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Sara and Abby (Sara's Summer Abroad)

Page 3

by C. E. Todd

  Lowering her voice, Gwen confided, “Sorry. It’s been awhile.”

  The girls giggled, and the men turned around to see what the commotion was. Abby instructed, “Just turn back around. That’s all we need.” The men obliged, and for the entire six block trip to the gallery, the men were subject to catcalls for the first time in their lives. No protest was made.

  The gallery was beautiful. Sara was impressed that a town as small as Oxford would care enough about art to spend the money they had on such an impressive art gallery. The docent was careful to explain that the gallery was owned by the city of Oxford, and maintained for the public, because “art belongs to everyone.” It was a peaceful way to spend an evening.

  On the way home, the groups separated by gender again, and the women’s conversation quickly turned to sex.

  “I haven’t gotten any since I got here. They didn’t tell me about this in the brochures,” Gwen complained.

  Sara and Abby looked at each other, and smiled.

  “What was that? I saw that.” Marcia accused. “What’s with you two?”

  Sara smiled, and looked down. Abby, not one to let the situation get out of control, offered, “Alright, so what if we did? At least we’re not pent up, like you guys.”

  Gwen and Marcia said nothing for a moment.

  Gwen sighed loudly. “How much for a man. I need a man.”

  Steve overheard, and fell back. “I usually only charge about fifty quid, but for you, I might consider a discount.”

  “Shut up, Steve. I’ll let you know when I need you,” Gwen instructed. “And don’t let those ass comments go to your head … the one on your shoulders.” Steve walked ahead, turned around, and smiled knowingly.

  * * *

  The group walked to the pub, since there wasn’t anything else to do. Everyone grabbed a pint of something, and found a couch to lounge on. Abby and Sara sat down between Gwen and Marcia.

  “Did you two really do it?” Gwen finally asked.

  “Truth?” Sara offered. “Yes. We did. It was my first experience with a woman, and I recommend it.”

  Marcia turned toward Abby and Sara. “Really? Wow. I never thought of it that way.”

  “Well, it wasn’t some sort of compromise just because I couldn’t find a man, you know,” Sara interjected, protesting. “It was …. It was beautiful.”

  “My Sapphic street cred knows no bounds,” Abby offered to the rest of the group.

  “So, you’ve done it a lot?” Gwen asked Abby.

  “Well, I really just do what I feel like. If it happens, it happens. That make sense?”

  “I guess,” Gwen’s voice trailed off.

  “Okay, this is the part in the porno movie when you say, ‘Hey, could you show me sometime?’ and Abby turns to the camera and lifts her eyebrow,” Marcia offered.

  “My eyebrow is ready if need be,” Abby giggled.

  “Wow. I gotta find a man, and quick.” Gwen sat back on the sofa, and took a long swig of her lager.

  The beer flowed, and the men invited the women to dance. It was a loud, pulsating, instinctive beat. Everyone danced. Sara and Abby danced together, for the most part, and Sara danced better than she used to.

  Abby leaned over to her. “Where’d you get those moves? If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear you were getting laid nightly!”

  Sara smiled slightly, and leaned back over to Abby. “I don’t really know where they came from. I don’t usually dance a lot.”

  Suddenly, Steve grabbed Sara as a Sinatra song blasted over the speakers. He danced well, tossing her back and forth in a sort of jitterbug style. He yanked her back to him, and Sara gasped as her body jiggled, bouncing against his hard chest.

  Abby and Gwen were left by themselves, so Abby extended her hand, and pulled Gwen toward her. Abby twirled Gwen around, and danced cheek-to-cheek with Gwen. As the song ended, Gwen excused herself.

  “What was that? You just like to scare off women?” Sara asked Abby as they sat back down.

  “I’m not sure. I think she really does need a man, though,” Abby responded, cocking her head.

  Steve bounded over to Abby and Sara. “Hey, that was fun. Wanna do it again?”

  Sara smiled, familiar with the feeling of not wanting to hurt another boy’s feelings. “You’re just trying to take advantage, of me.”

  “Well, sure, if you’re offering,” Steve offered.

  “Come sit with us. I’m feeling a bit woozy,” Sara said.

  Abby and Sara sat down on a couch, with Steve in the middle. “So, what’s with you two? You two need to get out more. You haven’t said boo since you got here.”

  “We’re just taking it slow, Steve,” Sara offered, glad for the chance to hint at taking things slow.

  “Do you guys know each other?”

  Abby interjected, “Well, we do now, Steve. We are quite good friends, actually.”

  Steve grinned, “Didn’t mean to step on anyone’s toes.”

  “Don’t flatter yourself,” Abby deadpanned.

  Steve got up, and began talking with one of the girls behind the bar counter.

  “Well, I’m pretty buzzed. I think I’d better get back,” Sara said.

  “Wait,” Abby announced. “Steve’s got a point. We could stand to get out a bit more, and I know someone who needs some help. Come with me.”

  Abby grabbed Sara’s arm, and dragged her out of the pub. They stumbled across the lawn, to their hallway, and to Abby’s room. “Come here. I have something to show you,” Abby announced.

  Abby unlocked her door, smiling at Sara. Abby bounded into her room, and immediately ran to her dresser, opened the top drawer, and took, something out.

  “I’ve been meaning to introduce you to my best friend,” Abby announced, pulling a large dildo from a box. It was huge; about a foot long. It was thick, too; probably more than Sara could physically wrap her hand around. Abby flicked a switch on the bottom, and a loud buzzing noise filled the room, as the dildo began to rotate slowly and vibrate.

  “I think someone needs to be introduced to my best friend,” Abby announced confidently.

  “What, you loan that thing out?” Sara wondered.

  “Well, I supervise visitation,” Abby giggled. “C’mon.”

  Sara wondered if this was the best idea, but alcohol clouded her judgment, so she ran down the hallway and around the corner behind Abby, who tucked her “best friend” under her shirt. They reached Gwen’s door, and knocked.

  “Um … just a minute!” They heard from inside.

  Abby stared at Sara as they heard myriad thumps and collisions inside the room. A few minutes later, Gwen slowly opened the door. “Yes?”

  Abby pushed the door open, revealing Gwen in a black silk chemise, elegant as always.

  Sara followed Abby into the room, and Sara sat on the bed, her head swimming a bit. Abby turned to Gwen.

  “You, my friend, have a problem, as I understand. You lack male companionship, eh?” Gwen nodded slowly, smiling slightly. “The solution has arrived. I’ve sort of edited the man down to the essential parts.” Abby pulled the dildo out from under her shirt, and flipped the switch.

  “Oh my God!” Gwen squealed, jumping backwards, but staring intently.

  “Now, don’t say you’ve never met my best friend,” Abby warned.

  “Gwen sat down on the edge of her bed, smiling. “Um … I’ve been introduced.”

  “Really? Do you have a best friend, too?” Abby asked, hopeful.

  “Well, yes, but I didn’t bring it with me. I sort of packed in a hurry, I suppose.”

  “Well, fear no more. My friend is your friend,” Abby offered.

  Gwen giggled slightly, and a silence fell over the room.

  “Well, aren’t you going to leave me so I can get to know your friend?” Gwen asked.

  Abby’s smile faded slightly. “I usually don’t lend my friend out. As I told Sara, I do supervised visitation.”

  The room was pregnant with silence. G
wen stared at Abby, then at Sara. Sara’s heart was racing, the thought of watching Gwen sending her stomach in knots.

  Silently, Gwen settled back into the bed, and leaned back against the wall. Still staring at Abby, Gwen drew her legs up slowly, revealing a black g-string under the chemise.

  “Can this be our secret?” Gwen asked, a worried look crossing her face.

  Abby sat next to Sara on the bed, the two surrounding Gwen. “Sara, have I ever violated our trust?”

  “Um … no. Never,” Sara agreed, too tipsy to do anything but agree.

  Gwen’s eyes widened. “How long have you two….?”

  “Just since we’ve been here. That’s all,” Abby answered quickly, trying to minimize any damage. “Do you want to meet my friend, or not?”

  Another silence fell over the room. Suddenly, Gwen raised her hips, and slid her g-string off and tossed it aside, revealing a beautiful, completely shaved pussy. Gwen held out her hand.

  Abby obliged, as she and Sara sat transfixed. Gwen slowly took the vibrator, and turned it on to its lowest setting, slowly approaching her pussy.

  Gwen sighed deeply, and reared her head back, closing her eyes at the sensation of the vibrator against her. She moved the huge cock slowly, up and down, across her wetness. Sara was mesmerized, her nipples hardening as Gwen moaned softly.

  Abby leaned over and kissed Sara lightly on the neck. Sara gasped lightly at this unexpected pleasure. Abby began nibbling on Sara’s earlobe, sending chills down Sara’s back. Sara began to knead her breasts, feeling a throbbing warmth in her chest. Abby unbuttoned her jeans, and slid her hand down her pants as she licked and nibbled Sara’s neck. Gwen began to moan louder. Sara watched Gwen begin to shove the plastic cock slowly inside. Sara watched, mesmerized, as Gwen’s pussy lips expanded to accept the vibrating cock. Suddenly, Sara felt a hand on her calf, as Gwen slowly stroked her leg. Sara gasped.

  Sara broke Abby’s kiss, and unbuttoned her jeans, sliding them off. Abby unbuttoned Sara’s white button-down shirt, and began massaging Sara’s breasts through her bra. Abby paused, and pulled her t-shirt over her head, kicked her jeans off her feet. Abby wore nothing underneath.

  Abby reached over, and unclasped Sara’s bra, as Sara leaned forward, in turn, and kissed Gwen lightly on her cheek, then her neck. Abby laid down on the bed, and slid her head under Sara, and pulled Sara’s panties down. Abby lapped eagerly at Sara’s swollen pussy. Sara slid the straps off Gwen’s shoulders, exposing Gwen’s breasts, and Sara nibbled on Gwen’s nipples, feeling them harden in her mouth. Gwen was moaning rhythmically, now, shoving the cock in and out of her.

  Sara gasped as Abby flicked her tongue over Sara’s clit. Sara reached over, and found Abby’s pussy, and began to massage the slit slowly. Abby moaned.

  Sara felt her insides well up, with an intensity she had never known before. Sara felt her stomach tightening fast, and hard. Gwen began yelping with each hard thrust of the plastic cock, and then moaned loudly when she ground it into her pussy.

  Sara slid a second finger into Abby, and pulled hard on her front wall, causing Abby to moan as she slid her tongue into Sara’s pussy.

  “Fuck! Fuck! Oh, fuuuuck!” Gwen moaned.

  Sara’s insides swelled, almost as if she would invert. Suddenly, Sara’s insides spun to a pinpoint, and she felt her pussy begin to quiver.

  “Oh…God…yes!” Sara exclaimed, feeling as though her insides were being pulled out of her.

  Abby moaned loudly, and more insistently, as she put her finger on her own clit, and pressed hard.

  Sara fell back, her body still quivering, her pussy still convulsing, as she lay there, lost to the world. Abby collapsed on her side, panting audibly, and giggling, as Gwen looked on.

  “Wow. He’s my best … friend … ever,” Abby giggled.

  “He may need a godmother,” Gwen offered.

  Sara smiled, opening her eyes. “I’ve never done that. It was …. Thank you, both of you.”

  Sara clasped her hand to her chest, feeling her still-reeling heart. “Wow. I can’t stop.” “You don’t have to,” Abby offered.


  Devin became a regular morning ritual for Sara. She enjoyed rising at her usual early time, and getting a jump on the day. She especially enjoyed the counsel of a surprisingly wise man over pastries and coffee.

  “I could bundle you up and ship you back to Kansas, Devin. Just watch yourself,” Sara kidded, one morning.

  “Not that I wouldn’t mind, pet, but I do have the missus, and the kids. She’d have a rough road indeed without me bringing in the money,” Devin confessed.

  “Why don’t I ever see your family around here, Devin?” Sara asked.

  “Well, the boys are just too cool to do a pastry shop, and the missus …” his voice trailed off. “Well, she used to help out, but she just sort of quit after a while. We’ve been married a long time. Sometimes she just gets bored, I think.”

  “You don’t know? Haven’t you talked about it?” Sara asked.

  “No, not really. The wife usually just doesn’t want to talk about things. She just wants to get her way. I suppose most women are like that. So, I give her what she wants, as best I can, and that’s that.”

  “That sounds dull,” Sara offered, then caught herself. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to get too personal.”

  Devin smiled. “No need, m’dear. Our marriage is stronger than a friend’s criticism.” He petted Sara’s hand lightly. “You just bide your time, pet, and set your standards carefully. I’m sure the right man will make himself known when it’s right for you.”

  “I suppose,” Sara said wistfully. She wondered if she would ever have her own family.

  * * *

  Sara walked slowly back toward her room. It was a cool, sunny morning, the kind that made Sara think of her childhood, when she felt no pressures, and everything was safe. She walked onto the campus, and into the lawn. She perked up, hearing piano music waft across the lawn. She immediately walked toward the piano room, and peeked in the window, confirming her suspicion that Professor Evans was playing. She immediately walked into the entryway, and knocked on the door. Professor Evans peeked around the doorway.

  “Well, you’re consistent,” Professor Evans offered, pursing his lips.

  “I just wanted to listen. I wasn’t any trouble last time, and I won’t be this time,” Sara said, as if she were trying to convince herself as she said it.

  Professor Evans hesitated, then swung the door open. Sara’s chair was already beside the piano, and she sat down.

  Professor Evans sighed to himself, leaned his head back, and then leaned over the keyboard. He began playing something Sara had never heard. Her brow furrowed.

  “It’s the theme from ‘On Golden Pond’, an old movie from the 80’s that I like,” Professor Evans clarified.

  Professor Evans launched into a soft rendition of Bach’s Prelude No. 1 in C major. Sara began to rock in her seat, as if the music was pulling something out of her; some pain. Professor Evans looked over, and his brow furrowed, but he continued playing. Suddenly, the music ended.

  “I need to go get some breakfast, Sara. Are you coming?” Professor Evans asked.

  Sara paused a moment, coming back to reality. “Um … no. I need to go to my room for a moment.”

  Sara got up, and walked out the door, noticing Professor Evans’ pursed lips, as if he was angry about something. She walked quickly back to her room. She was sincere about not wanting to interrupt the Professor when he played, but his playing – no, he - was so delicious. She couldn’t help the feelings that washed over her as she listened. She felt her heart quickening as she walked. She needed this.

  Sara bounded into her room quickly, and immediately pulled her t-shirt over her head. She unbuttoned her jeans, and slid them to the floor. She unclasped her bra, and slide her panties down, laying down on her bed. Her pussy was swollen, and damp. Her heart still felt that familiar heaviness. Was it the music? Was it Professor
Evans? Sara rolled onto her back, and closed her eyes, her hands softly rubbing her hardening nipples. A wave of warmth ran from her chest to her stomach, and Sara moaned softly. Her other hand slid down her stomach, slowly, gently running along her moist slit, feeling it swell, and open for her. Sara pictured Professor Evans – playing the piano, then lowering himself onto her, his cock sliding inside slowly – and Sara’s breath quickened, and her heart leapt. She slid a finger inside.

  And electricity surged from her pussy out into her legs, and her chest. Sara arched her back, and encircled her clit as it swelled. Sara slid a second finger inside her pussy and felt it quiver.


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