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Church Whore 2

Page 8

by Faith

  “Girl, I knew something was wrong with you, but, umm, if you don’t start talking, I’m calling all the brothers up her to turn this place out.”

  “Ok, calm down, I’ll tell you.” Elisea told her sister the entire sordid tale. Lizzie sat with her mouth open, not believing what she heard.

  “Wow, Elisea, why didn’t you tell me all of this before?” Lizzie was hurt because her sister was her best friend.

  “I’m sorry. I was ashamed, but I’m not anymore. I’m so unbothered by him. I am shocked to know Mud went over there and beat him up for me.”

  “Why do you think it was Mud?”

  “It had to be because Tricia was the only one who knew, she probably told him. How he found out who he was, I haven’t figure that out yet.”

  “You know Mud is resourceful, there is no telling. Don’t be mad at Tricia, either I’m glad she told him. Shoot, I want to beat him myself.”

  “Nah, Tricia was looking out for me, we good. But, since we’re bonding, I think I’m going to need my sister now more than ever.” Elisea’s eyes watered.

  “You’re scaring me, Elisea.”

  “Good, so we can be scared together.”

  “Elisea, what is it?”

  “I’m late. You know I’m like clockwork, but I’m late.”


  “Yeah, call on Him,” Elisea joked, and chuckled.

  “How can you be making jokes at a time like this?” Lizzie fussed.

  “Lizzie, I have to laugh to keep from crying. I have shed enough tears over that thing over there. I have punished myself enough over this. Like Tricia told me the other day, we fall down but as long as we get back up, that’s all that matters.”

  Lizzie stared at her sister. It was not what she wanted for her life. “I got your back. Whatever you need, I will be there. First, we need to see if you are pregnant.”

  “I have an appointment tomorrow. Will you go with me?”

  “Of course, I will. You’re not going through this alone.”

  “How do you think the family will react?” Elisea was still concerned on how they would respond.

  “Girl, all the dirt our brothers do, they bet’ not say a word. If they come out of pocket, I’m coming out of pocket!”

  “Okay, Lizzie! I see you, girl. When did you get gangsta?” Elisea teased.

  “You’re not just my sister, you are my best friend. I’m not going to let anyone make you feel bad.” Lizzie’s eyes watered.

  “Thanks, sis.” They bumped fists. Elisea looked down at her plate and picked up a fried clam. “Girl, these are so good.”

  “You have been eating a lot lately, but I didn’t know this was why.”

  “I was wondering who noticed.”

  “Elisea, can I ask you a question?”

  With a raised eyebrow, she said, “Go ahead.”

  Lizzie leaned forward, and whispered. “What did it feel like? I mean, the sex.”

  Elisea busted out laughing. “Girl, let me you…”

  Chapter 12

  Junior and Lacey cuddled on the couch to relax. They had taken the kids out to eat, given them their bath, and they were enjoying their quality time. Lacey was proud that Junior made an effort to step it up at home with the kids. They had been doing a lot of fun activities together and the kids loved it. Junior rubbed her protruding baby.

  “Baby, can you get that file on the desk over there for me?”

  Junior got up, retrieved the file, and sat back down next to Lacey. He handed her the file and she stared at the contents for a while.

  “I have a surprise.” Lacey handed Junior an ultrasound picture and it read, it’s a girl.

  Junior looked at the picture and smiled. “A girl? Yes! I was hoping it was a girl.”

  Lacey smiled at him. They kissed and she wanted more, but she pulled back. “Pump your brakes, I’m not done.” Lacey opened the folder and handed Junior a paper.

  He read over it and Lacey swore the color drained from his face. He looked over at her. “A confidentiality agreement?”

  “Yes, signed and sealed,” Lacey said proudly.

  “I don’t know what to say.” Junior read over the agreement again.

  “A thank you would be nice.”

  Junior almost looked hurt. “I was going to tell you about the baby, Lacey.”

  “Junior, save it, I don’t even want to go back and forth about this. You didn’t handle it, so I did. Now, let me say this, next week I will be conducting interviews for your new personal assistant. She will be handpicked by me!”


  “What, Junior? What is it that you want to tell me; that you love this woman too. Yeah, I know that. I know you wanted to keep us both, but it doesn’t work that way. You were struggling with making a choice, so I made the choice for you. “

  “I’m sorry.”

  “You know what I want? I want you to stop being sorry and be the man that you were destined to be. Junior, I love your dirty draws, you know that. I have to love you to welcome your love child into my family. Hell. It’s not the baby’s fault. He or she could turn out to be something great. I will not take out my anger on the child.”

  Junior rubbed his chin and looked over at her. “You never cease to amaze me, lady. I guess this means no sex tonight, huh?”

  “You got that right, but you can rub my feet for me.” Lacey placed her legs over Junior’s. “Get to rubbing.”


  After a soul stirring sermon from Junior, the choir sang away and the congregation clapped away.

  If you’re tired of being the same

  If you’re tired of things not changing

  It’s time for you to get out the way

  Don’t get stuck in how you feel

  Say Jesus take the wheel

  He knows the road that you need to take

  But only it only works if

  If you wanna be happy

  Look at yourself and say

  Don’t you wanna be happy

  I just wanna be happy.

  Edem walked out singing the end of the song. “Saints, do you want to be happy?”

  “Yes!” the congregation shouted.

  “I know that I want to be happy. Where’s Ruthie?” Edem searched the congregation. “There you are. Please, come here,” he beckoned to her.

  Ruthie got up and walked to the Edem. “What are you doing?” she whispered.

  “Ruthie, the bible says when a man findeth a wife, he findeth a good thing.” The congregation gasped. “Turn around.” He pointed toward the choir stand.

  When Ruthie turned around, members of the choir held letter signs that spelled out, Will You Marry Me? Ruthie covered her mouth.

  “Yes, God!” Madear screamed.

  Lacey and Eloise looked at each other. Lacey looked at Junior, who was in the pulpit. Junior looked over at Mud and Eddie. They all turned to Elisea and Lizzie. Everyone was shocked. They knew love was in the air, but no one expected that.

  “Y’all know I can’t get down on one knee as of yet, so forgive me, but, Ruthie, I love you. Will you allow me to be your Boaz? Let’s change a nation, baby.” Edem pulled out a box and opened it. It contained a custom made, ten-carat ring. Ruthie gasped.

  Mud shouted out, “You go, Edem!” The church laughed.

  “All of this for me?” Ruthie cried.

  “If you let me, I will give you the world. If anybody deserves this, you do.” The church struggled to hear because they spoke softly.

  “Speak up!” Madear shouted.

  Edem put the mic back to his mouth. “Madear, I’m waiting on this beautiful lady to answer the question.” Edem chuckled and put the microphone to Ruthie’s mouth.

  “Yes, of course, I will marry you.” Edem shocked the church and kissed Ruthie on the lips before they embraced. Everyone jumped to their feet and applauded. The Blanks clan ascended on the couple and they all hugged as they checked out the engagement ring.

  Sunday dinner was a festive

  “Edem, you did that!” Mud told him.

  “Yeah, Edem, that was slick and that ring, man, you making us look bad,” Junior teased.

  “Y’all can make up for it with push gifts.”

  “What’s a push gift?” Mama Eloise asked.

  “It’s a gift given to the mother for having the baby,” Lacey explained.

  “What the what? That sounds silly, the baby is the gift,” Mama Eloise fussed.

  “Not anymore,” Lacey responded.

  “Push gift. Humph, sounds stupid,” Mama Eloise huffed.

  “Not to us.” Lacey laughed.

  “Shoot, I pushed out six kids, where my push gift is?” Everyone laughed at Mama Eloise.

  “I wanted to share the engagement with everyone because the wedding will be private. We want it just between us,” Edem slid in.

  “Come again?” Mama Eloise said.

  “We can’t come to the wedding, Edem?” Lizzie asked.

  Ruthie looked at Edem to answer. “Look, y’all, we do everything together, everything, and I love how close our family is, but I decided that I needed something just for me. As long as God is there in the midst, we are good.”

  “Ruthie, is this what you want?” Mama Eloise asked.

  “I want what Edem wants.” Ruthie didn’t want them to be mad at her, but she agreed with Edem. She had no family to attend, anyway.

  “Humph!” Mama Eloise grunted.

  “Mama, don’t start that pouting. I was going to allow you, and you alone, to be there, but if you start cutting up, you can stay home.” Mama Eloise looked at Edem in shock.

  “Oh, I can come?” She smiled.

  “Yes, Mama.” Edem shook his head.

  “Well, alright then, there will be no wedding y’all. Moving on, y’all eat up!” Mama Eloise took a bite of her food.

  “You’re a trip, Mama” Lizzie shook her head.

  “Ok, I can respect your wishes, but can we make a compromise?” Lacey asked, playing the ever diplomat.

  “We’re listening.”

  “Can we at least throw you a reception?”

  Edem looked at Ruthie and she shrugged. “Ok, y’all can throw us a reception,” Edem agreed.

  “Good, because the church is going to want to celebrate with you, too,” Lacey said.

  “You’re right.” Edem nodded.

  “Can we make one more compromise?” Lacey smiled.

  “Junior, get your wife!” Edem laughed.

  “I can’t do nothing with her.” Junior bit into his fried chicken.

  “Come on, Edem, at least hear me out,” Lacey pleaded.

  Edem sighed. “Go ahead.”

  “All I was going to say was can you video the ceremony so we can kind of share in the moment?”

  “We can do that. Now, negotiations over!”

  Lacey threw her hands up. “I got what I came for.” She laughed.

  After Sunday dinner, the family sat around the living room talking. “I need to call a family meeting while everyone is here,” Elisea announced. Everyone looked around at each other. Lizzie stood up next to Elisea to show support. Tricia had a feeling what it was all about, so she got up and stood on the other side of Elisea. Their support touched her heart and she cried. They both rubbed her back.

  “What’s wrong?” Mama Eloise cried seeing her baby cry.

  “Elisea is pregnant,” Lizzie spoke for her.

  “What?” the family said in unison. Everyone looked at each other.

  Junior got up and walked over to his sister. “Lift your head up. Don’t ever drop your head in again. We got your back, right, y’all?”

  “Of course!” Lacey said, getting up to surround Elisea.

  The rest of the family walked up one by one, and surrounded Elisea. Mama Eloise sat on the couch and cried.

  “Mama, if you don’t love on your child,” Junior said in a harsh tone.

  Mama Eloise finally got up. “I’m sorry if I disappointed you, Mama.”

  “It’s not that, my baby is having a baby. Lord Jesus, all y’all having these babies back to back. I am not babysitting all of them at the same time. Shoot, Mama got a man.”

  “What?” everyone but Edem said in unison.


  Edem and Ruthie didn’t waste any time getting their marriage license. They arranged for one of the Bishops he knew, a true man of God, to marry them. Edem got his wish, only his mother attended. Ruthie wore a modest, lace, ivory gown, and she looked absolutely beautiful. Mama Eloise cried the entire time. They had a professional photographer, who took plenty of pictures. The videographer was there, also. The wedding was nice and Edem felt blessed. He loved his brothers, but he wanted a true man of God to speak over his marriage.

  Edem and Ruthie were on a plane to Hawaii within two hours of saying I do. When they arrived at the five star hotel; they shared a romantic dinner in their bridal suite. Ruthie fed him decadent chocolate cake that was good, but hers tasted better. They had the best time talking about their future together. As darkness fell, Ruthie went into the bathroom to shower. When she walked out in a black lace cami that Felicia had packed as a surprise, Edem’s mouth dropped open.

  “Mrs. Blanks, you are on sexy woman.” He jumped up and ran toward the bathroom.

  Ruthie spun around. “Baby, are you sick?”

  “No, I’m getting in the shower, I have waited long enough.” Edem shouted behind closed doors. Ruthie busted out laughing.

  Ruthie poured herself a glass of champagne. As she sipped, she reflected on how happy she was. Hearing the bathroom door open, she turned and saw Edem standing there with a pair of black, silk boxers on.

  “Look at my man.” Edem walked over to Ruthie and they kissed. They really kissed. Their passion exploded in each other’s mouth.

  Edem took her glass from her and laid her down. He laid on top of her and let his hands become familiar with his wife’s body. He explored every inch of her, kissing her along the way. He undressed her, and said, “Thank You, God,” after seeing Ruthie’s ample breasts. Ruthie giggled. Edem kissed and licked Ruthie from head to toe. As he made his way between her thighs, he opened her legs and inhaled her lovely scent. Alright, Edem, it’s now or never. Edem gently kissed his wife’s kitty. He gripped her legs and sucked on her clit. It was so fat and pretty. Her shaved kitty looked like a set of lips. He emblazoned her in his mind. Ruthie moaned as Edem’s tongue introduced himself to her. He figured he was doing ok when Ruthie grabbed his head. His brothers had given him pointers, telling him he had a rep to protect. Edem enjoyed the sweet nectar releasing from his wife. Ruthie shook and Edem remembered what Junior said, so he smiled, happy that he brought his wife to orgasm. Ruthie screamed out his name. Edem was rock hard, and he was ready. As he hovered over Ruthie, he wasn’t sure whether to kiss her or not. Mud said some women didn’t like that, but when Ruthie pulled him to her and kissed him, he got his answer. She opened her legs willingly, ready for him. He slid his boxers off and she looked down at his manhood. Her eyes widened at he size of him. She had heard about the Blanks men, but she was happy to know her husband was blessed, too. Edem eased inside of her. Her kitty was soaking wet, but tight from the years of celibacy. “I don’t want to hurt you,” Edem whispered.

  “Hurt me, Daddy.”

  “Oh, shoot! My wife is a freak.” He laughed.

  “I’m your freak.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  Edem entered her and Ruthie gasped. He eased further and further until his twelve and a half inches disappeared inside of her. Once inside, he stroked her slowly, getting to know her kitty. The more he stroked, the wetter she became. Ruthie worked it back on him, and the shock and pleasure on his face said it all. His beautiful, brown eyes seemed to glisten. They moaned as they made passionate love. Edem felt himself about to cum, but he didn’t want to and remembered what his brother said about pulling back on his nuts. He hoped it worked since it was new to him and he wasn’t sure how long it would be be
fore round two. Edem did as he was told, and it worked. He flipped her over and Ruthie rode her husband into oblivion of ecstasy. He sucked on her breasts as she bounced up and down on him. It was the best feeling in the world. Now he knew why his brothers had lost their minds.

  “I love you, Pastor Blanks.”

  “I love you more, Mrs. Blanks.”

  Edem felt himself about to cum, and that time he was ready. He flipped her back over and after three strokes, he released inside of his wife, screaming out in pleasure. He deposited his seed inside of her womb and Ruthie received it lovingly. At that very moment as the most beautiful expression of love, God opened Ruthie’s womb, for He knew the greatness that was yet to be birthed.

  They made love all night long; they had a long time to make up for. They finally fell out after they watched the sunrise together. Edem was awakened with his manhood in Ruthie’s mouth. The blood rushed to his head and thought that it was going to explode. She made him feel things he had never felt before. Before he knew it, he had unloaded in her mouth.

  “Good afternoon, husband.” Ruthie smiled

  They shared their first shower together, made love in the shower, and Edem thought he had died and gone to heaven. After they showered and dressed, they went to explore the island. They went on adventure after adventure. Hot air balloon ride, horseback riding, sky diving, the day was filled with new experiences. They ended their first day on the island with a walk on the beach, where Ruthie talked Edem into giving her some right then and there. They went to a secluded area and christened the beach.

  Chapter 13

  Jezebel scoped out her brother’s apartment, hoping to be able to talk to Delilah. She tried to go see Tamar, but her visitation was restricted. For two days, Jezebel waited for a chance. Finally, she noticed Damien, Lilith, and, at first glance, Delilah walking out of the apartment going to Damien’s car. Jezebel watched Delilah’s mannerisms. “Hold up, that’s not Dee, that’s Tamar. What the hell?” Jezebel wanted to jump out of the car and grab Tamar, but she had to think about the safety of her baby.

  How is Tamar out? I just called up there. “Bait and switch! That damn Lilith. She made them switch places, but why? Come on, Jezebel, put it together,” she said out loud to herself. She pulled out behind her family to see where they were going.


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