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Rocky Mountain Freedom (Six Pack Ranch)

Page 21

by Vivian Arend

  Travis flipped up a hand. “Enough. How about this instead?”

  He hauled Cassidy to his feet and led him a couple of feet to the side where the hill rose gently. There was a log backrest, but the slope created a soft place to sit. Travis stretched out and waited.

  Cassidy hesitated.

  “Come on, you scared to lie beside me when we’ve got all our clothes on?” Travis patted the grass. “Humour me.”

  It took so long for the man to settle his ass to the ground, you’d have thought he’d been asked to strip and dance naked in the street. But he finally gave in, shoulders resting against the log, arms folded behind his head to give him something to relax against as he once again got lost in the flickering flames.

  Travis rolled to his side, propping his head on his fist. One of his legs was right up touching Cassidy’s, their bodies close enough that the warmth of the fire and the heat from each other made it perfect to lie still as the night cooled.

  He examined Cassidy’s face. “Well?”

  “It’s no big deal,” Cassidy insisted. “You’re making a fuss over nothing.”

  “Got your back up all day—that’s not nothing.”

  Cassidy gave a weary sigh. “All those dads with their sons. Doing something fun together—hell, I didn’t do shit-all with my dad other than chores. If he’d have taken me on a trail ride for an entire weekend, I would have thought I’d died and gone to heaven.”

  “Not every family is the same. I never actually went anywhere like Trailblazers with my dad either.” Travis paused. This wasn’t about the camping trip. He thought back to the stern-faced man who’d pulled out a shotgun and told him to get the hell off his property.

  Yeah, this was about a lot more than just camping.

  “You wish your family was different.”

  A brittle burst of laughter escaped Cassidy. “God. You have no idea how good you have it. Not only with your dad, but with all your brothers. I know you say they’re a pain in the ass at times, but they’re there for you. I’m so much older than my brother and sister I didn’t do much with them. I barely knew them.”

  Travis laid his hand on Cassidy’s chest. “I know how good I’ve got it, which makes life wonderful and shitty by turns. I love that they’re there for me. I hate the thought of disappointing them.”

  Cassidy nodded firmly. “Damn right.”

  Such a small glimpse into something so important. “You never talked about your family before.”

  “Just…like you said. Not every family is the same. Not everyone has good memories to look back on.” Brilliant green eyes turned his way, a sad sneer twisting Cassidy’s face. “It hit hard today. Sorry I worried you.”

  “Nothing to apologize for. And I’m glad you said something.” Travis thumped the side of his fist gently on Cassidy’s chest. “Even if I had to drag it out of you.”

  Cassidy captured Travis’s wrist and held him immobile. The memories that had rumbled inside all day weren’t settling. It was good to admit a little of the pain, but the rest wasn’t something he wanted to dump on his friend. Not now, maybe not ever.

  But what he did want was to ease his mind. Loosen some of the knots in his spine and make something other than bitterness spill through his body.

  All it took was a gentle tug to roll Travis off his side and halfway over his own body. He slipped his hand behind Travis’s neck and guided their mouths together. Sweet hops from the beer mixed with firm pressure from Travis’s lips—intoxicating in a whole new way.

  It wasn’t about trying to get as riled up as possible. Pleasure, yes, but a softer, tender side that Cassidy needed right now more than he needed any kind of sex.

  Travis lifted his leg, wrapping them closer. Getting his hands around Cassidy and caressing gently. A stroke over his shoulders. Another along the side of his neck until Travis cradled his face. All the while they kissed. Small nudges with chins and cheeks to move each other. Lips and mouths staying easy, tongues exploring.

  The fire popped and crackled. Tendrils of heat and the occasional gust of smoke drifted over them. They rolled lower to move away from the log headrest, and Cassidy found his hand under Travis’s shirt, hard hot skin under his palm.

  He brushed his fingers back and forth lightly. Savouring the intimate contact as much as the kisses.

  Travis groaned, but his touch remained controlled as he floated a fingertip down the side of Cassidy’s throat.

  Necking by the fire. Never in a million years would Cassidy have dreamed it possible, but everything about the situation was right. Achingly, beautifully right, and the only thing that would have made it better was if Ashley had been lying beside them. Her caring touch and giving heart as much a part of what he craved as Travis’s.

  Which proved he’d officially gone insane. Cassidy laughed, pulling back from Travis’s kiss as he linked their fingers together and squeezed. “Thanks.”

  Travis grinned. “Hell, anytime. You ready to call it a night?”

  He nodded. “I’ll take a swing through the barn—”

  “No.” Knuckles stroked his cheek. “You already spent enough time in the barns today. I’ll check the horses. How about you go crawl into my bed and cuddle up with Ashley. I know she was worried about you as well.”

  None of this was real—he had to remember that. It was a dream and a fantasy and only for the summer. But he was no fool. He wasn’t going to turn down a second. “You joining us later?”

  “Soon as I can.” Travis grinned. “You should give up pretending you like sleeping on your own, and I’ll build us a bed frame big enough for two mattresses.”

  “You’ll still steal the covers,” Cassidy taunted, pulling Travis to his feet.

  “Sleep next to me, and you won’t need covers. I’ll keep you warm.”


  Something inside not only cracked, it melted and threatened to pour out of him. Cassidy busied himself damping the fire so he didn’t have to answer. Didn’t have to look as Travis gave his shoulder a final squeeze before taking off toward the barns.

  Only once it was safe did Cassidy pause so he could stare after Travis’s retreating back. He had to wonder if the fantasy life overtaking his summer was going to end up leaving him a cold and empty husk when it came time to return to reality in the fall.

  When he had to say goodbye, and leave Travis and Ashley forever.

  Chapter Twenty

  Spring merged into summer, arriving almost overnight as the camps switched from running over weekends to full-week excursions. Instead of hanging out Monday to Friday with the guys and the crew, and working on projects, Ashley adjusted to the busier summer schedule. The campers arrived on Sundays, and the place turned into a mass of noise and confusion for a solid day. She always stopped to observe the new people coming to camp, occasionally drawing sketches and chatting with them.

  She might have been hanging around camp to spend time with Travis, and now Cassidy, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t lend a hand every now and then.

  Some of the time helping out had led her into the kitchen, and she’d been slowly getting to know Vicki more, which was nice. She’d missed spending time with other women, and any lingering discomfort on Vicki’s part seemed to have vanished as the weeks passed.

  This week there was a group of girlfriends who had booked time off together, arriving in two vans stuffed to the roof with multiple bags and suitcases.

  Ashley eyed the sparkly fake gems on one woman’s boots and carefully hid her grin.

  “I saw that.” Vicki climbed up the fence next to Ashley and rested her crossed arms on the top rail.

  Oops. “Saw what?”

  Vicki bumped her hip into Ashley’s. “Even I noticed the clothing, and I’m not a real cowgirl. It’ll be okay—the crew are all eager to help this batch do some proper packing.” She pointed to the side where the two youngest staff were eagerly toting luggage into the hall for the women.

  “Hey, you know me. I have no objections to people we
aring what makes them happy. I hope she’s not disappointed if they get some mud on them before the end of the trip, that’s all.” Ashley turned to smile at Vicki. “And what’s this ‘not a real cowgirl’ BS? I’ve seen you out riding every day you’ve been around Base Camp, and I know you ride to Second Camp.”

  Vicki hung on the fence, arms fully extended as she stretched her legs. “Since I plan to be with Joel for the long-term, I figured I’d better keep working on it. We’ll be living on the ranch, and I only got over being scared of horses this winter. I don’t want to lose any ground.”

  “You’re doing great. In fact, I took a few pictures last week. I wanted to know if I could pose you for some more. You interested?”

  Her friend’s face lit up. “You bet. Actually, could I get a copy maybe? Something to email to Joel?”

  “I can go one step better. I’ll take some pictures you can use for a special present for him—when you finish this summer, or maybe Christmas or something. Would you like that?”

  Ashley found herself being impulsively hugged. “I would…” Vicki paused, setting Ashley free and stepping back slightly. “It makes me happy to think you’re going to be around Rocky. I’m glad I came out to cook for the summer, but when I go back home I won’t just have Joel, I’ll have you. That’s pretty huge for me.”

  Warmth she hadn’t expected struck, and Ashley squeezed Vicki’s hand. “Means a lot to me as well. And I’m not saying that because I love your baking.”

  Vicki’s smile turned to instant dismay. “Oh, shit—baking. I’ve got cookies in the oven.”

  She whirled and sprinted back to the cookhouse. Ashley laughed as she pulled out her camera and headed around camp for another round of shots.

  So far hanging out at the horse camp had worked well. The distraction of the guys had been lovely, but she was also getting tons accomplished. The first of her paid projects had been handed in the previous Friday. There were two more sets of digital work to finish over the next month, including promo brochures for Karen, and then she’d switch focus to more hands-on painting.

  She figured once she went back to Rocky she’d toss herself full-time into producing everything she’d need for her show. Starting in August would be soon enough, giving her all of July to finish gathering material.

  Including, if she had her way, not only shots of Vicki, but of Cassidy and Travis as well.

  Inside the hall the ladies getting organized for this week’s excursion had gathered around the wall map. Dani explained the layout of the camp and some of the trails they’d be taking over the week. Chatter was brisk, laughter bubbling up often in the group of friends.

  Cassidy carried in a basket filled with extra gear, and the mood in the room subtly changed. Something rolled uncomfortably in Ashley’s gut, and she sat back to figure it out.

  Such small things, really. Normal reactions that never in a million years would have bothered her before. A couple of the women smiled in Cassidy’s direction, and he nodded back politely.

  A lingering glance, a whispered conversation between two of the ladies as they eyed him…

  For a second Ashley swore something foul had flown into her mouth. The realization she was experiencing jealousy didn’t make it much better.

  She didn’t want other women admiring Cassidy. Or flirting with him, or—yet there was nothing specific she could complain about because none of their behaviour was wrong, rude or extreme.

  In fact, with the sexual norms she’d grown up around, if Cassidy wanted to take the lot of them on, who was she to argue? A couple of months ago, Ashley might not have noticed.

  But now? The idea of clawing the other women’s eyes out was far too pleasurable.

  She pushed herself off the wall without thinking and headed across the room.

  “Will you be one of the guides for the ride?” one woman asked Cassidy.

  “Afraid not. But you’ll have the rest of the team to help you out.” Cassidy pointed toward the hands.

  The woman who’d spoken smiled sweeter. “We might need extra attention this time around. You should consider coming along.”

  He didn’t get a chance to answer. Ashley slipped between them and casually wrapped herself around his hard torso. “Hey, babe, I’m having trouble with the power in our cabin again. When you’re done with the campers, can you come help me?”

  Surprise widened his eyes as his hands instinctively curled around her waist. “Ashley?”

  She tilted her head back and went up on tiptoe to kiss him full on the lips. Even if it was brief, it was intimate enough to stake her claim. When she pulled back and slipped out of his arms, she took in the watching campers as if noticing them for the first time. “Oh, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have interrupted. Have fun on your trip. The weather is supposed to be super nice while you’re gone.”

  Moments later she’d escaped into the hallway where she slumped against the wall and kicked herself. Dumb. Stupid. Idiotic.

  Not what she’d just done, hanging all over Cassidy in public, but getting possessive in the first place.

  She’d never been the jealous type, but there was a very pronounced sensation inside—and she wasn’t sure if it only was from wanting to stamp property of labels all over the man. Because she wanted to label Travis with the same tag, and how messed up was that when she really thought it through?

  The door opened and a pair of concerned-filled green eyes trapped her. “Ashley? What’s up?”

  She wiggled uncomfortably. Shit. She wasn’t going to get time to come up with a good excuse for her behaviour. “I’m sorry.”

  Cassidy was at her side in a couple of steps, lifting her chin and forcing her to look at him. “Now I know something is wrong. Are you hiding from me?”

  “I’m pissed off at myself,” she whispered, curling her fingers around his biceps. She stiffened her spine and admitted the truth, as embarrassing as it was. “And yet I’m not. Kissing you in public was my version of waving a big ol’ warning flag.”

  Luckily he grinned, leaning over her with one hand on either side of her head. “I thought it was pretty hot, actually. You have nothing to worry about, woman. I’m not interested in kissing anyone other than you…”

  He paused. Made a face.

  Ashley laughed softly. “…and Travis. I know. It’s a fucked-up situation, but damn if I can complain too hard. I like being with you guys.”

  “We like you too. I like you.” Cassidy pressed her to the wall and kissed her. Far more commanding than her gentle peck moments earlier. This one demanded a response, and oh boy, she answered. Tongues tangling, her grip tightening on his arms as he slowly rocked against her.

  Guilt at her earlier actions faded under the best kind of distraction possible.

  The kitchen door to their right slammed shut, jerking Cassidy away from her lips. He sighed. “I suppose I’d better get back to work.”

  Ashley slid her hands up to his shoulders then down his back slowly, appreciating every second of touching him. “We can pick this up again tonight,” she suggested.

  “Once the campers are gone? Hmm, great idea.” He brushed her hair off her forehead and tucked it behind one ear. “Now, stop distracting me. Between you and Travis, it’s a miracle I get any work done at all.”

  Ashley waited until he’d paced out the main door, mostly so she could watch his ass while he strode away.

  The scent of peanut butter cookies drew her toward the kitchen, and she slipped in to discover Vicki glaring at the cooling racks as if they were possessed.

  “Did you burn the cookies? They smell good,” Ashley reassured her.

  The look of disdain previously aimed at the baked goods whipped upward. Vicki crossed her arms and managed to look far more intimidating than her five-foot-nothing height should. “You…”

  She made a disgusted noise and stomped to the fridge.

  Ashley paused. Okay—this was not the happy, friendly woman she’d been talking with less than fifteen minutes earlier. “Me…
what? What did I do?”

  Vicki spun to face her. “I saw you in the hallway with your tongue down Cassidy’s throat,” she blurted out. She slapped her oven gloves against her leg. “God, if you’ve had enough of Travis, at least have the decency to call it off with him before you start fooling around with anyone else.”

  Shit. Ashley kicked herself for not dealing with this sooner. “It’s not what you think.”

  “No? Because it’s fine with Travis for you to be kissing Cassidy?” Vicki snapped.


  Vicki’s face was priceless. Her expression went from furious to confused to understanding then embarrassment in under fifteen seconds. “Oh, jeez, I should have known. Damn Coleman boys and their kinks.” Vicki shook her head in disbelief. “They’re both sleeping with you, aren’t they?”

  Plus a bit more, but the “bit more” wasn’t Ashley’s to share. “Yes, I’m with both of them, and they’re okay with that.” She snuck forward a little more hesitantly. She and Vicki had a budding friendship, and she really didn’t want to ruin it. “Are you upset with me?”

  Vicki shook her head. “I just…” Her cheeks had gone bright red. “I’ve got to be the most naïve person on the entire goddamn planet. Does everyone have threesomes or something?”

  “I highly doubt it,” Ashley reassured her. “And I didn’t plan on this one, it kind of happened. I wouldn’t do anything to hurt Travis.”

  Two cookies were held toward her. “Here, peace offering. Sorry for all the terrible names I was calling you in my head,” Vicki said.

  Ashley took the cookies, cradling the warmth in her hand. “You might need to add a glass of milk to be truly forgiven,” she suggested. “And some more chat time, if you’re available.”

  A reluctant smile broke free as Vicki pulled out a chair. “Sit, and I’ll make us chocolate milk. I’ve got enough time before lunch prep for a visit.”

  “We can have our cookies, then I can help you and Ted with lunch,” Ashley offered.


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