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[Clearing the Ice 01.0] This Piece of My Heart

Page 14

by Robyn M Ryan

  Andrew looked at Stevens without speaking.

  “I thought we might come to an understanding about Caryn.”

  “Understanding? What do you have in mind?”

  Stevens handed a folder to him.

  Andrew did not open it, locking eyes with the man. “Your point?”

  “The point, Mr. Chadwick, is that you can’t provide my daughter with the lifestyle she’s accustomed to; not on your current contract, and not on any contract you could hope to earn in the NHL. Those millions of dollars only go so far when you look at the length of most players' careers. Add the financial responsibilities you’ve assumed for your family, and that’s a continual drain on that income, correct? And from what I’ve read, professional athletes don’t always make good investment choices. Many are broke once their playing days are over.”

  “Your point?” Andrew repeated.

  “Caryn may say she doesn’t care right now, but I guarantee it’ll eat away at her when she’s not supported by a trust fund. What you have now will never last. I have nothing against you personally. Do you really want a wife from a completely different background who’s better educated than you and whose aspirations will never coincide with those of a professional athlete? You think you can replace her family? I know my daughter. It won’t last.” He nodded toward the folder. “This should help you make the right decision.”

  Andrew opened the folder and quickly scanned its contents, feeling cold anger sweep through him as his eyes focused on the words. From where he leaned against the wall, Tom could read the signs of his brother’s rising anger, and he instinctively stepped toward him as Andrew shook his head.

  “Not interested.”

  Stevens laughed coldly. “Offer’s good until midnight.”

  “I said, ‘not interested.’”

  Andrew’s temple throbbed as he watched Stevens’ confident exit, and he glanced sharply at his brother when Tom clapped a hand on his shoulder.

  “What the hell was that about? Who was that?”

  “Caryn’s father.”

  “You had dinner with her folks last night, didn’t you?”

  “Yep.” He looked at Tom and held up his hand to silence the next question. “Give me a few minutes, Tom.”

  Tom nodded as he slapped his brother’s shoulder. “Come on, I’ll buy you lunch.”

  They walked a few blocks to a popular pub in silence, the brooding anger evident in Andrew’s expression. They took a table near the back of the room, and Andrew glanced disinterestedly at the menu as the waitress approached.

  “Want a sandwich or something?” Tom asked.

  “Just a beer.” Andrew stared out the window at the passing cars for a long moment, Stevens’ words echoing through his brain. I know my daughter. It’ll never last.

  He took a long swallow of his beer before breaking the silence.

  “What do you know about William Stevens?”

  Tom shrugged. “Only William Stevens I know is the owner of The Stevens Company—which has international holdings. That’s Caryn’s father?”

  Andrew nodded.

  “What’s the problem?”

  “A pro hockey player’s not exactly his idea of an ideal match for his daughter.”


  “He figures he can get what he wants with money. Especially when it comes to controlling Caryn’s life. It’s worth doubling the amount of my contract to get me out of her life.”

  “Does Caryn know?” Tom asked.

  Andrew recounted the previous evening’s dinner.

  “Surprised you were so calm with him just now, Andrew.”

  He laughed without humor. “He’s still Caryn’s father.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  Andrew shrugged. “Take a chance that he doesn’t know his daughter as well as I think I do.”


  Caryn cleaned the breakfast dishes and grabbed her finance textbook to study while waiting for Andrew’s return. She looked up when she heard the doorbell, knowing it was too early for him. Setting the book aside, she stepped to the door, surprised to see her mother when she opened the door.

  “I wasn’t expecting to see you, Mom. Come in.”

  Suzanne laid her coat across the chair, her eyes lingering on Andrew’s suit jacket and tie where he’d discarded them the previous night.

  “Something to drink, Mom? Tea?”

  Suzanne smiled as she met her daughter’s eyes. “No, I’m fine.” She stepped to the couch and sat, patting the cushion beside her. “Sit down, Caryn. I want to talk with you.”

  Caryn shook her head. “Not if it’s more of the same as last night. Have you changed your mind?”

  “It’s not that simple, honey.”

  “Sure it is. Dad spelled it out very clearly. Either I quit seeing Andrew or you quit being my parents.”

  “Caryn, you don’t quit being a parent. You will always be our daughter.”

  Caryn folded her arms across her chest as she shook her head stubbornly. “Even though you’re going to cut me off completely. Sounds like the same thing to me.” Her eyes filled and Caryn turned her head aside impatiently. “I don’t understand why you won’t give Andrew a chance. Get to know him. I love him, Mom. Doesn’t that count for anything?”

  “I told you last night I could see why you’re attracted to him.”

  “I love him. I’m not just ‘attracted’ to him.”

  “Caryn, please. I didn’t come here to argue with you. Sit down. We need to talk.”

  Caryn chose the chair rather than sit beside her mother. She saw Andrew’s tie and picked it up, slipping it around her neck as she met her mother’s eyes defiantly. “I’m listening.”

  Suzanne sighed as she shook her head. “Things are not always as simple as they seem, Caryn. I hear what you’re saying. I know you love Andrew. I assume he says he feels the same.” She held her hand up to stop Caryn’s protest. “Have you read any of the articles on Google? Checked his Twitter followers? You’re not the first woman he’s been involved with. He evidently had quite a public relationship with a woman as recently as last May.”

  “Monique. I know about her, Mom. I don’t care about what’s on Google or Facebook or Twitter or anywhere else. I know Andrew by the way he treats me. That’s all I need.”

  “I hope you’re right, sweetheart. Your father is not going to back down on this. I talked to him last night and again this morning. I tried to persuade him to give all of us time to get to know Andrew, and see where your relationship goes. But he’s adamant you don’t need the distraction.”

  “Like I did need the distraction of the guy he’d picked out for me last year?”

  “It’s the first time he has not been in control, Caryn. He’s invested all his future plans in you. He’s not going to change his mind about Andrew. He will cut off all support, Caryn. He won’t back down. You do realize that?”

  “Sure. He thinks I’ll change my mind if he takes away the money. But, Mom, tell him I will not change my mind. He can keep the money, the company, the future he’s planned. If he can’t accept Andrew, then I don’t want any of it.”

  Suzanne nodded, her eyes reflecting her sadness. “I do understand, Caryn. I’m not happy about any of this. There’s no room for compromise from either of you.”

  Caryn shrugged. “What’s my option to compromise? I can’t say I’ll stop seeing Andrew. That’s the only ‘compromise’ he wants.”

  “I know. Maybe if you weren’t so involved already, we could step back and take this slowly. Give your father time to come around.” She nodded toward the tie Caryn held. “I understand now it’s too late for that.”

  Caryn felt her cheeks redden, but met her mother’s eyes. “He loves me. I trust him.”

  Suzanne smiled softly as she stood. “You love him. I sincerely hope you’re right.” She stepped to Caryn’s side, hugging her tightly as she stood. “If you need anything, please let me know. I’ll try to do anything I can.” She opened her purs
e, withdrew an envelope and pressed it in Caryn’s hands. “Keep this for a rainy day.”

  Caryn shook her head as Suzanne pulled on her coat. “So, this is it?”

  Suzanne gently cupped her daughter’s face in her hands. “Be happy, my beautiful girl.” She kissed her forehead. “You will always be our daughter.”

  “But we’ll never be a family again,” Caryn finished as her voice wavered.

  “Never is a long time, honey. I pray this is temporary.”

  Caryn numbly followed her mother to the door. She watched as she walked up the sidewalk, and then shut the door, leaning against it as she struggled to contain her emotions.

  Determined to clear her mind and focus on something besides her parents, Caryn tossed the envelope on the table, grabbed a bottle of water and settled on the sofa with her finance text. The words swam in front of her eyes as she flipped to the assigned section. Forcing her mind to clear, she read several pages, seeing words without placing them in context. Sighing, she re-read the pages, highlighting key terms and concepts, reaching for her iPad to record detailed notes.

  Her thoughts wandered, her brain shifting to the disastrous dinner the previous night, her mother’s words that morning. Why couldn’t they give Andrew a chance, get to know him? Her father hadn’t bothered to look beyond his impression of a professional athlete. Her mind flashed to the day they met, sitting next to each other on the lawn, surrounded by two bags of produce and a few energy bars. She thought he was a grad student. No idea he played for the Leafs. Certainly not a factor in the chance encounter.

  Her father didn’t care about her feelings for Andrew. He didn’t want to get to know the man she loved. He didn’t want to give him a chance. Not even her mother could get him to reconsider his threat. When it came down to making decisions, her mother would eventually take her father’s side. She always had. All they cared about was their plan for her life. She stared blindly at the textbook. How could they?

  She heard the light knock on the door, and she hastily wiped her eyes and rose to greet him with a smile. Andrew saw the tears that glistened behind her smile, and without speaking, he pulled her against his chest, wrapping his arms tightly around her. He stroked her hair gently as she tried to hide her face against his shirt. He pressed his lips against the top of her head, then held her securely for several minutes before asking, “Want to talk?”

  She looked up at him and shook her head. “I’m okay.”

  He touched her cheek and wiped the stray tears with his fingers and leaned to kiss her. “Are you having any second thoughts, Cary?”

  “No—not for a minute! I just can’t understand Dad’s reaction; how he could be so shallow. I’m sorry for what he said last night.”

  “Don’t be too hard on him. He may change his outlook one day. Remember, your parents love you and are just concerned about you.” He hugged her close to his chest. “I just want you to be sure of what you’re doing.”

  Caryn pulled back and reached to touch his face. “Drew, I have no doubts about what I feel for you.”

  “Is it worth what you’re giving up? Cary, I might not be able to give you everything your parents can.”

  She shook her head angrily. “If you think I care about the money…”

  He hugged her close to silence her. “I didn’t mean that.” He wrapped his arms around her and rubbed her shoulders gently. “I guess what I’m trying to ask is if you’re willing to break things off with your parents—if that’s what might happen—to keep seeing me?”

  “I love you,” she replied without hesitation. Her eyes sought his. “I can’t change how I feel and I don’t want a future without you.”

  “Just be sure that this is what you want. I love you, Caryn. I’ll do everything I can to make you happy, but I can’t replace your parents. Just be sure you’re doing what you want.”

  “I know,” she said as she leaned her face against his chest. “Maybe someday they’ll change their minds, but even if they don’t, I won’t quit seeing you. I can’t.”

  Andrew grasped her shoulders and stepped back so he could see her face. He gently brushed the hair back from her temple, as he suppressed a smile when he noticed the tie she still had draped around her neck.

  “I like the look,” he said as he knotted the tie and tucked it under her collar. Caryn felt her cheeks flush as she recalled her small act of defiance toward her mother.

  “My mother stopped by while you were gone.”

  Andrew met her eyes, the unspoken question in his gaze. “She thought she could persuade us to take a step back, said that my dad was not going to change his mind.” She nodded toward the envelope that lay on the table. “Guess that’s supposed to make everything all right.”


  “Assume so. Always the answer to any problem. Guess that’s supposed to make me feel better.”

  Andrew slipped his hand beneath her hair and gently massaged her neck. He glanced at the textbook on the couch. “How about we knock out your homework?”

  “Only if you can tell me what I’m supposed to be studying. There’s a test next week, and I have no clue what I’ve been reading.” She handed the iPad to him. “The grand sum of my notes today.”

  Andrew drew her beside him as he sat on the couch and placed the iPad on top of the textbook. “I can suggest an alternative.” He gently closed his arms around her and leaned to whisper in her ear. “I did stop at the pharmacy.”

  Caryn felt her heartbeat quicken. “Much better than studying.” She pulled back so she could see his eyes. “I’m a little nervous,” she admitted with a slight smile.

  He lightly kissed her forehead. “We can just start like this and see where we go. Anytime you want to stop…” His lips grazed hers, his fingers lightly teasing her face. She covered his hands with hers as her mouth welcomed his kiss. Her nervousness disappeared as Andrew lifted her on his lap, his fingers brushing against her skin in a gentle exploration of her body. Caryn pressed against him and wrapped her arms around his neck. One hand clutched the hair on the back of his head, the other rested on his shoulder as she tried to maneuver her body to face him.

  Chuckling softly, Andrew helped her straddle his lap, then ran his fingers against the skin above her collar. He removed the tie, then slowly unbuttoned her shirt. His blue eyes captured hers with an intensity that sparked a flash of electricity to rush straight to her core. She shifted closer in response, wondering if he’d felt it also.

  He cupped her cheek in his hand. “Hold that thought. Let’s move somewhere a bit more private.” Caryn noticed that his voice was raspy and she quickly glanced at the windows. The open drapes offered no privacy at all.

  She reluctantly slipped from his lap and held her hand out to him. As she led him up the stairs, Caryn’s initial nervousness was replaced by a burning desire to feel his body pressed against hers.

  Andrew scooped her into his arms when they reached the loft, carrying her to the bed. He gently placed her on the covers, then pulled her against him as he quickly joined her. Later, Caryn couldn’t remember either undressing, just the incredible heat of his skin as he drew her closer to him.

  Andrew’s every move was so loving, so patient, and oh, so tender. Caryn felt a rush of relief that he didn’t seem to mind that she wasn’t sure what to do. He lingered over every kiss, gentle with each caress. His fingers danced lightly against her skin, awakening new, intense sensations. Gradually, she forgot her hesitation, her fears of making a mistake, or worse, not making him feel the same fierce desire that raced through her. She followed his lead, ran her hands over his skin, and savored the feeling of his hard, muscular body pressed against hers.

  His arms tightened about her as she responded to the desire in his embrace, feeling as though she were caught in a swiftly flowing current. She grasped his shoulders and pressed her body against his. He gently covered her body with soft kisses and the light touch of his fingers. Caryn followed his lead, exploring him with light kisses and gentle cares
ses, his soft words encouraging her.

  He pressed her hands against her cheeks and reclaimed her lips as an aching need built deep inside her. A soft moan escaped as she pressed her hips against his, seeking relief. Andrew pulled back to see her eyes, silently questioning her.

  “Please, Drew,” she breathed, barely able to form the words. He gently touched her cheek as he reached for the elusive condom.

  “Cary, I love you,” he whispered in her ear as he gently moved her onto her back. Caryn anticipated the initial discomfort and closed her eyes tightly as she bit back the involuntary cry of pain. Andrew moved slowly, gently, as he carefully gauged her body’s reaction. Soon the discomfort eased and Caryn closed her mind to everything but the new sensations growing in her core. Caryn wrapped her arms around his chest, pulling him closer and burying her face against his shoulder. She desperately held onto him, as her body threatened to float away from her.

  For a long while afterwards, they lay locked in each other’s arms, their limbs intertwined; Andrew at a loss for words to express this new depth of his love for her, Caryn feeling vulnerable in a way she had never experienced. Andrew pulled back slightly, his blue eyes reflecting his emotions and touched the hair that lay against her forehead. He shook his head as words failed to come.

  Caryn smiled as she reached to touch his lips. “I’m so glad…overwhelmed that you…” She shook her head as emotion choked her voice. “I love you, Andrew Chadwick. More than I ever imaged.” She blinked quickly as her eyes filled with tears, then a smile suddenly flashed across her face. “Thank you for making this so perfect and loving. I’ll never forget this moment.”


  The afternoon passed swiftly, neither aware that they had dozed off until Caryn’s iPhone rang. She reached for it as she yawned, shrugging as an unfamiliar number appeared on the screen, showing Andrew before she answered it.

  Andrew sat up and stretched, glancing at his watch, as he reached for a bottle of water on the bedside table. He handed it to Caryn as she listened to the caller, a puzzled expression on her face.


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