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Thug Matrimony

Page 10

by Wahida Clark

  “Car? I’m not no damned chauffeur. That lil’ nigga!” Kaylin automatically knew who it was. “Man, how are we supposed to be fuckin’ tonight with that lil’ nigga running around?”

  “Who said anything about fucking?”

  “Red, yo. Don’t start no bullshit.” Kaylin was seeing his little plan crumble right before his eyes.

  “We are supposed to have dinner and talk, honey, remember?”

  “Don’t honey me, Red. We were supposed to finish off what we started earlier,” he snapped.

  “Says who, Kaylin? Our issues aren’t going to disappear just because the King wants to fuck.” She heard him mumbling but couldn’t make out the words. “If we are not going to get to the bottom of these issues we’re having, then just drop Malik off and do what you’ve been doing. Staying the fuck away!” She hung up on him, threw the phone on the sofa, and began pacing the floor. Angry. Angry that she allowed him to piss her off once again. And to think that she almost gave him some pussy.

  An hour and a half later she was putting the lid over the plate of food that she made for Tasha. She heard Kaylin pulling up into the driveway. She placed the container into the refrigerator. Giving the kitchen the once-over, she stuck the dinner rolls into the oven, took off her apron, and headed for the front door.

  “Red! Red! It’s me.” Malik came barging in, running full speed. When he saw Angel he covered his mouth with his hand.

  “Hey, Malik.” Angel smiled. “You made it over, huh?”

  “Sit down,” he told her. “Close your eyes.”

  “Oh my, this must be some surprise,” she said as she sat down on the couch and closed her eyes.

  “Don’t open them yet.” She could hear him going into his book bag and then fumbling with something. “Okay. Open ‘em.”

  She opened her eyes and he was in her face so close, she could smell candy and he was grinning a grin that was missing two front teeth.

  “Malik!” Angel gasped. “What happened?”

  Ignoring her, he shook one of those egg-shaped bubbles that come in those machines, when you buy bubble gum in order to win a prize. He opened it and inside were his two front teeth. “See, both of my teeth. Are you surprised?”

  “Yes, I am. Very surprised. How did they come out?”

  “I fell,” he stated matter-of-factly.

  “You fell, and knocked out two teeth! Did you cry?”

  “Nope,” he said proudly.

  “Malik, go put your knapsack in your room, wash your face and hands, and get ready for dinner,” Kaylin told him.

  “Okay, Dad.” He leaned over and kissed Angel on the cheek, stuffed the plastic case in his pocket, grabbed his knapsack, and took off running upstairs.

  “Malik, walk!” she yelled after him.

  Angel stood up acting as if Kaylin was invisible and headed back to the kitchen.

  “Oh, I can’t get no love?” he asked, admiring her jiggling ass as he followed behind her. He had a bottle of vintage grape wine, a dozen red and white roses, and two bakery boxes. “Red, I can’t get no love?” he asked her again.

  He set everything down on the table and went over and hugged her.

  “Get off me, Kaylin.” She tried to push him away. “Why don’t you just go? Do what you’ve been doing.”

  “I’m sorry about earlier. I couldn’t help it if all I could think about was getting some pussy. But damn, baby. I’m sexually frustrated. You can’t keep doing this to me. Daddy misses you, Ma.” He kissed her lips.

  “Daddy sure has a strange way of showing it. Now turn me loose. I have sumthin in the oven.”

  “Can I stay for dinner?”

  “Kaylin, just turn me loose. Do whatever you want. I’m sick of you.”

  “Here go me.” Malik came barging into the kitchen, shaking his wet hands.

  Angel pushed Kaylin off her and went to get the rolls out of the oven.

  “Dad, did you wash your hands?”

  “Did you wash yours?”


  “You didn’t dry them.”

  “Because I’m hungry, Dad.”

  “So am I. Come on, you blocker!”

  “Blocker? What’s that?” Malik giggled. “I’m not a blocker.”


  During dinner, Angel basically ignored Kaylin. And he didn’t mind, because he enjoyed watching and listening to the interaction between Angel and Malik. It was genuine. And he could tell that Malik loved Angel and Angel loved him, confirming that he couldn’t let Angel get away. He couldn’t lose her over some bullshit. He also had to face the fact that he’d been acting like a total asshole. He couldn’t wait to make Snake suffer.

  After dinner, he and Malik showered while Angel cleaned up the kitchen. After he tucked Malik in he ran Angel a nice hot bath filled with vanilla-scented bubbles. When he went downstairs she was lying on the couch, watching TV.

  “Red, c’mon, baby. I made you some bathwater.” When she ignored him, he lifted her off the couch and carried her upstairs to the bathroom.

  He undressed her slowly before lifting her up and gently placing her in the bathwater. She let out a moan and closed her eyes. Kaylin lit the vanilla-scented candles, turned out the light, and stuck in her Kindred CD. He picked her clothes off the floor and left.

  When he came back fifteen minutes later she had dozed off. He turned the hot water on to warm the bath back up. Squeezing her body wash onto her bath sponge, he stood her up and sponged her down, bathing her delicately. He rinsed her off and let the water out. Standing there with the oversized terry cloth towel spread open, he said, “Come on, baby.”

  She stepped out of the tub into the towel. He wrapped it around her, lifted her up, and carried her to the bedroom.

  Angel looked around at the many candles flickering in the dark room.

  “Relax,” Kaylin told her as he unraveled the towel. He poured some oil onto his hands and then proceeded to smooth it over her entire body. He massaged every inch of her body, relieving her of any and all stress.

  Angel was silent, except for constant sighs and moans. He turned her on her side as he massaged her back and shoulders. He then put extra oil in his hand and began lightly rubbing her stomach. She placed one hand over his and watched as he continued making circular motions. When she started to doze off he began planting soft kisses on her back, shoulders, and neck.

  Her eyes still closed, she sucked her teeth. “Kaylin, please.” He continued to kiss her. “Kaylin, do you know what you’re doing to me? To us? Do you even care?”

  “Damn! How many times do you want me to say I’m sorry?”

  She laughed. A laugh that said, Get real. “Kaylin, your mouth is always saying you’re sorry but your actions have been saying sumthin totally different.”

  “Come on, Ma, let’s go ahead and get married.”

  “Kaylin, stop. Don’t insult my intelligence. All of a sudden you want to get married. You just want some pussy, treating me like some off-brand bitch.” She shrugged him off her and got up.

  “I’m serious. Let’s get married.”

  “Fuck you, Kaylin.” She grabbed a pillow and tossed it at him with a look of disgust, then went into the guest bedroom and slammed the door.

  Kaylin looked at the clock: 1:38 a.m. “Fuck!” he mumbled. He turned on the light and found his phone book. Thumbing through it he snatched up the phone and dialed Reverend Run. As soon as he answered the phone he didn’t even give the reverend a chance to say hello. “Yo, I know it’s late but I need a miracle.”

  “Who is this?”

  “Kay. I need to get married. Like right now.”

  “It’s two in the morning.”

  “I know but this is an emergency. You know I walked out the last time.”

  “Walked out? That’s an understatement.”

  “Whatever. I’ve been in turmoil ever since I pulled that stunt. I’ve been walking in hell, Rev. Save me. It’s now or never. Do me this one, man. I need you.”

bsp; Silence.

  “I’ll send a car for you. It’ll be there in an hour.”

  Click. Reverend Run hung up on him. Kaylin made about eight more phone calls. By the time he got off the phone it was well after 2:00 a.m. He blew out all of the candles and went into the guest bedroom.

  He snuggled up behind Angel. “Red, get up and get ready. The reverend and everyone else are on their way over. Baby, I need you to give me one more chance. Will you marry me?”

  More silence. Then finally she said, “Kaylin, please. Leave. I’m tired. If you love me and if you’re really sorry, let me go.”

  “Red, I can’t live without you. You mean the whole world to me. I love you. My son loves you. I love our unborn child.”


  “Baby, please. I know I fucked up. I was scared that you wanted that nigga.”

  Angel turned over and smacked him as hard as she could across his face. “Why?” she screamed. “What made you think I would want him, Kaylin? Huh? What could I have possibly done to make you think that?”

  Kaylin hung his head and didn’t respond.

  “What the fuck were you thinking? That I’ve been faking my love for you all of these years? Huh?” She stood up. “You are so fucking … stupid!” She stormed out and went into the master bedroom.

  “Fuck!” Kaylin spat as he got up and went after her. When he opened the bedroom door she was yanking her clothes out of the closet.

  “Where are my suitcases?” she screamed.

  “What the fuck are you doing?”

  “Fuck you, Kaylin!”

  “What did I do? You wanted me to apologize and tell you what the fuck was the matter and when I do, you pack your shit? What the fuck part of the game is this?”

  She was now dumping out the heavy dresser drawers all over the bed.

  “Red! Red!” he screamed. “Stop this crazy bullshit! Did you forget you was pregnant?”

  “Naw, nigga, you the one who’s crazy! Acting like a fucking bitch and taking me through all of these changes because you thought that I wanted to be with some nigga. Fuck you! You’re a stupid muthafucka.”

  “Oh now you give a fuck? The question is, did you forget? Every fuckin’ day you got me stressing. You don’t give a fuck so, naw, fuck you! You been bitchin’ and whinin’ and complaining about a fucking wedding. Well, you’re getting ready to have one. If I got to hog-tie your ass you’re getting ready to marry me.” They were now engaged in a full-fledged screaming match.

  “Marry you? Fuck you, bitch!” Angel spat.

  He leaped across the room, placed a hand around her neck, and pushed her down onto the bed. She bounced up and began swinging wildly at him. He pushed her back onto the bed. When she tried to bounce back up again he pushed her back down. When she tried it again he pushed her back down.

  “Oh, we’re gonna get married.” He stood there and said it very calmlike.

  She covered her face with both hands balled up into knots and started crying. “Let me go Kaylin, I want out.”

  Malik stood in the doorway. “Daddy.”

  Kaylin jumped up and went to Malik. “What are you doing up?” He shrugged his shoulders. “Come on, let me tuck you back in.”

  “I want Red to tuck me in.” He yawned.

  “Red is not feeling well. You can see her in the morning.” He kissed his cheek as he carried him and put him back in the bed.

  “Night, Dad.”

  “Good night.” Kaylin closed his door.

  When he went back into the bedroom, Angel was still balled up crying. He leaned over her. “Ma, tell me you don’t love me and I’ll pack your shit for you.”

  “I hate you, Kaylin,” she cried out. “Just let me go.”

  “Tell me you don’t love me no more.”

  “Kaylin. Just let me go, please.”

  “Hell to the nah. You wanted to get married, remember? So go get yourself together. You have about twenty minutes.”

  She bounced up and began swinging at him. He grabbed her and they fell onto the bed. “I hate you, Kaylin. Let me go. Get off me!” He had pinned both arms to the bed. Her robe was open and he began kissing her neck and breasts.

  “I don’t love you!” she cried out loud.

  “Yes, you do.” He was sucking on her breasts. “You don’t mean that, do you?”

  “Kaylin … stop it.”

  “I’ll stop when I’m good and ready. This is my pussy.”

  “No, Kaylin. It’s not. You allowed some punk-ass nigga to come between us. Look how one man got us acting, disrespecting each other. So no, not anymore.”

  He raised both hands over her head and she tried to knee him in the nuts but missed.

  “Nice try, Ma.”

  “You’re hurting my wrists, Kaylin.”

  “Then be still, calm down, and stop crying. ‘Cause who got the upper hand?”

  “Kaylin, stop playing!”

  “I will, once you calm down.”

  “I’m calm. Now let me go.”

  “You sure about that?”

  “Let me go.”

  “Aiight, when I let them go, you are going to get up quietly, and get yourself together. Is that clear?”

  “You are not my father, Kaylin. Now get off me. I’m calm, damn,” she yelled.

  He let her wrists go but remained on top of her. She swiped the tears off her face, then tried to wiggle from under him. When she saw that she couldn’t go anywhere she managed to flip onto her stomach.

  “Calm the fuck down, don’t lose my baby, Angel.”

  “Then get the fuck off me.”

  “Where you think you’re going?”

  “Kaylin, you said you were going to let me go. Now stop playing,” she yelled out.

  “What’s the magic word?”

  “Fuck you.”

  “Uh-uh. That’s not it,” he sang.

  “Kaylin, stop it.”

  “What’s the magic word?”

  She didn’t respond.

  “I’m asking you one more time. What’s the magic word?”


  “Aiight, have it your way.” He grabbed both of her wrists and pinned them back together.

  “Kaylin, stop!” she screamed. “You play too damned much!”

  “I gave you your chance.” Since her ass was already up in the air, he smacked it one time and used his knee to spread her legs. “I know how to shut your ass up.”


  He slid one finger into her pussy and then another and he started working ‘em.

  “Kaylin, stop playing.” Her voice trembled.

  “Who’s playing? Do this feel like I’m playing?” He began teasing her throbbing pearl tongue.

  “Shit! Kaylin, stop it!”

  He left the clit alone and went back inside her pussy with three fingers.

  “Oh, sshhh …,” she moaned as she began throwing it at his fingers. “I hate you …” she whispered.

  “Yeah. That’s what I thought.” He leaned over to get him a kiss, and her tongue parted his lips. Their tongues added fuel to an already raging fire.

  “Mmmmm,” she moaned.

  “You still hate me?” He began teasing her clit once more. He was back flicking his fingers over her clit. She continued to purr. “Well, get ready to hate me even more because I’m getting ready to get me some of dis.” Her pussy was throbbing and jumping as he turned her clit loose and then pulled out his dick.

  “Kay … Unnnnghh,” she groaned as he dug inside her. He grunted as he grabbed her by her hips and began to grind deep and slow. She raised her ass higher and tried to make her pussy squeeze and suck up his dick.

  “F-fuck. Do that shit, baby. Work that pussy,” Kaylin moaned, as he went in deeper.

  “Damn baby … right there. Shit … that feels good. Right there, baby. Yesss. Right there …” she screamed as Kaylin worked it. “Shit, nigga … I love … you …” she crooned as she began to come. Kaylin was now in a zone smacking her ass. When he was rea
dy to nut, he pulled out and shot all over her ass, before falling over onto his back. Angel crawled over to him, got in the sixty-nine position, and began bobbing up and down on his dick. Kaylin rubbed his cum all over her ass, blew on her clit, and went to sucking on her pussy.

  Ding, dong. The doorbell rang as they both licked and sucked on each other feverishly, refusing to stop. Unable to stop.

  Kaylin’s dick was so thick and hard that Angel had to ride it. Coming up for air, she sat up, kept her back turned to him as she slid down on his dick. Kaylin watched her ass jiggle as she slid up and down, faster and faster. As he grabbed on to one of her hips and reached around for her inner piece, they went at it as if this would be their last fuck.

  Angel was the first to start skeeting. Kaylin held on to both hips as he let go of what felt like buckets of cum.

  Ding, dong.

  “Who … is … that, baby?” Angel could barely get the words out.

  “The reverend or Kajuan, or my mom, Omar. It could be Kendrick and Kendra or Tamara. I called them all up as witnesses to our marriage.” He was still trying to catch his breath. “Fuck, I nutted hard.”

  “You know I’m not going to let you off this easy, right?”

  “You killin’ me, Ma.” He sat up, wanting to taste her pussy juice on his lips and tongue. “Come here.”

  She crawled over to him and hungrily tasted her juices in his mouth.

  Ding, dong. Ding, dong.

  Neither one of them wanted to stop tasting the other.


  Whoever was at the door was obviously now calling on the phone.

  “We gonna get married, baby, or are we gonna fuck some more?” he asked as he played with her nipples.

  “Nigga, both.”

  Kaylin was spent. “Well, you gonna have to suck my dick back to life.”

  Angel moaned as she climbed back into the sixty-nine position.

  Chapter 11

  After keeping everyone waiting, forty minutes later, Kaylin and Angel were standing in front of their guests. Kaylin was clad in a simple white-on-white ensemble shirt and tailor-made pants by Ralph Lauren tapered off by a pair of white-on-white Air Force Ones. Angel sported a simple white Prada dress and white Jimmy Choo stilettos, accented by a pregnant belly.


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