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Born to Be Mine

Page 7

by Lexa Luthor

  Charlie heard a low bird call in the distance, familiar with the flying animal's screech. She blew out a breath and wrapped her other hand around Kal's muscular forearm. "It was cold earlier and now it's fucking freezing." Once the suns were gone, what little warmth was in the air had all but vanished in an instant. Uncontrolled shaking wracked her body until something hard struck her boot tip. With a yelp, she almost went down until Kal snared her.

  "How Earthlings survive is beyond me," Kal said, needling Charlie a bit. She scooped up her lover, adjusted her in her arms, and continued back to the cabin.

  Not bothering to argue, Charlie snuggled in closer for more heat and hooked her arm across Kal's shoulders. "Says the Alpha who is sneaking around and fucking one." She laughed at Kal's wide grin but became serious. "Dorlon is so mad at me for this."

  "She is concerned for us both." Kal's pace had increased now that Charlie was secure in her arms. As a Kalmar, she had superior night vision and the Spirit of Kalatas also helped her. "You are her childhood friend, and she mentored me for many years. Now she's my commander and closest advisor."

  "She stands to lose a lot if something bad happens." Charlie peered over her shoulder and spotted the glow from the cabin's window. "She was mad at me for having sex with you. But she wasn't mad that it was us." She shook her head and whispered, "If that at all made sense."

  "Dorlon will not be against a human and Kalmar together." Kal exited the woods, paused, and allowed Charlie to slide out of her arms. "You changed her opinion of Earthlings."

  "Ja. So if you were Sumner and not also Kal, she wouldn't be mad." Charlie was relieved to get back into the warm cabin and blew out a shaking breath. Kal guided her to the fireplace, now only a mild glow from the dying embers.

  Kal resurrected it with fresh wood and allowed Charlie to warm up. "I'll make dinner."

  Charlie grumbled at not being helpful, but she sensed that Kal wanted to cook—or else they wouldn't be eating tonight. If Kal didn't keep her hands busy in other ways, they would be tangled under the bed sheets. Once warm enough, Charlie went into the washroom and rekindled the fire to wash their clothes so that they would be dry tomorrow. By the time she finished cleaning and hanging them, dinner was ready.

  Again they ate in comfortable silence but Charlie's wandering mind reviewed the rescue mission for Starr. There was one small topic they hadn't discussed that continued annoying Charlie; she decided to test the waters and kept her voice calm.

  "During the rescue mission, I went after Victor."

  Kal paused and gazed across the table, features tight and eyes steely. "But you failed to kill him."

  Charlie's poker face cracked, feeling transparent in front of her lover.

  "You did mention that he contacted you later and threatened you," Kal reminded.

  Charlie huffed low and dropped the dirty spork on the plate. Her lip curled, and she lost control. "I didn't get the chance to kill him because you ordered Andren to stop me!" She felt the heat in her face as memories of Andren attacking her made her blood boil again.

  "Ja." Kal's response was monotone. She stood and took the plates. For once, the rising tension in her shoulders was visible.

  Charlie jumped out of the chair and followed one step behind. "Why did you do that?" She tried holding back the heat in her voice, but it was even more searing. "It was my decision, my choice. We even discussed it before I left."

  "Ja." Kal set the plates into the sink, then faced Charlie. "I didn't agree with your choice."

  "It was mine to make!"

  Charlie was panting and kept her fisted hands at her side. She watched the hardness in Kal's face and waited to see what the next move would be between them.

  Kal was so much taller than Charlie, who had to keep her head tilted back. Kal's body hummed with more dark energy the longer the silent ticks dragged on. She clenched her jaw, causing her eyes to narrow. "It was also mine to make," Kal whispered with finality and power.

  Charlie shook her head and warred with the urge to shove Kal, but she knew it wouldn't work anyway. She put space between them, or tried to, until Kal grabbed her waist. She yelped while being driven back onto the empty table. Her ass dragged a few inches over the table top and her legs were forced open. She clutched Kal's hips and rasped from the powerful body pushing into her.

  "You made an emotional decision." Kal bared her teeth, revealing her prominent canines. "I countered it with a logical one." She pressed her hand against Charlie's jaw, and her blunt nails scraped into flushed skin at Charlie's neck. "Tell me where you'd be right now if I hadn't ordered Andren to protect you?"

  Charlie's eyes fluttered, but the raw intensity in Kal's features forced her to keep watching because it was so beautiful. "H-h-held captive or dead." She shivered after Kal's snarl, then gasped when Kal leaned over her.

  "Why are you so determined to kill yourself?"

  Kal's question sliced through Charlie's thick skin, and it made her whimper and curl her fingers into Kal's shirt. "I-I-I…." She cracked a little more and leaned into her lover, being anchored by her. "What has this life ever given me?" She peered up, eyes glistening with rawness. "It just keeps taking and taking until I have nothing."

  Kal cupped Charlie's cheeks and whispered, "I willingly sacrificed my old life. You were forced to sacrifice your old life." She ran her thumb across Charlie's cheeks, then leaned in closer. "But this time, maybe we can give each other better lives. Ones that are better than the old ones."

  Charlie threaded her fingers into dark strands and pulled Kal's forehead against her own. "Why are you willing to risk everything for this?" For me, Charlie's mind whispered.

  "Because you woke me up," Kal replied in a hushed voice, as if to ensure no one else heard her secret.

  Biting her lip, Charlie shifted her head until their cheeks were rubbing together, passing affection between them. "I know. And it kind of freaks me out." She withdrew until she could see Kal's face. "We're playing with fire, Sumner. What if—" Kal's fingertips held her lips still, and she waited.

  "You are here for six noreds." Kal waited for Charlie's nod. "Return to outer space if it's too much after those noreds."

  Charlie threaded her fingers through Kal's larger ones. "I think it's already too late for that."

  "Then we try one day at a time," Kal said; her voice was deep again.

  Charlie nodded and squeezed Kal's hand to the point it hurt. "Ja. One day at a time." She was then jolted by a sudden growl.

  "And stop trying to kill yourself," Kal ordered.

  "Turen! I didn't blow up my own ship," Charlie argued but grinned at the playfulness in her lover.

  Kal released another growl, then yanked Charlie hard against her waist. She gave a pleased rumble when Charlie started grinding against her. "You attract trouble."

  Charlie grunted and somewhat agreed with her lover's assessment. "One of my better skills in life." She grabbed the first button at Kal's waistline and pulled on it. "But not my best skill." Raising an eyebrow, she licked her lips and noticed that Kal's attention went to them. "Take me to bed."

  Not denying her lover, Kal lifted Charlie off the table and secured her against her larger frame.

  Charlie nibbled and licked Kal's bare skin along her chest, tasting the spicy hint to it. Her hands slipped under Kal's tank top, and she moaned when she found toned muscles. "Fuck." She nipped Kal's skin and earned a snarl. Her lover placed her on the bed, and she crawled a short distance before Kal removed Charlie's boots.

  Removing all but her skintight pants that barely contained the bulge in her crotch, Kal followed Charlie to the center of the bed.

  Fuck. That has to hurt. But it was delicious eye candy, and Charlie loved the show. Part of her wondered if the Alpha was doing it for her, preening in a way. She sucked in her breath after Kal snared her waistband and worked the jeans' button. Sitting up with one arm holding her, she hooked Kal's wrist and slowed them. "Will you make love to me before
fucking me?" She studied her lover's hungry features and watched them calm.

  "Ja." Kal composed herself, and a low but soothing thunder rolled in her chest. "Take off your shirt and lie back down for me."

  Charlie nodded, leaned forward, and removed her shirt and breast wrap. After tossing them to the floor, she lowered herself into the soft blanket and released a strained breath. Often they'd wrestle for power until Kal dominated and fucked Charlie into exhaustion. But tonight, Charlie already sensed Kal reining in her Alpha, and every touch was gentle.

  Kal was slow and tender as she peeled away Charlie's skinny jeans. Her fingers twisted in Charlie's black panties, pulled them down, and traced her fingers along Charlie's thighs. Once rid of the satin underwear, she lowered onto her hands and crawled over Charlie. She adjusted her dark hair to one side, then dipped her head until her searing lips burned against Charlie's flushed stomach.

  Clawing at the blanket, Charlie lifted her back and moaned as each kiss traveled higher, closer to her breasts. A soft nip to the underside of her breast caused her to gasp. She peered down at the smirking Alpha and whimpered in need. This time she wasn't told to beg or submit but was worshipped by her lover. Kal's rough hand closed over her right breast, rolling and pinching with the pressure. Arousal surged through Charlie, and she hissed after Kal bit her left nipple. She dug and dragged her heels into the bed, and wetness built between her legs.

  "Sumner," she demanded, wanting and hot. Freeing a hand, she tangled her fingers into Kal's dark mane and urged her nipple deeper into Kal's hungry mouth. She groaned at the warm but coarse texture of Kal's tongue brushing across her sensitive skin. With her other hand, she grabbed her lover's toned ass cheek and growled at the thick material of the pants that separated her from the skin. She wanted the pants off, but Kal distracted her by switching to her other breast. Charlie moved her hand up and dug her nails into back muscles, earning a growl from her lover.

  Kal sucked hard and fast against the nipple before releasing it. A low rumble vibrated deep in her chest as she trailed her nose upward to Charlie's throat. "You smell so sweet." She pushed her hips into Charlie's thighs, then tasted Charlie's burning flesh. Dragging her teeth over Charlie's pulse point, she nipped and bit the same spot.

  Charlie sensed it was the location for a permanent bite mark. If their lives were different, Kal would already have sunk her canines in and tied Charlie to her. But the risks hung around their necks, like nooses ready to choke them if they made a mistake. Charlie whimpered at the unfairness of it, even though she felt crazy for wanting it. She opened her eyes and discovered promise in Kal's features.

  "One day," Kal whispered, her voice firm and strong.

  After a nod, Charlie guided Kal in for a long kiss that carried promises. She moaned each time their tongues danced together, not wanting their night to end. Between gasps she whispered, "Take off your pants." She shivered at Kal's wolfish smile and grabbed the annoying pants' button, but a hand halted her attempt.

  "Soon." Kal redirected Charlie's hand to her back, then lowered to her left side next to Charlie. She hooked her left arm under Charlie and drew their bodies together until their heads touched.

  Charlie turned toward her lover, touching and grabbing muscles. "You're so beautiful and handsome." She dragged her nails across Kal's toned stomach and felt every ounce of strength. "I don't want to stop touching you." She flushed from Kal's amused rumble and continued moving her hand closer to the prize. Sneaking her hand past the waistband, her fingertips grazed the base of Kal's penis until Kal hooked her wrist.

  Kal snarled in Charlie's ear, warning her one last time. She returned Charlie's wandering hand to her stomach, then reached between their bodies. Her fingers slipped between the wetness and toyed with Charlie's swollen clit. She growled when Charlie started moaning and writhing beside her.

  Charlie rolled onto her back and spread her legs open to give her lover better access. She cut her nails into Kal's outstretched forearm while her other hand wrenched into raven hair. "Oh gods." Panting, she screwed her eyes shut and struggled to be patient as Kal learned her clit. Kal had explored her body once before, but this was still new.

  "You are so wet," Kal whispered into Charlie's ear with slight wonderment in her voice. She pressed her fingertips against Charlie's clit and rubbed it, hard and fast.

  Crying out, Charlie rocked her hips to the motions. Passion curled low in her gut, and she clawed Kal's arm. "D-don't stop!" She gasped when teeth latched onto her ear, almost holding her still. A hungry growl caused her to tremble and scream until the orgasm sliced through her. Gasping for air, she latched onto Kal's hand and pressed it against her sex. "I just need a tick."

  Kal pushed in closer and nibbled at Charlie's nape, purring near her ear. She inched her fingers lower until she found Charlie's entrance and spread the folds. She pushed a little, earning a moan from Charlie.

  "Go inside, krafka." Charlie rolled her hips, urging Kal to take her. One finger slid into her, slowly but steadily. She held her breath, then released it after Kal went still. "Add another," she whispered her plea for more.

  Kal pushed a second finger through the slick, velvet walls until they were both in deep. She gazed down at Charlie and watched her expressions. "You're always so tight." She grinned at Charlie's whimper, then slid her fingers toward the entrance. "Right here." She rubbed her fingertips against a certain spot that caused Charlie to melt beside her. "It's rough but sensitive here."

  Charlie moaned long and hard until Kal paused to allow her to speak after a deep breath. "I-it's my G-spot." Saying it in Kalmarese sounded strange, but it was easier than using English. "That's what we call it." Her eyes rolled up when Kal started rubbing it again. "Oh gods, please." She arched her back but collapsed after Kal pushed her fingers forward.

  Kal drew her fingers back, then drove them in and sent shockwaves through Charlie. She kept a steady pump and built Charlie's orgasm again.

  Charlie jerked her hips and ground down on Kal's hand. She cried out each time Kal curled her fingers, wiring her body even more. Lifting her head, she crashed her lips into Kal's own. Her walls spasmed, then clenched around Kal's fingers when they plunged deeper. Charlie tried to break the kiss, but her scream was swallowed whole. Her body jerked and shook from the orgasm wracking her. She gulped for air and clung to her lover.

  Kal nuzzled golden hair, inhaled deeply, and growled with intensity. Charlie continued quivering against her, and she pulled out her fingers with care. She rolled on top of Charlie and sheltered her while the orgasm's aftershocks faded away.

  Charlie held onto Kal's broad shoulders and calmed her fluttering heart with deep breaths. She didn't want to lose this feeling, so she burned it into her memory, knowing she would need to remember one day. She wanted to stay here forever and hide away from the dangers. Charlie buried her selfish desires and peeked out from her safe place to discover Kal's insatiable but patient features.

  "I'm going to check the fire," Kal whispered, a hint of question in her tone.

  Charlie nodded and withdrew her hold, allowing her to go. "Don't be long." She grinned at the responding growl. Turning to her side, she watched Kal load wood into the fire to ensure it would burn for a few more hours. She wasn't quite used to the level of care that Kal offered her in several small ways. It was new and unfamiliar, almost foreign, to Charlie after so many years of being alone.

  Kal returned to the bedside and paused next to Charlie. A slight furrow dug across her brow, as if thinking through a puzzle. "Are you tired?"

  "Joh." Charlie wanted to stay awake all night and fuck between naps. She suspected her tired body wouldn't allow it, but she would try her best. Tomorrow their relationship would revert to being a secret hidden in the shadows under everyone's noses. If nothing else, she could talk to Dorlon about it, at least she hoped.

  "Good." Kal flashed a wolfish smile, then opened the first button of her pants. She reached for the next button but hesitated af
ter her eyes locked with Charlie's own. "You enjoy watching me."

  "Can you blame me?" Charlie indicated Kal's gorgeous body. "You're fucking ripped from head to toe."

  Kal lifted an eyebrow and said, "It took me many years to become this."

  Charlie smirked and licked her lips. "All your hard work is greatly appreciated on my end." She followed the line of muscles down to the fingers poised to undo another button. "And I love how hard you get there too." She jumped from the Alpha's throaty growl. "Those tight pants have to be killing you by now."

  Kal freed the second button of the five. "This is helping." She freed the third button, then slid her left hand into the opening.

  With wide eyes, Charlie watched on and moaned when Kal clutched the handful between her thighs. "Vuk," she whispered and gripped the side of the bed. "But it's not helping me." She grumbled at Kal's smug look.

  Still, Kal worked the second to last button with her right hand, the extra room offering her the chance to move her hand more. She groaned, tilted her head back, and continued the movements hidden by the pants.

  "Sumner," Charlie hissed, close to getting off the bed. She settled when Kal seemed to take pity on her and came over to the bedside.

  Kal unhooked the last button, then pulled out her left hand with the hard shaft springing free. She massaged the tip, which was swollen and red with need. She lifted her dark eyes to Charlie, grinned, and extended her hips that brought the head closer to Charlie.

  Accepting the invitation, Charlie grabbed the middle of the shaft, then brushed her lips over the sensitive tip. She kissed the head, tasting the spicy scent that was her lover. She wanted more, but Kal withdrew a step and continued massaging her cock. Pausing, she stripped the pants off and kicked them aside before coming to the bed again. "Get on your back."

  Charlie didn't hear authority, not yet at least. Things were still slow between them, even playful. She wanted it to continue, so she rolled onto her back; then Kal grabbed her hips and turned her body until her ass nudged the edge of the bed. Peering down, she saw her lover standing between her legs.


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