Breath of Memory
Page 3
“That’s why I have to let her go. I can handle the transfer. Then it’ll just be you and me. The way it needs to be.” He cupped her face between both his hands and looked her in the eye. “We were meant to be together, you and I. She let me go, so I’m letting her go.”
“Very well. I just hope you’re not doing this to punish her for hurting you.”
“I’m doing this to save her life. That’s all.”
The small cafe Corey arranged the meeting at was virtually empty during a midday lull. Patrons were beginning to trickle in slowly. Jill had hesitantly accepted the invitation after his insistence that he had an alternative that would keep her alive. Corey hadn’t told her she’d be meeting that alternative today, however. And with luck and some clever persuasion, she’d be out of the woods by the end of the night.
The dragon arrived first, as Corey had arranged, and there was no mistaking him. Large and dark-haired, he was clean-cut like a man who cared about appearances. Corey didn’t so much, given his mood, but he’d made sure to shave that morning. Like Racha had said, this was a business transaction, so a professional attitude seemed appropriate. It was a struggle for him to think of it that way, but if he tried hard enough maybe he’d be able to convince himself.
He took the dragon in with one quick glance. His size and obvious power might have been intimidating if it weren’t for the broody look on the man’s face. Something Corey could identify with. Their eyes met and the dragon nodded solemnly. He stepped across the threshold and walked toward Corey.
The clang of something metal being dropped on a hard floor resounded around him when Corey stood to shake hands with the man. He shot a glance at the embarrassed barista behind the counter. The pretty young woman blushed brightly after looking at the two of them and turned away.
The dragon chuckled. “It happens when we go out in public sometimes. Animals flee… humans get more clumsy. Mass hysteria. I’m Rafe. And you must be the Queen’s Consort, Corey.”
They sat and the flustered barista brought over the cappuccinos Corey had ordered earlier. She’d regained her composure but couldn’t keep her eyes off Rafe. The dragon barely seemed to notice.
“Kol tells me you have a dire situation and need my help.”
Corey was happy to get straight to it. “Racha’s father mated a woman before he died, he kept her alive with… ah…”
Rafe nodded. “With the last vestiges of his power at the end. That is how we generally go, given the choice. We infuse some object, or even a person, with our remaining life essence, generally as a gift for our offspring when they come out of hibernation. I take it the Queen won’t accept the inheritance?”
“She will. But I won’t.”
Rafe’s dark brows drew together. He took a sip of his coffee and studied Corey. “Two women—one a dragon queen. Most men would be over the edge with eagerness. Why aren’t you?”
Corey had hoped to not have to get into the details, so he hedged. “I believe the Queen deserves my undivided attention.”
Rafe raised an eyebrow. “Either this woman is too awful or too perfect. If she was mated to Aris, I doubt it’s the former. I’d be honored to take her, but I don’t believe you really want to give her away.”
Corey was about to object when the subject of their conversation walked in. Jill paused in the doorway. When Corey saw her, the room seemed to close in on him. Her golden waves draped over bare shoulders in the summer dress she wore. She’d been out in the sun today for a bit. He could tell from the flush of heat on her cheeks that caused the smattering of freckles across her nose to stand out.
Rafe turned to look at her, too, and turned back with a hard look. “You are a fool if you’re giving her up.”
“It has to happen.” He stood to greet Jill. She came forward and accepted his embrace and the kiss on her cheek. She seemed to linger in his arms for a second before pulling away. She looked at Rafe, who had stood and was looking expectant.
“Jill, this is Rafe.”
“You’re the dragon who’s going to save my life, aren’t you? Because this asshole can’t find the guts to do it himself.”
Rafe grinned and looked at Corey. “See. She’s attuned to the situation as well as I am.”
“It’s not open for discussion,” Corey said, sitting down again. “Are you both amenable?” he asked when they were all seated and Jill had made her order from the perplexed barista who’d decided to attend to them personally.
Rafe and Jill looked at each other and some silent message seemed to pass between them. Corey tried not to be irritated by the way the other man was looking at her. He could tell Rafe found Jill attractive, but the dragon still seemed somewhat resigned to the transaction, which puzzled Corey.
“Yes,” they said in unison.
“Let’s just get this over with,” Jill said, grabbing her purse and tossing a tip on the table.
Jill pressed her hand against Corey’s chest before he could get into the limo with them. “I need a few minutes alone with him if you don’t mind. I get what you’re trying to do, but if you’re in the middle of us the entire time, it will never work. Okay?”
She pushed back a little harder when his expression grew dark. He glanced behind her into the interior of the limo…his limo… that was ready to carry her to her salvation, and her demise, all at once. She may live, but what good was a life when the man she loved rejected her? She would willingly give herself to this other dragon, not only to save her own life, but to make Corey happy. He didn’t want her enough to keep her, but he loved her enough to save her. She had to accept that.
“Take a cab, Corey. We’ll meet you there, alright?”
Finally he nodded and stepped back.
The air conditioned interior of the limo made her skin prickle instantly into goosebumps. It felt good after the summer heat outside.
“He loves you too much,” Rafe said unexpectedly. She stared at him.
“He’s afraid of me now. I hurt him, so I deserve it.”
“I need you to know something before we do this.” Rafe glanced out the window, then back at her. The limo lurched slightly, pushing her closer to him. He caught her, his hands warm and soft on her skin. Their faces were millimeters apart. He could have kissed her, but he just shifted back in the seat.
“What is it?”
“I’m in love with a dragon. This… transaction is a way to keep the Council off my back. A formality. Marriage of convenience if you want to call it that. I suspect that’s what it would be for you, too.”
Jill sank back against the leather seat and sighed. “You’re right. Don’t get me wrong, you seem great. More than great, but no. I’m still in love with that bastard. Tell me about your dragon lover?”
She shifted in her seat to look at him. His brow clenched in dismay for a second. “She’s lost. I need to find her. It was part of my bargain with the Queen. If I do this… with you… she’ll help me find Rowan. She asked that I not tell her mate about it until it was over.”
“Rowan? That’s a beautiful name. Have you known each other long?”
Rafe shifted, looking embarrassed. “We were together for only a few days before she disappeared, but she’s like no other woman. No offense… you are beautiful. I understand why Aris loved you and circumstances being different I would not hesitate.”
“But you are hesitating…”
“She’s very young, and not accustomed to dragon conventions. If I’m mated to you, what will she think when I find her?”
“Listen, Rafe. Once this is done, let’s just agree to go our separate ways. You can find Rowan and I’ll… find someone.”
“That’s not good enough.” He startled her with his conviction.
“Why not?”
“You were mated to Aris. That ranks you just below a Queen. I’m not good enough for you, but you don’t seem to realize that. The only situation worthy of you would be exactly what you want. And I mean to make that h
appen.” He raised a hand up and she held completely still while he let one knuckle graze along the edge of her jaw and down the side of her neck.
The intensity of his gaze held her in thrall, the gentleness of his touch left her breathless. “How?” she asked, catching her breath when he placed an open palm against her chest, just above her breastbone. Her eyes fluttered closed at the feel of him. He shifted closer and let his hand slide back up until he cupped the back of her head, large fingers twining through her hair. His lips grazed her temple.
“You’ll see, but I mean to enjoy the process regardless. To enjoy you just enough to make Corey believe he’s succeeded. He has to be reminded how it feels to lose you.”
Chapter 4
Corey beat them to the apartment he shared with Racha, which surprised him. He wondered what the two of them were talking about and felt a surge of jealousy. Jesus, he shouldn’t be feeling that way if he was giving her away. He hated the fact that she didn’t even have a choice in the matter, thanks to Aris. Jill’s life depended on being possessed. Being owned. The mark was a brand and at the moment it was a time bomb for her. If he didn’t go through with it she would die.
He wished like hell that Racha was here. Her calming breath could get him through the ordeal. He walked into their bedroom, made sure things were in order. It was ridiculous because he’d already gone through the motions earlier. He hadn’t expected the two of them to go off alone, though. They would arrive eventually. Jill’s life still depended on this.
Soon his cell phone buzzed. It was a message from the door man letting him know he had guests. He responded, then opened the door and went to pour drinks. He tried his best not to think about what might happen after.
The pair entered, Rafe’s large arm solidly draped around Jill’s waist. She looked a little flushed, too, like he’d already been all over her for the entire ride. The idea infuriated Corey enough to make him doubt his sanity. He slammed the bottle down a little too hard on the counter and shoved the drinks toward them.
Christ he needed to keep himself under control if he was going to go through with this.
“Thank you,” Jill said, smiling in that way that always made him want to fuck her. She took a sip and licked her lips.
Rafe walked up behind her and whispered something in her ear. Her eyelids lowered and she smiled and nodded.
“Corey, show me where we’re doing this. I’d like a moment alone, if that’s alright.”
Her plaintive tone settled his mood a little. She sounded almost as nervous as he felt.
“This way,” he said, leading her to the bedroom.
“A camera?” she asked, noting the live feed of the room displayed on the widescreen television that hung from the wall facing the bed.
“Racha insisted. She’ll be joining us remotely.” He was at least grateful for that fact. Racha had given him the option and he had accepted, somewhat relieved to have her be involved, even if she couldn’t participate directly. He left the room and closed the door behind him.
“Did I hear correctly?” Rafe asked when Corey rejoined him in the main room. “Will the Queen be with us via conference?”
“She considers it a business transaction, so yes.” Corey poured himself another drink, trying to ignore the slight smirk on the dragon’s lips.
“Giving up a treasure so valuable, I understand. She wants to make sure Jill is well cared for.”
“So do I,” Corey said.
“Good. It needs to be clear that we both have Jill’s interests at heart before we begin. I will do everything in my power to see that she’s happy with the results.”
“I want nothing less.”
“Of course,” Rafe said. His dark eyes narrowed, as though assessing the veracity of Corey’s remark. “Do you think Jill will like living in San Diego?”
Corey’s hackles rose at the suggestion of Rafe taking her away with him. “The way I understood it, you would be relocating here.”
Rafe shrugged. “Of course it is up to her. On the way over she suggested she might like some new scenery.”
Corey’s attention was drawn to the closed bedroom door when he heard Racha’s familiar voice bleeding through. A moment later the door opened and Jill stood there, looking apprehensive. She’d taken off her shoes and brushed her hair. Behind her, the large screen on the wall displayed the beautiful features of the woman he was really doing this for, yet he couldn’t take his eyes off Jill. Her skin was flushed and beautiful. Some unseen breeze caused a wisp of hair to trail across her cheek.
If this was a business transaction, why could he suddenly taste her on his lips again? It had only been a couple days since he’d had the pleasure of her flavor on his tongue, but he craved her again as strongly as he craved Racha. His face heated and he looked behind Jill at the screen on the wall.
“Corey, you know what needs to be done. It is all up to you now,” Racha said. She walked past the camera and it panned to follow her. She was wearing the same wispy gown she’d worn that first day they had met in the temple. The day he learned she would have died rather than coerce him into making love with her. With her back to him, she tugged at the clip in her hair, letting her shiny black curls fall down over her shoulders. Soon she wasn’t alone in the frame. Two men who looked vaguely familiar flanked her at the foot of a large bed. They were nude from the waist up, with heavily muscled torsos, deep tans, and shaved heads. They both had banded tattoos around their forearms that shimmered with colorless power. Their eyes were both unnatural shades—one silvery white, the other gold.
“Who are they?” he asked, his jaw clenching.
“I thought it might make it easier for you if we fulfilled two of your fantasies at once. These are my brother’s teachers from the Monastery. Darius and Zak. They will do anything you ask. You can watch while you handle our other business.”
Corey remembered the men now. Or dragons—because that’s what they were—only they were shackled by magic to prevent them from shifting. The two men were the bastard children of other dragons, born centuries earlier without the sanction of the Council and compelled into servitude to punish their parents for breaking dragon law. Oddly, they were referred to as “Unbound” even though they were clearly the opposite. But he supposed the term referred more to their state at birth than what they had become.
At the moment they both stood placidly by Racha’s side, but every so often the younger of the two—Zak—would steal a glance at the tiny video in the corner that showed their own room to him. Perhaps Zak enjoyed watching, too. The proposition itself was not something Corey had expected, but Racha knew him well. Perhaps it was the time he spent serving as cameraman during Erika’s expedition. Having to spend the entire ritual watching the other members of Erika’s team couple in various configurations had given him an appreciation for the cinematic and he’d discovered he enjoyed directing. The moment in the elevator with Jill had been the first time he’d been on the other end of the camera, expected to perform, however.
This time it went both ways.
He crossed his arms and walked into the room, pausing to stand so that his upper body filled the entire frame of video of their room that took up one corner of his screen. “Are you really doing this for me, Racha? Or is it to sate your own curiosity? You enjoyed watching me with Jill the other day, didn’t you?”
He had yet to share Racha with anyone. So far he’d been her sole lover and he’d sensed her need to experience more variety. He’d been oblivious to it for months until she’d caught him watching his secret stash of videos from the ritual. Her insatiable need had nearly overwhelmed him at the time, and it made him realize that while he may satisfy her emotionally, being the lover of a dragon woman was exhausting.
Racha’s cheeks flushed. “Yes. I didn’t want to miss this, but I also didn’t want to watch alone. I’ve spent much of my energy these last few days shifting so I can fly between the island and the city. But I realized I prefer not to replenish my magic without you pres
ent, even if we aren’t sharing each other. This was the only alternative.”
“Where are you now?” he asked. “That doesn’t look like the Monastery.”
“It’s a hotel in Singapore that belongs to Issa’s family. I can call her to join, if you’d like.”
“I believe three is enough.” Corey glanced behind him at Rafe and Jill who both stood watching with interest. When Racha’s attention fell on Rafe, the large man knelt and lowered his gaze.
“Greetings, Your Grace,” he said.
“Hello, Rafe. I haven’t forgotten our agreement, but it will take more time.” She looked back at Corey. “Before we begin, I need to let you know, the Council approved assembly of the Verdanith, but there is a problem.”
“What is it? Erika will want to know, and so will the others.”
“The final piece is missing. It was lost in the sixth century when it was entrusted to a line of nobles bonded to a dragon who died prematurely. The dragon herself bore no children, but the bond to her mate may have been passed down through subsequent generations. It wasn’t uncommon for human mates of previous generations to have children with their human lovers as well as the dragon they were bonded to. If he did, he would have passed on his bond to his human children.”
“If there’s any information on when and where it was last seen, Erika can find it. Send me everything.”
“I will. Shall we begin?” A hint of eager anticipation tinged her voice, reflecting Corey’s own emotions acutely.
Corey beckoned to Jill who walked slowly to him. “Are you alright with this?” he said softly, placing his hands against her shoulders.
“It may be the last time I’m with you. So, yes.”