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Born to Be Mine

Page 17

by Lexa Luthor

"And you're not in the coalition anymore," Sres said, folding his arms.

  Charlie glowered and stretched out her legs, staring at her boots for a moment. "After all the referrals." She narrowed her eyes at him, daring him to argue the number of times she'd pointed clients to Sres for a ship purchase. "Did you bring the suit?"

  Sres rested his hands on his hips. "I promised I would include that in the sale."

  Charlie was excited to see the suit, but she kept a neutral face. "Okay. How about a hundred ninety thou?" She stood and offered her arm, hoping to complete the deal.

  Sres hissed low and blinked twice, his eyelids sliding from left to right. He grumbled, then took the final offer.

  "Great." Charlie smirked, leaned in, and whispered, "All I need is a test ride." She always made sure to get a rundown of the ship's flight systems from the seller. She'd heard too many horror stories in the past of new owners doing something stupid because they didn't ask for a lesson.

  Sres sighed and released arms. "I figured." He glanced at the other two next to them. "Will they fly with usss?"

  Charlie turned to her friends and asked, "Ready to go for a ride?"

  "I'll co-pilot," Raine said.

  Andren was pale in the cheeks, but she nodded.

  Charlie smiled wider and looked at Sres. "Let's do it."

  * * *

  Standing beside the ship, Charlie studied the exterior and thought about the flight she took with Sres. Everything about the ship was correct and flew well, though a bit sluggish due to its size. The Pacifica had been smaller, sleeker, and easier to maneuver. However, the Pacifica was designed to be a fast ship to get Charlie to her clients, not move people through space.

  Charlie slowed beside the engine port and looked at Sres. "Was a coat of thermal put on recently?"

  "Yesss, I had it done before I brought it to you." Sres folded his arms and started shaking from the cold weather. "It wasss due for a new coat."

  Pleased, Charlie nodded and noticed that Andren and Raine continued walking the perimeter of the ship. "We can go back in the bay where it's warmer and take care of the documents."

  Sres agreed and returned to the bay, sighing from the warmth. He pulled out two work stools that were tied under a bench along the wall. He signaled for Charlie to sit with him.

  Charlie heard Andren and Raine coming back, but she focused on the paperwork with Sres. As they traded documents between their techbits, she asked, "Does the ship have a name?"

  "Yesss. Its former owner called it the… Betty May." Sres stumbled over the name, unsure of the English pronunciation.

  Charlie's eyebrows hiked up, and she snorted low at the unexpected name. "You're kidding." She hadn't heard of any ships with Earthling-like names besides the Pacifica.

  But Sres stared at her, then said, "He told me it'sss named after hisss mate."

  Charlie lowered the techbit to her lap and asked, "Was his mate an Earthling?"

  "I believe so. She died awhile ago." Sres continued working on his techbit with the holo screen up.

  Puzzled by the history, Charlie wanted to know more about the ship's former owner. "What did he use it for?"

  Sres tapped a few more things, then looked at Charlie. "He transported passengersss around the galaxy for a fee. That'sss why he had a garden room for the longer tripsss." After Charlie's low sound, he said, "I believe Earth was one of his frequent stopsss, and that'sss where he met hisss mate. She left Earth to be with him."

  Charlie shook her head, trying to imagine a female Earthling giving up her home to go to outer space with an alien. It was uncommon for Earthlings to leave their planet, not believing in extraterrestrial life until the Sworne. "That's quite a story." She returned to her techbit and checked over the documents from Sres, then sent her payment to him.

  "I uploaded your data to the ship'sss AI."

  In ticks, Charlie was linked up with the ship through her techbit and had full control of it. "Do you need a ride up to orbit?"

  "Someone isss coming down for me." Sres twisted his head when a low rumble filtered into the bay. "That should be him." He slid off the stool and said, "I have to gather my thingsss." He only went a few steps but paused when Charlie called for him.

  "Where is the suit?"

  "I left it in the closet of the captain'sss quartersss." Sres hurried off.

  "So it's yours now?" Raine asked, nearing her friend.

  Charlie grinned and replied, "Ja." She hadn't told anyone that it was technically Kal's property and had little idea what would become of the ship after the mission. "Get this. The ship is called the Betty May."

  Andren looked between them, confused by the name.

  "What?" Raine laughed and touched Charlie's arm. "Tell me you're keeping it."

  "It's bad luck to rename a ship."

  Raine nodded several times. "So how big is this ship?"

  "It's a hundred ten vites, which is about…." Charlie did the estimation in her head, then said, "Around two hundred fifty feet, more or less."

  Raine whistled low.

  Charlie turned when Sres rejoined them. "Thanks for the new rocket."

  Sres shook arms with Charlie, smiling big. "Don't blow up thisss one like the last one."

  Charlie rolled her eyes and ended the shake. "Safe travels, Sres."

  Heading to the open bay door, Sres paused at the top of the ramp and turned back toward Charlie. Across the distance, he hollered, "Sometimesss he would call this ship the Bitching Betty." He had a confused expression, turned, and started down the ramp.

  "Did he just say bitching?" Raine asked, a humorous note in her voice.

  "Ja, he did." Charlie shook her head and hoped that it was a joke more than a warning. "I need to get back to Tarrak. You're okay with handling supplies?"

  Raine nodded, having promised this morning that she would manage getting the ship loaded. Kal already had food, water, bedding, munitions, and other supplies prepared for the mission. Raine would direct the soldiers where to put everything and organize it later.

  "Tah." Charlie and Andren left the Betty May and returned to the waiting hover truck that they had borrowed from the Guard. Andren drove them back to the city and parked near the barracks. As they walked over to the barracks, Charlie glanced at the suns that were reaching the highest point in the sky. There was enough daylight to get the Betty May loaded for the mission tomorrow.

  Entering the building, Andren learned that the High Commander was at the commander's office. They crossed the busy training fields and entered the hall on the other side. At the end of the hall, the sealed doors were decorated with ornate bronze symbols of the military. Andren knocked on a door and pushed it open after she heard an order to enter.

  Charlie followed and took in the rustic office that was smaller than Kal's. She remained next to Andren while Kal and the commander stood from their seats around the desk. Upon introductions, Charlie shook arms and said, "Commander Akron and I met before."

  Kal hooked her hands in front of her and glanced at Akron, who nodded in agreement. She shifted her attention to Andren and ordered her to wait outside the office with the doors closed. Once they were alone, Kal took control of the conversation. "Did you take delivery of the ship?"


  Kal retrieved the tablet from her jacket pocket and tapped the screen a few times. After a beep, she ordered someone to have the supplies sent out to the ship. Ending the call, she refocused on their meeting and said, "We have selected the twelve soldiers who will accompany you on the mission."

  "Does the twelve include Andren?" Charlie asked, looking between the two leaders.

  "Ja," Kal replied.

  Akron clasped his hands behind his back and said, "There will be four Omegas and eight Alphas. Andren is the only one from the Guard."

  "They are highly skilled and disciplined," Kal said.

  Akron gave a low rumble. "Don't plan to make friends with them."

  Charlie cut
her attention to Akron as he continued to speak to her. "They understand the importance of this mission and will make any sacrifice necessary to capture Victor."

  "I just need to know they'll follow my orders," Charlie said, looking between Kal and Akron. "I don't need insubordination on the ship. Or else I'll lock them up."

  Akron shook with soft thunder but looked to Kal, who was calmer than he.

  "I have instructed them to follow your orders." Kal held Charlie's stare, and something threatening lurked beneath the surface in her eyes. "They have been warned that anything less will result in their life being forfeited."

  Charlie blew out a breath, not really wanting to kill any Kalmar soldier for disobedience. But holding up one's honor in the Kalmar culture was the foundation of their identity. She nodded and asked, "What are their ranks?"

  "They are all lances except for one," Akron replied. "Their one commanding officer is a shield master."

  Charlie nodded and went through her knowledge about the Kalmar military. The lance position was a step above a blade, which was the entry-level role in the military. The shield and shield master was an officer who commanded the lances and blades, but Charlie couldn't recall how many soldiers a shield commanded at one time.

  "We will go meet the lances first," Kal instructed, "then the shield master." She departed the office with everyone in tow and headed to the training field.

  Akron hollered an order, which caused ten soldiers to break from their training and hustle over to them. He waited until the ten soldiers lined up in a single row before he introduced Charlie to each one. By the end, Charlie had no idea whether she would remember all the names but decided that most of her interactions would be with the shield master.

  They left the training field and returned to the hallways of the barracks, then wrapped around a few turns until they came to a door. Akron knocked first, then entered, garnering the nine soldiers' attention. Each of them were in the middle of doing something different, such as relaxing between shifts, hanging clean attire, or changing into fresh clothes. But they all stood and remained at attention, waiting for their leaders.

  "Shield Master Laken," Akron called.

  Laken was an Alpha, but mere inches shorter than the others.

  Charlie raised an eyebrow as Laken marched up from the back of the shared quarters. She glanced at Kal, who seemed indifferent about Laken's appearance.

  "Ja, Commander Akron." Laken hooked her arms behind her back and stood proud, even though she was only dressed in pants and a breast wrap, caught between changing her attire.

  "This is Captain Charlie." Akron pivoted and held out his hand to her. "She will be your officer for the mission."

  Laken stepped forward and offered her arm to Charlie, all her prominent muscles on display. She rumbled low and deep, showing her Alpha personality.

  Charlie cleared her throat and clasped the thick arm. In a few ticks, she concluded that although Laken was well-built she couldn't hold a torch to Kal. "Great to meet you."

  Laken nodded once then returned to her position. Charlie refrained from rolling her eyes at Laken's typical Alpha personality.

  "What time will we depart tomorrow?" Laken asked.

  "Probably just after the twelfth hour," Charlie replied. "Will you and the unit be ready by then?"

  "We are ready now."

  Charlie pursed her lips, then stole a glance at Kal, who was every bit the ruler with a calm exterior. "Great. See you tomorrow, then." She was relieved when they left the shared quarters and continued talking about the plans for tomorrow. Charlie needed to spend time with the Betty May and familiarize herself with its systems. She could learn everything overnight and head into outer space at first light, but she had other arrangements.

  Kal guided them to the front of the barracks that faced the Great Tower. She thanked Akron for his time, then waited until he was far away. She turned to Charlie as they stood by the main entrance. "I must return to the Great Tower." A question lingered in her green eyes.

  "Andren and I are going back to the Betty May." Charlie grinned at Kal's curious look and said, "That's the ship's name." She hesitated when a few soldiers marched past them, and she watched them turn at the end of the hallway. Her next words were quieter. "I'll be back before sunset."

  Kal rumbled low, then looked at Andren. "You will be off duty tonight."

  "Ja, Kal." Andren bowed her head. "Shall I continue to wear civilian clothing during the mission?"

  "Ja, I want you at Charlie's side when the attack begins."

  Charlie folded her arms and turned to Andren. "They saw your face on Serrato's moon. They'll just think you're part of my regular crew."

  "Ja." Andren slipped her hands into her jacket pockets.

  "Ready?" Charlie asked, receiving a nod from Andren. She grinned at her lover and said, "I'll see you later to collect my payment." She held back a moan when Kal snarled at her, but she was smug and hastened from the barracks.

  Andren chased after Charlie and glanced over her shoulder a few times. "I don't think she liked you saying that in front of me."

  "Oh, I know she didn't." Charlie bit her lip and noticed the wetness between her legs. I can't wait for tonight.

  * * *

  "You don't have to walk me to Kal's door," Charlie said for the second time and sighed when Andren gave her a pointed look. She shrugged it off, adjusted the overnight bag on her shoulder, and entered the elevator with Andren. "Tah for your help this afternoon. Stowing things went a lot faster with three of us."


  Charlie felt prepared for their mission and planned to contact Starr before they took off from Kander. She needed to confirm their location before she set course and left the planet's orbit. The flight to retrieve Starr would take nine or eleven lumens, depending on the solar winds. Thankfully Sres left her with full tanks.

  After the elevator hitched, they exited it and walked down the torch-lit hallway to Kal's quarters. Charlie's heart started to race when the tautness in her chest jerked against her, but she restrained her needs. "I think I'll be…" She gave up when Andren knocked on the door.

  Andren stepped back after the door opened and revealed the High Commander. She lowered her head in respect and said, "Kal."

  "Tah, Andren. You may go."

  Andren nodded, then flashed a sympathetic look to Charlie before grinning at her.

  Charlie glowered and swore she'd get Andren back somehow. Once she was alone with Kal, she smiled and indicated the bag on her shoulder. "I was asked a lot of questions before I left the Betty May." She had dodged Raine's interrogation, feeling lucky she made it out alive. They were supposed to remain on the Betty May tonight rather than go back to Starlight Farm. Instead, Raine was left to sleep on the gigantic ship by herself. Charlie felt guilty… almost.

  "Is everything okay?" Kal asked, inviting Charlie into her quarters.

  "Ja. I just told Raine that we had a lot to go over, and I didn't want to bother coming back so late." Charlie went into the bedroom, deposited the bag, and returned to Kal in the sitting room.

  "Are you hungry?"

  "Famished," Charlie replied. "I haven't eaten much since this morning." She had been excited about the ship's arrival, and now the mission was only hours ahead of her.

  "I ordered dinner for us. It should be here soon." Kal was tossing wood into the fireplace.

  "I didn't know a romantic dinner was included in the payment." Charlie tucked her hands into her jeans' pockets as she studied her lover's ass. Kal's rumble was strong and sent a shock down Charlie's stomach.

  Kal straightened up and neared Charlie, her eyes alive with darkness. "You will need your energy for tonight."

  Charlie ran a finger along the trim of Kal's coat and said, "Here I thought we were moving on to the romance."

  "Romance would only cheapen what this really is," Kal whispered, her voice growing headier by the tick.

  "And what's that?"r />
  "You falling to your knees before me and presenting yourself to me." Kal had a predatory smile and continued to stalk Charlie, who was breathing harder. "Then you'll beg me and plead with me to fuck you."

  Charlie took a step back, but Kal pursued her.

  "But I won't." Kal pressed forward and forced Charlie against the wingchair's side. "Not until you make me believe one thing."

  Clawing at the chair behind her back, Charlie leaned against it and failed to control the drumming in her chest. "What's that?" Her next breath hitched in her throat when her lover leaned over and warm lips brushed her ear.

  "That you are mine."

  Charlie restrained herself from falling back into the chair. Her lower jaw flapped a few times, but she only managed a whimper. A boom at the door caused Charlie to jump and dodge to the left, putting space between them.

  Kal rumbled in displeasure at the interruption, then went to the door and allowed the two Omegas to enter the room.

  The first Omega Lurain offered Charlie a shy smile, went to the table, and set down the tray. She took the second tray from the other Omega and set it down too. They muttered a word to their ruler before hurrying out of the room.

  Charlie looked up from the covered trays when she heard several giggles after one of the doors closed. She parted her lips and looked at Kal, about to ask if the Omegas knew something.

  "We should eat," Kal ordered, indicating the divan. Together they sat down and enjoyed the hearty meal that had been prepared for them. Kal's plate had a larger portion, but she ate at the same pace as Charlie. Kal's larger cut of meat was also closer to raw compared to Charlie's own. "Do you feel ready to leave tomorrow?"

  Charlie nodded a few times between bites. "Ja. Tomorrow morning Raine and I will take another flight test in outer space before we go. I want to make sure we're both familiar with it before we take on passengers." She covered her mouth and asked, "How do I get a hold of Laken once we're ready to fly?"

  "Call me. I will send her and the unit out to you." Kal dipped a torn piece of dark bread into pale oil with herbs.

  Charlie played with the food, then peered up at her lover. "So Laken is a Carnec Alpha?"


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