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Little Bird (The Tangled Series)

Page 27

by Gaines, Liza

  Savannah sighed and started to answer but Lee spoke first, “I’ll bring her home as soon as I can, Ma’am. I was thinking of taking her to Europe in a few weeks, I’m sure we could stop by New York for a couple of days on our way there or back.”

  Savannah looked at him with wide surprised eyes and her mom sounded agog when she muttered, “Europe?”

  Lee chuckled softly. “My sister lives in Rome, so I thought we’d visit her and then maybe stop in Paris and London for a few days. Or anywhere else Savannah would like to go.”

  Her mom’s voice was wistful as she said, “That sounds like a lovely trip. I’ve always wanted to see Europe and never been able to go. I’m sure Savannah will have a wonderful time.”

  “Mom, we need to go.” After the confrontation with her dad, Savannah was shaken and anxious to get off the phone, despite her mother’s comparative reasonableness.

  “Okay, honey. I love you and try to have a little patience with your dad. He means well.”

  Savannah said her goodbyes and hung up the phone, still rankled by her dad’s comments. “I’m sorry he said those things. I knew he’d be upset but I didn’t expect him to act like that.”

  Lee shrugged and gave her a comforting hug. “It’s all right, sweetheart. I’d probably react the same way under the circumstances.” When Savannah snorted he laughed and added, “Besides, talking to Layla isn’t going to be a walk in the park. She won’t be like that exactly, but she can be challenging sometimes.”

  “Well, let’s do it then. I’ll be happy when we’re done with all these stupid phone calls.” Would she ever. Why couldn’t at least one of them have a family who could just relax and be happy for them?

  Lee chuckled at her disgruntled frown as he dialed the phone.

  “Lee! Thank God you called!”

  He raised a brow at his sister’s unusual greeting. “Hey, Sis. What’s up?”

  “I was getting worried about you. We hadn’t talked in a while and I’d left a few messages you hadn’t returned. At first I thought you were probably holed up somewhere with one of your bimbos for a few days, but it’s been over a week and I was really starting to worry. Is everything all right?”

  Savannah quietly giggled and stretched up to whisper against his ear. “See, even your sister knows you were a man-whore!”

  Lee glowered at her as he replied to his sister. “Sorry, Layla. It’s been kind of hectic around here lately. I was in the hospital for a few days and then…”

  Layla interrupted him, sounding worried. “Wait, stop right there. You were in the hospital? Why didn’t anyone call me? What happened? Are you all right?”

  Lee chuckled and shook his head. “Slow down, I’m fine. No one called because I didn’t want you to worry needlessly. There was just a little incident and I got shot but it’s no big deal. I’m fine.”

  Layla groaned. “Oh, Jesus, Levon. It was a jealous husband, wasn’t it?”

  Lee glared at the phone resting against his chest as Savannah giggled louder, unable to contain herself any longer.

  Layla must have heard her because she asked, “Who’s that I hear laughing? You’re not alone, are you?”

  Lee rolled his eyes. “Right, I’m not alone. But before we get to that, I just want to make a couple of things clear, dear sister. It was not a jealous husband and I never fucked around with anyone else’s wife. I might be an asshole, but I’m not that kind of asshole. And it wasn’t a scorned lover either before you suggest that.”

  Layla laughed at her brother’s defensive response as she asked, “So what did happen then?”

  “It’s a long story, I’ll explain another time. The real reason I was calling is because I have some news.”

  “And getting shot isn’t news?” Layla sounded skeptical.

  “Focus, Layla. This is bigger news.”

  She sighed. “All right, so what is it?”

  Lee pressed a soft kiss to Savannah’s forehead before looking down at the phone as he said, “I got married.”

  Layla didn’t pause or hesitate before asking quietly, “You got some woman pregnant, didn’t you?”

  Lee snorted, clearly annoyed by his sister’s question. “Why the fuck does everyone keep asking that?”

  “Maybe because you haven’t had a meaningful adult relationship since the divorce? I certainly had no idea you were seeing anyone. Now answer the question.” Layla sounded bemused and not the least bit daunted by her brother’s bluster.

  If the whole thing weren’t so embarrassing, Savannah might have been amused his sister was making the same assumptions her father had.

  “Well, once again, and as usual, you’re wrong.”

  “Really?” Layla sounded genuinely surprised. “All right, so tell me about her. Have Mike and Ginny met her? Do they like her?”

  “Her name is Savannah. She’s twenty-six and she’s originally from New York. But she works for Mike now, which is how I met her, so of course they like her.”

  Layla laughed, “She’s a baby, Lee, and probably all sweet and starry eyed. A girl like that isn’t prepared to deal with an old jackass like you.”

  Lee snorted. “It’s a cruel world when your own sister turns on you.”

  Layla was unperturbed. “You do realize, Levon, that you’ve just married a girl who is not much older than your niece and younger than your nephew, right?”

  Lee went quiet, a stunned expression on his face. Evidently he hadn’t realized that. He sounded a little defensive when he finally replied. “So what? Kali’s nineteen and I was ten when Nate was born. It’s not like I’m old enough to be her father or anything. You’re just being ridiculous.”

  Layla’s reply was blunt, although there was a hint of humor in her voice. “Well, at the pace you’ve been going through women, I kind of figured it was just a matter of time before you got someone pregnant. But I did kind of expect it to be someone your own age.”

  Lee rolled his eyes, unamused, and raised his hand, flipping the bird at the phone. “Here’s a thought, you could stop talking about the vast legions of women you think I’ve had sex with while my new wife can hear you. And I’ll say for the second time: she’s not pregnant, so shove it.”

  Layla chuckled, unintimidated by her brother. “Well, when are you going to bring her to Rome so I can meet the poor girl? I’d have come back for a wedding but since you had to go and get married without telling me you have to bring her to me.”

  “I owe her a honeymoon. So I thought I’d take her to Paris or something and we could stop in Rome for a visit. Maybe in the next month or two when things settle down a little here.”

  “Just bring her to see me. The rest of Europe is overrated and I don’t get to see enough of you, anyway.”

  Lee laughed, “You just want us to spend the whole trip with you so you’ll have time to turn her against me.”

  “I admit I’m looking forward to telling her about all the stupid things you’ve done that I’m sure you’ve neglected to mention. You know, like the time you shot me. Hey, that’s probably why you got shot. Karma’s a bitch.”

  “I was seven and I shot you with a BB gun. It didn’t even break the skin and it was absolutely self-defense.”

  “Self-defense, my ass! It was armed robbery. You shot me and stole my fucking ice cream cone!”

  “That’s not how I remember it.”

  Savannah bit her lip to hold back her laughter. Layla definitely seemed a little overbearing, clearly a family trait, but it amused her to listen to the siblings bicker. Apparently it didn’t matter Lee was almost thirty-eight and Layla was in her forties, they still argued like a couple of kids.

  “No, of course it isn’t. But, hey, I’m going to let you go. I’m sure you have better things to do on your wedding day than talk to me. And I need to call Nate and Kali and tell them what their idiot uncle has gone and done now. I’m sure Nate will want to stop by and meet his new aunt soon.”

  Lee hung up and grinned at Savannah, stroking her hip with
his fingers. “That went well.”

  “Did it?” Savannah gave him a doubtful look. “She sounds kind of scary. I’m not sure I want to meet her.”

  “You’ll like her. You just have to get used to how blunt she can be. Now, let’s call Mike and get that over with so I can make love to you again. Here, have more cheese. You’re going to need your energy.” Lee leered at her but Savannah shook her head, pushing the cheese away.

  “Mike will be all right.” Savannah ruffled Lee’s hair with a laugh as he dialed the phone. She hadn’t told Lee about her conversation with Mike the night of Joni’s opening and Mike had been upset to learn they were going to Camp Kink, but she expected him to take the news better than either of their families had. She hoped so anyway.


  “Hey, Hoss.”

  “So, how’s the BDSM camp bullshit going? Cara found what she needs yet?”

  When they told Mike about their plan for the weekend he’d been livid, forbidding Savannah to go. She wasn’t sure what had enraged him more, that Lee was taking her to a BDSM camp in the first place, or that she would be so close to Hartwell, who was obviously dangerous. Whatever the reason, Mike had been furious and refused to listen to reason although he’d known he couldn’t actually prevent them from going. So their last conversation had been rather tense.

  “I don’t know. We haven’t made it to Camp Kink yet.” Lee paused, waiting for Mike to speak. When he didn’t, Lee continued. “But I did have some other news to share, hence the call.”

  “What’s that?” Mike’s voice was gruff, disinterested.

  “Savannah and I got married today.”

  “Jesus, fuck, Lee! What the hell are you thinking? You barely know each other. This is ridiculous. You’re both old enough to know better than this! I was all right with you two seeing each other, but why couldn’t you just date for a while and see what happens? Oh, no…no, no, no! Don’t tell me. Christ, is she fucking pregnant? Is that why you married her? Shit, shit, shit!”

  “Calm the fuck down, Mike. She’s not pregnant. You’re being an ass.”

  “What do you want me to say, Lee?”

  “I think congratulations is the typical response.”

  “Right, is she there?”

  “I’m right here, Mike.” Savannah looked at Lee uncertainly as she spoke into the phone. This wasn’t going as smoothly as she had hoped and she was definitely more shaken up by this conversation than Lee was.

  “Is this what you want, Savannah? Are you sure? I mean, really sure? Because if it’s not…”

  Savannah interrupted, not waiting for him to finish mostly because she was pretty sure she didn’t want to hear what he was about to say. “I know you think it’s crazy, Mike, and it probably is, but that doesn’t change the fact that I love him. We could have waited a year or five or ten. It wouldn’t matter; my feelings won’t change. I’m that sure. And seriously, Mike, this is supposed to be the happiest day of my life and I’ve already had to listen to a raft of shit from my parents and Lee’s sister. I don’t need it from you, too. Bitch at me all you want next time you see me, but let me have today, all right? Let me be happy that I just got married to an amazing man who I love very much. Can you do that? Please?”

  When Savannah finished, she noticed the look on Lee’s face—content, satisfied, humbled. She hoped her little speech had a similar calming effect on Mike, who was eerily quiet on the phone. Lee leaned over, kissing her passionately, one hand cradling her cheek as he held the phone in the other.

  When Mike finally spoke, Lee pulled away and Savannah sighed breathlessly.

  “You’re right, Savannah. I’m sorry. If you’re both happy about this it’s not my place to question you. I really hope everything works out the way you want. Congratulations.” Mike’s voice sounded reserved and tired but the anger was gone.

  “Thank you, Mike.” Savannah smiled at the phone, glad Mike had relaxed at least a little. He still didn’t sound exactly thrilled, probably because he was thinking about giving the news to Ginny, but at least he wasn’t lecturing them anymore and his well wishes sounded sincere, if hesitant.

  Lee cleared his throat, winking at Savannah. “Thanks, Hoss. I’m going to let you go now though so I can make love to my wife again.”

  Savannah gasped, jabbing Lee between the ribs but he just laughed as he listened to Mike sputter. When they’d hung up the phone, Savannah glared at him. “What did you have to go and say that for? You were just intentionally poking at him and he was really trying to be kind at the end.”

  Lee gave Savannah a look of mock innocence as he moved the plate and phone to the bedside table before pulling her on top of him. “I don’t understand the problem. I am going to make love to my wife again.”

  When Savannah giggled, Lee grinned at her, pulling her mouth to his and smothering her laughter with a kiss.

  Chapter Fourteen

  When they left the hotel, Lee took Savannah out to dinner so it was after dark when they finally arrived at the camp. Mindy had provided Savannah with directions from the parking lot to their campsite and the two of them made their way slowly to join their friends. Over Savannah’s strident objection, Lee insisted on carrying their bags. She knew he was in pain; he’d over exerted himself in their hotel room that afternoon, and his shoulder would be aching. But he just glared at her every time she offered to take the bags or asked if he was okay.

  Each campsite was set up with four tents around a fire pit and a picnic table. Walking through the campground on their way to their own site, Savannah smiled at the revelry of the campers. Some were sitting around talking and drinking, some were roasting hotdogs or marshmallows over bonfires and others were engaging in far more erotic activities. But above all, everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, relaxed and happy with a community of people who were accepting and nonjudgmental about people’s differences.

  When Lee and Savannah finally wandered into their own campsite, Mindy and three other women, who Savannah assumed were Todd’s, were roasting marshmallows around the campfire and making s’mores. Looking at the other women, all naked in the flickering firelight, Savannah suddenly felt extremely overdressed in her casual sundress. Geoff and Todd sat nearby at the picnic tables playing chess.

  Geoff looked up at them, smiling. “Good of you two to finally join us.”

  Savannah had a goofy smile on her face as Lee said, “I hope we didn’t miss anything exciting around here?”

  Todd grinned as he looked back at the girls around the fire. “Oh, not too much, although, there was a diverting little orgy of kinky fun this afternoon.”

  Lee guffawed and Mindy looked up from her place by the fire, noticing them for the first time. As she rushed over to Savannah, hugging her friend, she asked, “Where have you guys been all day? We thought you’d be here forever ago.”

  Lee and Savannah shared a quiet look before Lee grinned at Mindy. “We got married today and I wanted to keep her to myself for a little while before we joined all you perverts.”

  “You what?” Mindy squealed and hugged Savannah again. “You should have told us. I would have gotten a cake or something.”

  “It was sort of a last minute decision. Evidently a brush with death encourages rash behavior.” Lee replied with an amused smile.

  Todd stood and came to stand in front of them, smiling at Savannah. “Congratulations, Mrs. Jackson.”

  “Thank you, Todd.” Savannah shivered and leaned back against Lee’s chest where he stood behind her, his arm comfortably around her waist.

  Todd shocked her then, quickly stepping closer and dropping his head to kiss her. It wasn’t just a friendly congratulatory kiss, either. It was a real kiss, full of hunger and lust as he slipped his tongue between her lips, twining it with hers. Savannah squeaked against his mouth, her hands going to his chest as she tried to push him away, expecting at any moment Lee would tell his friend to back the fuck off. Lee didn’t intervene though, and she knew he was laughing
when she felt the rumble of his chest against her back. What the hell was going on? She’d have never thought in her wildest dreams Lee would allow someone else to kiss her like this. And this definitely qualified as a wild dream because Todd was one hell of a kisser.

  When Savannah made a low moan of surrender, her hands fisting in Todd’s shirt, Lee reached around her, carefully untangling the fingers of one hand from the fabric. Gripping her wrist, Lee guided her hand lower until her fingers brushed over the hard heat of Todd’s erection straining in his pants. Todd groaned in response, moving closer until Savannah was pressed between the two men. She started to make small needy sounds as she writhed between them, Todd still kissing her as his hands found her hips, encouraging her to rock against them both.

  “Todd wants to fuck you.” Lee growled against her ear, his hand cupping her breast and stroking her nipple through the thin fabric of her dress. Savannah whimpered, a plaintive, eager sound, and Lee chuckled softly. “He can’t though, can he?”

  Savannah was confused, and it was getting more and more difficult for her to think clearly with both of them touching her as they were. After their argument that first night about fidelity, she knew she shouldn’t be letting Todd continue to touch her, if this were a test, she was failing miserably. Why would Lee allow this to happen?

  As if hearing her thoughts, Todd lifted his head and smiled at her, a surprisingly warm expression. “I can’t because he’s a selfish prick and won’t let me, even if you are bucking against me in the most inviting way. He’s too jealous and possessive right now. But we’ve shared probably a dozen women in the years we’ve been friends. I don’t see why you should be any different. He’ll come around, honey.”

  Savannah’s eyes widened, her head rolling on Lee’s chest to look up at him. When their eyes met, Lee winked at her, an amused grin tugging at his lips. Savannah shivered and he looked like he was about to say something when they were interrupted by a voice Savannah didn’t know.


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