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Rock God_Book 3_A Contemporary Harem Fantasy

Page 18

by Michael-Scott Earle

  “I should go help you find him. My headache is all better now,” Katherine said.

  “Oh no, that is okay, you can take a nap if you want.”

  “Naw, I have eagle eyes, especially for Eric. What do you need him for?” I heard the door to the room close and I didn’t hear what Aimee said in response to Katherine’s question.

  I stepped out of the closet and wondered why I even hid in there in the first place. Aimee already knew that Katherine, and I were sleeping together. I could have just been in the room and Aimee would have had to deal with the two of us obviously trying to fuck each other in her house on her birthday.

  Maybe that was it. Maybe Katherine knew that Aimee had an interest in me and she didn’t want to distress her friend on her birthday. Or maybe Katherine didn’t want her parents to find out that she was seeing me. I guess I should have just been happy. My cock was still painfully hard, but I’d just received a mind-numbingly good blow job. There wasn’t much I could complain about.

  I still had Katherine’s panties in my pocket as a souvenir, I guessed that I’d be able to return them to her later tonight, maybe after the party, and we could pick up where we left off. Maybe we could call Kim and the three of us could have one last night together before I had to leave.

  I listened at the door, didn’t hear anyone, and then stepped out into the hallway. The upstairs were empty of guests, but I was still a little lost and couldn’t quite find my way downstairs easily. I eventually did and found Beth and Nicole speaking Italian and walking up the steps.

  “Hello Eric!” Beth shouted with joy. “We were looking for you. I was showing Nicole some of my paintings.”

  “She is incredibly talented.” The pretty blonde girl smiled at the dark-haired beauty.

  “I agree. Did you see everything downstairs?” I asked.

  “I showed her the East Wing. After I show you both upstairs, we can look at the West Wing and then play some games in the game room.”

  “You have a game room?” Nicole asked.

  “Yes,” Beth smiled. She really seemed to like Nicole. “We have all sorts of table games.”

  Nicole said something in Italian that I guessed translated to ‘awesome,’ and the girls started speaking again in the language. I followed them down the hall for a few steps and realized from the looks that Nicole was giving me that they were speaking about me.

  “Oh that isn’t fair, I’m right here.” I stuck my tongue out at them. Nicole giggled, but Beth just smiled.

  “This is my art room,” Beth said as she opened the door. It was a giant room, easily twice the size of my apartment. There were two skylights in the ceiling that I imagined would fill the room with natural light if the sun was out. There were painting tarps everywhere on the ground. They were not organized, but the rest of the room was immaculate. Paints and brushes were neatly set on one wall that had dozens of shelves, canvas frames were stacked to one side, and there were six or seven easels hanging from a rack in the corner. On the opposite side of the wall where the art supplies were organized hung twenty paintings. Each had its own light focusing on each individual canvas, and Beth walked us to the first one.

  “This is the one I just painted for you, Eric. I know you’ll be on the bus for the next year, so I’ll keep it here until you return.” I looked at the art work, and I couldn’t help but gasp. It was a painting of me playing my Martin guitar on my couch. It was done in exquisite detail, even to the point where I saw the tiny bits of hair on my hands and fingers.

  “Wow. Looks just like him. That is amazing.” Nicole spun her head between the painting and my face a few times. Then she turned to Beth. “Did you do this from a photo?”

  “No, memory,” Beth said with a shrug.

  “Damn. That is crazy good. You obviously have an eye for things you love.” Nicole winked at me, and I felt my cheeks flush.

  “There you are!” I heard Aimee’s voice. The three of us turned to see the birthday girl walking into Beth’s studio.

  “Hey Aimee,” I said with a smile.

  “Hi. Can you come with me for a bit?” Aimee grabbed my left hand and she squeezed her fingers around mine twice.

  “I was showing him my paintings, Aimee,” Beth said.

  “Oh, did you show him the one you did of him? Kinda creepy.” Aimee chuckled.

  “I like it,” Nichole shrugged and Aimee’s blue eyes narrowed at the blonde girl.

  “What do you like about it?” Aimee’s voice rose in pitch a bit.

  “It is a good representation of him.” Nicole shrugged and then crossed her arms.

  “Whatever. Let’s go, Eric.”

  “I was showing him my paintings,” Beth repeated.

  “And it is my birthday, and he is my guest.” Aimee wasn’t quite yelling, but there was no mistaking the menace in her words.

  “Fine,” Beth shrugged. “I’ll just show Nicole.”

  “Good. Let’s go Eric.” Aimee pulled on my arm, and I followed the older sister out of the studio.

  “What did you want to show me?” I asked her after we had walked down the hall for a few feet. We weren’t heading toward the stairs.

  “I wanted to show you my room.” Aimee said. She smiled at me coyly, and I knew that this was a bad idea.

  “Shouldn’t you be at your party?” I asked.

  “It’s fine. I just want to show it to you real quick.”

  “But it is just a room. I don’t really need to see it.” I stopped walking, and she pulled on my arms.

  “I want to give you something since you are leaving. Will just take a second,” Aimee sighed, “Don’t be like this. It is my birthday.”

  “Okay,” I said, and I continued walking.

  “Here is my room. What do you think?” She asked after she opened a door. It was about the same size as Beth’s studio, there was a large, four-post king size bed in the center of the room, a couch, chic-looking modern furniture, and leopard-style rugs spread on the other side of the bed from the door.

  “It’s nice.” there was a big desk on the opposite side of the room, past the leopard-print rugs, and there was a flat screen computer monitor on top of it. The screen was almost as big as my TV.

  “Thanks, I wanted you to see it the night after we got back from watching your band play.” She walked over to her bed and sat on the edge. When she saw that I wasn’t following her she patted the mattress beside her like she was trying to coax a dog. My cock was still somewhat hard and sensitive from Katherine’s blow job, but the edge of my arousal had been curbed a bit. I might have been convinced to sit next to Aimee if I hadn’t had sex in a few days, since the girl was absolutely gorgeous, but I was able to fight against the desire to sit next to her easily.

  “You said you wanted to give me something?” I asked.

  “Yes. Come sit next to me.”


  “Come on! You are being so weird.” She shook her head. “What do you think is going to happen?”

  “I think you are going to try to have sex with me.” I felt dumb for saying it aloud.

  “Oh? Really?” She smirked and stood from the bed. The girl walked over toward me and I could feel the heat drip from her body. Her blue eyes bore into mine and she ran her tongue across her full lips. Aimee looked all sorts of crazy sexy and even though I’d just had a mind-shattering orgasm fifteen minutes ago; my cock pushed against my jeans and demanded to be unleashed on her.

  “Well, I am. You can lie there and let me fuck you, or you can participate. I’d prefer the latter, and I think you would too.” Her lips pushed into mine, and I felt my own mouth respond to hers. She was a damn good kisser, and my tongue briefly slid against her lips. She moaned into my mouth, and I thought about Jack’s sad face earlier today.

  “I can’t.” I pulled her away and sighed. “I’m leaving in a few days. This just won’t work.”

  “It can work tonight. I’ll lock my door and we can make love to each other for as long as we want. No one will c
are. I just want you inside of me. I want you so bad, Eric, I wanted you the second I saw you.”

  “No, Aimee. I have to go.” My head was spinning, and I tried to take a step back.

  “No, stay here. This will change your mind.” She pushed her lips onto my mouth again, but this time I didn’t kiss her back. Aimee didn’t seem to care though, and her hands reached to my belt.

  “What the fuck is going on?” It was a shout behind me. Both Aimee and I gasped at the intruder.


  “Fuck!” He shouted, and I saw the pain and agony on his face. “You lied to me!”

  “Wait, this isn’t what it looks like.” I tried to explain as I batted Aimee’s hand away from the clasp of my belt.

  “I know exactly what it looks like. Fuck!” His gentle eyes were filled with tears. “You just told me that there was nothing going on. Why?”

  “I can explain-” I was suddenly laying on the ground and Aimee was screaming. I saw black spots on the ceiling and my jaw felt numb.

  He’d hit me.

  “With my best friend? I can’t believe it.” I saw Jack pointing at Aimee. The girl’s blue eyes were wide, and she had her hands up to her mouth. “I’m out of here. Fuck the both of you. Backstabbing bastards!” Jack yelled again and then wiped the tears from his eyes with the back of his right hand.

  The pain started to replace the numbness in my jaw, and I tried to stand up. Jack had always been more athletic than me. I hadn’t even seen him throw the punch, but there was no denying it had happened from the ache on my face. I tried to get to my feet, but my legs didn’t want to work and I couldn’t stand.

  “Are you okay?” Aimee grabbed my shoulder.

  “Yeah. No,” I said. “I need to go talk to him.”

  “No, no, just stay here. Lie down on my bed, and I’ll get you some ice.”

  “No!” I shouted at the beautiful girl and her blue eyes got as big as dinner plates. The anger gave me strength, and I found myself standing. My head spun and my vision blurred, but I was standing.

  Then I walked out of her room and to the hallway.

  “Just let him go. This is what we wanted anyways,” Aimee tried to grab my arm, and I yanked it away.

  “No, I was wrong. I fucked up.” I found the stairs and grabbed the handrail to make sure that I didn’t stumble headfirst down them.

  I didn’t see Jack at the foyer, so I opened the front doors and I stepped outside. I saw his car pull up and the valet get out of it. Damn, had he knocked me out? I wouldn’t have been surprised.

  “Jack stop!” I stumbled around his car.

  “No. Don’t talk to me. We aren’t friends anymore.” He shook his head.

  “Wait, please let me explain,” I begged. I felt tears coming to my eyes, and they stung like acid.

  “Her fucking panties are coming out of your front pocket. I can’t fucking believe it.” The tears poured down his cheeks. I looked down at my shirt and saw that Katherine’s underwear was hanging out of my pocket.

  “Wait, no, I can explain that also.” But my mind spun. How would I convince him that those were Katherine’s underwear when he had just saw me making out with his girlfriend?

  “No, fuck you. You two lying assholes deserve each other. I can’t believe you would do this to me. You’ve thrown away our entire friendship. You’re an asshole. You could have just told me that you liked her and I would have backed off. Instead, you just went behind my back. I never want to talk to you again,” He sobbed the words and then got into his car. The door slammed before I could get another word in, and he peeled out of the drive way.

  “It is for the best, I wanted to be with you anyway.” Aimee wrapped her arms around my shoulders. “Come inside and lay down on my bed. I’ll get you some ice to put on your mouth. Then we can get to other, more fun things.” She giggled.

  “No. I am going home. I’ve made a terrible mistake.” My head hurt, my mouth hurt, but most of all my heart was aching. I really fucked up.

  I ruined everything.

  Chapter 10

  “Hey Jack. I’m about to get on the bus. I just wanted to say I was sorry again. I really want to talk. Can you call me back please?” I sighed and then hung up my cell phone. The taxi had just pulled into the parking lot and the driver had moved to open the trunk.

  The tour bus looked awesome. It was like a mini train on wheels, and I felt all sorts of mixed emotions: Joy, agony, happiness, sadness, excitement, and fear. But most of all I felt despair. I hadn’t gone over to his house for Christmas, and I’d called Jack four or five times every day since Aimee’s party. My friend hadn’t called me back though. I didn’t want to consider that I’d never talk to my best friend again, but it looked like I had made that possibility more than probable.

  I should have never fallen for Aimee. I should have just run away from her. Or I should have told Jack from the beginning that she was making advances at me. Or I should have told her that I was starting to like her from the start. Ugh. Why did I try to hide it?

  “There he is!” Nicole waved from the steps of the bus. It was late morning, but she looked like she still had pajamas on. They had Hello Kitty designs on them, and her hair was tied up in a bun. She jumped down the stairs and skipped past the group of roadies packing up the bus with our luggage. I saw my taxi driver unload my four guitar cases, pedal board, practice amp, luggage, and the piano that Beth had bought me. It didn’t seem like a lot of equipment for a whole year, but I figured there would be an opportunity to buy extra stuff on the road.

  “You excited?” Nicole asked after she gave me a hug.

  “Yeah,” I smiled.


  “Yeah,” I laughed.

  “Me too. We’ll do well though. The four of us play awesome together. All we have to do is not get on each other’s nerves too much and it will be a great tour. Then we’ll cut another album. Life is good.”

  “Yeah. It is,” I said with a smile. Her words were making me feel better.

  “Come on, let me give you a tour of the tour bus,” she said with a laugh.

  “Sounds good. Do I get to pick my own bed to sleep on?”

  “Yep! Except you’re the last one here. Roger, Trey, and I already picked ours. You outrank the tech, sound guy, and roadies though, so you won’t have to sleep over the wheel well.”

  “Awesome.” I laughed. Thinking about the wheels of the bus made me think about my car. I had ended up renting a space, putting it on blocks, and unplugging the battery instead of keeping it at Aimee’s place. In fact, I’d done to her what Jack had done to me, and not returned any of the numerous calls that the girl had made. I had talked to Beth briefly. She wished me a ‘wonderful experience’ and had asked if we could talk on the phone every once in a while. I’d agreed to that. Beth hadn’t ruined any of my friendships.

  I sighed and then reconsidered my thoughts. Aimee hadn’t caused me to lose Jack’s friendship. I had. I made the wrong decisions, and I could only hope that Jack would forgive me one day. Would he? Perhaps one day.

  “You coming?” Nicole asked from the top of the stairs. The position of her legs made her cute little ass stick out toward me.

  “Yeah,” I said as I climbed on the stairs and into the bus that would take me to the next part of my life.

  End of book 3

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  A letter from the author:

  Dear reader, if you REALLY want to read the next Rock God novel- I’ve got a bit of bad news for you. Unfortunately, Amazon will not tell you when book 4 comes out. You’ll probably never know about my next books, and you’ll be left wondering what happened to Eric, Jack, Beth, and Aimee. That’s rather tragic.

  There is good news though! There are three ways you can find out when the next book is published:

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  I have two bestselling fantasy series you might like. One is The Destroyer, the other is Lion’s Quest. If you like dark fantasy with a lot of violence and sex, you’ll love The Destroyer. If you prefer less sex you might like Lion’s Quest. Both of the series are epic fantasy, so each novel is two or three times the length of “normal” sized novels.

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