh? Nobody has ever wanted you for anything besides an easy fuck or money.” She’s smiling like the cat that ate the cream. When I turn around she continues while walking up to me. “Your parents didn’t want you, and the foster parents who took you in couldn’t stand you so they got rid of you.” She takes a step forward, and I feel a tear run down my face. I’ve always thought that over the years but hearing them...from her...causes my heart to break.

  “Do you want to know how I know you’re such a waste of space?” She pauses right in front of me and leans over to whisper menacingly, “Because your own son chose to die rather than to be stuck with you as a mother.”

  They air leaves my lungs and everything happens in slow motion. I just lose it and attack her, putting all the anger and hurt that was thrown at me in every punch. Arms try and haul me off her, but I break away because she has my hair in one hand while her other hand slaps at me like I’m a fly. What a bitch move. I draw
my fist back, wanting to knock the shit out of her. I can feel and hear a crunch when I make contact and see blood start to rush down her face while she lies on the floor and screeches to no one in particular. Once again, I’m being hauled out of the hallway. I see the older couple that was here with that bitch and notice their table is knocked over. The guy is on his ass, but I’m too distracted to care why.

  As soon as I’m out the door, Jax is there and rushes to my side. “Shit, baby, are you okay?” He hugs me as I catch my breath.

  I’m still shaking because I am so pissed, but I want to know how she knows about my life. I was going to ask her, but then she said that about Brian and I just lost it.

  I look down after he holds me back to look at me. “Oh God! Jazz is going to kill me.” Her dress is ruined and I want to start crying. I hate that it seems like it’s all I do anymore.

  Jax just picks me up and carries me to his Jeep. After he gets in and pulls away from the restaurant, I look his way, scared I’m going to see disappointment in his eyes for getting us kicked out. The last thing I want to do it disappoint him. Then I notice his shirt is pulled out and his hair is in disarray and my own concern vanishes. “Are you okay?” He seems just as upset as me and is still breathing hard.

  “Yeah, I’m fine, but how are you? You have blood all over your dress. Do I need to take you to the hospital?” He looks so worried I start to calm down because he’s not angry or disappointed.

  “It’s not mine,” I state. When he looks at me expectantly, I clarify with a mischievous grin because I feel damn good about giving that bitch what she had coming to her. “I broke Ashton’s perfect nose, and she bled everywhere.” I think back to her holding her nose and start laughing.

  Jax starts laughing too, and I think it’s for the same reason as me, but then he says, “Well, I busted her dad’s lip, and hopefully I broke his tailbone too.”

  I remember Amanda and some woman around the guy on the floor and look at Jax. “You knocked over the table?” He nods. “Why?”

  He instantly sobers and gets a feral look in his eye, but I’m not scared. “Because he’s a dick. I’ve never cared for him, and I finally had the chance to let him have it.” He shrugs and I have a feeling there is more to the story. “So what caused Ashton to sign up for rhinoplasty?” he asks and smiles again.

  I take a deep breath and tell him what she said about Brian, but leave the other part out. I have to deal with my insecurities about this relationship alone. When I finish I can tell he’s upset once more. “I’m sorry, Tru. You know that she’s just trying to get to you and it’s not true, right?”

  “Yeah, I know. I was the one who watched him fight to breathe, so I know he wanted to live,” I say quietly, remembering how hard he struggled to hold on but just couldn’t and eventually took his last breath in my arms. I start tearing up again and look at Jax. “How did she find out, Jax? I don’t understand.”

  He pulls over on the side of the road and unbuckles my seat belt. I’m surprised especially when he lifts me and sits me on his lap to hold me against him. His warm breath is against my neck when he softly says, “Money can buy you a lot of things. I’m sure she has her big-time lawyer Daddy to thank for the info.” He kisses my temple. “She only thinks of herself, and that’s one thing I’ve never cared for. I was raised to be selfless and she wasn’t.” He turns me so I’m facing him and straddling his lap. He takes his rough calloused hand and puts it on my cheek gently and whispers, “But you, Tru, you are the most selfless person I’ve ever met in my whole life.” He kisses me and Ashton’s words drift to the back of my mind as his warmth radiates from his mouth and travels down to my core. This is what I need. My nerves are soothed and my soul relaxes.

  After a heated make out session, we head back to my dorm and even though he isn’t supposed to, he walks me to my door. I’m so ready to get this dress off, but I’m dreading having to tell Jazz her dress is ruined. When we reach my door, I don’t want the night to end, however I’m hesitant about moving too fast.

  I decide to invite him in anyways because I really don’t want to be alone right now and he calms me. “You want to come in?”

  He doesn’t say anything at first and just stares. I feel stupid for asking. Maybe I’m moving too fast. Finally he answers in the middle of my internal debate. “Yeah.” He opens my door after I unlock it.

  We walk in and after I take my shoes off, I grab my things for a shower. “Do you mind if I get a shower? I promise I won’t be long I just feel all yuck.”

  He starts laughing and sits on my bed. “You feel all yuck? That’s cute.” He starts nodding his head. “Yeah, I don’t mind. Go ahead. Just lock the door because I can’t guarantee that I won’t try to join you.” He winks and I blush while shivers of excitement run down my spine.

  I grab a purple and white lacy short and tank top pajama set that Jazz bought. She said they weren’t her size and decided to give them to me, just like my new Nike shoes. When I tried to tell her to just take them back, she said they were on sale and can’t be returned. I won’t complain about it now because even though the date had a fist fight added, it was still amazing and I really want to look good in front of Jax. He makes me feel better about myself. When he told me he believed I could accomplish my dream of opening a shelter, I was so happy. No one has ever believed in me before, besides Ms. Freeman, and because it’s Jax it seems to mean so much more.

  When I knock on Jazz’s adjoining room, I don’t get an answer. I lock her side but I guess I’m being daring because I leave my side unlocked. I know if he happens to come in I won’t complain, and I really want him too, but I know it’s too soon. We might have known one another for a month, but we just had our first date.

  I turn on the water then step out of the ruined dress and put it in the hamper. I’ll have to give Jazz the bad news tomorrow. After I step in the warm water, I start to think of how good the night was going and then the fight, and I’m worried about Jax getting in trouble. I’m surprised cops haven’t come to arrest either one of us.

  Letting the water fall in my face, I feel cool air hit my back and turn around to see a very intense, naked, and gloriously sexy Jax standing behind me. My breath rushes out of my lungs and heat builds in my core. The shower is small but we can both fit in without touching each other. I can definitely feel the heat from his hard body and his stare as he devours my naked, wet skin that is flushed and pink from him alone.

  Honestly I’m surprised that he wasn’t bluffing. He steps up to where we are touching, as water running over his head and flowing down his face, and says, “I warned you.” Then he wraps his strong muscled arm around my waist and presses me up against him.

  I can feel his erection against my body, and I know that I really want this. I don’t care if we just started dating or only met a month ago. I’ve never wanted someone so bad, and I don’t want to pass up this opportunity to feel every inch of his beautiful body sliding against mine, inside and out. With water flowing down my face, I stare into his darkened eyes that say so much. His fingers squeeze my waist, and I shiver from that small amount of pressure because everything with this man is earth moving for me.

  He brings his face to my neck and starts to slowly kiss my erratic pulse. I can feel his scruff scratching my heated skin as he slowly licks up to my ear and whispers in a voice that’s rough and seductive, “You are so exquisite, Tru. I’ll never stop wanting you or stop wanting to touch every piece of you.” He sucks my earlobe into his mouth, and I bend my neck to give him better access as one of my legs wraps around his and starts to rub against his muscular calf muscle.

  I feel his other hand reach up slowly and remove the clip out of my hair, then he starts to massage my scalp. It feels so good I push my body closer to his to get more. He growls and I feel the vibration against my breasts. My nipples harden as they rub against his chest. It causes a sensation unlike anything I’ve ever felt before and I feel my whole body sing.

  My hands reach out and travel
up his slick, hard shoulders. When I feel him bite my ear, I automatically dig my nails into his skin. A moan escapes me when he moves to my mouth and sucks my tongue into his. “You like that, don’t you?” he asks me, and again his voice causes wetness between my legs. “Answer me,” he commands, and it’s such an erotic sound I moan again.

  I’m finally able to talk and say in a voice I don’t recognize, “Yes.” He grabs one of my hands and wraps it around his erection. It feels so good against my fingers that I can’t help but start moving from the base to the tip just to feel more of him. “You do this to me, Tru.” He thrusts deeper into my hand, and I watch his eyes start to darken. “You drive me to the point of pain with how much I want you. I’ve wanted to taste you...” he touches my lips “...here...” I can’t help but suck his finger into my mouth and imagine it’s his cock. He lifts his eyebrow and looks at me with so much carnal need in his brown eyes I can’t think straight, and I feel dizzy from the blood rushing through my veins.

  He removes his finger too soon, but before I can complain, he runs it down my neck to my collarbone, which causes chills to break out across my hot skin. When he reaches my sensitive nipples and pinches one, I push my breast out for more. “Here,” he says then slides his hand lower and roams over my scar. He caresses it with such a gentle touch. “Here.” His hand descends lower and he finally reaches the area screaming for attention. He slides his fingers between my wet lips. “And here.”

  My hips start rotating and grinding on his hand just as his lips land on mine. Our mouths attack one another and hit so hard our teeth hit, but I love every second of it. I return the favor and suck on his tongue while his fingers torture me by rubbing along my clit. I want and need more, but I’m not in control right now. He is and he knows it, but I don’t mind because I’m enjoying every fucking second of this torture.


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