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A Reason to Sing

Page 18

by Michelle Lindo-Rice

  Ryan had looked everywhere but hadn’t been able to locate it. That was the real reason for his amped up security. Ryan couldn’t let anything happen to his son. Cooper meant more than ten worlds to him.

  Ryan led Megan into the living area and allowed her to shed tears for the man she had once loved. His heart constricted. He wished she felt this way about him. Ryan knew Jackson wasn’t worth her tears.

  But neither was he.

  He hadn’t always been honest in all his business dealings.

  Ryan had scammed Jackson out of millions. He should have paid him. Maybe all their lives would have been different. Or maybe she would have been dead along with Jackson.

  Kyle being shot had nothing to do with his court case and everything to do with him being Jackson’s attorney. Ryan rubbed his chin. Maybe God had a hand in that as well. Brian told him he was doing Bible studies with Kyle. Kyle was now on a good path.

  Megan’s arm slipped around his neck.

  “Hush,” he soothed her. Then he began to sing, “God will take care of you.” His deep voice echoed in the otherwise silent house.

  The more he sang, the more she cried. The more she cried, the worse Ryan felt. Jealousy wrapped around his being. His heart yearned for Megan to feel something for him besides lust.

  She turned to face him. “Did you know about Jackson?”

  “Not until recently,” Ryan confessed.

  She punched him in the chest. “Why didn’t you tell me? Why did you make me hate you thinking you had killed Jackson?”

  “Because sometimes a lie is more bearable than the truth. I didn’t want to see your agony over a man who didn’t deserve it.” He steeled himself for her anger. Megan could easily turn on him in her grief.

  Instead she covered her face in her hands. “I thought it was because of me Jackson committed suicide. I thought I drove him to it.”

  Ryan kissed her on the forehead. “Jackson had no thoughts of suicide.”

  Jackson had every intention of kidnapping his son and skipping town. Ryan kept that tidbit to himself. Megan was distraught enough.

  “How do you know?” she asked.

  He tensed and ran his finger along the bridge of his nose.

  “You can tell me. I’m no shrinking violet. Just because I cry, doesn’t mean I’m weak.”

  Ryan cupped her face with his hands. “You have way too many thorns to be a violet.”

  “Tell me,” she said, straddling him.

  Ryan’s body reacted. He had missed his wife snuggled under him last night. Though she slept a few inches away, her body language placed her miles apart.

  When she wiggled her body to get comfortable, Ryan stilled her movements. “If you want me to tell you, you’ve got to stop moving like that.”

  She froze.

  He chuckled and swept her hair out of her face. He looked into her reddened eyes and said, “I love you.”

  “Tell me what you know,” she pleaded.

  “Jackson was involved with some political espionage. I don’t know all the details.”

  She nodded. “The FBI said he was in a conspiracy plot to overthrow the government.”

  His eyebrows furrowed. “I don’t know the extent of it, but he was in deep trouble with his cohorts. Jackson has something that they wanted. A microchip. My source informed me that because he refused to give it up, they killed him.”

  “Why didn’t he give it to them?” Her eyes were troubled. “Nothing was worth his life.”

  “I agree. Everything can’t be translated into dollars and cents. Some things in life are priceless.” Like the love and respect of your child… Walking your daughter down the aisle…

  “Are they still looking for it?”

  Ryan nodded. “Everybody is looking for it.”

  Megan shuddered. “What if they come after me and Cooper? The agents said Susan died from an accident. All night that stayed with me. What if it wasn’t an accident?”

  Ryan wondered the same thing. He squeezed Megan tight. “Nothing will happen to you or Cooper. I promise you that. I will do whatever I have to to keep you both safe.”

  Cooper wailed, signaling he was awake.

  Megan jumped off Ryan to go see about her son.

  Ryan watched her bound up the stairs. Or the love of a good woman.

  He would trade all his money for Megan’s love. He had finally found something he wanted above his status or wealth. He groaned.

  But she didn’t feel the same.

  Ryan went outside to check the mail. He skimmed through the utility bills and then saw something that made his blood ran cold. A note. He read the contents. Like a snake, fear crawled through his body, springing him into action.

  Ryan raced instead the house. This note was aimed to put him on the defense. But Ryan was going to push back hard. It was the only way he knew how to play.

  Ch. 35

  Megan woke up sore but pleased. She left her snoring husband naked in the bed. After learning the truth about Jackson, Megan had needed reassurance. Ryan had been more than happy to make her feel safe.

  Once they had gotten Cooper settled in for the night, she led him to their bedroom. Their onslaught lasted all night. Megan had wanted her husband with a desperation that scared her.

  She slipped into a robe and strolled down the small corridor to check on Cooper. He had started sleeping through the night but still required diaper changing. Potty training was a struggle. Megan had changed him at about four that morning, grateful he hadn’t awakened. Then she had scurried back to Ryan, eager to continue their intimate conversation.

  Megan yawned. She prayed Cooper would sleep for another hour. Ryan had given her body a workout, and she could use a warm bath. She trudged over to Cooper’s crib.

  She gasped, shocked wide-awake. Her heart pumped in her chest. Megan raced down the stairs, willing herself not to panic. She searched the house before bounding up the steps to shake Ryan awake. “Wake up! Wake up! I can’t find Cooper! He’s not in the house.” Her body trembled.

  Ryan jumped out of bed. “What?”

  “Cooper’s missing!” She sobbed. “My baby’s gone!”

  “Get dressed.” Ryan hauled on some clothes. “He’s got to be here. Maybe he’s hiding or fell asleep somewhere.”

  Ryan called 9-1-1 while Megan slipped on a sweater and a pair of black jeans.

  Together they searched through every cupboard and every closet space. Megan yelled for Cooper until her voice was hoarse. She cried, hating herself, because if she hadn’t been in Ryan’s arms, she would have been with her son.

  Police officers swarmed the house. They searched the huge estate and the entire expanse of the backyard. Cooper wasn’t on the premises.

  “If he hasn’t wandered off, someone might have taken him,” a detective told them. “Who else has access to your house?”

  “No one,” Ryan said.

  Megan called Agents Wilders and Gray, and when they arrived, they came to the same conclusion except they used the word, “kidnapped.”

  The detectives placed an Amber Alert, and officers combed the neighborhood. They warned Megan and Ryan to stay put in case Cooper’s kidnappers made contact. Megan had been inconsolable at the thought of Cooper being kidnapped. Someone would arrive to wiretap the house phone. In the meantime, they set up a command post in the living room.

  “Those men who were after Jackson took him,” Megan wailed. “They have my baby.”

  “It’s possible, but we can’t be sure,” Agent Wilders said. “If it’s them, they want the microchip. They’ll be in touch and when they do, we’ll nab them.”

  Megan didn’t share Agent Wilders confidence. “You’ll nab them just like you did for Jackson? Where were your men then?”

  “There’s no need to get nasty,” Ryan said.

  She cut her eyes at him. “Don’t tell me what to do. It’s not your son out there. I bet you he’s crying for me. He could be…” She stopped unable to continue.

  “I love Coop
er as if he was my own. I would do anything…anything for him,” Ryan said.

  Megan saw Ryan’s stricken expression but was too angry to apologize.

  “Mrs. Oakes, why don’t you get some tea or something?” Agent Gray said.

  Megan nodded and went to make tea, but it sat cold on the kitchen table. Hours later, she sat staring into space, twisting her hands. She needed to do more than sit and worry. Her teeth rattled, and her insides felt like jelly. Megan knew from watching the ID channel that if they didn’t find Cooper within forty-eight hours, they might never find him.

  She called Pastor Miller and Mother Hanson. They came over to offer their support and prayers. Megan welcomed their company. Mother Hanson was making her famous chicken soup. Once again, her A Better Life family was coming to her rescue.

  Ryan had hovered by her all day. Megan ignored him. She went upstairs to use the bathroom in their bedroom and when she came out, Ryan stood waiting. For the first time all day, they were alone.

  “I have to talk to you.”

  “If you want an apology, I—”

  He raised a hand. Ryan paced the room, mumbling to himself.

  Something was going on, and she needed to find out. Megan stormed over to him. “What’s with you?”

  He couldn’t look her in the eyes.

  She poked him the chest. “You know something.”


  His admission made her knees buckle. Ryan caught her and took her to the bed.

  “What kind of sick game are you playing?” Her voice must have risen because he gestured for her to calm down.

  “I don’t know if I should tell you.” His eyes darted all over the place. He used his sleeve to wipe the sweat off his face.

  “You’d better tell me where my child is,” she growled through her teeth. She clasped her hands together to keep from slapping Ryan’s face.

  He sat next to her. “Megan, I love Cooper. I need you to know that.”

  Dread filled her entire being. She pressed her hands into the bed to keep from swaying. “What have you done with my child? If you don’t tell me, I won’t be responsible for my actions.”

  Ryan slumped. “I have to tell you. I can’t keep up the pretense. I thought I could, but you mean too much to me.”

  Megan grabbed his shirt and shook him. “Quit stalling and tell me what you did with Cooper!”

  “I think Frank is one who took him. I don’t think it’s Jackson’s people.”

  Her voice rose. “Frank? Who’s Frank?”

  “Frank Armadillo is someone I do business with on occasion.”

  She glared. “Let me guess. It’s someone you don’t want the FBI knowing about?”

  Ryan shook his head.

  “Why would this Frank person take my son?” Her head filled with sordid possibilities and her fury grew.

  He twisted his hands. “Frank wants the microchip. I found a note from him in the mailbox. He gave me three days to get it to him or he would use Cooper as collateral to get you to give the chip over. Frank also felt Cooper would be safer with him than the men he worked for or Jackson’s conspirators.”

  Her ears buzzed from the sound of Ryan’s betrayal. He had known something could happen yet he had done nothing. Her hand moved of its own volition. She delivered a hard blow to his face. A red welt appeared. Ryan touched his cheek but didn’t retaliate.

  “You knew your hit man would come after my son and you did nothing?” Megan yelled. “You were all up under me last night when we should have had Cooper in the room with us.”

  “Frank’s not a hit man. I didn’t think he would actually take Cooper. He said I had three days…Last night…you needed me…He won’t hurt him.”

  Ryan rattled on but all Megan could think about was how she had been the aggressor last night. “I hate that I was busy worrying about my needs while my baby was in danger.”

  “You didn’t know and I thought I had three days to plan and figure something out.”

  She pushed “Three days? That’s like trying to find a grain of rice in a pile of sand. And you agreed to this?” She hugged herself and sobbed.

  “I didn’t have a choice.” He tried to put his arm around her shoulders.

  Tears flooded her face. She pushed out of his arms and lifted her hands. “Lord, please. My baby. My baby. I need him. Watch out for him, God. Keep him safe.” Megan stood and walked toward the bedroom door.

  Ryan rushed after her. “What are you doing?”

  “Where’s the note? I’m telling the FBI. I need my baby.”

  He held her arm. “I shredded it. You can’t tell the FBI. If you do, you might never see Cooper again.”

  She clutched her chest. “Would he…would Frank…?”

  “Not him. The men he works for would. They’re ruthless.”

  “Are you saying they’d…kill him?” She covered a hand to her mouth and raced to the bathroom. Megan retched into the toilet, emptying her stomach.

  Ryan held her hair while she washed her face. She rinsed her mouth. Her hand trembled.

  “We have to find the microchip,” Ryan said. “Do you have any idea where it might be?”

  She pushed past him. “Of course not. I didn’t know about Jackson’s nefarious dealings until yesterday.” She sniffled. “But you knew. You knew and you kept it from me.” Hurt pierced her core. She swallowed back the bile and pointed a finger at him. “You used me. You don’t love me. And, to think I…” She released raspy breaths and rubbed her chest.

  “I had to keep you occupied.”

  Megan dropped onto the bed, and he sat beside her. “Are saying you married me and seduced me to distract me? Or, are you working with Frank?”

  “No, I—”

  “Stop,” she interrupted. “Don’t try to explain.” Her lips quivered.

  He stretched a hand toward her.

  She jerked away from his reach and pounded the bed with her fists. “You heartless beast! I want you gone!”

  His jaw clenched. “I’m not leaving. Have you forgotten this is my house?”

  “Then I’ll leave.”

  “You have nowhere to go, and you can’t leave now. What will the police say? What will the FBI think if you try to take off? They will follow you. Think about Cooper, Megan. His life is in danger if you do something rash. You have to stay until I, we, can figure something out.”

  Megan buried her face in a pillow. What had she gotten herself into? She had a lying husband who saw nothing wrong with using her son as a pawn to meet his selfish needs. “Lord, I need You like I’ve never needed You before.”

  Ch. 36

  “We have a problem.”

  Early the next morning, Ryan gripped his cell phone as he stood in his backyard to make his call. The FBI agents watched him from a window. Ryan had told them it was a business call, but he knew they were suspicious. Who conducted business as usual when his child has been kidnapped?

  Twenty-four hours without Cooper, however, was too much for Ryan to bear. “I don’t want to hear that,” Ryan said. “Cooper’s kidnapping is front-page news. I have the media camped out on my lawn and law enforcement crawling through every area of my house. I need to know you’ve found Frank. I told Megan that Frank has Cooper.”

  “I have my feelers out, but if Frank doesn’t want to be found, he won’t be,” Michael said. “I don’t think our keeping Cooper was a good idea. Verona has been in my ears from the second I brought him home last night. She’s furious at me. I’m in the doghouse.”

  “At least Verona loves you. Megan hates my guts. I got slapped in the face and had to sleep on the floor last night. I couldn’t risk her running off or doing something crazy.”

  “You can’t tell her the truth. If Frank finds out Cooper’s here…”

  Ryan released a choppy breath. “I know. But she’s broken. She cried herself to sleep last night. I had to listen to her prayers and her sobs. I can’t bear it. She won’t eat. She won’t do anything but pray and cry.”

sp; “I told you this wasn’t a good idea.”

  He rubbed his head. “But Frank was coming for him in three days. I had to act fast. I know he’s heard about the kidnapping. It’s all over the news. Frank’s probably calling his associates to find out who took Cooper. I had to throw that distraction his way.”

  “It was a weak plan, but it’s all we’ve got,” Michael said. “We have to ride this thing out. I still say you should’ve told Megan the complete truth.”

  “I couldn’t. She wouldn’t be convincing if she knew the truth.” Ryan heard babbling in the background. Tears filled his eyes. “Is that Cooper?”

  “Yes. My children are already asleep.” Michael had twins from a previous relationship. That he was also expecting twins with Verona was mind-boggling.

  “Can I speak to him?” Ryan asked.

  “No,” Michael said. “The last thing I need is a fussy baby. Cooper hollered for three hours straight. He has a healthy pair of lungs. Verona almost wrung my neck. The only reason I took this call is that when Frank finds out, he’ll think you’re reaching out to me for advice.”

  Ryan’s heart constricted at the thought of Cooper’s throat being sore. “I just…I just need to hear his voice.”

  “Imagine how his mother feels. Your only recourse is to find that microchip. Megan must know something. She might not know that she knows it, so get her talking.”

  “She won’t even look at me.”

  “Who can blame her? That ugly face of yours is a sight.”

  “She hates me,” Ryan whispered. His heart ached. He hadn’t used her, but there was no changing her mind about that. His marriage was pretty much over, but Ryan consoled himself with the knowledge that Megan and Cooper would both be alive and safe once this was over.

  “She’ll come around,” Michael said. “In the meantime, pray. God is still in the miracle business, and He does answer prayers.”

  “God doesn’t want to hear anything from me.” Ryan snorted. “I’m on His short list.”


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