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Rock God_Book 3_A Contemporary Harem Fantasy

Page 6

by Michael-Scott Earle

  “That was nice,” she said after our lips parted. I felt my cheeks redden, and I turned to look at her family. John and Keiko seemed surprised by Aimee’s brash kiss, but Beth’s expression hadn’t changed at all.

  “Okay. I’ll walk him out now. Be back soon!” Beth smiled at her family and then took my hand. I was still in shock from what Aimee had just done, and Beth gave a quick tug on my arm.

  “Bye. Thank you again,” I said to Beth’s family before the strange girl pulled me from the room. I put my shoes back on in the foyer and then walked with her out into the cold night.

  “Thank you for coming tonight.” Beth shivered a bit with the cold breeze. She was wearing only the cocktail dress, and it was definitely sweater weather.

  “Thank you for inviting me. I had more fun than I thought I would.” I opened the door to my car, but didn’t get into the Subaru.

  “That is how life is with me, Eric.” Her smile dropped, and her face became very serious. “You always seem to dread spending time with me, but when we do you always enjoy yourself.”

  “Yeah.” I scratched my head and puffed a bit of steam when I sighed. The girl was telling the truth.

  “You gave my sister a kiss goodbye...” Beth batted her long dark lashes, and her blue eyes seemed to glow against the porch lights of her house.

  “Oh, so you want one too?” I smiled at her.

  “Yes!” The girl was good at playing games, but she couldn’t hide her excitement now.

  “Okay. Close your eyes.” I smiled, and the girl did as I asked.

  I leaned in closely and look at her perfectly beautiful lips. I was tired, and my nerves were frayed from a long day. For half a second, I wanted to kiss her more than I wanted to do anything else in the world. I wanted to admit my feelings for the weird, beautiful, and clever girl. I wanted to take her into my arms, into my heart, and into my bed.

  But then I didn’t. My lips touched against her cheek briefly, and then I leaned away from her. Her eyes opened with surprise, and we stared at each other for a few seconds.

  “Thank you,” she whispered. Her lips curved into a delightful smile, and her hands curled around each other while she hugged her arms close. Now I was surprised. I’d expected her to laugh at my trick, but instead she had been grateful for even that small show of affection.

  “I’m gonna go. Thanks again.”

  “Can you call me this week?” She leaned down into the car once I got in the seat, and I tried not to stare at the exposed curve of her small, perfectly round breasts.

  “Sure.” I didn’t know if I was telling the truth, but I needed to leave before I changed my mind about kissing her.

  “Wonderful. I really enjoyed today. Thank you again.”

  “Bye Beth.”

  “Bye Eric.” She moved out of the way, and I finished closing the door. Then I turned on the engine and drove out onto the street.

  When I made it to the bottom of their long driveway, my phone began beeping frantically, and I stopped my car before the gate leading out onto the main street.

  “Huh?” I looked at my phone and had four missed text messages. I hadn’t realized that I didn’t have reception at Beth’s house, and everything was coming in all at once. I clicked on my phone and saw that the first one was from Jack, not surprising since he was on the East Coast right now with his extended family.

  Hey buddy. Hope you are having a great Thanksgiving and you’re not sitting alone in your apartment. I’ll call you when I get back.

  I sighed and then sighed again. Sorry buddy, I was at your girlfriend’s house with her family, and she kissed me. Ugh. I was such a fucker. I thought about texting him back, but it was super-late on the East Coast. I’d get to him tomorrow.

  The next message was from Kelly.

  Hope you have a great Thanksgiving.

  I wondered if it was one of those mass texts that she sent out to everyone on her contact list. I clicked to respond and wished her a good day too.

  The next message was from Katherine, and I almost snorted with laughter:

  Today I am thankful for your cock. Teehee. I’m in the Gay Bay for the weekend. Want to hang next weekend?

  Sure let me know when you get back. I texted her.

  Last message was from Kim:

  Hi! Hope you are having a great Thanksgiving. Are you free tomorrow? We have a break from practice. Katherine is out-of-town so it is just me. Let me know XOXO. :O)

  I leaned back in my chair and considered the pretty Asian girl. I hadn’t really spent any time with her alone, yet we’d had sex dozens of times. I did want to get to know her better. Besides, a date with the girl would take my mind off of all the bullshit with Aimee, Jack, and Beth.

  I totally want to hang with you tomorrow. We could do a bar crawl on Ventura Blvd. They have some places that have music and dancing Friday nights. You can stay at my place if you don’t have to be back home...

  I hit send and then put the phone back in my pocket with a series of hip gyrations. As soon as I put my butt back on the seat, my phone beeped again, and I fished it out with the same torso flexing.

  Yay! That sounds great. What is your address and what time should I come over?

  I thought about the state of my apartment and realized I’d need a few hours to clean everything. Maybe I could also play some guitar, or some piano... My mind started to wander, and I thought about delaying our date until later in the night. Then I realized that I was just nervous for some reason. Even though Kim and I were lovers, we had done it backwards, and I didn’t even know if the pretty girl would like me on a date.

  If you are down to meet earlier, you can come over for lunch, then we could spend the day together. Or we can just do dinner and some dancing. Let me know. Here is my address.

  I held the phone and waited for Kim to text me back. She didn’t disappoint, and it beeped in ten seconds.

  I’ll come over at 12! Yay! :-O)

  I put the phone back in my pocket, shifted my car into first, and finished pulling out of Beth’s driveway.

  Chapter 2

  “Soooooo... What do you want to do now?” Kim laughed, hiccupped, and then laughed again. She put her hand over her mouth, and then her pretty cheeks turned red. She was half sitting, half lying on my couch. Her long black hair was spread over the arm rest, and her toned legs were splayed across my coffee table.

  “We could watch a movie.” I pointed to some DVD’s stacked by my television. “They are all guy movies though.” I shrugged and let my drunken eyes wander all over her body.

  We’d spent most of the day out on Ventura Boulevard. First, we’d eaten at a little cafe, and then we’d walked down the street and checked out the stores. I had kind of forgotten that it was Black Friday, and the roads had all been a mess. Kim and I had still enjoyed ourselves, and we’d enjoyed a nonstop conversation.

  “Oh, so you think I can’t watch guy movies?” She stuck her tongue out at me, and we both laughed. We’d gone back to my apartment around five and changed into nicer outfits. We’d eaten at a Peruvian restaurant for dinner. Then we had skipped down the street, diving into each bar for a drink, before we moved to the next one. We had eventually found a hole-in-the-wall place that had a mariachi band playing Elvis dance music. We’d stayed there most of the night, dancing to the strange music combination, drinking margaritas, and laughing our asses off.

  “Well, go see if there is something you want to watch. Unless you are too drunk to move?”

  “I’m not too drunk to dance!” She laughed again and then leveraged her long legs off of my coffee table and stood up in her heels. They were teal, the same color as her dress, and I felt my mouth begin to water when she finished standing. The dress was tight around her toned athletic body, and her shoes gave her legs and ass a divine shape.

  Kim stepped around my coffee table and bent to browse through my small DVD collection. She aimed her ass right in my direction when she bent, and the skirt of her tight dress rode up almost high enou
gh for me to see all of her secrets. The girl was still giggling, and she swayed slightly while she pushed her finger against the plastic boxes.

  “Kung fu.” She stood up and showed me the box of the classic Jet Li movie Deadly China Hero

  “Excellent choice!” I clapped, and she did a small curtsey in her bodycon dress. The front of the garment was cut open to show parts of her cleavage and most of her stomach. Her pale skin looked delicious, and I wondered how much of the movie we’d make it through before I got to taste her.

  “You’ll have to figure out this player.” She pointed to the television. “I think I should get us something else to drink. Do you have anything?”

  “I think I have some vodka, wine, water, juice, maybe some beer. Check the cupboard over the fridge. Glasses are over the microwave.

  “Do you have a taste for anything in particular?” She took a few swaying steps across the room toward my small kitchen.

  “Whatever you are having.”

  “Okay, Babe,” she called out with a giggle. I heard the cupboard open, then the fridge, and then the cupboard again. I finished putting the movie into the player, turned on the television, and got it started before she returned.

  “Grape juice with vodka.” She set two tumblers filled with wine-colored liquid on the table. They even had ice cubes in them and a cut of lime.

  “Thank you,” I said.

  “Let me get the water.” She returned with two taller glasses and set them on my coffee table. My entire apartment was smaller than her room, but the beautiful Korean girl had made herself at home easily.

  “Let’s watch some Asians beat each other up.” She giggled and then curled up on the couch next to me. Kim fit perfectly against my chest, and my left arm wrapped around her shoulders and fell down on her mid-back.

  Kim wasn’t as crude as Katherine or as ridiculous as Kelly, but the black-haired girl felt comfortable enough with me to join my commentary on the fight scenes and general acting. This is a slapstick kind of movie, and we were laughing a few minutes into the scenes. It also helped that we were both pretty buzzed.

  A half hour into the movie, Kim had finished the drink she’d mixed. She leaned away from me, set the empty glass on the table, and my hand slid down the smooth fabric of her dress to her ass. She let out a soft sigh when I squeezed her left butt cheek, and then she sat back into my chest.

  “What do we have here?” Her right hand had fallen onto my lap, and her fingers brushed across the bulge in my pants.

  “I’m pretty sure that is my cock, but maybe you should see for yourself.” I felt my head spin with the booze, dancing, and her hand on my jeans.

  “Maybe I should,” Kim whispered, and then she reached over with her left hand and undid the button. She was deft with her fingers, even while drunk, and my pants were soon undone.

  “I think you were wrong.” She looked into my eyes and bit her lower lip. Her fingers wrapped around my shaft, and I lifted my hips slightly so my underwear could slide away and give her more room.

  “Oh?” I gasped at her touch.

  “It isn’t just a cock. It is a big cock.” She giggled for a few seconds and then her head slid down to my lap.

  “Ahhhh,” I moaned when her tongue ran across the tip. Then I gasped when she licked the sides.

  “You like that?” She stopped licking for a second, but slid her left hand over the shaft.

  “Yes.” It was more of a gasp that escaped my mouth.

  She moaned with hunger, and her mouth slid down my penis. She took in my entire length, and I felt my tip scrape against her throat before she came up again and swirled her tongue around the shaft. My dick had been hard ever since we had started dancing earlier that night, and it now felt like a piece of steel stood erect between my legs.

  I always felt awkward when a woman was sucking me. I knew I was supposed to just lay there and enjoy it, or at least, that was what I wanted a girl to do when I was giving her oral, but I always felt like I should be doing something more. Kim’s hair was sliding down to her face, so I pulled it over her left shoulder with my right hand, and then ran my fingers over the smooth dress fabric of her arched back.

  “That feels so good,” I complimented her.

  “Hmmm,” she purred, and her hand moved to stoke the base of my shaft, while her tongue swirled around the bottom of my tip.

  The movie was still playing, and the wacky kung-fu fighting in the background was a weird contrast to the beautiful woman devouring my dick. Still, there were worse ways to spend a Friday night, and I forced myself to relax into my couch. My fingers kept rubbing her back, but I couldn’t tell if she was moaning because she enjoyed my touch, or if she enjoyed my cock, or both.

  Kim’s mouth felt so small around my erection, and the sensation of her long silky hair over my lap was exhilarating. She pulled her mouth off of my dick with a gasp and then angled her face to lick the sides. Her fingers were still wrapped around the base of my shaft, and she began to stroke the wet shaft in tempo with her licking.

  “Ahhhh,” I sighed with her slow touches, and my left hand reached back to cup her small ass through her tight dress. She arched her back lower and pushed her butt into my hands with a satisfied purr. Kim took most of my penis in her mouth again, and I felt my tip push against the inside of her cheek. I almost jumped from the electric shock, maybe I did a little, but the pretty Asian girl had most of her weight on my lap, and there was nowhere for my hips to go.

  She was sliding my cock out of her mouth now with an agonizing slowness. The motions scrapped my tip against her cheek, tongue, and the roof of her mouth. I didn’t think it could feel any better, but the girl tightened her grip around my base and continued to jack me off while her mouth massaged the upper half of my erection.

  The feeling was beyond exquisite, and I had to stop rubbing her ass because of the pleasure that was firing through my body. My eyes closed, and I saw swirling black shapes behind the lid. The move was still playing, and I heard excited Chinese voices chattering over the sound of Kim’s wet sucking, her moans around my cock, and my own ragged breathing. The pleasure was right on the line of agony and, after a few minutes, I felt my hips began to buck with the early sensations of an orgasm.

  “You can come in my mouth if you want.” Kim took her lips off of my cock for a second to whisper the words.

  “I’d rather come inside your pussy.” I moved my left hand to the zipper on her dress and pulled it left all the way.

  “Oh goodie.” She gave my cock one last lick, slid her hand off of the base, and then stood up from the couch. There wasn’t that much space between the couch and my coffee table, or much space between her tight green dress and hot body, so the Asian girl had to take her time shimmying out of the garment.

  I wanted to watch her strip, but I also wanted to get my shoes, pants, and underwear off as soon as possible so that I could feel her pussy wrapped around my cock. I kept one eye on her while I tugged off my shoes and then raised my hips to yank the rest of my clothes off.

  “Damn, you are so fucking hot,” I sighed and let my eyes devour the tasty Asian treat. She hadn’t worn a bra under her dress, or underwear, so once the dress was off she stood naked before me. Except she still had her high heels on, and the shoes elongated her legs.

  “You’re the one that is super-hot.” She bit her lip and moved her arms shyly to cover her small breasts. Her nipples looked like dark brown candy, and I wanted to taste them as soon as possible.

  “Spin around for me.” I motioned with my finger in a circle, and Kim smiled adorably.

  “Okay.” She turned in place, and I felt my cock twitch when I got to examine her sexy athletic body from all angles. She had cute little dimples on her lower back over her ass cheeks, and I really wanted to put my hands there while she rode me.

  “Fuck you look so good. I want you right here.” I pointed at my lap, and the girl wasted no time climbing onto the couch.

  Her right knee sank into the cushion nex
t to my left hip, and she placed her other knee on my other side. My hands gripped her hips, and our noses touched. Her breath was coming out in ragged gasps, and it smelled like sweet fruit. Kim’s right hand reached down between us and found the length of my shaft again. Then I lowered her waist down onto my lap while she aimed my tip into her entrance.

  “Ohhhhhh!” we both gasped when I slid into her halfway. Kim’s pussy was unbelievably wet, but it was also tighter than her grip had been around my cock earlier. I lifted her up again, and then I pushed her down while she gyrated her midsection slightly.

  Then I was deep inside of the beautiful woman.

  “Fffuuuuuhhhh.” Her mouth was wide open, and it looked like my cock was actually hurting her. “You’re so hard. Ahhhhh.” She flexed her legs a little to come off of my erection, but then she settled on top of me.

  “You’re so fucking wet and tight. Oh god.” I moved my hands from the sides of her hips to touch where the dimples on her back where. The movie was still playing, and it sounded like there was some sort of slapstick fight scene going on. I couldn’t see the screen past Kim’s naked body, but the light from the screen seemed to make her pale skin glow.

  I pulled her face to mine and made out with her for a few minutes while she rode me. Her lips were soft, her tongue was playful against mine, and we moaned into each other’s mouths along with the slow wet sounds of our fucking. The sensations felt beyond amazing, and her pussy’s grip around my cock actually felt tighter and wetter than her mouth.

  “Slow down. I want to do this to you for a while.” Her hips had been starting to gyrate quickly, and I knew that it would push me to an orgasm. She grunted with my order and dropped the tempo of her gyrations to half speed.


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