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A Civilian for Silo

Page 14

by J. A. Hornbuckle

  “And what will I be doing in Billings, Silo?” I hadn’t planned on asking that particular question at that particular moment, but it just jumped right from my brain and out of my mouth.

  I watched as he blinked a couple of times, parted his lips and then closed them. “What do you want to be doing, Shell?” he finally asked slowly.

  Turning my face towards the window, I let my thoughts turn inward. What did I want to do in Billings? But I realized the question was wrong, incomplete somehow. The real question, the one at bedrock level, was what was I going to do with the rest of my life?

  My father, the man who’d caused all of it to happen, was no longer in charge of me or my life. He’d cut the tethers of my security with his greed, his machinations to increase his own wealth but at what cost? Lulu had been smart enough to run, to remove herself from our dad’s scheming. She’d created a new life for herself and seemed more than happy the last time I’d seen her. However, I had been left floating, drifting on the wind.

  I’d lost everything. My job, our so-called friends and social circle, as well as the sense of myself when he’d placed a black mark on our name. Had brought the investigation into ‘our’ world, causing people I’d known all my life to turn away, and make themselves unavailable.

  Everything I’d been working at, and even towards, had turned out to have been a lie—a dream, just a figment of my own imaginings. Now I was alone, except for Silo and the Hellions, without the safety net of money or social standing as I fell through my life. And that thought scared me silly! Who was I if I couldn’t be a Palmer, whose very name used to carry weight and elegance within the hoi-polloi of Albuquerque society?

  “I don’t know.” It was an answer and a truthful one. But he deserved more. “I’m kind of stuck, honey. I know I can’t go back to Albuquerque. It’s not safe and there’s really nothing there for me anymore.”

  “You got that fucking right,” Silo breathed and I saw his fingers flex tightly on the steering wheel.

  “And until we figure out who’s after me, I can’t get a job.” I’d obviously been thinking about this in the almost week I’d been with him, but had never really paid attention to what I’d deduced.

  “We’ve never fucking talked that through,” Silo started and then stopped. “Don’t want to make you relive it again, pretty girl, but in order to get to the bottom of it, you gotta tell me what you remember.”

  At his words, I felt my body begin to shake and my stomach took a nosedive. I swallowed deeply and turned to look at him. “I…I can’t yet, Si. I’m just…it’s too soon.”

  His hand on the console reached for mine that was wiping itself on my jeans, stilling it and holding it tightly. “Okay, Shell. We’ll wait until you’re ready but the longer you fucking put it off, the longer you remain in fucking limbo. And I’m guessing you’re one of those kind of bitches that ain’t cut out for just lying around eating fucking bon-bons.”

  I smiled at the mental picture his words had created.

  “Am I right or am I fucking right?” he asked with a laugh and a squeeze of my fingers. His teasing was a welcome break from my churning disjointed thoughts. “So you’ll work the fucking house.”


  “Silo! I don’t…uh, know how to work a house,” I yelped. “I know how to run one, how to tell the staff what to do and when…”

  “Jay-sus…” he groaned good-naturedly. “I can abso-fucking-lutely guaran-damn-tee there ain’t gonna be no fucking staff to do shit in Billings!”

  “So, the hands-on things are supposed to my responsibility?” I was shocked at what he was implying.

  “What? You’ve never scrubbed a toilet? Vacuumed or that kind of shit?” He sounded as stunned as I felt, and I saw him trying to wrap his mind around my lack of knowledge.

  “The first time I ever hand-washed dishes was at your house,” I announced with a sniff.

  “And you did a fucking great job.”

  “I hated it.”

  “So? You think anyone else really likes doing that shit?” He turned surprised eyes my way again.

  I twisted my face back towards the window. “And that’s supposed to fill my day?”

  “Christ, Shell!” I felt his hand disengage from mine and saw him rub it over his head in the reflection of the window. “I don’t know. Do house shit, find a hobby, fucking spend all fucking day doing your nails. I don’t fucking care what you do!”

  My head whipped back around to face him, moving so fast and with so much force, my butt slid on the seat. “You don’t freaking care?”

  His shoulders went up and I saw his cheeks darken. “Hold on. I didn’t fucking mean it like that and you know it!”

  And I did. Kind of.

  But he’d never made another move after our time on the couch outside of the small kiss at lunch. And the lack of any physical affection from him had found me questioning his feelings for me. Without it, I felt like I was being treated as a family member. A sister or cousin in a jam who he was helping out.

  Did I want that? Or did I need more from him?

  Carly’s question about me being Silo’s partner raced through my mind! And I saw exactly what she’d been getting to. Could I see myself with Silo over the long haul−as part of a couple, two people working together to build a life? Or was I just using him for the momentary safety and security I knew he could provide?

  Shocked by my own thoughts, I again spoke without thinking. “You haven’t touched me since Tuesday night.”

  Without missing a beat, Silo quickly moved the big truck to the side of the highway his jaw clenched and hands firm on the wheel. He jerked the gearshift into ‘Park’ and stomped on the emergency brake even as he released his seatbelt and turned to me.

  His hand was hot as it hit the back of my neck, underneath the ponytail I’d fashioned for the trip, as he pulled me towards him. “Was just giving you fucking time, baby,” he murmured before his lips crashed down. Wasting no time, his tongue was soon tangling with mine.

  And I went up in flames.


  Silo was not the sort to attack the woman he had a mind to seduce. His usual style was more on the slow side, performed with stealthy touches and naughty words to let them know his intention. But the feisty bit of pink he was living with, who he’d pledged to keep protected, caused a break in the norm, finding him grabbing for what he could get. Maybe it was because Shelly was just as volatile as he was, never once hiding her feelings from him, making him feel safe enough to show his own.

  And that she’d fucking kept track that they hadn’t had a do-over of the time on the couch?


  That meant that she hadn’t felt his heated eyes on her as she’d moved throughout the house or seen the tenting of his jeans as she’d sat next to him at meals or when they’d just been reading together on the couch at the end of the day.

  In his mind, and to the stroking of his hand on his cock in the shower, he’d taken her time and time again. And in numerous, somewhat improbable, mental positions.

  So it was no wonder her words had found him almost mindless, practically giddy, at the thought of touching her again. Of kissing her as senseless as she made him with her soft looks, sultry smiles and virulent tongue.

  Damn! She felt good and tasted even better, giving as good as she got.

  He raised his head to come up for air and was delighted to find her straddling his lap, her back to the steering wheel. Her lips were swollen, telling him they’d been at it for a while and her unfocused eyes let him know she was as hot for him as he was for her.

  “This is gonna be fucking tricky, baby,” he said on a groan as she rubbed her crotch on the hardness barely restrained in his pants. “But hell, I’m up for it if you are.”

  She blinked into his face before she came back to herself, as if just realizing where they were and what they’d been about to do. “Silo?”

  “Yeah, baby,” he said, his hips lifting for another hot press against

  “Were we…are we about to have sex in your truck by the side of the road?” Her eyes looked everywhere but at him and he watched the red creep up her neck although he wasn’t sure if it was because of the idea of what they were about to do or what they’d already done. The fact that he had both hands shoved underneath both her t-shirt and bra, her beautiful warm breasts spilling over his palms as his thumbs continued to glide over her passion sharpened nipples, should’ve been a fucking clue.

  But it was her tone that had him questioning their actions. “You ain’t into car sex, Shell?”

  “I don’t know,” she breathed as her fingers plucked at the buttons on his Hellion cut. “I’ve never done it in a car.” Her eyes glanced out the side window. “Won’t the other drivers see us?”

  “Think they’re going too fucking fast to get a gander,” he explained, pressing his mouth to the side of her neck, a part he knew was extra fucking sensitive. She dropped her head back and to the side, as if to give him more room to work.

  “Do you have a condom?” she asked on a whimper as her hips again began to churn.

  Oh fuck!

  They’d used the one in his wallet and he hadn’t done a reload. In fact, as far as he fucking knew, the huge box of them had been packed with all the bathroom crap and taken in the load the recruits had carried out yesterday.

  Though it was a sobering thought and one that was disappointing on so many levels, Silo was determined not to let the moment between them slip away. “We don’t have to fuck, beautiful, to have fun.”

  She dropped her chin and pressed her forehead to his, the movement of her ass never stilling. “We don’t?”

  “Nope. There’s lots and lots of wonderful ways to get you off, baby. Remember the couch?”

  He felt the crease of her frown. “What about you?”

  “And me. That is, if you’re fucking up for it.” He realized that his voice sounded almost challenging, but they’d explored before and he knew she wasn’t a prude when it came to the naked stuff.

  Her arms went around his neck and she pressed herself down with even more pressure. Silo felt a bead of wetness escape from the throbbing length in his jeans.

  “I want you so much.”

  That was all he fucking needed to hear before reaching for her waistband. With a pop and the metal on metal sound of her zipper, he began the process of sliding her tight as shit jeans down over her curvy butt cheeks. She pulled back, glancing down at what his hands were doing before aiming her gaze out the window.

  “They really won’t see?”

  Silo didn’t answer. He couldn’t since he was breathless at the view of her curls, moistened with the evidence of her desire. Using one hand on her chin to bring her mouth back to his, he gently reached between her legs tracing her slit until he felt the swollen nubbin that was just peeking out from between her folds. He circled it once lightly before adding more pressure and her body jerked as she sighed out a mewl. “That’s it. Ride my fingers, baby.”

  And she did, sliding her sweet pussy over his moving fingers that were slick with her juices. He increased the pressure and received a primal groan in return. “Find it, Shelly. That’s it. Reach for it.”

  Her hips increased their pace and he wrapped an arm around her back in order to keep his other hand in the same fucking spot. She was so slippery, so fucking swollen, he knew it wouldn’t be long before she hit it and he didn’t want to lose his place before she did.

  “Silo!” she keened, her body pulled tight as she reached the pinnacle of her pleasure and tumbled down the other side. She fell against his chest, her panting breath the only sound in the quiet of the cab. It took more than a few moments before she sat up while trying to put her clothes back into order. As soon as she was done zipping and buttoning, she shifted back into her seat. Her face was still flushed, her eyes shining as they rose to meet his.

  He watched as one side of her mouth quirked up. “You’re up, big guy.”

  His raised his eyebrows in silent question.

  “Drop trou, big guy,” she instructed and if he wasn’t mistaken, her voice carried the hint of a giggle. He undid his belt buckle, his jeans before he pulled himself out. “Nuh-uh. Lower them, Si’.”

  “You can work your hand on me without me having to…” he started to explain.

  “I’ll need more room to do what I have in mind,” she murmured with a head shake.

  What was she fucking planning? Silo lifted his butt and shoved the wad of fabric to his thighs. “There! Happy now?”

  She twisted until she was kneeling on her seat, her chest hovering over the console as her hand reached for his cock. “Immensely. And I plan to make you even more so.”

  Silo’s heart, already pounding a hard rhythm, began to boom as she bent further until her lips were hovering, suspended over the weeping head of the steel she held. Looking up at him, she offered one last thought, or what he hoped was the last she’d say before she completed the move. “I’ve never done this either so if I get it wrong, you’re gonna have to tell me.”

  His mind struggled to make sense of her words before all thoughts fled at the feel of her hot, wet mouth encasing him, taking the length and girth of him in one slow inch at a time. She pulled up, snaking her wicked tongue in a swirling move that almost made him dizzy.

  “Fuck! Shell!” His growls were dark, sinful as they bounced around the cab. She moved down again, using her hand on the portion she wasn’t able to fit within the heated confines of her saliva wet cavern. His hand went to the back of her head, not to control but to really ensure that what he was seeing, all that she was causing him to feel was, in fact, motherfucking real.

  He couldn’t control the shaking of his legs as she worked him, stroking while sucking on his turgid length any more than he could help how high and tight his balls were with her ministrations.


  And she’d never done it before?


  He was no stranger to a blowjob and had been on the receiving end of some pretty skilled partners but, Christ, she was a natural albeit a little hesitant especially when his head was pressed to the back of her throat.

  On the next uplift, she turned her gaze to his and whispered, “Am I doing this right?” It was the way she looked, her blue eyes large and her lips swollen, shiny with their combined juices that had him stuttering.

  “I’m gonna fucking come, Shell. So unless you’re into…” was all he was able to get out before her mouth captured him again, which his throbbing cock took as its cue to release. There was no way he could’ve helped the roar of her name any more than he could stop the jets, the pulses that escaped his cock. And that seemed to go on forever.

  But she never lifted her head, never stilled her hand as he emptied himself. Had remained in place until his body had gone boneless, only then sitting up and reaching for the box of tissues in the console. He was aware of her movements as he pulled his jeans back into place and refastened his belt, unsure what her reaction might be. A lot of women didn’t like to swallow, but she hadn’t pulled off when he’d warned her of what was gonna fucking happen. He hoped (if it really had been her first time) that he hadn’t spoiled it for her because he was looking forward to being on the fucking receiving end of that again.

  “You okay, baby?” he finally had the fucking nerve to ask over the clinking of his buckle as he tried to thread the tongue into the hole of the leather. His body was still experiencing aftershocks at all she’d done.

  “Yeah,” she said slowly, thoughtfully. “It was…different than I’d thought it would be.” She turned to look at him. “Better than I imagined. Did I do it right?”

  “Oh, hell to the yeah,” he breathed, staring deeply into her frosted blues. “Fucking perfect.”

  “Good,” came the reply on the heels of her self-satisfied smile.

  “Then let’s fucking get back on the road, girl.” He glanced at the clock. “By my calculations, we’ll be in Billings in less than
two hours. Which means you’ll fucking be riding my face in 140 minutes.”

  “Oh, I will, will I?”

  “Betcha ass, princess,” he growled determinedly as he started the truck and pulled back out onto the road. “Bet your beautiful, sweet ass you will.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  But it hadn’t taken the two hours he’d said, but only about half that considering the man had pushed the speed limit up by fifteen miles per hour more than what was posted. And that found us pulling up in front of a nondescript, ranch-style, one level house after the sun had long since set. Silo bounced out of his side of the truck and had thrown open my door before I’d fully taken in the structure that was to be my home for the next period of time.

  “Be it ever so humble, baby,” he started before releasing my seatbelt and swinging me down from the seat. Draping a heavy arm over my shoulders, he stood towering over me as we both perused the house in front of us. “Nice, right?”

  I was glad the night hid my gaze because I wasn’t of the same mind.

  “Gave the realtor the 4-1-1 on what we’d need and instead of a two bedroom, one bath she came up with a four bedroom, two bath job for the same price. What’d ya think, baby?” His voice was a boom in the chilly night air and seemed to carry.

  “It-it’s nice, Si,” I stated although I had my doubts about the structure’s suitability. Dear god, had it even been built during our lifetimes? Or was it more that he had a penchant for things built around the forties or fifties?

  “Forced air heat, both bathrooms have a tub and wait until you see the kitchen, princess,” he claimed, pulling on my hand as we walked up the cracked sidewalk to the covered cement steps of the porch. I heard the snick of the door lock releasing and the click of a light switch as I followed him inside curious to view my new residence.

  One swift glance though had me steeling my features in order not to show any emotion.

  There was no other way to say it.


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