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A Risk Worth Taking (Book 1)

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by Aleks Mitchell

  A Risk Worth Taking: Book 1

  Aleks Mitchell

  © 2018 Aleks Mitchell. All rights reserved.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 1

  “Let me get a shot of tequila and a vodka soda. Top shelf.” Hayden smiled at the familiar bar owner as she placed her debit card onto the counter.

  “Well, well,” Vince smiled. “Look who we have here. Hayden Kovacs, as I live and breathe. What brings you into my little old bar?”

  “I happen to love your little old bar,” Hayden smiled. “How are you Vince?”

  Hayden had been coming to Vince’s bar since before she was even old enough to drink. Vince’s was a family bar so her family frequented the establishment a lot when she was growing up. Her father was good friends with Vince.

  “I can’t complain. Business has been better than usual. I thought you were living in New York now?”

  Vince poured a shot of tequila and a vodka soda and placed it down on the bar in front of Hayden.

  Hayden had moved to New York four years ago when she started college. She could have chosen a more local college, but it was always Hayden’s dream to get away from the small town life. Now that college was over she was trying to find a job that would allow her to stay in the bustling city.

  “I am. I just came back to visit my family and move the last of my things.”

  “How’s New York treating you?”

  “Honestly, it’s terrible,” Hayden said as she downed the shot of tequila. “Everyone has a stick up their ass. I have yet to meet someone without an attitude. But, it’s what I wanted.”

  “Definitely not like home huh?”

  “Nothing like home,” Hayden laughed.

  “Hey, can I get another beer?” a patron on the other side of the bar asked.

  “Coming right up!” Vince called out. “Hey, we’ll catch up later. Drinks are on the house tonight.”

  “You don’t have to do that Vince.”

  “Nonsense, I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  “Thanks,” Hayden smiled as the bar tender walked away to serve the other customers.

  Hayden enjoyed living in New York, but she still missed some of the people back home. That was one thing about growing up in a small town. She had the opportunity to get to know a lot of great people. People that she considered her family.

  “So, New York huh?”

  Hayden turned towards the voice next to her, a bit startled at first. As soon as Hayden looked at the woman next to her, she couldn’t help but smile. The woman was gorgeous. She had long dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. She was wearing a burgundy shirt that showed just the right amount of cleavage. Hayden had a hard time keeping her eyes fixed on the woman’s face.

  She can’t be from around here. I would have remembered meeting her.

  “Yeah, I went to school at NYU,” Hayden answered. “I’m moving there permanently, hopefully for a job.”

  “I wasn’t eavesdropping or anything,” the woman quickly stated. “I just overheard.”

  “No, it’s fine.” Hayden took a sip of her vodka soda, turning her attention away from the beautiful woman next to her.

  It’s my first night back. Maybe I shouldn’t.

  “So, you hopefully have a job back in New York,” the woman continued. “What brings you to Staunton, Virginia?”

  “I grew up here,” Hayden answered. “My family still lives here. I was just coming back to visit and to move the rest of my things to New York.”

  “That must have been nice, growing up in a small town.”

  “Actually, it’s the reason I want to move to the big city. I got kind of tired of the small town life.”

  “I like small towns.”

  “What could you possibly like about small towns?” Hayden asked, subconsciously getting a little closer to the woman.

  Okay, who cares if it’s my first night back? This woman is gorgeous. I’ll just be late getting home tonight. My family will understand.

  “Well, for starters I like the history. Most small towns have extensive history. Then there’s the intimacy.”

  “Is that important to you?” Hayden interrupted, a sly smile planted on her face.

  “Is what important to me?”

  “Intimacy,” Hayden smirked, her eyebrows quirked.

  Hayden was used to hitting on random people in bars. She could be rather bold, but she found that most people liked that quality about her.

  The brunette slowly grinned back, brown eyes meeting green eyes. It was obvious to both women where the conversation was headed.

  “I usually like to know a person’s name before I start talking about intimacy with them.”

  Hayden cleared her throat as she extended her hand in greeting. “Hayden Kovacs.”

  “Katherine Martel,” the woman responded as she took Hayden’s hand in hers. “But, most people call me Kate.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Kate.”

  “You too, Hayden,” Kate smiled, still holding Hayden’s hand in hers.

  The two women looked into each other’s eyes, waiting to see who would pull their hand away first. The chemistry between the two women was undeniable. Hayden had just met the brunette and she already wanted to find a way to be alone with her.

  “I see you met Kate,” Vince said as he interrupted the two women.

  Both women instantly pulled their hand away from the others. Hayden blushed as she turned away from Kate and smiled at Vince.

  “She’s great isn’t she?” Vince smiled.

  “Yeah, she definitely seems great,” Hayden answered, quickly smiling at the brunette.

  “She’s one of my best customers.”

  “I don’t know if I’d say that,” Kate commented.

  “I would. Kate’s a regular in here.”

  “Is that so?” Hayden asked.

  “What can I say? When I find a place I like I usually stick with it.”

  “Another tequila, Hayden?” Vince asked as he already started pouring tequila into a shot glass.

  “Thanks, Vince,” Hayden said as Vince placed the shot glass on the bar in front of her.

  Vince walked away, leaving the two women in an awkward silence.

  “Tequila and vodka?” Kate asked. “Are you trying to make yourself sick?”

  “I’ll have you know tequila and vodka is the perfect combination. Now, I will admit if I throw any other types of alcohol into the mix, I’m screwed.”

  “Did you learn that in New York?” Kate laughed.

  “No. I learned it growing up. Being the daughter of a bar owner has its perks.”

  Hayden’s father owned another popular bar in town, Kove. Luckily that didn’t affect his friendship with Vince. Vince’s bar had a different vibe to it. It was definitely more family-orientated than Hayden’s father’s bar. They didn’t see each other as competition.

  “If your dad owns a bar, why aren’t you there instead of here?” Kate asked curiously.

  “Everyone knows me there,” Hayden shrugged. “Actually a lot of people here know me too but it’s the lesser of two evils.”

  “I would think you would like it if people know you. It makes it easier
to socialize.”

  “Not when you’re like me,” Hayden smiled slyly.

  “What does that mean exactly?” Kate asked, a curious smile planted on her face.

  Hayden got closer to Kate so that she could talk into the woman’s ear. “I don’t usually hook up with people that I know.”

  Hayden sat back and picked up the shot glass in front of her. She downed it and looked over at Kate, trying to gauge her reaction to her comment.

  “Why is that?”

  “I like to keep things simple. No strings. When you know someone, there’s bound to be strings involved.”

  “Strings don’t necessarily have to be a bad thing,” Kate smiled.

  “They are when you’re not looking to settle down.”

  “Is that something you’re really against?” Kate asked.

  Hayden hadn’t been in a serious relationship for two years now. Ever since her break up with her ex-girlfriend, she refused to get involved in another serious relationship. She didn’t see a reason to risk going through something like that again. Sure she had given up the chance at finding love. But in her experience love was often followed by hurt.

  “It’s not that I’m against it. It’s just not what I’m looking for right now.”

  “I like that. You know what you want and you go for it.”

  “So, what about you?” Hayden asked, sitting back to look at the woman.

  “What about me?”

  “Strings or no strings?”

  Truth be told, this was the first time Kate had ever been so bold with a woman. She usually wasn’t one to strike up a conversation first, let alone consider hooking up with someone she had just met.

  “Usually, I’m all about strings. But, more recently I’ve been trying to do away with them.”

  “Any particular reason why?” Hayden asked sincerely.

  “I’ve just had a lot of bad luck in the dating department recently. I’m trying to be a little less serious about relationships now. It seems to be easier that way.”

  “It usually is,” Hayden agreed.

  “So, I take it you do this often?” Kate asked quietly.

  “Do what?” Hayden asked knowingly. She knew what the woman was asking her, but she really wanted to make her say it out loud.

  “You know what,” Kate rolled her eyes.

  “I don’t have any idea what you are talking about.”

  Kate rolled her eyes before giving the blonde a pointed look.

  Hayden looked taken back by the look. Kate had a feisty side that was for sure. She smiled as she put her hands up in surrender.

  “Okay, I give in. That look is seriously scary. If you weren’t so hot I’d totally be freaked out right now.”

  Kate blushed as she felt Hayden looking her up and down. Both women were very attracted to one another.

  “To answer your question, yes,” Hayden answered. “I do tend to do this often, but only with people that I really like.”

  “And you don’t get to know them first?”

  “By the time the night is over I usually know the most important things about them.”

  Kate looked down at her drink. She was contemplating just walking away from Hayden. She wasn’t the type of girl to just hook up with someone and forget about it, though she was trying to be. It just felt weird to her. She always thought sex was something special that you shared with someone you love. But, there was something about Hayden that made it impossible to just walk away. She wanted to know the woman, even if just for the night.

  “But, I know that’s not for everyone,” Hayden added. She could tell that Kate was struggling. She would never pressure someone into doing something they weren’t comfortable doing. Some people valued sex more than she did. That wasn’t something Hayden felt that they should be ashamed of. If anything she felt ashamed that she didn’t value sex as much as others did. A lot of people would judge her harshly for hooking up with a person she had just met. Luckily for her, she didn’t care what other people thought of her.

  “You’re right, it’s not.”

  “And I would never want to make you feel uncomfortable or pressured,” Hayden smiled, placing a comforting hand on Kate’s shoulder. “So, if you want we can just keep talking and forget any kind of talk of intimacy even came up.”

  Brown eyes looked into green eyes. Part of Kate didn’t want to forget about the intimacy they had discussed. This wasn’t something she was used to, but it was something that she wanted.

  “I’m all for continuing to talk,” Kate started, “but, if it’s okay with you I’d like to keep the possibility of intimacy on the table still.”

  Hayden smiled at the brunette, completely taken back at the woman’s request. She had thought for sure that Kate would have taken the out right away. She wasn’t expecting the woman to still be interested in possibly getting more intimate with her.

  “That is totally okay with me,” Hayden responded.


  “Good,” Hayden agreed.

  The two women had talked for nearly two hours before going back to Kate’s apartment.

  Hayden and Kate were already attached at the lips by the time they made it through the front door of Kate’s apartment.

  Kate locked the door behind her, lips still attached to her new lover.

  Kate grabbed hold of Hayden’s leather jacket and slowly took it off of the woman, careful not to break away from their kiss.

  Eager to continue, Hayden helped Kate out by shrugging her shoulders back so that her jacket fell to the floor in back of her. She then turned her attention to helping Kate out of her jacket. Both of the women wanted as little clothes between them as possible.

  Hayden tried desperately to get Kate’s jacket off of her, but it just wouldn’t slide off of the woman smoothly.

  Growing frustrated, Kate finally broke the kiss between the two and took her jacket off quickly.

  Hayden couldn’t help but smile at the look of irritation on the brunette’s face. It was apparent that Kate wanted this just as much as Hayden did, if not more.

  “You know, we have all night,” Hayden laughed. “No need to get so frustrated.”

  “Shut up,” Kate smiled, quickly attaching her lips to the blonde’s lips as she pulled her closer to her.

  Hayden kissed the brunette back with no hesitation. She was so glad she met Kate at the bar tonight. What was even better to Hayden was that she actually enjoyed talking to the woman. A lot of the times any of the people that Hayden had chemistry with would be terrible conversationalists. She rarely found someone she actually liked talking to.

  Lips still locked, Hayden gently pushed Kate back until her back was right up against the kitchen counter. Hayden placed her hands behind the woman’s thighs, ready to lift her lover onto the counter. But, Kate had something different in mind.

  Kate swiftly turned the two of them so that Hayden now had her back against the counter. Kate smiled at the look of surprise on Hayden’s face.

  “I thought you didn’t usually do this,” Hayden questioned smiling seductively.

  “Just because I don’t usually hook up with people I barely know, doesn’t mean I’m not usually a top.”

  Hayden’s jaw dropped as she grinned back at the brunette. Kate really was something else. Hayden had never met a woman like her before.

  Kate wasted no time in lifting Hayden onto the counter. She spread the woman’s legs around her, attaching her lips to hers.

  Kate lifted Hayden’s shirt over her head and threw it to the floor. Kate smiled as she pushed Hayden onto her back, slowly climbing on top of the counter until she was laid right on top of the blonde.

  Kate looked down at the blonde and bit her lip as she looked her over. When Kate met Hayden in the bar she had thought Hayden was the most beautiful woman she had ever seen. That was with clothes on. Kate had only managed to remove Hayden’s shirt and she was already finding it hard not to stare down at the woman in awe.

  Hayden lifted her head
to meet Kate half way. Their lips collided with one another. Hayden moaned into the kiss, motivating Kate to reach behind the blonde and unclasp the black bra. Kate pushed the straps over Hayden’s shoulders until she was able to drop the bra onto the floor. Kate pulled back from their kiss to look down at Hayden’s big breasts.

  Kate moaned as she brought her attention to Hayden’s right breast, lightly sucking on her erect nipple.

  Hayden arched her back as Kate continued the sweet assault on her breast. She wasn’t used to being a bottom, but she had to admit that Kate knew what she was doing. She was enjoying being on the bottom, at least for the time being.

  Kate slid her hands between the two women and lowered it until she was able to undo the button on Hayden’s skinny jeans. She unzipped her zipper and slid her hand into the woman’s pants, just above her panties. She could feel how wet Hayden was, even with her panties covering her sex.

  Hayden squirmed underneath her, desperate for Kate to continue. Kate was bringing her over the edge.

  Kate looked down at the blonde as she sat back just enough to pull the jeans off of the woman. Kate wasted no time in removing Hayden’s final article of clothing. She swiftly pulled Hayden’s panties down and out of the way, discarding the piece of fabric onto the floor with the rest of her clothes.

  Kate looked the blonde over from head to toe. Her mouth dropped open slightly at the sight.

  “I’m pretty sure you’re a little over dressed,” Hayden smirked.

  Kate smiled back as she pulled her own shirt over her head and threw it to the side. Kate reached behind her back and unclasped her own bra, allowing it to fall off of her. She threw it to the side as she quickly unbuttoned her jeans and took them off along with her panties in one swift motion.

  Hayden bit her lip as she looked at the naked brunette above her. Kate had the perfect body. She was skinny, but not too skinny. Her pussy was clean shaven and smooth. Her breasts were about the same size as hers, maybe a cup size smaller. She couldn’t wait to have her turn on top of the brunette.

  “Better?” Kate asked.


  Kate lowered herself on top of Hayden, lips going straight for Hayden’s neck.


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