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[Clearing the Ice 01.0] This Piece of My Heart

Page 6

by Robyn M Ryan

  “Well, don’t ask me for a massage,” Caryn said, still annoyed with him. Andrew brushed the hair that had escaped from her braid and framed her face.

  “Try some more skating?” he asked as he leaned to kiss her gently.

  Caryn nodded, a smile finally tugging at the corners of her mouth. “I don’t think I can get up, though.”

  Andrew stood, and then pulled her to her feet. “We’ve almost made it around the park. Then we’ll get some lunch before we work on that marketing paper of yours.”


  Much as she wished, Caryn could not slow the remaining weeks of the summer. Training camp and preparations for the European trip limited Andrew’s schedule once September arrived. They spent any free time together, Caryn hoping to cement a bond that could withstand the weeks' separation looming on the horizon. They had dinner twice with Andrew’s parents, Jim and Jean Chadwick, who made Caryn feel welcomed and at home. They spent several evenings with Tom when he could take a break from his studies. Luckily, the fall semester had not begun for Caryn, leaving her more flexibility. She asked Andrew to come to dinner at her home the night before the team’s departure for Europe, unwilling to share their last evening with anyone else. He arrived promptly at seven, a bouquet of fresh flowers in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other.

  “Hi, Cary,” he said as he kissed her gently. “You look sensational—as always.” He followed her into the kitchen and watched as she arranged the flowers in a vase. He set the wine bottle on the counter and drew her into his arms.

  Caryn smiled, her eyes betraying her sadness over the imminent separation. Andrew touched her cheek, lightly caressing her skin, at a sudden loss for words.

  “Cary, I…” He shook his head as he wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly.

  Caryn shut her eyes as she leaned her head against his chest. Why can’t time stop right now? I could stay like this forever. Andrew stroked her hair gently, and then touched her chin and lifted it until his mouth covered hers. His kiss was tender and lingering, expressing emotions neither could express. Her eyes were moist when she rested her palm against his cheek, guiding his lips toward hers again.

  Andrew held her close for several minutes, neither speaking, both acutely aware of the growing emotions. He pressed his lips against the top of her head, then smiled affectionately as he held her in front of him.

  “How about a glass of wine?”

  Caryn nodded with a mischievous grin. “Only if you open the bottle.”

  “I insist—only brought one.”

  She reached into the cabinet for the wine glasses, holding them toward him as he poured the golden liquid. Andrew accepted a glass and leaned against the counter opposite her, his blue eyes smiling at her. “What’s for dinner?”

  “Steak and vegetable kabobs; if you’ll cook them on the grill for us?”

  “Some dinner invitation. I’m going to do the cooking?”

  “Just that. I’ll take care of the rest.”

  He reached to tap her cheek. “Only for you, sunshine.” She watched him through the kitchen window as he stepped outside to light the grill. She thought he looked so handsome—just as she always did, but tonight she tried to memorize his looks so that she’d be able to visualize him during the next few weeks' separation. She told herself that the time would pass quickly—just not quickly enough.

  She closed her eyes briefly, replaying his tender kiss in her mind, wishing she were in his arms again. He seemed to care for her as deeply as she cared for him, and Caryn questioned the intensity of the feelings in such a new relationship. Would they still feel the same after the weeks' separation? And with the season beginning, would that overshadow the importance of continuing to see her? She knew their relationship could just be a summer fling that would cool once both were immersed in their regular schedules. Deep in her heart, she knew that he meant much more than that to her, and she could only hope that he felt the same.

  They ate dinner on the patio, enjoying the late summer evening.

  “Won’t be long and this will be covered with snow,” Caryn said, shivering at the thought of the long winter to come. “It’s hard to believe summer’s almost over.”

  “Your classes start soon, right?”

  “Next week. It’s going to be hard to get back into studying. At least my study group starts up again,” she said as she shrugged. “I don’t know why I’m worried about snow. I’ll be so busy trying to pass, I’ll never get outside.”

  Andrew smiled as he reached for her hand. “You’d better leave time to see me.”

  “How else will I pass finance?”


  After dinner, Andrew selected a playlist on Caryn’s iPod as she refilled their wine glasses in the kitchen, then he sat on the couch, leaning back and stretching his legs in front of him. He patted the cushion beside him as she handed a glass to him, wrapping his arm around her as she sat next to him. He kissed her gently, lightly stroking the hair that fell against her shoulders.

  “Think you’ll miss me?”

  Her eyes met his and Andrew saw the tears that suddenly appeared.

  “Of course I will, Drew. Will you remember me?” she said, only half-teasing.

  In reply, he took the wine glass from her hand and set it, along with his, on the coffee table, then pulled her closer beside him. One arm held her securely as he gently cupped her face in his other hand.

  “Remember you?” He lowered his lips against hers, and Caryn slipped her arms about his neck, drawing him closer to her, as she matched the emotions expressed he expressed in the kiss. He closed his arms about her, pressing her body against his, gently caressing the skin left bare by her sundress.

  Her amber eyes darkened as he ran his fingers against her chin, once again realizing how much he cared for her, how much he would miss her during the next few weeks, how much he wanted to stay in Toronto and continue to spend each day with her. Sighing softly, he pressed his lips against her forehead, lightly brushing the hair that fell against her temple.

  “If we were still kids in school, I could ask you to be my girl, wear my ring.” He shrugged with a grin as his voice trailed off. Caryn touched his cheek, a smile hinting at her lips.

  “And then I could wear your ring around my neck and show it off to all the other girls.” She leaned to kiss him gently. “I don’t need a class ring.”

  He picked a small package from the table and pressed it into her hand.

  “Drew? What is this?”

  “Open it.” He watched as she quickly opened the box, then looked at him with a delighted smile when she saw the ring with the amber stone. “When I saw it, I thought about your eyes,” he said. “So, will you wear it and be my girl?”

  She slipped the ring on her finger. “It’s beautiful, Drew. I’ll think of you every time I look at my hand.” She met his eyes with a shy smile. “This is much nicer than a class ring.”

  He rested his hand against her neck, his fingers lightly caressing her skin beneath the silky hair. “I wish I could take you with me to Europe.”

  “Okay, I can pack in five minutes.” Her voice teased as she leaned her head against his shoulder.

  “Just a minor distraction—for the entire team.” He squeezed her shoulders gently. “Will you look in on my place while I’m gone?”

  “Of course.” Caryn lifted her face to accept his kiss.

  “And will you keep my car here and drive it?”

  “You’re not leaving it with Tom?”

  Andrew lightly brushed the hair that fell against her temple. “Tom has his own car.”

  “But I might dent it or something.”

  “It’s insured, don’t worry about it.” He smiled as he stroked her cheek and gently lifted her chin, covering her lips with his. He pulled her against him, clasping her body tightly in his arms, silently expressing the depths of his feelings. He pressed her back against the pillows stacked on one end of the couch. “You’re so beautiful, Cary,” he said as
his fingers traced her cheekbones. He saw the desire that darkened her eyes and the uncertainty in her gaze. He heard her unspoken question as she reached to touch his neck and gently pull him toward her, eagerly seeking his lips again.

  Andrew fought the urge to let his desire direct his actions. Is this what she truly wants? Now, right when I’m about to leave for a few weeks? How will she feel tomorrow when I get on the plane and she stays here alone? He reluctantly ended the kiss, pulled back and searched her eyes for an answer. She looked away, unable to hold his gaze. He sensed her desire, but also the hesitation. He lightly touched her chin and coaxed her eyes into meeting his. Her face was flushed, her eyes silently questioning him.

  “You realize where this is heading?” He gently held her chin so she couldn’t turn away, but Caryn averted her eyes.

  “I think I do,” she said, so softly that he barely heard her.

  Andrew ran his fingers lightly against her lips. “Just because I asked you to be my girl, I’m not expecting you to do anything if you’re not ready.”

  Caryn’s eyes met his, her amber eyes suddenly teasing him. “So…you don’t need me to ‘send you off to war’ with a special goodbye?”

  Andrew bit back a chuckle. “What I need is exactly what I have right now—my girl here beside me. That’s all I need.” His lips sought hers again as he closed his arms around her. “What I want can wait until we’re both ready.”

  Caryn wrapped her arms around his chest, wanting this moment to never end, willing her mind to store the memory of this kiss, the feeling of his body pressed against hers, the security and strength in the arms wrapped around her, seeking memories that would fill the lonely days ahead.


  Andrew insisted that Caryn drive him to the airport the next afternoon, so she could become familiar with the car's handling. “I’m so nervous I’m going to wreck it,” she protested as she negotiated the busy downtown streets.

  “You won’t.” Andrew pulled his insurance card and vehicle registration from his wallet and put them into the glove compartment. “Just in case you pick up a speeding ticket or two.”

  Caryn stole a glance at him. “Don’t even think that.”

  Andrew laughed softly. “You look good driving this car. It suits you.” Her face reddened, and he couldn't resist needling her a little. “Just don’t be giving any other guys rides, okay?”

  “Don’t worry, I won’t tell you if I do.”

  He reached to brush his hand against her hair. “Thanks.”

  Caryn giggled mischievously, looking back over her shoulder as she merged into traffic on the airport connector. “How’d you get all your equipment in the trunk?”

  “Didn’t. The team takes care of that. I’ve just got my clothes,” he said. “Just need to show up at the terminal.”

  “I can't wait to see you play.”

  “Opening night, our home opener, will be here before you know it. I’ll make sure you have a good seat.”

  Caryn glanced at him, her eyes sparkling. “Wouldn’t dream of missing it!”

  They parked at the private terminal, checked his luggage, and leisurely walked toward the waiting area, neither eager to speed the upcoming departure. Caryn excused herself while Andrew greeted some other early arriving teammates, freshening up in the restroom and applying a hint of perfume on her wrist. When she returned to the waiting area, she saw Andrew catch her eye and nod toward the hospitality desk. He stepped to her side, reaching for her hand.

  “Perrier?” he asked as the attendant waited to take their order. Caryn nodded as she wandered toward the window to look at the large jet parked on the tarmac.

  “You have the entire plane to yourselves?” she asked as he perched on the arm of an empty chair near her.

  Andrew shrugged. “I think we have some of the press and league officials on our flight.” He handed the drink to her as he gently pulled Caryn toward him. “Hey, I like this view, not always looking down at the top of your head.” Caryn placed her glass on a table, and leaned in to brush her lips against his.

  Andrew moved his hands to her hips and drew her between his legs, a smile spreading slowly across his face. “Might be interesting playing hockey. Be like having someone from the peewee level out there.” He hooked his thumbs through her belt loops as he slipped his fingers into her pockets, drawing her closer to him. Caryn's stomach contracted at his touch, wrapping her arms around his neck, lightly fingering his hair as they kissed.

  When their lips parted, Andrew tenderly brushed his hand against her cheek. “I’m going to miss you, Cary,” he said before closing his arms around her and holding her securely against him.

  “I’m hoping the next weeks will go as quickly as our summer did. I can't stand thinking about not seeing you.”

  “I’ll call you every day—and send you texts, if you’ll read them?” He reminded her with a smile. “Maybe we can manage a couple of Skype or FaceTime sessions. Keep your phone with you.”

  “I’ll make an exception since you’re out of the country. Just don’t forget I’m back here in Toronto,” she teased.

  “Never. And call me. If I don’t answer, I’m either at practice or in a team meeting or playing a game.”

  “And if I don’t answer,” she said with a smile, “I’m either in class or the library. Or sleeping—remember the time difference.” She reached into her purse and handed an iPod to him. “I loaded this with the music we listened to this summer and most of the photos we took.”

  Andrew took it and flipped through the pictures, smiling as he showed one to her, “My favorite—glad Tom was around to take it.” He pressed his lips against her forehead. “Thanks, Cary.” He gently brushed the hair away from her face. “Thanks for not putting it in a pink case.”

  “Thought about it, but there weren’t any,” Caryn replied as she leaned to kiss him. Andrew closed his arms around her and held her close for a long moment, then reluctantly released her.

  “Do I need to guess what music you loaded?”

  “I think you’ll recognize everything—and yes, my favorite Garou album.”

  “Good, I certainly don’t want to go a day without your song.” A grin accompanied the sarcasm.

  “You can delete it,” Caryn retorted.

  “Nah, I’ll play it when I think about you, about a million times a day.” He pressed his lips against her forehead. “Looks like we’re boarding.” He slipped the iPod into his pocket. “Call me when you get back to the car.” Caryn nodded as he stood and hugged her once again. “And text me when you get home. I’ll call you as soon as we land.”

  “Promise,” she whispered as his lips met hers a final time. Her eyes glistened with tears as she pulled away. “Be safe, Drew.”

  He squeezed her hand gently as they stepped toward the group heading toward the plane. He leaned to kiss her one final time. “Will be counting the days until I see you again.”


  Caryn’s classes at the university filled her days while Andrew and the team traveled in Europe. Fortunately, her study group reconvened the first week of the fall semester. Caryn realized she’d missed the group, especially Lauren Gentry, who had spent the summer with her family in Vancouver. She’d been so busy with Andrew that she and Lauren had just exchanged quick texts or emails. Caryn missed her friend’s quirky sense of humor—even her ability to make Caryn laugh, sometimes in the most inappropriate settings.

  They’d shared many classes over the semesters, becoming friends and study partners in the group that met twice weekly. Depending on the course, one of the four group members would serve as the group’s leader, ensuring that all had mastered the material before each test or exam. Besides Lauren and Caryn, a senior finance major, Kevin, and a third-year accounting major, Bill, rounded out the group. Lauren’s contribution was her keen sense of marketing strategy, while Caryn added expertise in management functions.

  They met in a coffee house near campus, its student-friendly atmosphere attracting severa
l similar groups. Working together for the two previous years, they quickly fell into the usual routine—coffee or tea, snack, a few minutes chatting, then settling in for a busy two-to-three hours.

  They teased her relentlessly when they caught her glancing at the Leafs' site on her iPad during one of their first sessions.

  “So, you’ve taken up hockey?” Kevin grinned at her from across the table.

  “I don’t think it’s hockey,” Lauren retorted as she nodded at Caryn.

  Caryn felt her face flush as Lauren grasped her hand and held it up so her ring was visible. “The correct question would be who she has taken up with.”

  “Stop, Lauren,” Caryn begged, laughing. “We’ll never finish this chapter.”

  “You’re dating one of the Leafs?” Bill interrupted, his face lighting up with excitement. “You can get us tickets.”

  “Stop!” Caryn leaned forward and buried her face in her textbook. “Lauren,” she said reproachfully, turning toward her friend.

  “I go home for the summer, we exchange emails, and I get back and don’t even see you until Andrew leaves for Europe. I thought you were going to hook me up with one of his friends.”

  “You’re dating Andrew Chadwick?” Bill questioned, playfully poking Caryn’s shoulder. “You can get us a suite, then, for one of our sessions.”

  “Yeah, like we’d get anything accomplished,” Kevin put in sarcastically, as he tried to redirect their attention to the week’s assignment.

  “Then for a midterm break,” Bill persisted.

  “You’re the accounting expert, Bill,” Caryn said. “Get us through that course and we’ll see. I have no idea if he can get suites.”

  Both men laughed as Kevin shook his head. “I’ll do your homework for the semester if he can’t.”

  “Might be worth asking,” Lauren said and leaned to whisper in Caryn’s ear. “Then you can point out the bachelors on the team.”


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