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Naked Battle Elves - GOLD COMPENDIUM - Chronicles 1-5 (Naked Battle Elves Compendiums)

Page 11

by Ryan Erin

  She searched her brain for any previous encounter with folk of the dark faerie, especially one that she'd been attracted to, but it was getting harder to think, and only became impossible when the shadow's head slipped between her star child's legs.

  The lapping sensation along Chyra's soft parts was unbearable in its electricity. She collapsed against a thick branch, barely able to cling to the tree as her clitoris throbbed.

  It was unreal...a sensation completely different from any she'd felt before. It was as if the stimulation were plunging straight through her body and into her soul.

  She breathed heavily, fighting the need to cry out. If this went on much longer, she'd expose herself, and her hunter would gain the upper hand.

  "You...have to...turn this around..." she thought to her Inaru.

  Her star child slowly sat up.

  The girl was still in the midst of ecstasy, but she managed to pull the shadow's head up from her legs, and then rolled the creature onto its side.

  Chyra allowed a rush of air into her lungs as the stimulation paused, and she scrambled for a more stable position in the tree.

  She looked over at the wall where her star child now had its hand between the shadow's legs, moving back and forth as the thing murmured its wind chime voice.

  But then the sensation returned, surging across the cleft between her legs, and she slipped off her perch, crashing onto a lower branch, straddling it with quivering legs.

  The shadow had returned its hand in kind, and Chyra's nails dug into tree bark as both she and the Inaru descended back into madness.

  She felt a charged feeling run down her neck from the shadow's tongue.

  Chyra looked up at the sky, searching past the low hanging leaves, breathing heavily through clenched teeth.

  She reached down between her legs, trying to soothe the pleasure that was growing and growing from the shadow's fingers. The tingling feeling of his tongue traced down her chest, sending currents of pleasure through the skin of her left breast until it engulfed her nipple.

  Chyra gasped in shock, trying desperately to keep quiet. She reached into her shirt, grabbing at her breast, trying to massage the sensation down, but it only intensified. She pulled her breast out of her shirt, but couldn't do anything more than stare helplessly at her stiffening nipple.

  Then the phantom finger between her legs slipped inside her.

  It was an explosive sensation rippling through her insides.

  Chyra cried out, not able to keep quiet any longer as she slipped off the branch and crashed to the ground below.

  She was exposed.

  She couldn't keep track of anything.

  Her breasts bounced out of her shirt, both now feeling like they were being savaged - the left by a tongue, the right by a hand...but both sensations paled against the phantom finger that massaged her insides.

  She reached desperately between her legs, finding her clitoris and rubbing it violently, hoping that if she could just orgasm, everything would stop.

  High above, she heard similar screams of desperate ecstasy, as someone in the sky prayed for the same thing.

  It wasn't happening.

  Chyra lost track of time.

  Her own attempts to reach climax were ineffective for the first time in her long life. It was as if her body was incapable of activating during such heightened everything was too tense from the phantom fucking, that her body couldn't release.

  She climbed to her feet.

  She collapsed again.

  She stumbled up once more.

  She swayed, then pitched forward, and collapsed against the side of the wall.

  With trembling hands, Chyra climbed, summoning everything she had to put one hand over the next while continual explosions of pleasure wracked her insides.

  She could no longer tell where any contact was being made to her body - the tongue, the hands, any of it...her entire flesh was on fire as she crested the wall, and she looked out to where the faerie forms were writhing and moaning.

  Chyra straddled the wall's edge, her wet, throbbing pussy sliding across the hard stone. She drew a special arrow from her quiver, and took aim.

  The two lovers were so entwined that it had become difficult to tell what appendage was what as they rolled across the stone. But it didn't matter. She just needed it to end.

  Chyra whispered dark words and released the arrow.

  It struck the wall, creating an explosion of Nightshade powder, which although not deadly to the faeries, instantly repelled them.

  Both shadow and star child screamed in fear and scrambled away, disappearing into the darkness.

  Chyra slumped over, the pressure finally abating. Her whole body was sore...raw and over stimulated...and she hadn't orgasmed.

  She could barely move.

  The beating of wings filled her ears.

  Then, a massive creature landed on the wall just behind her.

  Chyra rolled over.

  Circling the top of the staircase was a lionesque beast with gigantic wings and a scorpion's tail arching into the air.

  It was a Manticore, and it was completely white.

  Straddling its back was a billowing white mist, as if a cloud were riding the magical creature. It was a Cloud Cloak - the reason Chyra hadn't been able to spot them against the sky.

  Chyra reached clumsily for another arrow as the manticore roared, and the Cloud Cloak split down the middle, parting to reveal a rider...

  ...A rider who was raising an ornate, glimmering bow...

  ...The same bow that had fired so many arrows at her just hours ago.

  Chyra breathed in.

  The rider wasn't a man at all.

  Large black breasts heaved inside a tight halter of golden coin-mail. Bare black legs curved out of a similarly coined efanwi and hugged the creature's white flanks. Her figure was adorned in the scantest of chains and coin mail, as was the fashion of the deep places of the world. Wildly feminine eyes with white pupils stared down a black arrow, complimenting the flowing white hair that fell across her shoulders.

  And poking out of that hair on either side were beautiful, pointed ears.

  She was a Deep Elf...

  ...And she was the first that Chyra had ever seen.

  It all made sense.

  The two Inaru hadn't been able to resist one another because surface elves and deep elves were cursed...cursed to wildly lust after each other on site...and despite the agony from the phantom molesting, Chyra could feel new passion welling up inside as her eyes wandered across the woman's dark body.

  The deep elf bit half of her lip, obviously feeling the same as she looked over Chyra’s disheveled figure.

  And in that moment, Chyra realized it would be extremely difficult to kill this dark elf now that she'd seen her face to face.

  "The Demon Sword...give it forth," the deep elf commanded in the old language of the faerie world, though her voice was still exhausted from the ravaging. "I will kill you if need be..."

  "I don't think you will," Chyra replied, turning fully to face her.

  The dark woman inhaled, slightly as she took in Chyra’s full figure - breasts still plunging free of her open shirt.

  "It's intoxicating," Chyra continued, desperately trying to buy time. "It's no wonder I was always taught to kill a deep elf from a distance before I had a chance to see them up close. It seems you were taught the same. The split between our ancestors...all the damage that was done to our two races, and this...the tragic, ironic side effect...that faerie love should be turned to lust…unquenchable on site."

  The deep elf's grasp on her arrow began to tremble. "I don't have to kill you..." she said with heavy breath. "...Snowmane can."

  The manticore crouched, its claws's poisonous tail flexing.

  Chyra kept her face steady. There was nothing she could hope to do in her present state that would stand a chance against a manticore.

  She did the only thing she could.

  She tossed her bow to the stone.

  She undid her belt, dropping her gear to her feet.

  Then she tore off her shirt, throwing it away behind her.

  "And miss the chance to fuck each other?"

  The dark elf gasped at the site of Chyra's naked body, practically glowing in the darkness.

  "Prasha..." the manticore growled in a deep, frightening voice. "...Remember your promise!"

  The dark woman said something pointedly to the creature, and the two began arguing. Chyra didn't recognize the language, but even as the deep elf's face twisted with indecision, it made Chyra's insides crawl with want.

  She decided to both escalate the situation and give in to it, and slid her hand into her wet efanwi. Touching herself in the presence of the deep elf sent a lightning bolt of pleasure through her midsection, and her knees almost buckled.

  The deep elf gasped, dropping the arrow to the stone...freeing her own delicate fingers to plunge inside her metal efanwi in response.

  Both elves gasped loudly as they fingered themselves, trying desperately to release the orgasms that were dammed-up inside of them.

  The manticore snarled in frustration. "This ends!" it roared, and leapt at Chyra, claws wide.

  But just then, something flew across the wall, slamming into the creature's side, knocking it to the stone.

  Chyra dropped low and rolled. She grabbed up her bow and arrow, turning to aim just in time to see a muscular attacker pressing a large shield against the manticore's body and stabbing it repeatedly with a sword.

  The white beast roared in pain as it tried to kick the attacker off.

  That's when Chyra noticed her savior’s tail...a thick, reptilian tail that arced from side to side as he gouged the weapon across the manticore's belly.

  Chyra was being rescued by a lizardman.

  The deep elf was screaming as well, chanting magic words just before the reptilian took a huge bite out of her bare leg. The deep elf's spell was lost with her scream, and the manticore finally managed to kick the lizardman away.

  Undaunted, the reptilian warrior lunged back in, but the manticore had managed to roll off the side of the wall, spread its wings, and take flight.

  Chyra slowly stood, her arrow hand trembling, but still at the ready.

  The lizardman watched the white beast glide away across the valley as he chewed on the dark elf flesh still in his mouth.

  "Thank you," Chyra said in Goblynai.

  The reptilian turned toward her, a powerful, scaly form against the brightening horizon. "Thanks are unneeded," he replied.

  As the overwhelming sensation of lust ebbed away from her body, Chyra noticed a familiar sound...the baritone song of a dragon...of Saph...and it was coming from a blue scale that had been secured to the lizard man's chest armor.

  " were sent by the Dragon of Teewinot Spire?"

  The reptilian nodded. "I was instructed by the Azure Master to find and protect you."

  "How did you find me?"

  "The faeries on this wall could be seen fornicating for miles."

  Chyra nodded. "Of course. Well, I'm not sure how you made it here from the Backlands so quickly but..."

  "I was not in the Backlands when I heard the dragon's command. I am reptilian and carry his scale. He may speak to me whenever he wishes, regardless of depth or distance. I was a day's run to the south of this wall when he called, and I left my company to find you."

  A long tongue flicked in and out of the lizardman's mouth, licking the manticore blood from his sword.

  It was a little unnerving to Chyra. She suddenly felt even more naked. "I trust being in my company will not be too...distracting for you? Especially having just tasted elven flesh?"

  The tongue stopped. "I was chosen by the Azure Master because of my discipline. I will not eat you until the dragon gives me permission. That, you may be sure of."

  She looked him over. "I believe you," she replied. "Well...I suspect the deep elf and her manticore will need at least two days to heal themselves from your skilled sword work. You've run all day and through the night, and I haven't slept for at least as long. I say we get a few hours rest and continue on at mid-day."

  "It is well," he replied, and sheathed his sword. "I am Xevius of the Constricting Wrath."

  "The star sign you were hatched under?"


  "I'm Chyra of Illyndyl."

  "I am not familiar with your constellation."

  "Illyndyl is the brook I was first bathed in - the same as my ancestors."

  "You do not follow the stars?"

  "Only one." Chyra gathered up her gear, torn shirt, and the Demon Sword, and then turned back to the reptilian. "Good morning, Xevius. And thank you, again."

  "All by the grace of the Dragon," he replied.

  She gave him one more appreciative nod. Then, as the sun broke the eastern horizon, Chyra leapt into a low hanging tree below the wall.

  Moments later, she was completely concealed.

  Every part of her was sore.

  Her limbs ached.

  Her muscles trembled.

  Her insides still throbbed.

  She now understood why her star child had thrown itself on the deep elf's Inaru. One look at...the Manticore had called her 'Prasha'...and it had lit a fire inside her. That black skin...those white eyes...the way her white hair drifted across her shoulders...Chyra wanted to run her fingers through that hair...more than that, she wanted to pull that force her tongue inside that gorgeous mouth and dislodge those heaving breasts from that tight halter so that she could squeeze them and feel those nipples against her skin. She wanted to dive between those curvy black legs and taste that honey on her tongue. She wanted to hear that deep elf scream in ecstasy, and she wanted it in a way that was completely devoid of love or reason...because it was part of her being...lost in an ancient curse that gave her no choice in the matter. She knew that if she couldn't find a way to repress her elven lust the next time they met...they might just fuck each other to death.

  Chyra reached between her legs, and instantly came.

  An Excerpt from a special


  Chyra slashed her knives with precision speed. Over and over, she found the spots between armor - a dance that sent blood flying in every direction.

  The melee was thick, and Chyra pressed her way forward, her reptilian companion cutting his way through the enemy's ranks with powerful blows from his dwarven sword.

  The ridge was thick with hobgoblyns, but they were an archer unit, and only armed for light defensive combat.

  Taller and stronger than their more common cousins, hobgoblyn skin was a dark fern green, with tortoise patterns of orange spots running up their backs and down their arms. Their bright green eyes were narrower, and they smelled more pungent and less earthy, especially when hacked apart by something deadlier than a lizardman.

  Behind them, and across the ravine, the greater hobgoblyn army began to roar with curses and rage.

  On the walls of the ancient keep beyond, human soldiers cheered as the hobgoblyn archers, who had been assailing their southern wall for days, were cut to pieces.

  "The Hob have reinforcements on the way!" Xevius shouted.

  "I hear them!" Chyra replied as she throated the hobgoblyn in front of her. The creature gurgled on its own blood before careening off the edge, dropping down the mountain ravine to the river below.

  "Can you jump, Lizardman?!" she shouted.

  "Of course!" came the guttural reply.

  "Then let's go!" Chyra ran past him, toward the oncoming hobgoblyn infantry. For a moment, the reinforcements hesitated, thinking Chyra was coming in to attack. It cost them their initiative as she spun her back to them and sprinted back in the direction of the keep, getting a running start.

  The hobgoblins pressed forward again, but were too late as Chyra and Xevius leapt off the edge of the ravine.

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see the Countdown Clock.

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  Following the Stormshead Trail north from Moorepeak Village will result in a 3 day journey, almost entirely straight up, and occasionally, treacherously so. For the experienced mountaineer, the climb yields access to a high mountain brook, which can be followed to Aberi Lake. The view from the lake is stunning, allowing one to see all the way to the southwest border of Goblyn Country.

  Adventurers should, however, be wary of the falls. According to local legend, the pool below is cursed and has claimed the lives of treasure hunters going back as far as memory serves.

  Possible Random Encounters: Mountain Men, Ur-Goblyns, Bears, Gallowvines, Crag Horrors

  -Lord Malek's Almanac of the Inaccessible



  A miniscule loincloth worn by elves beneath their clothing. Older sources say that it is the only thing worn during certain rituals of the elven calendar. The thin strip of fabric that runs between the buttocks is a style that has been long mimicked by the cultures of men, especially when it comes to women’s undergarments in the Five Kingdoms.

  -Lady Melanorre, Knight Seamstress of Varnac Keep



  An Elven weapon of renown. The wood of the Chawberry Tree is known for its light weight and tensile strength, but also for a strange, mystical quality that improves the accuracy of any weapon crafted from it.

  The Chawberry tree grows exclusively in the Elven Kingdoms and its wood is never sold to outsiders. More over, a bow taken from a fallen elf will begin to decompose if fired by an archer who is not Elven. The reasons for the wood's mystical properties and the proper craftsmanship of its weapons are a closely guarded secret that the elves have never shown any intention of releasing.


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