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A Green Knight and a Hot Night

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by Rona Valiere

  Up on the portico, "Arnold Schwarzenegger" was waiting. "Green?" she asked, just to be sure. She squeaked the question in her best imitation of the way flies talk in cartoons.

  "Tonight the name is 'Arnold'," he answered in a deep, accented Schwarzenegger voice.

  "Help me attach the web," she squeaked.

  "How does it work?" he growled.

  She showed him. He fastened the web to her fly costume, and then they entered the party.

  They might as well have been the only two there. They barely said ten words to anyone else all evening. Green, the green knight who she hoped would turn out to be her white knight, had her full attention, and she seemed to have his. They spoke of their aspirations in life, and she noticed that they both wanted to make a difference in the world. It went along with his work on Pro Dog and didn't surprise her at all, but it pleased her greatly.

  The more they talked, the more she felt enamored of him, though she couldn't help wondering what his real voice sounded like. He maintained the Arnold voice consistently. As for Callie, she kept up her squeaky fly voice, though it was a strain on her vocal cords.

  Both their costumes had mouth openings that allowed them to eat, but drinking proved something of a challenge due to the masks. Realizing in advance the likelihood of this being the case, Callie had brought two straws in her pocketbook. Green complimented her on her foresight and ingenuity. No one else present at the party was sipping his or her cocktail through a straw, but Callie didn't give a damn how it looked, and apparently Green didn't either.

  Eating proved less problematic, and a good thing that was, because the food lived up to her expectations. Although she encountered no caviar, there was much that was delicious including a marvelous pâté de foie gras that she helped herself to with abandon. "My clothes aren't going to fit tomorrow," she giggled in her squeaky fly voice as she helped herself to more pâté and followed it with a cheese, salami, and cherry tomato combination on a toothpick. "I'm glad I had the good sense not to eat dinner."

  Green, his mouth full, couldn't answer her. He'd discovered some divine Swedish meatballs that Callie had also had her fill of.

  They went for a walk outside. The evening air felt mild, and Callie said she thought a bit of exercise seemed in order after eating so much food.

  "I'll give you some exercise," Green said, managing to make his tone of voice leering even while maintaining the Schwarzenegger accent.

  Thrills went up and down Callie's spine and settled in her cunny, although she didn't see how a romantic tryst would be possible in the midst of all these people. Then they came to a greenhouse, set well back on the grounds, and suddenly she saw how it would be possible. The odds of someone discovering them in the greenhouse certainly seemed small.

  The dark interior felt warm and humid. They bumbled their way around and found an area of wood flooring far enough from the door that Callie felt they'd have advance warning in the unlikely event that someone did walk in. She struggled to get out of her costume with no light to show where the Velcro was. Finally, however, both of them had totally disrobed, and when their bodies surged together as they lay side by side on the flooring, she realized that Green was already hard and ready for her.

  He kissed her, his tongue probing into her mouth. She sucked it in avidly, then sent her own tongue to duel with his. The two tongues tangled, and Green kissed her fiercely. His hand came around her back to pull her more tightly to him, and their bodies surged together, pressing against each other, humping in fuck motions although he was not yet in her. His dick, hard and strong, pressed up against her belly, and the feel of it sent her to new heights of need. She reached down, encircled it with her hand, and slowly jacked it.

  "Don't. I'm hot enough already."

  She couldn't help but giggle that, even in the heat of passion, he was still using his Arnold voice. Then his hand found her boobs and began to twiddle her nipples, and she stopped giggling and began to moan. His thumb caressed her nipple and circled her areola. She felt both her nipples stiffen as his thumb went round and round her dark brown bull's-eye, and her lower body surged forward again toward his.

  Putting one hand on her butt, he cupped her cheek and drew her toward him. Her cunny was slick, now, with the outpouring of her love fluids. Their bodies rocked together. He pushed against her, and she felt his pre-cum juices oozing onto her belly. Then he backed away from her and worked his way down her body, kissing as he went, till his lips had traversed a swath from her mouth down to her pubic bush. When he got there, he pushed her onto her back.

  At her bush, he stopped kissing and began nibbling. His teeth tugged at her hairs, sending exquisite sensations racing through her and causing her to shiver all over. Then he took larger bites, his careful teeth never hurting her but nipping at her flesh and not just her hairs. Finally, he was down to her slit, and when he got there, he thrust out his tongue and began licking up and down the inner side of her labes. Up and down the juicy lovelips he ran his tongue, while her cunny oozed ever more juices at the feel of his marauding mouth.

  His warm breath wafted across her clit. He was exhaling deliberately onto her tender nether regions, stimulating her clitty into a riot. Then finally, finally, finally his tongue tip darted out and made fleeting intimate contact with her clit. Her pleasure button throbbed at the feel of his tongue flickering quickly across it. She lifted her butt off the wooden flooring and thrust her pelvis upward, searching for his elusive tongue tip. But he was still in teasing mode and not that ready yet to give her what she wanted.

  Again, his tongue made contact with her clit, but this time, too, the contact didn't last. She reached for his head in the darkness, found it, and tried to press him down against her mound. He fought free. It was clear he was determined to set the pace himself, and it was also clear that that pace was to be a slow, taunting, teasing one.

  Now his tongue made a circle around her clit without ever touching the tip. Callie was in an agony of need. She groaned mightily and put her hand to her clit. Green firmly removed it and gave it a light slap as if to say, "Naughty! Naughty!" But he did resume his licking, and this time he left his tongue in place and slid it across her clit repeatedly. Using the raspy side of his tongue, he tantalized her clitty button with slow, measured strokes that were far less frustrating yet not fast enough to bring her to the orgasm she needed so badly.

  She humped up and down, her fuck motions frantic and furious as she strove to get off, and finally Green took pity on her and got down to pleasuring her in earnest. Now his tongue zeroed in on her clitty and stayed glued to it. He drilled her clit with precision despite the way her body was jumping all over at the surging need that roiled through her loins. Her breath was short and shallow, her head rolled from side to side, and her fists beat a tattoo on the wooden flooring as she drummed it frantically. She was almost there.

  "Don't stop now!" she whispered, straining to reach her climax, and he stayed with it and didn't stop, flipping his tongue rapidly across the very tip of her clit. She was rising higher and higher toward climax, gasping for breath now, straining to get off, desperate for the release of orgasm. And then she was there, tumbling over the edge as waves flooded her body. She relaxed, her fists uncurling, her toes uncurling, the taut muscles throughout her body letting go and going limp.

  Green stayed with it, tonguing her until she whispered, "Stop!" Then he clambered up until he was crouching above her boobs, his solid hard-on thumping down onto her mouth. She knew what to do. She knew what he wanted. Opening her mouth, she licked his cockhead and then encircled it with her lips, closing her lips around it and turning up the suction.

  Sinking into a kneeling position, Green didn't rest all his weight on her but kept his dick ensconced in her mouth so she could suck it, and her lips gradually encroached on more and more of it until fully half his dick was in her mouth. Still she wasn't satisfied, though, and she sucked in more and more until she had three-quarters of his dick in her mouth and was still going
for more. It wasn't until her lower lip was kissing his balls the hard way, from around his dick, all of which was now encased in her mouth, that she stopped. His cockhead was down her gullet, his girth was filling her mouth, and she had to back off in order to swallow and to take a breath.

  He rampaged in and out of her mouth, but although his strokes were urgent, they were careful ones. Clearly, he was a considerate lover, taking care not to choke her. Then she felt his dick swell impossibly even larger and more firm within her mouth, and she knew he was on the verge of disgorging his cum. Another stroke and he was over the edge, feeding her a mouthful of dick cream. Then he pulled out, allowing her to breathe and swallow.

  He reached back and patted her cunny. "Are you good?" he asked in the same whispered tones they had both been using since they'd arrived at the greenhouse.

  "Yes. Thank you."

  "Let me help you back into your costume." But that was easier said than done in the dark, and at one point, fastening the body of the fly costume around her, he accidentally nipped her flesh with the zipper.

  "Ow!" she yelped, forgetting to whisper.

  He forgot too. "I'm sorry!" he said, neither whispering nor speaking in his Arnold voice.

  Callie froze at the sound. Then she hesitantly asked, "Barry? Is that you?"


  The green knight she had hoped would turn out to be her white knight had, in fact, turned out to be her former love, Barry.

  Abandoning the effort to get dressed, they sat on the floor in the total darkness and exclaimed over how fond of each other they each had grown when they knew each other only as "Green" and "Furbaby," how much they had missed each other back when they first broke up, and how utterly sorry Barry was at his one transgression.

  "Isn't everyone entitled to one mistake? I've made mine, and I'll never, never, never do that again if you'll have me back."

  She thought about it for a moment, then felt for him in the dark and kissed him by way of an answer.

  "Let's blow off this party and go home together now," Barry suggested.

  "Might as well. We've hardly talked to anyone but each other all evening, and I've certainly had my fill of food."

  "Getting you back into your costume in the dark is gonna be a real bitch," Barry commented.

  "May it be the biggest obstacle we face in our lives together," said Callie.

  Barry sealed it with another kiss.

  The End

  Available Nov 2, 2012

  When Pam accepts a job playing Mrs. Claus, she falls in love with the sexy Santa, but a woman picks him up after work every night. Is Ed married? Then one night the woman doesn’t show up. “Santa” Ed invites Pam out to dinner and asks her to drive him home.

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  A Green Knight and a Hot Knight

  Copyright © 2012 Rona Valiere

  Cover art by Kayden McLeod

  All rights reserved.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All sexually active characters in this work are eighteen or older.

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