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Romancing the Wine: A Boxed Set of 9 Newest Novellas from Award-Winning Authors

Page 43

by Jan Moran

  They went up to the thirtieth floor, and she followed him to the right along a dimly lit corridor with marble floors. They passed door after door until they reached the end of where Arthur pulled out his key card and unlocked his front door.

  When she stepped inside, her jaw all but dropped. The corner unit had a view of the city featured on three walls composed of pristinely clean windows that stretched from ceiling to floor.

  “Wow.” She set her shoes down near the front door. It was pure habit to not wear outside shoes inside the house. Once she dropped them, she crossed the cold granite entryway to the soft red rug that accented his pure, white living area. Everything was in its perfect place. Clean, neat, minimalist, and pristine.

  “You like it?”

  “I love it. I can’t believe the view.”

  “It’s why I chose it. I have to have a view wherever I live.”


  “Would you like another drink?”

  Sohana held up her thumb and index finger, squinting her eye. “Just a tiny bit. What do you have?”


  “Of course. Why would I expect anything else?”

  He shrugged. “Its only one of the most lucrative areas of my business.”

  She nodded, having researched him enough to know that his family vineyard made some of the most sought after wine in all of Europe. “Just a smidge. I don’t want to be sick tomorrow. Well, today.”

  He poured her a glass of red wine. “Red is fine?”

  “It’s my favorite.”

  “Good girl.”

  She walked over to the bar that separated his kitchen from the living space and reached out to take the glass of wine. “Can I have water too?”

  “Whatever you’d like, my lady.”

  She grinned. “You little charmer.”

  “That’s me.”

  Sohana pressed her back against the bar and took another sip while he poured her a small glass of water from his fridge door.

  “How long do you plan on staying?” She looked out toward the skyline, hoping his answer wouldn’t break her heart.

  When he came around the bar and set her glass of water beside her, he answered her in a way that nearly made her drop her glass.

  “How long do you want me to stay?”

  She hid a grin behind her glass and took another sip of the wine. “Forever.”

  He took her wine and set it down, standing so close that her back pressed against the cold countertop of the bar. He held onto her waist and seemed to breathe in the scent of her hair. “I can’t guarantee that I will stay here forever, but I can take you with me wherever I go.”

  She trembled beneath his touch. “And my family?”

  He kissed her neck. “I’ll take them too if you’d like.”

  She didn’t speak. She couldn’t. If this was a dream, she wasn’t going to ruin it.

  Arthur’s hands trailed down to her outer thighs. His body pressed into hers, and he lifted her onto the bar.

  She smiled, and he tilted his head to get a better look at her face. She giggled.

  “What is it?”

  She shook her head, damning the wine for working so quickly on her. “Nothing. It’s just that I like tall guys, and I’m so short, as I’m sure you’ve noticed. They always have to lift me up or bend down to kiss me.”

  She feared she’d ruined the moment with her comment. She wanted nothing more than to kiss him.

  Arthur nodded and spread her legs apart with his hands. He pressed his waist to her, sliding her dress a little higher up her thighs.

  Sohana quickly realized that Arthur was the kind of man who didn’t wait for moments. He made them.

  When he pressed his lips to her forehead, she closed her eyes and let out a long, slow breath.

  He slid his hand underneath her hair and cupped the back of her head. He hadn’t even touched her lips, and she already felt her body begin to heat.

  When his lips touched hers, she felt that spark she’d only dreamed about. His mouth was sweet as his tongue invaded her mouth, softly, greedily. She had no fears or doubts. All she wanted…was more.

  As if he had read her mind, he ran his hands along both of her thighs, under her dress, and gripped her waist, pulling her closer to him. He withdrew his mouth to kiss her neck. Each kiss sent her deeper into ecstasy. His warm hands caressed her skin as they cupped her butt.

  Sohana gasped when he slid his fingers beneath her lace panties and edged them off. She lifted her legs to help him remove them, unsure of what would happen next. Her imagination thrilled her.

  Arthur dropped her panties to the floor and picked her up with both arms. Chest to chest, their eyes locked as he carried her from the kitchen to a wide hallway. She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist as she searched his eyes. Within them, she saw nothing but a good man…one with incredible sex appeal that she couldn’t deny. She didn’t want to. Something about the night had been magical. No, every part of the evening had been magical, like an adventure she could have never dreamed.

  He held her steady by her legs, which made her feel secure. His arms didn’t shake, and there was no strain on his face. She never knew it, but strength apparently turned her on like mad. She knew where he was leading her, and she couldn’t wait to finally get there.

  Holding her with one arm, he used to other to open the door to the room at the end of the hall. Still, their eyes were locked.

  As if he couldn’t wait to get her to the bed, he swung the door open and pressed her body to it. There, she succumbed to another of his kisses. Deep, wet, and full of intensity that excited every inch of her rain-glazed skin, his kiss deprived her of any escape. Escape was the last thing on her mind.

  “Arthur,” she said in more of a plea than a whisper.

  “Yes,” he asked, pulling back to look at her face. Concern seemed to overshadow his lust.

  “Promise me you won’t hurt me,” she said, tears burning her eyes. “I think I like you too much to even bear it.”

  Arthur cupped her face with one hand and kissed her softly on the lips. “I wouldn’t dream of it. I think our meeting was fate, and one doesn’t tempt fate. We must take advantage of luck when it comes along.”

  A tear rolled down her cheek, and he wiped it away with his thumb.

  “I was meant to find you, Sohana.”

  For a moment, through a glaze of tears, she thought she saw his eyes glisten as well.

  “Do you believe that?”

  His question was so laden with emotion that she could do nothing but nod. She pulled him closer and devoured his mouth. “I’m yours,” she whispered, unbuttoning his shirt. “All yours.”

  Arthur carried her from the door and set her on the sleek, low bed.

  He pulled off his dress shirt along with his T-shirt, revealing his muscular chest. As he leaned over to kiss her mouth, he slipped two fingers into her, seemingly stirring her wetness until she moaned against his mouth.

  Sohana’s heart rate skyrocketed the moment his lips kissed her inner thigh. She held herself up by her elbows and watched him pry her legs open even further. Every inch of her flesh seemed incredibly sensitive as his hands reached up her dress to smooth her belly.

  She knew where his kisses were headed, and her mind raced with anticipation. No one had ever done what Arthur was about to do to her.

  She’d dreamed of this.

  Desired it.

  She squirmed beneath his kisses as they trailed higher and higher. The first kiss to her aching clit made a moan escape her lips. She hadn’t expected the electric shock that his kiss sent shooting through her body. She abandoned holding herself up and fell back onto the plush down comforter.

  Arthur was tender. Each kiss was precise and deep. It was as if he worshiped her sacred spot and wanted to prove his love and desire for her. The moment his tongue lapped up her warm wetness, her back arched, and her eyes fluttered closed.

  Each circle of his tongue around he
r clit sent her deeper and deeper into a blissful abyss. She couldn’t help herself as she reached down and gripped his hair. It was the perfect length for her fingertips to hold his head just where she wanted it. Before she knew it, she was holding his head steady while she ground her hips against his hungry mouth.

  To her delight, Arthur didn’t seem to mind. It seemed to only excite him more, and he increased the intensity of every lick and suck.

  For the first time, Sohana felt as though she could just relax and let the pleasure be bestowed upon her. She closed her eyes and let Arthur do all of the work.

  Gripping the comforter in her fists, Sohana let out a guttural moan that she feared everyone in the building would hear. He sucked her womanhood so tenderly that she thought the pleasure would drive her mad. It was almost too good, but he wouldn’t let her wiggle free from his tongue.

  Her voice caught in her throat. Every muscle seemed to tense, especially her legs, as all of her pent up frustration and stress escaped her in a powerful moment of release.

  As her body twitched, Arthur climbed onto the bed with her and together they stared at the ceiling as the sounds of their breaths slowed.

  When she could finally speak again, Sohana rolled onto her side and looked at him. She reached over and caressed the side of his face.

  “That was incredible,” she said.

  He raised a brow. “You’re incredible.”

  She smiled and kissed him. Holding his arm out, she rested her head on his shoulder. She couldn’t help the smile that stretched across her face.

  Could this be real? Would she wake up in the morning to find that Arthur Koenig didn’t exist? God couldn’t be that cruel.

  She ran her hand along his chest, feeling the ripples of his tight abs.

  Arthur was as close to perfect as she’d ever seen.

  Her eyes met his and for a moment, they just took each other in. “Why didn’t you keep going?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well,” she said, lowering her eyes to his chest. “You let me have all of the fun.”

  “Don’t worry, my dear. We’ll get to that.”

  “Will we?” Her eyes fluttered closed. Sleep threatened to take over.

  He kissed her again. “I promise.”

  Nodding, Sohana succumbed to pure exhaustion.

  Chapter 12

  When Sohana woke up, she wasn’t sure if it was morning or not.

  It has to be.

  She woke up at the same time every day for years, but Arthur’s windows were covered in curtains that blocked out every trace of light from outside. She didn’t sit up. His bed was far too comfortable, so much so that she didn’t want to leave. When she rolled over to look at him, her heart did that pitter-patter thing she wasn’t used to feeling. Even while sleeping he was the most gorgeous human being she’d ever seen.

  He came from the deepest depths of her dreams. She’d created him in her mind, her perfect man, and the universe placed him before her as if saying, this is for you.

  He stirred and peeked at her with one eye open. When he saw her looking back at him, he smiled and opened both eyes.

  “Good morning, beautiful,” he said.

  This can’t be real.

  Sohana returned the smile and smoothed her hair. “Good morning…handsome.” She suppressed a giggle, but when he reached over to brush a lock of hair from her face, she closed her eyes in bliss.

  “I knew it,” he whispered. “You are even more beautiful when first awaking.”

  She yearned for more of the sensations she’d felt the night before. She wanted nothing more than to stay in bed with him all day long. She’d be a happy girl if she could just spend the rest of her life with him in bed like this.

  “Do you realize something?”

  He shook his head and yawned. “What is it?”

  He reached over and stroked her cheek.

  She took a chance. “I think I love you.”

  His eyes brightened. “Is that a fact?”

  She bit her lip, hoping she hadn’t just said the one thing that would ruin it all.

  “It is.”

  Instead of replying, he leaned over to kiss her forehead and then got out of bed. She sat up in a panic, clutching the blanket as she watched him go into his bathroom. She listened as the water turned on, and watched as steam began to fog the mirrors.

  She closed her eyes, her heart beating fast. “You idiot,” she said to herself. “You stupid, stupid girl.”

  When he stepped back out, he was totally naked. Her jaw dropped, and her eyes widened at what she saw. He was everything she imagined him to be. Sohana’s mouth felt dry as she stared at his large manhood.

  “Join me,” he said.

  Sohana nodded, silently, and let the covers slip from her body as she stepped onto the floor. She pulled her dress over her head, leaving nothing else on but a lace bra. As she approached him, their eyes locked, and she unclasped the bra and let it fall from her arms.

  She took his hand and was led into the bathroom. His hand smoothed her round ass as she stepped into the large standing shower. There was a seat across the back and multiple shower heads that sprayed water from all directions.

  As she looked back at him, his phone rang.

  “This will only be a minute.” He held up a finger and stepped out to answer.

  While the hot water rolled down her body, she rested her arm on the glass door and listened.

  “Yeah, Mum. Don’t worry. I’ll be in London for the wedding. I promise.”

  Her eyes widened, and she stood straight up. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

  “Yeah,” Arthur said. “I have someone I’d like for you and Dad to meet.”

  She nearly cheered with glee at what she heard. This was real. It was more than real—it was right.

  It was love.

  When he came back into the bathroom, she was grinning. She reached for him, pulling him into the steaming hot water. She held onto his shoulders as he lifted her and pressed her to the shower wall.

  “Say it,” she said in between kisses mixed with tears of joy.

  “Say what?”

  His grin told her that he knew exactly what she meant. When he leaned in for another kiss behind her ear, he whispered.

  “I love you.”

  About the Author

  K.N. Lee is an award-winning author who resides in Charlotte, North Carolina. When she is not writing twisted tales, fantasy novels, and dark poetry, she does a great deal of traveling and promotes other authors. Wannabe rockstar, foreign language enthusiast, and anime geek, K.N. Lee also enjoys helping others reach their writing and publishing goals. She is a winner of the Elevate Lifestyle Top 30 Under 30 "Future Leaders of Charlotte" award for her success as a writer, business owner, and for community service.

  She is signed with BookTrope, Captive Quill Press, and Patchwork Press.

  K.N. Lee loves hearing from fans and readers. Connect with her!

  Rare Vintage

  Deborah Brown

  Copyright © 2016 by:

  Deborah Brown

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the Publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.

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  Long Blurb and Author Bio

  Rare Vintage by Deborah Brown

  Long Blurb-

  In Vino Veritas…

  When Luca Ferrari’s estranged father dies, he is left with half a Napa winery and a whole world of complications. Luca knows selling it is the only option, and not just because he’s perfectly comfortable in his high-speed
, New York City life; he also refuses to accept anything from the man who abandoned him as a young boy. But not long after he arrives at the vineyard, Luca is blown completely off course by the quietly elegant Alessia, daughter of the winery’s co-owner. She’s different from any woman he’s ever met and her personality holds a depth and rootedness he only ever dreamed of finding.

  An Excellent Pairing…

  Alessia Costa has always enjoyed a tranquil life helping her father run the Costa and Ferrari winery. The winemaking process gives her a sense of purpose and assures her of her place in the world. Life is simple, and that’s the way she likes it. Romance, on the other hand, is not something she’s willing to indulge in. Alessia has almost no experience, and she’s happy to keep that way…that is, until the irresistible Luca Ferrari arrives in Napa.

  Author Bio-

  Redhead. There's nothing like a strawberry-lemonade in summer. Favorite activity: Filling my pockets with seashells. An avid rule follower when eating Animal Cookies: Broken ones get eaten first, match up the rest, duplicates next, line them up favorite to not, least favorite go first. South Florida is my home, with my ungrateful rescue cats, and where Mother Nature takes out her bad attitude in the form of hurricanes.


  He was late.

  Antonio Costa had a few bad habits, of which lateness was one, but only because he was so wrapped up in his own affairs that it took him a bit longer than the average person to make it beyond his office door. This time, however, he was simply late because the prospect of facing Bruno Ferrari’s death suddenly seemed all too real.

  The two men had been best friends for decades. Bruno and he were both hardworking and ambitious, and each spurred the other to give only his best. When they met in the late 1970s, both disillusioned with their prospects in New York City, they made the decision to move to California and follow their dreams. They were successful businessmen with rich histories in food and wine, and had immediately clicked. Antonio fondly recalled referring to Bruno as “one tough sonofabitch” when he spoke to friends who cautioned him against leaping into their new business venture.


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