Deceived (Burned Book 2)
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Kyra's angry eyes flashed with fear, but it was smothered fast.
"Kyra, while it is obvious to me that you are not vampire and are of the living, it still escapes me exactly what you are."
"I'm not completely human. I have powers." Her gaze darted to me and she frowned.
When I didn't back down from her steely eyes, she lifted her chin and shifted her gaze back to Alejandro. "But I never knew my parents, I grew up in foster care."
"What an interesting gift you have brought me, Daniel, a mystery." Alejandro's eyes sparkled with interest. He slid closer to the woman in question. "Of course, I had you investigated before inviting you to this meeting. The House could use someone with your rare … talents." He ran a finger down her neck, along her carotid artery.
Unease caused me to narrow my eyes. I wasn't going to like this.
"I can't wait to taste you."
Daniel stiffened, but did nothing, his hands fisted at his sides.
I didn't want to watch him taste her. I spun away and sat stiffly on the couch, averting my gaze from the scene before me. While I couldn't allow him to feed from me, he was a vampire. I was well aware that he had needs he had to meet elsewhere. But I didn't have to see him do it.
The cushions shifted and I met Daniel's worried eyes as he sat next to me. He clearly had feelings for this annoying creature, whatever she was. I hoped she was worth all the trouble she caused.
I crossed my arms, feeling the pull of tension in my back.
"How can you stand it?" My words were so quiet they barely existed.
He brushed his hand along my arm. His gentle acknowledgment of my pain as comforting as any words he could have spoken.
I stiffened as a moan reached my ears. I hated Alejandro for forcing me to be here for this.
Alejandro moaned; the carnal sound bruised my heart. My anger flashed, a burning ache that burrowed into my gut.
Unable to stop myself, my eyes swung to the pair. Chests heaving, breath rushing from their lungs in a torrent, they stood staring at one another.
My eyes widened as Alejandro's lips crashed onto hers. His arms tightened around her, their embrace crushing.
Pain stole my breath as my own chest tightened. I refused to give in, welcoming the anger instead. I clenched my hands at my sides and forced my body to stay rooted on the couch.
They jerked apart. In a blur of movement, Alejandro widened the distance between them. His lips were crimson. Blood smeared their sharp outline. Those same lips spread into a Machiavellian grin, his eyes wide with wonder.
"A rare creature indeed." His voice was subdued despite the disturbing excitement in his eyes. "I've not tasted the like in over six hundred years."
I barely held my gasp from escaping. In the years I'd been by his side, he'd never admitted his age. He was far older than I'd suspected. My chest tightened as dread filled me.
What was she?
Dismissed. I was dismissed!
I cursed at them in my head, not daring to whisper the words aloud. It wasn't uncommon for me to leave a meeting due to my human status. My presence made many preternatural creatures wary. They tolerated me, nothing more. When whatever task I was present for was accomplished, I'd leave. No problems.
But this. This made my blood boil.
I was dismissed, while he was alone—alone—with her. I struggled not to pace in the exquisite waiting room.
Daniel wasn't happy about it either. His frown—a rare sight—clearly marked his displeasure. Otherwise he looked the picture of calm as he stretched out on the dark couch, his feet resting on the coffee table.
"You better get your feet off there before he sees," I admonished. There was no need for him to aggravate the vampire any further.
"Do you know what she is?" I sank onto the posh couch next to him, my desperate hand sliding into his. My heart dropped as his eyes, pinched with anxiety, met mine.
"No. How could I? She doesn't know what she is."
Her claim was true. Not a mark had marred her skin during the entire conversation. It was hard to hold onto my anger toward her. I couldn't imagine the hell she went through growing up, unaware of her powers. One day you're normal and the next—chaos.
"What does she do then? What are her powers? You have to know something!"
His brows furrowed as he considered what to say. "She lit a cigarette by thinking about it. Other than that?" He shrugged. "She's faster and stronger than the average human." Unable to stay serious for long, his usual twinkle reappeared and a smirk kicked up the side of his mouth. "She's great in bed. Some serious skills."
My narrowed eyes shot daggers at him. I did not want to know that.
"Sorry. I couldn't help it." He laughed. "I'm sure you don't have anything to worry about. She's already got her hands full with all of this." He gestured to himself, wiggling his eyebrows.
"What? With you?" I batted at him. "Stop with the TMI."
"Hey! I'll have you know I'm very imaginative. In fact, this one time—"
I clasped my hands tightly over my ears. "Lalalala!" I sang loudly.
He broke my hold, and yanked my arms down. "Excuse me. I didn't mean to offend your lapsed Catholic sensitivities."
I shoved him, which was ineffectual. I, unlike most of those around me, had no super-strength. "Jerk."
His arms wrapped around me. "Don't be like that." He refused to let go, holding on until I relaxed into his embrace. His warmth surrounded me and I exhaled, letting the stress and worry leave my body. "See, I make it all better."
I couldn't keep the smile off my face. His light mood dragged me out of my funk, like always. Daniel was my balance. He kissed the tip of my nose as he released me.
"You really aren't worried about him sleeping with her?"
"No." He leaned back into the couch, kicking his feet back onto the table.
Seriously? At my deepening frown he rolled his eyes and returned them to the floor.
"I don't care if they have sex."
"If you don't have a problem with that, what was the deal? Why were you so stressed in there?"
His chest rose as he breathed deep. Eyes filled with worry met mine.
"Because he's the only one that can keep me from her." Pausing, he gathered his thoughts. "He could order me not to see her." The pain in his eyes made my own heart ache. This was real for him. He felt something for her. "I don't care if she has sex with him, that's her choice. But if for some reason he doesn't want me to see her anymore, I'd have to accept it. Either that or …."
We both knew there was no or. It was Alejandro's way or you were out. And there was only one way out of the House.
"You really like her." I couldn't keep the shock from my voice. My jovial, bed hopping, no-strings-attached BFF, actually had feelings for someone.
"It's more than like, pretty lady." His grin widened, the sparkle in his eyes caught flame. "I wouldn't risk my hide for someone I just liked."
Stunned, my jaw hit the floor.
Daniel, in love? I never thought I'd see the day.
And I couldn't stand her.
"Well, for your sake I'll try to be nice to her." I groaned with effort. "I don't get what's so special about her anyway."
"She's a fighter." His soft smile melted my heart. "She gets me. You know? And I get her. I don't know everything about her, obviously, but I don't have to. Because I know her."
"You speak in riddles, you love sick puppy." As much as he was being annoying, it was sweet. I was glad he'd found someone that made him happy. Now if only that someone didn't get him killed.
"She reminds me a lot of you."
"Shut up." My shoulders tensed at the comparison.
"No, really." He pulled me back into the cradle of his arm, the warmth seeping into my chilled skin. "You both have a core of steel. You're both sorely underestimated and under-appreciated." He quirked an eyebrow, staring at me with knowing eyes. "And you are both struggling with who you are."
My hear
t raced.
"Who you really are. Underneath everything. Underneath the glam and the glitter. Under the anger and walls."
I swallowed and cleared my throat.
"I think if you got to know her more you'd realize you have more in common than you think."
I simmered with anger, but held back the words I wanted to fling at him.
I was nothing like her.
I had everything I wanted. I wasn't struggling.
I already knew what was under everything.
Because under the glitz and glam I was a hollow shell. I'd accepted that long ago. There was no struggle. No search. I was right where I wanted to be.
Wasn't I?
Chapter Three
"You asked her to join the House?" My voice rose in shock. I didn't mean to yell at him, but this newest development was unsettling.
He allowed my outburst without comment, the only evidence of his displeasure was his raised eyebrows.
"Of course I did. Her power is unparalleled. Her value to the House is immeasurable."
Jealousy roared its ugly head. Anxiety caused me to regret my hastily eaten dinner.
"How so?" I glared at him.
"She is unique. I haven't seen a creature like her since I was newly risen." Six centuries ago apparently.
"What is she?" My crossed arms were an obstinate barrier.
Calculating brown eyes stared back, clearly deciding what to tell me. Each word was weighed, measured cautiously before being released. His secret to avoid directly lying to me.
The pressure in my head increased.
"Don't bother." I spun on my heels. Before I could get more than a step he was in front of me, a blur of movement. Narrowed eyes bored into mine. My breath caught at the rare display of his powers.
If I had more sense I would've been frightened, but my anger—something I usually didn't have to fight to control—led the way.
"Your jealousy both repels and fascinates me." His slitted eyes darkened. Dragging a nail down my neck, Alejandro's eyes followed the trail.
I swallowed the lump in my throat. My heart raced like I'd stepped off the treadmill. My brain had finally caught on.
"I would not replace you with her." His breath sent shivers across my skin. "While I'll admit to an attraction, her temper foretells her downfall. She's not fit to present to the public."
That made me feel better.
Noticing my scowl he pulled back, the distance between us grew.
"What would you have me do, Arabella? I am a vampire." Eyes flared, the fire in their depths reminded me more than his words that he wasn't human. "I need blood to continue to exist—blood which you cannot give me."
Guilt stabbed into my chest, though we both knew it wasn't my fault.
"Vampires aren't known for restraint. I've lived centuries. In all that time I've never attempted monogamy. I can't change in a few years, no matter how I feel about you."
My heart slammed into my ribs. Anger melted like frost in the morning sunlight. I didn't expect the words and neither of us ever said them, but this was the closest he'd ever come.
"I forget how young and human you are sometimes." He sighed and gathered me in his arms. I didn't miss the warmth; the comfort of his cool embrace was enough.
"I am sorry for my outburst." My words were muffled in his chest as I sank into the comfort he offered.
"Apology accepted, my dear. Although I will admit, I do find your jealousy intriguing and—as you would say—a turn on." His sly grin made my stomach flip, this time pleasantly. "Would you fight over me?" he almost growled.
I let loose the laughter that bubbled up. His attempt at using modern colloquialisms always amused me. His stilted old-world cadence destroyed the effort.
"There is absolutely no question she would wipe the floor with me … so no."
Booming laughter echoed in the quiet room, his chest rumbling under my cheek.
By sundown we received notice Kyra had agreed to join. The Joining Ceremony was announced for the next week.
There was no turning back for her now. Once you joined the House the only way out was by death. I've heard rumors that permission to leave could be granted, but I'd never seen it, nor found anyone who had. The offer to join the House was never a light decision; we didn't let in any ol' riff-raff off the streets.
While I certainly wasn't her biggest fan, Daniel's happiness meant a lot to me. His grin was contagious as he bounced around helping with preparations. He'd fallen hard for the obnoxious woman.
I seemed to be the only one harboring any suspicions of her. Even Alejandro—while not exactly jumping for joy—was excited. The calculating gleam in his eye worried me almost as much as his silence.
She'd yet to lie so I wasn't sure what had caused my mistrust. Alejandro brushed it off as jealousy, and that might very well be part of it, but there was something else. Something … wrong.
Vampires, more than any of the other preternaturals, loved their pomp and circumstance. Ceremonies were elaborate and formal affairs. The Joining Ceremony was no exception. Most of our events were held in the opulent ballroom above the restaurants. It was convenient and controllable. Gathering several species of preternatural creatures together, drama was inevitable.
Although it swept the floor, I felt naked in my Jason Wu brocade gown. Its low back exposed more skin than I was used to. The strapless bodice didn't help. The high-collar diamond necklace drew attention to my long neck, but also symbolically barred anyone from taking a sample—not that anyone would dare. I was on display; a decoration to hang on Alejandro's arm. It was my part to play at these events, and this was merely my costume.
Alejandro brought in an air fey to do my hair and makeup. The sharp-featured pixie-like creature piled my long red hair on top of my head, stabbing me repeatedly with pins to hold the unruly curls in place. Not a single curl dared to escape the tightly controlled chignon that bared more of my neck. The final image was a combination of sensuality, elegance, and ownership; exactly the look Alejandro demanded.
A consummate gentleman, he met me at my door. His knock sounded as I placed the back on my simple diamond studs.
"You look sensational." The rough growl barely hidden under his words sent a thrill through me. He dragged his eyes from my neck. "I hope I'm able to keep my focus on our guest of honor with you nearby."
I didn't.
His body brushed mine as he leaned forward and kissed the sensitive spot beneath my ear. Cool breath tickled my skin, as he lingered a moment longer than usual.
"Thank you. You look dashing in your tux." And he certainly did. I couldn't hold back the sigh. Custom made, it hugged his body and hinted at the power beneath. The diamond and platinum cuff links I'd bought him for our last anniversary threw tiny rainbows from the light in the foyer.
We made quite the pair as we entered the ballroom. The room, which stretched along most of the second floor, was already filled with members of our House. Few turned down an invitation from Alejandro, although these types of events weren't mandatory. Humans and others mingled throughout the great room. The din of conversation was almost too much after the silence in the hall.
I was already counting down the minutes until I could leave.
Thankfully I spotted a familiar mohawk peeking above the sea of up-dos.
"Kyra, welcome." Alejandro bowed slightly as he kissed her offered hand, lingering over her wrist.
His gaze swept to Daniel. "Thank you for bringing our guest of honor, Daniel."
My friend nodded, winking at me the moment Alejandro's eyes left him.
A smile slipped onto my face as I took in Kyra's ensemble.
The black sleeveless interlock dress left little to the imagination as it hugged every curve. The fabric was gathered at one shoulder and drew attention to her bare neck, a daring move considering the company. Her short pixie cut was flattened, the dark fringes framing her mesmerizing brown-gold eyes.
Her bold black-rimmed eyes and dark red lips and nails were borderline garish, like something you'd see at an angsty teen goth party. It screamed poser-vamp, but she pulled it off with aplomb. The black peekaboo pumps swathed in small black spikes only enhanced the pseudo-poser feel. The outcome would have been ridiculous on anyone else—on her it was stunning and badass; a siren's call to any vampire within view.
But I couldn't take my eyes off those shoes. Please let us wear the same size.
"Welcome." I formally greeted her, jerking my head in a brief bow. "Love the shoes."
Kyra lifted an eyebrow.
"Ari has a thing for shoes," Daniel explained, laughter coating his words.
I basked in the warmth of his smothering hug. His familiar scent wrapped me in comfort.
"Watch out," he turned to Kyra. "She'll be raiding your closet in no time. You guys are the same size."
"Well then," I deadpanned. "It's set. We are fated to be BFFs."
She cut off a snort before it grew, struggling to keep her resting bitch face in place. Her eyes fell to my four-inch black sandals.
"Are those Choos?" Her badass mask slipped as her eyes widened.
I nodded.
"This could work out." She smiled. The brief lift of her lips was fleeting, but there.
My laughter tumbled from my lips unforced. Maybe it could.
The grateful flash of Daniel's eyes warmed my heart. Our getting along meant a lot to him, so I'd give it my best shot. He deserved happiness, in spades.
Alejandro, bored at the turn in conversation, excused himself to play host. Daniel stayed glued to Kyra's side. With the attention she was garnering from some of the vampires, it was a wise move.
Kyra held herself stiff, edgy in the vampire saturated room. I couldn't blame her. It used to bother me in the beginning too. Years later I barely gave it a thought. But as the boss's companion the message was clear: anyone who tried to take a taste of my blood would be disemboweled. While a punishment like that probably wouldn't be fatal to a vampire or shifter, it would be extremely painful and could be repeated once the offender healed. Multiple times.